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This PR adds EXPERIMENTAL support for accessing data in the cloud using a variant of the Zarr protocol and storage format. This enhancement is generically referred to as "NCZarr". The data model supported by NCZarr is netcdf-4 minus the user-defined types and the String type. In this sense it is similar to the CDF-5 data model. More detailed information about enabling and using NCZarr is described in the document NUG/ and in a [Unidata Developer's blog entry]( WARNING: this code has had limited testing, so do use this version for production work. Also, performance improvements are ongoing. Note especially the following platform matrix of successful tests: Platform | Build System | S3 support ------------------------------------ Linux+gcc | Automake | yes Linux+gcc | CMake | yes Visual Studio | CMake | no Additionally, and as a consequence of the addition of NCZarr, major changes have been made to the Filter API. NOTE: NCZarr does not yet support filters, but these changes are enablers for that support in the future. Note that it is possible (probable?) that there will be some accidental reversions if the changes here did not correctly mimic the existing filter testing. In any case, previously filter ids and parameters were of type unsigned int. In order to support the more general zarr filter model, this was all converted to char*. The old HDF5-specific, unsigned int operations are still supported but they are wrappers around the new, char* based nc_filterx_XXX functions. This entailed at least the following changes: 1. Added the files libdispatch/dfilterx.c and include/ncfilter.h 2. Some filterx utilities have been moved to libdispatch/daux.c 3. A new entry, "filter_actions" was added to the NCDispatch table and the version bumped. 4. An overly complex set of structs was created to support funnelling all of the filterx operations thru a single dispatch "filter_actions" entry. 5. Move common code to from libhdf5 to libsrc4 so that it is accessible to nczarr. Changes directly related to Zarr: 1. Modified CMakeList.txt and to support both C and C++ -- this is in support of S3 support via the awd-sdk libraries. 2. Define a size64_t type to support nczarr. 3. More reworking of libdispatch/dinfermodel.c to support zarr and to regularize the structure of the fragments section of a URL. Changes not directly related to Zarr: 1. Make client-side filter registration be conditional, with default off. 2. Hack include/nc4internal.h to make some flags added by Ed be unique: e.g. NC_CREAT, NC_INDEF, etc. 3. cleanup include/nchttp.h and libdispatch/dhttp.c. 4. Misc. changes to support compiling under Visual Studio including: * Better testing under windows for dirent.h and opendir and closedir. 5. Misc. changes to the oc2 code to support various libcurl CURLOPT flags and to centralize error reporting. 6. By default, suppress the vlen tests that have unfixed memory leaks; add option to enable them. 7. Make part of the nc_test/ test be contingent on being accessible. Changes Left TO-DO: 1. fix provenance code, it is too HDF5 specific.
2020-06-29 08:02:47 +08:00
* Copyright 2018, UCAR/Unidata
* See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
#include "zincludes.h"
#undef WDEBUG
static int initialized = 0;
/* Forward */
static int NCZ_walk(NCZProjection** projv, NCZOdometer* chunkodom, NCZOdometer* slpodom, NCZOdometer* memodom, const struct Common* common, void* chunkdata);
static int rangecount(NCZChunkRange range);
static int readfromcache(void* source, size64_t* chunkindices, void** chunkdata);
static int NCZ_fillchunk(void* chunkdata, struct Common* common);
static int transfern(NCZOdometer* slpodom, NCZOdometer* memodom, const struct Common* common, unsigned char* slpptr0, unsigned char* memptr0);
const char*
astype(int typesize, void* ptr)
switch(typesize) {
case 4: {
static char is[8];
snprintf(is,sizeof(is),"%u",*((unsigned int*)ptr));
return is;
} break;
default: break;
return "?";
initialized = 1;
return NC_NOERR;
Goal: Given the slices being applied to the variable, create
and walk all possible combinations of projection vectors that
can be evaluated to provide the output data.
Note that we do not actually pass NCZSlice but rather
(start,count,stride) vectors.
@param var Controlling variable
@param usreading reading vs writing
@param start start vector
@param stop stop vector
@param stride stride vector
@param memory target or source of data
@param typecode nc_type of type being written
@param walkfcn fcn parameter to actually transfer data
NCZ_transferslice(NC_VAR_INFO_T* var, int reading,
size64_t* start, size64_t* count, size64_t* stride,
void* memory, nc_type typecode)
int r,stat = NC_NOERR;
size64_t dimlens[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
size64_t chunklens[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
NCZSlice slices[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
struct Common common;
size_t typesize;
if((stat = NC4_inq_atomic_type(typecode, NULL, &typesize))) goto done;
for(r=0;r<var->ndims;r++) {
dimlens[r] = var->dim[r]->len;
chunklens[r] = var->chunksizes[r];
slices[r].start = start[r];
slices[r].stride = stride[r];
slices[r].stop = start[r]+(count[r]*stride[r]);
slices[r].len = dimlens[r];
/* Fill in common */
common.var = var;
common.file = (var->container)->nc4_info;
zfile = common.file->format_file_info;
zvar = common.var->format_var_info;
common.reading = reading;
common.memory = memory;
common.typesize = typesize;
common.cache = zvar->cache;
if((stat = ncz_get_fill_value(common.file, common.var, &common.fillvalue))) goto done;
common.rank = var->ndims;
common.swap = (zfile->native_endianness == var->endianness ? 0 : 1);
common.dimlens = dimlens;
common.chunklens = chunklens;
common.reader.source = ((NCZ_VAR_INFO_T*)(var->format_var_info))->cache; = readfromcache;
if((stat = NCZ_transfer(&common, slices))) goto done;
return stat;
Walk the possible projections.
Broken out so we can use it for unit testing
@param reader to get data
@param common, common parameters
@param slices
@param walkfcn to do transfer
NCZ_transfer(struct Common* common, NCZSlice* slices)
int stat = NC_NOERR;
NCZOdometer* chunkodom = NULL;
NCZOdometer* slpodom = NULL;
NCZOdometer* memodom = NULL;
void* chunkdata = NULL;
We will need three sets of odometers.
1. Chunk odometer to walk the chunk ranges to get all possible
combinations of chunkranges over all dimensions.
2. For each chunk odometer set of indices, we need a projection
odometer that walks the set of projection slices for a given
set of chunk ranges over all dimensions.
3. A memory odometer that walks the memory data to specify
the locations in memory for read/write
if((stat = NCZ_projectslices(common->dimlens, common->chunklens, slices,
common, &chunkodom)))
goto done;
#if 0
fprintf(stderr,"allprojections:\n%s",nczprint_allsliceprojections(common->rank,common->allprojections)); fflush(stderr);
/* iterate over the odometer: all combination of chunk
indices in the projections */
for(;nczodom_more(chunkodom);) {
int r;
size64_t* chunkindices = NULL;
NCZSlice slpslices[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
NCZSlice memslices[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
NCZProjection* proj[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
chunkindices = nczodom_indices(chunkodom);
for(r=0;r<common->rank;r++) {
NCZSliceProjections* slp = &common->allprojections[r];
NCZProjection* projlist = slp->projections;
size64_t indexr = chunkindices[r];
/* use chunkindices[r] to find the corresponding projection slice */
/* We must take into account that the chunkindex of projlist[r]
may be greater than zero */
/* note the 2 level indexing */
indexr -= slp->range.start;
NCZProjection* pr = &projlist[indexr];
proj[r] = pr;
for(r=0;r<common->rank;r++) {
slpslices[r] = proj[r]->chunkslice;
memslices[r] = proj[r]->memslice;
if(zutest && zutest->tests & UTEST_TRANSFER)
zutest->print(UTEST_TRANSFER, common, chunkodom, slpslices, memslices);
This PR adds EXPERIMENTAL support for accessing data in the cloud using a variant of the Zarr protocol and storage format. This enhancement is generically referred to as "NCZarr". The data model supported by NCZarr is netcdf-4 minus the user-defined types and the String type. In this sense it is similar to the CDF-5 data model. More detailed information about enabling and using NCZarr is described in the document NUG/ and in a [Unidata Developer's blog entry]( WARNING: this code has had limited testing, so do use this version for production work. Also, performance improvements are ongoing. Note especially the following platform matrix of successful tests: Platform | Build System | S3 support ------------------------------------ Linux+gcc | Automake | yes Linux+gcc | CMake | yes Visual Studio | CMake | no Additionally, and as a consequence of the addition of NCZarr, major changes have been made to the Filter API. NOTE: NCZarr does not yet support filters, but these changes are enablers for that support in the future. Note that it is possible (probable?) that there will be some accidental reversions if the changes here did not correctly mimic the existing filter testing. In any case, previously filter ids and parameters were of type unsigned int. In order to support the more general zarr filter model, this was all converted to char*. The old HDF5-specific, unsigned int operations are still supported but they are wrappers around the new, char* based nc_filterx_XXX functions. This entailed at least the following changes: 1. Added the files libdispatch/dfilterx.c and include/ncfilter.h 2. Some filterx utilities have been moved to libdispatch/daux.c 3. A new entry, "filter_actions" was added to the NCDispatch table and the version bumped. 4. An overly complex set of structs was created to support funnelling all of the filterx operations thru a single dispatch "filter_actions" entry. 5. Move common code to from libhdf5 to libsrc4 so that it is accessible to nczarr. Changes directly related to Zarr: 1. Modified CMakeList.txt and to support both C and C++ -- this is in support of S3 support via the awd-sdk libraries. 2. Define a size64_t type to support nczarr. 3. More reworking of libdispatch/dinfermodel.c to support zarr and to regularize the structure of the fragments section of a URL. Changes not directly related to Zarr: 1. Make client-side filter registration be conditional, with default off. 2. Hack include/nc4internal.h to make some flags added by Ed be unique: e.g. NC_CREAT, NC_INDEF, etc. 3. cleanup include/nchttp.h and libdispatch/dhttp.c. 4. Misc. changes to support compiling under Visual Studio including: * Better testing under windows for dirent.h and opendir and closedir. 5. Misc. changes to the oc2 code to support various libcurl CURLOPT flags and to centralize error reporting. 6. By default, suppress the vlen tests that have unfixed memory leaks; add option to enable them. 7. Make part of the nc_test/ test be contingent on being accessible. Changes Left TO-DO: 1. fix provenance code, it is too HDF5 specific.
2020-06-29 08:02:47 +08:00
slpodom = nczodom_fromslices(common->rank,slpslices);
memodom = nczodom_fromslices(common->rank,memslices);
/* Read from cache */
switch ((stat = common->>reader.source, chunkindices, &chunkdata))) {
case NC_EEMPTY: /* cache created the chunk */
if((stat = NCZ_fillchunk(chunkdata,common))) goto done;
case NC_NOERR: break;
default: goto done;
/* This is the key action: walk this set of slices and transfer data */
if((stat = NCZ_walk(proj,chunkodom,slpodom,memodom,common,chunkdata))) goto done;
nczodom_free(slpodom); slpodom = NULL;
nczodom_free(memodom); memodom = NULL;
return stat;
@param projv
@param chunkodom
@param slpodom
@param memodom
@param common
@param chunkdata
@return NC_NOERR
static int
NCZ_walk(NCZProjection** projv, NCZOdometer* chunkodom, NCZOdometer* slpodom, NCZOdometer* memodom, const struct Common* common, void* chunkdata)
int stat = NC_NOERR;
for(;;) {
if(nczodom_more(slpodom)) {
size64_t slpoffset = 0;
size64_t memoffset = 0;
unsigned char* memptr0 = NULL;
unsigned char* slpptr0 = NULL;
/* Convert the indices to a linear offset WRT to chunk */
slpoffset = nczodom_offset(slpodom);
memoffset = nczodom_offset(memodom);
/* transfer data */
memptr0 = ((unsigned char*)common->memory)+(memoffset * common->typesize);
slpptr0 = ((unsigned char*)chunkdata)+(slpoffset * common->typesize);
#ifdef WDEBUG
fprintf(stderr,"xx.slp: odom: %s ptr=%d\n",
nczprint_odom(slpodom),(int)(slpptr0-(unsigned char*)chunkdata));
fprintf(stderr,"xx.mem: odom: %s ptr=%d\n",
nczprint_odom(memodom),(int)(memptr0-(unsigned char*)common->memory));
if(common->reading) {
} else {/* writing */
LOG((1,"%s: slpptr0=%p memptr0=%p slpoffset=%llu memoffset=%lld",__func__,slpptr0,memptr0,slpoffset,memoffset));
if(zutest && zutest->tests & UTEST_WALK)
zutest->print(UTEST_WALK, common, chunkodom, slpodom, memodom);
This PR adds EXPERIMENTAL support for accessing data in the cloud using a variant of the Zarr protocol and storage format. This enhancement is generically referred to as "NCZarr". The data model supported by NCZarr is netcdf-4 minus the user-defined types and the String type. In this sense it is similar to the CDF-5 data model. More detailed information about enabling and using NCZarr is described in the document NUG/ and in a [Unidata Developer's blog entry]( WARNING: this code has had limited testing, so do use this version for production work. Also, performance improvements are ongoing. Note especially the following platform matrix of successful tests: Platform | Build System | S3 support ------------------------------------ Linux+gcc | Automake | yes Linux+gcc | CMake | yes Visual Studio | CMake | no Additionally, and as a consequence of the addition of NCZarr, major changes have been made to the Filter API. NOTE: NCZarr does not yet support filters, but these changes are enablers for that support in the future. Note that it is possible (probable?) that there will be some accidental reversions if the changes here did not correctly mimic the existing filter testing. In any case, previously filter ids and parameters were of type unsigned int. In order to support the more general zarr filter model, this was all converted to char*. The old HDF5-specific, unsigned int operations are still supported but they are wrappers around the new, char* based nc_filterx_XXX functions. This entailed at least the following changes: 1. Added the files libdispatch/dfilterx.c and include/ncfilter.h 2. Some filterx utilities have been moved to libdispatch/daux.c 3. A new entry, "filter_actions" was added to the NCDispatch table and the version bumped. 4. An overly complex set of structs was created to support funnelling all of the filterx operations thru a single dispatch "filter_actions" entry. 5. Move common code to from libhdf5 to libsrc4 so that it is accessible to nczarr. Changes directly related to Zarr: 1. Modified CMakeList.txt and to support both C and C++ -- this is in support of S3 support via the awd-sdk libraries. 2. Define a size64_t type to support nczarr. 3. More reworking of libdispatch/dinfermodel.c to support zarr and to regularize the structure of the fragments section of a URL. Changes not directly related to Zarr: 1. Make client-side filter registration be conditional, with default off. 2. Hack include/nc4internal.h to make some flags added by Ed be unique: e.g. NC_CREAT, NC_INDEF, etc. 3. cleanup include/nchttp.h and libdispatch/dhttp.c. 4. Misc. changes to support compiling under Visual Studio including: * Better testing under windows for dirent.h and opendir and closedir. 5. Misc. changes to the oc2 code to support various libcurl CURLOPT flags and to centralize error reporting. 6. By default, suppress the vlen tests that have unfixed memory leaks; add option to enable them. 7. Make part of the nc_test/ test be contingent on being accessible. Changes Left TO-DO: 1. fix provenance code, it is too HDF5 specific.
2020-06-29 08:02:47 +08:00
if((stat = transfern(slpodom,memodom,common,slpptr0,memptr0))) goto done;
} else break; /* slpodom exhausted */
return stat;
static int
transfern(NCZOdometer* slpodom, NCZOdometer* memodom, const struct Common* common, unsigned char* slpptr0, unsigned char* memptr0)
int stat = NC_NOERR;
if(common->reading) {
} else { /*writing*/
return THROW(stat);
/* This function may not be necessary if code in zvar does it instead */
static int
NCZ_fillchunk(void* chunkdata, struct Common* common)
int stat = NC_NOERR;
if(common->fillvalue == NULL) {
goto done;
if(common->cache->fillchunk == NULL) {
/* Get fill chunk*/
if((stat = NCZ_create_fill_chunk(common->cache->chunksize, common->typesize, common->fillvalue, &common->cache->fillchunk)))
goto done;
return stat;
/* Break out this piece so we can use it for unit testing */
NCZ_projectslices(size64_t* dimlens,
size64_t* chunklens,
NCZSlice* slices,
struct Common* common,
NCZOdometer** odomp)
int stat = NC_NOERR;
int r;
NCZOdometer* odom = NULL;
NCZSliceProjections* allprojections = NULL;
NCZChunkRange ranges[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
size64_t start[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
size64_t stop[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
size64_t stride[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
size64_t len[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
if(!initialized) ncz_chunking_init();
if((allprojections = calloc(common->rank,sizeof(NCZSliceProjections))) == NULL)
{stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;}
/* Package common arguments */
common->dimlens = dimlens;
common->chunklens = chunklens;
/* Compute the chunk ranges for each chunk in a given dim */
if((stat = NCZ_compute_chunk_ranges(common->rank,slices,common->chunklens,ranges)))
goto done;
/* Compute the slice index vector */
goto done;
/* Verify */
for(r=0;r<common->rank;r++) {
assert(rangecount(ranges[r]) == allprojections[r].count);
/* Compute the shape vector */
for(r=0;r<common->rank;r++) {
int j;
size64_t iocount = 0;
NCZProjection* projections = allprojections[r].projections;
for(j=0;j<allprojections[r].count;j++) {
NCZProjection* proj = &projections[j];
iocount += proj->iocount;
common->shape[r] = iocount;
common->allprojections = allprojections;
allprojections = NULL;
/* Create an odometer to walk all the range combinations */
for(r=0;r<common->rank;r++) {
start[r] = ranges[r].start;
stop[r] = ranges[r].stop;
stride[r] = 1;
len[r] = ceildiv(common->dimlens[r],common->chunklens[r]);
if((odom = nczodom_new(common->rank,start,stop,stride,len)) == NULL)
{stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;}
if(odomp) *odomp = odom;
return stat;
/* Utilities */
static int
rangecount(NCZChunkRange range)
return (range.stop - range.start);
/* Goal: Given a set of per-dimension indices,
compute the corresponding linear position.
NCZ_computelinearoffset(size_t R, const size64_t* indices, const size64_t* dimlens)
size64_t offset;
int i;
offset = 0;
for(i=0;i<R;i++) {
offset *= dimlens[i];
offset += indices[i];
return offset;
#if 0
/* Goal: Given a linear position
compute the corresponding set of R indices
NCZ_offset2indices(size_t R, size64_t offset, const size64_t* dimlens, size64_t* indices)
int i;
for(i=0;i<R;i++) {
indices[i] = offset % dimlens[i];
offset = offset / dimlens[i];
/* Unit test entry points */
NCZ_chunkindexodom(int rank, const NCZChunkRange* ranges, size64_t* chunkcounts, NCZOdometer** odomp)
int stat = NC_NOERR;
int r;
NCZOdometer* odom = NULL;
size64_t start[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
size64_t stop[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
size64_t stride[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
size64_t len[NC_MAX_VAR_DIMS];
for(r=0;r<rank;r++) {
start[r] = ranges[r].start;
stop[r] = ranges[r].stop;
stride[r] = 1;
len[r] = chunkcounts[r];
if((odom = nczodom_new(rank, start, stop, stride, len))==NULL)
{stat = NC_ENOMEM; goto done;}
if(odomp) {*odomp = odom; odom = NULL;}
return stat;
static int
readfromcache(void* source, size64_t* chunkindices, void** chunkdatap)
return NCZ_read_cache_chunk((struct NCZChunkCache*)source, chunkindices, chunkdatap);
NCZ_clearcommon(struct Common* common)