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synced 2025-03-01 17:06:03 +08:00
519 lines
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519 lines
14 KiB
* Copyright 2005, UCAR/Unidata See COPYRIGHT file for copying and
* redistribution conditions.
* This runs the C++ tests for netCDF.
* $Id: nctst.cpp,v 1.28 2007/04/02 21:01:12 ed Exp $
#include <config.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <string.h>
#include "netcdfcpp.h"
const char LAT[] = "lat";
const char LON[] = "lon";
const char FRTIME[] = "frtime";
const char TIMELEN1[] = "timelen";
const char P_NAME[] = "P";
const char PRES_MAX_WIND[] = "pressure at maximum wind";
const char LONG_NAME[] = "long_name";
const char UNITS[] = "units";
const char VALID_RANGE[] = "valid_range";
const char FILL_VALUE[] = "_FillValue";
const char DEGREES_NORTH[] = "degrees_north";
const char LONGITUDE[] = "longitude";
const char LATITUDE[] = "latitude";
const char HECTOPASCALS[] = "hectopascals";
const char DEGREES_EAST[] = "degrees_east";
const char HOURS[] = "hours";
const char FORECAST_TIME[] = "forecast time";
const char REFERENCE_TIME[] = "reference time";
const char REFTIME[] = "reftime";
const char TEXT_TIME[] = "text_time";
const char SCALARV[] = "scalarv";
const char SCALAR_ATT[] = "scalar_att";
const int SCALAR_VALUE = 1;
const char HISTORY[] = "history";
const char TITLE[] = "title";
const char HISTORY_STR[] = "created by Unidata LDM from NPS broadcast";
const char TITLE_STR[] = "NMC Global Product Set: Pressure at Maximum Wind";
const int NC_ERR = 2;
const int NLATS = 4;
const int NLONS = 3;
const int NFRTIMES = 2;
const int TIMESTRINGLEN = 20;
const int NRANGES = 2;
// These are data values written out by the gen() function, and read
// in again and checked by the read() function.
static float range[] = {0., 1500.};
static float lats[NLATS] = {-90, -87.5, -85, -82.5};
static float lons[NLONS] = {-180, -175, -170};
static int frtimes[NFRTIMES] = {12, 18};
static const char* s = "1992-3-21 12:00";
static float fill_value = -9999.0;
static float P_data[NFRTIMES][NLATS][NLONS] = {
{{950, 951, 952}, {953, 954, 955}, {956, 957, 958}, {959, 960, 961}},
{{962, 963, 964}, {965, 966, 967}, {968, 969, 970}, {971, 972, 973}}
// Check a string attribute to make sure it has the correct value.
check_string_att(NcAtt *att, const char *theName, const char *value)
if (!att->is_valid() || strncmp(att->name(), theName, strlen(theName)) ||
att->type() != ncChar || att->num_vals() != (long)strlen(value))
return NC_ERR;
char *value_in = att->as_string(0);
if (strncmp(value_in, value, strlen(value)))
return NC_ERR;
delete value_in;
return 0;
// Check the units and long_name attributes of a var to make sure they
// are what is expected.
check_u_ln_atts(NcVar *var, const char *units, const char *long_name)
NcAtt *att;
if (!(att = var->get_att(UNITS)))
return NC_ERR;
if (check_string_att(att, UNITS, units))
return NC_ERR;
delete att;
if (!(att = var->get_att(LONG_NAME)))
return NC_ERR;
if (check_string_att(att, LONG_NAME, long_name))
return NC_ERR;
delete att;
return 0;
// This reads the netCDF file created by gen() and ensures that
// everything is there as expected.
int read(const char* path, NcFile::FileFormat format)
NcAtt *att;
// open the file
NcFile nc(path);
if (!nc.is_valid())
return NC_ERR;
// Check the format.
if (nc.get_format() != format)
return NC_ERR;
// Check the numbers of things.
if (nc.num_dims() != 4 || nc.num_vars() != 6 ||
nc.num_atts() != 2)
return NC_ERR;
// Check the global attributes.
if (!(att = nc.get_att(HISTORY)))
return NC_ERR;
if (check_string_att(att, HISTORY, HISTORY_STR))
return NC_ERR;
delete att;
if (!(att = nc.get_att(TITLE)))
return NC_ERR;
if (check_string_att(att, TITLE, TITLE_STR))
return NC_ERR;
delete att;
// Check the dimensions.
NcDim *latDim, *lonDim, *frtimeDim, *timeLenDim;
if (!(latDim = nc.get_dim(LAT)))
return NC_ERR;
if (!latDim->is_valid() || strncmp(latDim->name(), LAT, strlen(LAT)) ||
latDim->size() != NLATS || latDim->is_unlimited())
return NC_ERR;
if (!(lonDim = nc.get_dim(LON)))
return NC_ERR;
if (!lonDim->is_valid() || strncmp(lonDim->name(), LON, strlen(LON)) ||
lonDim->size() != NLONS || lonDim->is_unlimited())
return NC_ERR;
if (!(frtimeDim = nc.get_dim(FRTIME)))
return NC_ERR;
if (!frtimeDim->is_valid() || strncmp(frtimeDim->name(), FRTIME, strlen(FRTIME)) ||
frtimeDim->size() != 2 || !frtimeDim->is_unlimited())
return NC_ERR;
if (!(timeLenDim = nc.get_dim(TIMELEN1)))
return NC_ERR;
if (!timeLenDim->is_valid() || strncmp(timeLenDim->name(), TIMELEN1, strlen(TIMELEN1)) ||
timeLenDim->size() != TIMESTRINGLEN || timeLenDim->is_unlimited())
return NC_ERR;
// Check the coordinate variables.
NcVar *latVar, *lonVar, *frtimeVar, *refTimeVar;
// Get the latitude.
if (!(latVar = nc.get_var(LAT)))
return NC_ERR;
// Check units and long name.
if (check_u_ln_atts(latVar, DEGREES_NORTH, LATITUDE))
return NC_ERR;
// Get the longitude.
if (!(lonVar = nc.get_var(LON)))
return NC_ERR;
// Check units and long name.
if (check_u_ln_atts(lonVar, DEGREES_EAST, LONGITUDE))
return NC_ERR;
// Get the forecast time coordinate variable.
if (!(frtimeVar = nc.get_var(FRTIME)))
return NC_ERR;
// Check units and long name.
if (check_u_ln_atts(frtimeVar, HOURS, FORECAST_TIME))
return NC_ERR;
// Get the refTime coordinate variable.
if (!(refTimeVar = nc.get_var(REFTIME)))
return NC_ERR;
// Check units and long name.
if (check_u_ln_atts(refTimeVar, TEXT_TIME, REFERENCE_TIME))
return NC_ERR;
// Check the data variables.
NcVar *pVar, *scalarVar;
if (!(pVar = nc.get_var(P_NAME)))
return NC_ERR;
// Check units and long name.
if (check_u_ln_atts(pVar, HECTOPASCALS, PRES_MAX_WIND))
return NC_ERR;
// Check the valid range, and check the values.
if (!(att = pVar->get_att(VALID_RANGE)))
return NC_ERR;
if (!att->is_valid() || strncmp(att->name(), VALID_RANGE, strlen(VALID_RANGE)) ||
att->type() != ncFloat || att->num_vals() != NRANGES)
return NC_ERR;
float range_in[NRANGES] = {att->as_float(0), att->as_float(1)};
if (range_in[0] != range[0] || range_in[1] != range[1])
return NC_ERR;
delete att;
// Check the fill value, and check the value.
if (!(att = pVar->get_att(FILL_VALUE)))
return NC_ERR;
if (!att->is_valid() || strncmp(att->name(), FILL_VALUE, strlen(FILL_VALUE)) ||
att->type() != ncFloat || att->num_vals() != 1)
return NC_ERR;
float fill_value_in = att->as_float(0);
if (fill_value_in != fill_value)
return NC_ERR;
delete att;
// Check the data in the pressure variable.
float P_data_in[NFRTIMES][NLATS][NLONS];
pVar->get(&P_data_in[0][0][0], NFRTIMES, NLATS, NLONS);
for (int f = 0; f < NFRTIMES; f++)
for (int la = 0; la < NLATS; la++)
for (int lo = 0; lo < NLONS; lo++)
if (P_data_in[f][la][lo] != P_data[f][la][lo])
return NC_ERR;
// Get the scalar variable.
if (!(scalarVar = nc.get_var(SCALARV)))
return NC_ERR;
// Check for the scalar attribute of the scalar variable and check its value.
if (!(att = scalarVar->get_att(SCALAR_ATT)))
return NC_ERR;
if (!att->is_valid() || strncmp(att->name(), SCALAR_ATT, strlen(SCALAR_ATT)) ||
att->type() != ncInt || att->num_vals() != 1)
return NC_ERR;
int value_in = att->as_int(0);
if (value_in != SCALAR_VALUE)
return NC_ERR;
delete att;
// Check the value of the scalar variable.
return 0;
int gen(const char* path, NcFile::FileFormat format) // Generate a netCDF file
NcFile nc(path, NcFile::Replace, NULL, 0, format); // Create, leave in define mode
// Check if the file was opened successfully
if (! nc.is_valid()) {
cerr << "can't create netCDF file " << path << "\n";
return NC_ERR;
// Create dimensions
NcDim* latd = nc.add_dim(LAT, NLATS);
NcDim* lond = nc.add_dim(LON, NLONS);
NcDim* frtimed = nc.add_dim(FRTIME); // unlimited dimension
NcDim* timelend = nc.add_dim(TIMELEN1, TIMESTRINGLEN);
// Create variables and their attributes
NcVar* P = nc.add_var(P_NAME, ncFloat, frtimed, latd, lond);
P->add_att(VALID_RANGE, NRANGES, range);
P->add_att(FILL_VALUE, fill_value);
NcVar* lat = nc.add_var(LAT, ncFloat, latd);
lat->add_att(LONG_NAME, LATITUDE);
lat->add_att(UNITS, DEGREES_NORTH);
NcVar* lon = nc.add_var(LON, ncFloat, lond);
lon->add_att(LONG_NAME, LONGITUDE);
lon->add_att(UNITS, DEGREES_EAST);
NcVar* frtime = nc.add_var(FRTIME, ncLong, frtimed);
frtime->add_att(LONG_NAME, FORECAST_TIME);
frtime->add_att(UNITS, HOURS);
NcVar* reftime = nc.add_var(REFTIME, ncChar, timelend);
reftime->add_att(LONG_NAME, REFERENCE_TIME);
reftime->add_att(UNITS, TEXT_TIME);
NcVar* scalar = nc.add_var(SCALARV, ncInt);
scalar->add_att(SCALAR_ATT, SCALAR_VALUE);
// Global attributes
nc.add_att(TITLE, TITLE_STR);
// Start writing data, implictly leaves define mode
lat->put(lats, NLATS);
lon->put(lons, NLONS);
frtime->put(frtimes, NFRTIMES);
reftime->put(s, strlen(s));
// We could write all P data at once with P->put(&P_data[0][0][0], P->edges()),
// but instead we write one record at a time, to show use of setcur().
long rec = 0; // start at zero-th
const long nrecs = 1; // # records to write
P->put(&P_data[0][0][0], nrecs, NLATS, NLONS); // write zero-th record
P->set_cur(++rec); // set to next record
P->put(&P_data[1][0][0], nrecs, NLATS, NLONS); // write next record
// close of nc takes place in destructor
return 0;
* Convert pathname of netcdf file into name for CDL, by taking last component
* of path and stripping off any extension. The returned string is in static
* storage, so copy it if you need to keep it.
static char*
cdl_name(const char* path)
const char* cp = path + strlen(path);
while (*(cp-1) != '/' && cp != path) // assumes UNIX path separator
static char np[NC_MAX_NAME];
strncpy(&np[0], cp, NC_MAX_NAME);
char* ep = np + strlen(np);
while (*ep != '.' && ep != np)
if (*ep == '.')
*ep = '\0';
return np;
// A derived class, just like NcFile except knows how to "dump" its
// dimensions, variables, global attributes, and data in ASCII form.
class DumpableNcFile : public NcFile
DumpableNcFile(const char* path, NcFile::FileMode mode = ReadOnly)
: NcFile(path, mode) {} ;
void dumpdims( void );
void dumpvars( void );
void dumpgatts( void );
void dumpdata( void );
void DumpableNcFile::dumpdims( void )
for (int n=0; n < num_dims(); n++) {
NcDim* dim = get_dim(n);
cout << "\t" << dim->name() << " = " ;
if (dim->is_unlimited())
cout << "UNLIMITED" << " ;\t " << "// " << dim->size() <<
" currently\n";
cout << dim->size() << " ;\n";
void dumpatts(NcVar& var)
NcToken vname = var.name();
NcAtt* ap;
for(int n = 0; (ap = var.get_att(n)); n++) {
cout << "\t\t" << vname << ":" << ap->name() << " = " ;
NcValues* vals = ap->values();
cout << *vals << " ;" << endl ;
delete ap;
delete vals;
void DumpableNcFile::dumpvars( void )
int n;
static const char* types[] =
NcVar* vp;
for(n = 0; (vp = get_var(n)); n++) {
cout << "\t" << types[vp->type()] << " " << vp->name() ;
if (vp->num_dims() > 0) {
cout << "(";
for (int d = 0; d < vp->num_dims(); d++) {
NcDim* dim = vp->get_dim(d);
cout << dim->name();
if (d < vp->num_dims()-1)
cout << ", ";
cout << ")";
cout << " ;\n";
// now dump each of this variable's attributes
void DumpableNcFile::dumpgatts( void )
NcAtt* ap;
for(int n = 0; (ap = get_att(n)); n++) {
cout << "\t\t" << ":" << ap->name() << " = " ;
NcValues* vals = ap->values();
cout << *vals << " ;" << endl ;
delete vals;
delete ap;
void DumpableNcFile::dumpdata( )
NcVar* vp;
for (int n = 0; (vp = get_var(n)); n++) {
cout << " " << vp->name() << " = ";
NcValues* vals = vp->values();
cout << *vals << " ;" << endl ;
delete vals;
void dump(const char* path)
DumpableNcFile nc(path); // default is open in read-only mode
cout << "netcdf " << cdl_name(path) << " {" << endl <<
"dimensions:" << endl ;
cout << "variables:" << endl;
if (nc.num_atts() > 0)
cout << "// global attributes" << endl ;
cout << "data:" << endl;
cout << "}" << endl;
/* Test everything for classic and 64-bit offsetfiles. If netcdf-4 is
* included, that means another whole round of testing. */
#ifdef USE_NETCDF4
#define NUM_FORMATS (4)
#define NUM_FORMATS (2)
main( void ) // test new netCDF interface
cout << "*** Testing C++ API with " << NUM_FORMATS
<< " different netCDF formats.\n";
// Set up the format constants.
NcFile::FileFormat format[NUM_FORMATS] = {NcFile::Classic, NcFile::Offset64Bits
#ifdef USE_NETCDF4
, NcFile::Netcdf4, NcFile::Netcdf4Classic
// Set up the file names.
char file_name[NUM_FORMATS][NC_MAX_NAME] =
{"nctst_classic.nc", "nctst_64bit_offset.nc"
#ifdef USE_NETCDF4
, "nctst_netcdf4.nc", "nctst_netcdf4_classic.nc"
int errs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FORMATS; i++)
if (gen(file_name[i], format[i]) ||
read(file_name[i], format[i]))
cout << "*** FAILURE with file " << file_name[i] << "\n";
cout << "*** SUCCESS with file " << file_name[i] << "\n";
cout << "\n*** Total number of failures: " << errs << "\n";
if (errs)
cout << "*** nctst FAILURE!\n";
cout << "*** nctst SUCCESS!\n";
return errs;