Thomas E. Dickey 3a9b6a3bf0 ncurses 4.1
1997-05-14 23:00:00 -05:00

208 lines
7.7 KiB

-- --
-- GNAT ncurses Binding Samples --
-- --
-- Sample.Curses_Demo.Mouse --
-- --
-- B O D Y --
-- --
-- Version 00.92 --
-- --
-- The ncurses Ada95 binding is copyrighted 1996 by --
-- Juergen Pfeifer, Email: --
-- --
-- Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and distribute this --
-- binding by any means and for any fee, whether alone or as part --
-- of a larger distribution, in source or in binary form, PROVIDED --
-- this notice is included with any such distribution, and is not --
-- removed from any of its header files. Mention of ncurses and the --
-- author of this binding in any applications linked with it is --
-- highly appreciated. --
-- --
-- This binding comes AS IS with no warranty, implied or expressed. --
-- Version Control
-- $Revision: 1.4 $
with Terminal_Interface.Curses; use Terminal_Interface.Curses;
with Terminal_Interface.Curses.Panels; use Terminal_Interface.Curses.Panels;
with Terminal_Interface.Curses.Mouse; use Terminal_Interface.Curses.Mouse;
with Terminal_Interface.Curses.Text_IO; use Terminal_Interface.Curses.Text_IO;
with Terminal_Interface.Curses.Text_IO.Integer_IO;
with Terminal_Interface.Curses.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO;
with Sample.Helpers; use Sample.Helpers;
with Sample.Manifest; use Sample.Manifest;
with Sample.Keyboard_Handler; use Sample.Keyboard_Handler;
with Sample.Function_Key_Setting; use Sample.Function_Key_Setting;
with Sample.Explanation; use Sample.Explanation;
package body Sample.Curses_Demo.Mouse is
package Int_IO is new
Terminal_Interface.Curses.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Integer);
use Int_IO;
package Button_IO is new
Terminal_Interface.Curses.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO (Mouse_Button);
use Button_IO;
package State_IO is new
Terminal_Interface.Curses.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO (Button_State);
use State_IO;
procedure Demo is
type Controls is array (1 .. 3) of Panel;
Frame : Window;
Msg : Window;
Ctl : Controls;
Pan : Panel;
N : constant Natural := Ctl'Length;
K : Real_Key_Code;
V : Cursor_Visibility := Invisible;
W : Window;
Note : Window;
Msg_L : constant Line_Count := 8;
Lins : Line_Position := Lines;
Cols : Column_Position;
Mask : Event_Mask;
procedure Show_Mouse_Event;
procedure Show_Mouse_Event
Evt : constant Mouse_Event := Get_Mouse;
Y : Line_Position;
X : Column_Position;
Button : Mouse_Button;
State : Button_State;
W : Window;
Get_Event (Evt, Y, X, Button, State);
Put (Msg, "Event at");
Put (Msg, " X="); Put (Msg, Integer (X), 3);
Put (Msg, ", Y="); Put (Msg, Integer (Y), 3);
Put (Msg, ", Btn="); Put (Msg, Button, 10);
Put (Msg, ", Stat="); Put (Msg, State, 15);
for I in Ctl'Range loop
W := Get_Window (Ctl (I));
if Enclosed_In_Window (W, Evt) then
Transform_Coordinates (W, Y, X, From_Screen);
Put (Msg, ",Box(");
Put (Msg, Integer (I), 1); Put (Msg, ",");
Put (Msg, Integer (Y), 1); Put (Msg, ",");
Put (Msg, Integer (X), 1); Put (Msg, ")");
end if;
end loop;
New_Line (Msg);
Flush (Msg);
Update_Panels; Update_Screen;
end Show_Mouse_Event;
Push_Environment ("MOUSE00");
Notepad ("MOUSE-PAD00");
Set_Cursor_Visibility (V);
Note := Notepad_Window;
if Note /= Null_Window then
Get_Window_Position (Note, Lins, Cols);
end if;
Frame := Create (Msg_L, Columns, Lins - Msg_L, 0);
if Has_Colors then
Set_Background (Win => Frame,
Ch => (Color => Default_Colors,
Attr => Normal_Video,
Ch => ' '));
Set_Character_Attributes (Win => Frame,
Attr => Normal_Video,
Color => Default_Colors);
Erase (Frame);
end if;
Msg := Derived_Window (Frame, Msg_L - 2, Columns - 2, 1, 1);
Pan := Create (Frame);
Mask := Start_Mouse;
Box (Frame);
Window_Title (Frame, "Mouse Protocol");
Refresh_Without_Update (Frame);
Allow_Scrolling (Msg, True);
Middle_Column : constant Integer := Integer (Columns) / 2;
Middle_Index : constant Natural := Ctl'First + (Ctl'Length / 2);
Width : constant Column_Count := 5;
Height : constant Line_Count := 3;
Half : constant Column_Count := Width / 2;
Space : constant Column_Count := 3;
Position : Integer;
W : Window;
for I in Ctl'Range loop
Position := (Integer (I) - Integer (Middle_Index)) *
Integer (Half + Space + Width) + Middle_Column;
W := Create (Height,
Column_Position (Position));
if Has_Colors then
Set_Background (Win => W,
Ch => (Color => Menu_Back_Color,
Attr => Normal_Video,
Ch => ' '));
Set_Character_Attributes (Win => W,
Attr => Normal_Video,
Color => Menu_Fore_Color);
Erase (W);
end if;
Ctl (I) := Create (W);
Box (W);
Move_Cursor (W, 1, Half);
Put (W, Integer (I), 1);
Refresh_Without_Update (W);
end loop;
Update_Panels; Update_Screen;
K := Get_Key;
if K in Special_Key_Code'Range then
case K is
when QUIT_CODE => exit;
when HELP_CODE => Explain_Context;
when EXPLAIN_CODE => Explain ("MOUSEKEYS");
when Key_Mouse => Show_Mouse_Event;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end loop;
for I in Ctl'Range loop
W := Get_Window (Ctl (I));
Clear (W);
Delete (Ctl (I));
Delete (W);
end loop;
Clear (Frame);
Delete (Pan);
Delete (Msg);
Delete (Frame);
Set_Cursor_Visibility (V);
Update_Panels; Update_Screen;
end Demo;
end Sample.Curses_Demo.Mouse;