curs_addstr 3x

curs_addstr(3x)                                         curs_addstr(3x)


       addstr, addnstr, waddstr, waddnstr, mvaddstr, mvaddnstr,
       mvwaddstr, mvwaddnstr - add a string of characters to a
       curses window and advance cursor


       #include <curses.h>

       int addstr(const char *str);
       int addnstr(const char *str, int n);
       int waddstr(WINDOW *win, const char *str);
       int waddnstr(WINDOW *win, const char *str, int n);
       int mvaddstr(int y, int x, const char *str);
       int mvaddnstr(int y, int x, const char *str, int n);
       int mvwaddstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *str);
       int mvwaddnstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *str, int n);


       These  functions  write  the  (null-terminated)  character
       string str on the given window.  It is similar to  calling
       waddch once for each character in the string.

       The  mv  functions  perform  cursor  movement once, before
       writing any characters.  Thereafter,  the  cursor  is  ad-
       vanced as a side-effect of writing to the window.

       The  four  functions  with n as the last argument write at
       most n characters, or until a terminating null is reached.
       If n is -1, then the entire string will be added.


       All  functions  return the integer ERR upon failure and OK
       on success.

       X/Open does not define any error conditions.  This  imple-
       mentation returns an error

       o   if the window pointer is null or

       o   if the string pointer is null or

       o   if the corresponding calls to waddch return an error.

       Functions  with a "mv" prefix first perform a cursor move-
       ment using wmove, and return an error if the  position  is
       outside the window, or if the window pointer is null.


       All of these functions except waddnstr may be macros.


       These  functions are described in the XSI Curses standard,
       Issue 4.


       curses(3x), curs_addch(3x).
