+ amend change to ".pc" files to only use the extra loader flags which
may have rpath options (report by Sven Joachim, cf: 20150502).
+ change versioning for dpkg's in test-packages for Ada95 and
ncurses-examples for consistency with Debian, to work with package
+ regenerate html manpages.
+ clarify handling of carriage return in waddch manual page; it was
discussed only in the portability section (prompted by comment on
Stack Overflow forum):
+ add test-packages for cross-compiling ncurses-examples using the
MinGW test-packages. These are only the Debian packages; RPM later.
+ cleanup format of debian/copyright files
+ add pc-files to the MinGW cross-compiling test-packages.
+ correct a couple of places in gen-pkgconfig.in to handle renaming of
the tinfo library.