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synced 2025-03-25 18:10:23 +08:00
Add special operators to allow the use of floating-point constants in contexts other than DW/DD/DQ/DT/DO. As part of this checkin, make MAX_KEYWORD generated by tokhash.pl, since it knows what all the keywords are so it can tell which one is the longest.
247 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable File
247 lines
6.4 KiB
Executable File
# Generate a perfect hash for token parsing
# Usage: tokenhash.pl insns.dat regs.dat tokens.dat
require 'phash.ph';
my($output, $insns_dat, $regs_dat, $tokens_dat) = @ARGV;
%tokens = ();
@tokendata = ();
# List of condition codes
@conditions = ('a', 'ae', 'b', 'be', 'c', 'e', 'g', 'ge', 'l', 'le',
'na', 'nae', 'nb', 'nbe', 'nc', 'ne', 'ng', 'nge', 'nl',
'nle', 'no', 'np', 'ns', 'nz', 'o', 'p', 'pe', 'po', 's', 'z');
# Read insns.dat
open(ID, "< ${insns_dat}") or die "$0: cannot open $insns_dat: $!\n";
while (defined($line = <ID>)) {
if ($line =~ /^([A-Z0-9_]+)(|cc)\s/) {
$insn = $1.$2;
($token = $1) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if ($2 eq '') {
# Single instruction token
if (!defined($tokens{$token})) {
$tokens{$token} = scalar @tokendata;
push(@tokendata, "\"${token}\", TOKEN_INSN, C_none, I_${insn}");
} else {
# Conditional instruction
foreach $cc (@conditions) {
if (!defined($tokens{$token.$cc})) {
$tokens{$token.$cc} = scalar @tokendata;
push(@tokendata, "\"${token}${cc}\", TOKEN_INSN, C_\U$cc\E, I_${insn}");
# Read regs.dat
open(RD, "< ${regs_dat}") or die "$0: cannot open $regs_dat: $!\n";
while (defined($line = <RD>)) {
if ($line =~ /^([a-z0-9_-]+)\s/) {
$reg = $1;
if ($reg =~ /^(.*[^0-9])([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)(|[^0-9].*)$/) {
$nregs = $3-$2+1;
$reg = $1.$2.$4;
$reg_nr = $2;
$reg_prefix = $1;
$reg_suffix = $4;
} else {
$nregs = 1;
undef $reg_prefix, $reg_suffix;
while ($nregs--) {
if (defined($tokens{$reg})) {
die "Duplicate definition: $reg\n";
$tokens{$reg} = scalar @tokendata;
push(@tokendata, "\"${reg}\", TOKEN_REG, 0, R_\U${reg}\E");
if (defined($reg_prefix)) {
$reg = sprintf("%s%u%s", $reg_prefix, $reg_nr, $reg_suffix);
} else {
# Not a dashed sequence
die if ($nregs);
# Read tokens.dat
open(TD, "< ${tokens_dat}") or die "$0: cannot open $tokens_dat: $!\n";
while (defined($line = <TD>)) {
if ($line =~ /^\%\s+(.*)$/) {
$pattern = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^([a-z0-9_-]+)/) {
$token = $1;
if (defined($tokens{$token})) {
die "Duplicate definition: $token\n";
$tokens{$token} = scalar @tokendata;
$data = $pattern;
if ($data =~ /^(.*)\{(.*)\}(.*)$/) {
my $head = $1, $tail = $3;
my $px = $2;
$px =~ s/\*/(.*)/g;
if ($token =~ /$px/i) {
$data = $head."\U$1".$tail;
} else {
die "$0: token $token doesn't match $px\n";
$data =~ s/\*/\U$token/g;
push(@tokendata, "\"$token\", $data");
if ($output eq 'h') {
# keywords.h
$max_len = 0;
foreach $token (keys(%tokens)) {
if (length($token) > $max_len) {
$max_len = length($token);
print "/*\n";
print " * This file is generated from insns.dat, regs.dat and token.dat\n";
print " * by tokhash.pl; do not edit.\n";
print " */\n";
print "\n";
print "#ifndef NASM_TOKENS_H\n";
print "#define NASM_TOKENS_H\n";
print "\n";
print "#define MAX_KEYWORD $max_len /* length of longest keyword */\n";
print "\n";
print "#endif /* NASM_TOKENS_H */\n";
} elsif ($output eq 'c') {
# tokhash.c
@hashinfo = gen_perfect_hash(\%tokens);
if (!defined(@hashinfo)) {
die "$0: no hash found\n";
# Paranoia...
verify_hash_table(\%tokens, \@hashinfo);
($n, $sv, $g) = @hashinfo;
$sv2 = $sv+2;
die if ($n & ($n-1));
print "/*\n";
print " * This file is generated from insns.dat, regs.dat and token.dat\n";
print " * by tokhash.pl; do not edit.\n";
print " */\n";
print "\n";
print "#include <string.h>\n";
print "#include \"nasm.h\"\n";
print "#include \"insns.h\"\n";
print "\n";
print "#define rot(x,y) (((uint32_t)(x) << (y))+((uint32_t)(x) >> (32-(y))))\n";
print "\n";
# These somewhat odd sizes and ordering thereof are due to the
# relative ranges of the types; this makes it fit in 16 bytes on
# 64-bit machines and 12 bytes on 32-bit machines.
print "struct tokendata {\n";
print " const char *string;\n";
print " int16_t tokentype;\n";
print " int16_t aux;\n";
print " int32_t num;\n";
print "};\n";
print "\n";
print "int nasm_token_hash(const char *token, struct tokenval *tv)\n";
print "{\n";
# Put a large value in unused slots. This makes it extremely unlikely
# that any combination that involves unused slot will pass the range test.
# This speeds up rejection of unrecognized tokens, i.e. identifiers.
print "#define UNUSED 16383\n";
print " static const int16_t hash1[$n] = {\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
my $h = ${$g}[$i*2+0];
print " ", defined($h) ? $h : 'UNUSED', ",\n";
print " };\n";
print " static const int16_t hash2[$n] = {\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
my $h = ${$g}[$i*2+1];
print " ", defined($h) ? $h : 'UNUSED', ",\n";
print " };\n";
printf " static const struct tokendata tokendata[%d] = {\n", scalar(@tokendata);
foreach $d (@tokendata) {
print " { ", $d, " },\n";
print " };\n";
print " uint32_t k1 = 0, k2 = 0;\n";
print " uint8_t c;\n";
# For correct overflow behavior, "ix" should be unsigned of the same
# width as the hash arrays.
print " uint16_t ix;\n";
print " const struct tokendata *data;\n";
print " const char *p = token;\n";
print "\n";
print " while ((c = *p++) != 0) {\n";
printf " uint32_t kn1 = rot(k1,%2d)^(rot(k2,%2d) + c);\n", ${$sv}[0], ${$sv}[1];
printf " uint32_t kn2 = rot(k2,%2d)^(rot(k1,%2d) + c);\n", ${$sv}[2], ${$sv}[3];
print " k1 = kn1; k2 = kn2;\n";
print " }\n";
print "\n";
printf " ix = hash1[k1 & 0x%x] + hash2[k2 & 0x%x];\n", $n-1, $n-1;
printf " if (ix >= %d)\n", scalar(@tokendata);
print " return tv->t_type = TOKEN_ID;\n";
print "\n";
print " data = &tokendata[ix];\n";
print " if (strcmp(data->string, token))\n";
print " return tv->t_type = TOKEN_ID;\n";
print "\n";
print " tv->t_integer = data->num;\n";
print " tv->t_inttwo = data->aux;\n";
print " return tv->t_type = data->tokentype;\n";
print "}\n";