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synced 2025-02-05 16:51:27 +08:00
Introduce new standard __NASM_SUBMINOR__ and __NASM_VER__ macros.
122 lines
5.0 KiB
122 lines
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# host: windows nt/95
# target: windows nt/95
# Makefile for the Netwide Assembler
# The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and
# Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is
# redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence"
# distributed in the NASM archive.
# makefile designed for lcc-win32
# lcc-win32 is lcc (c compiler coded by guys from princeton uni)
# ported to win32 by jacob navia
# available at http://www.remcomp.com/lcc-win32/
CFLAGS = -c -O -g2
CC = lcc.exe $(CFLAGS)
LFLAGS = -subsystem console -s
LD = lcclnk.exe $(LFLAGS)
OBJ = obj
$(CC) -o $@ $*.c
NASM = nasm.${OBJ} nasmlib.${OBJ} float.${OBJ} insnsa.${OBJ} assemble.${OBJ} labels.${OBJ} \
parser.${OBJ} outform.${OBJ} output/outbin.${OBJ} output/outaout.${OBJ} output/outcoff.${OBJ} output/outelf.${OBJ} \
output/outobj.${OBJ} output/outas86.${OBJ} output/outrdf.${OBJ} output/outdbg.${OBJ} output/outrdf2.${OBJ} \
output/outieee.${OBJ} preproc.${OBJ} listing.${OBJ} eval.${OBJ}
NDISASM = ndisasm.${OBJ} disasm.${OBJ} sync.${OBJ} nasmlib.${OBJ} insnsd.${OBJ}
all: nasm ndisasm
# linker response files
# that may take long, too much spawning command.com :)
NASM.LNK: makefile.lcc
echo nasm.$(OBJ) > NASM.LNK
echo nasmlib.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo eval.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo float.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo insnsa.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo assemble.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo labels.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo listing.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo parser.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo preproc.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo outform.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo output/outbin.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo output/outaout.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo output/outcoff.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo output/outelf.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo output/outobj.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo output/outas86.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo output/outrdf.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo output/outrdf2.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo output/outieee.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
echo output/outdbg.$(OBJ) >> NASM.LNK
NDISASM.LNK: makefile.lcc
echo ndisasm.$(OBJ) > NDISASM.LNK
echo disasm.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
echo sync.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
echo nasmlib.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
echo insnsd.$(OBJ) >> NDISASM.LNK
nasm: $(NASM) nasm.lnk
$(LD) -o nasm.exe @nasm.lnk
ndisasm: $(NDISASM) ndisasm.lnk
$(LD) -o ndisasm.exe @ndisasm.lnk
assemble.${OBJ}: assemble.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h assemble.h insns.h
disasm.${OBJ}: disasm.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h disasm.h sync.h insns.h names.c insnsn.c
eval.${OBJ}: eval.c eval.h nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h
float.${OBJ}: float.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h
insnsa.${OBJ}: insnsa.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h insns.h
insnsd.${OBJ}: insnsd.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h insns.h
labels.${OBJ}: labels.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h
listing.${OBJ}: listing.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h listing.h
nasm.${OBJ}: nasm.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h preproc.h parser.h assemble.h labels.h \
outform.h listing.h
nasmlib.${OBJ}: nasmlib.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h names.c insnsn.c
ndisasm.${OBJ}: ndisasm.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h sync.h disasm.h
output/outaout.${OBJ}: output/outaout.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h outform.h
output/outas86.${OBJ}: output/outas86.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h outform.h
output/outbin.${OBJ}: output/outbin.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h outform.h
output/outcoff.${OBJ}: output/outcoff.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h outform.h
output/outdbg.${OBJ}: output/outdbg.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h outform.h
output/outelf.${OBJ}: output/outelf.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h outform.h
outform.${OBJ}: outform.c outform.h nasm.h version.h insnsi.h
output/outobj.${OBJ}: output/outobj.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h outform.h
output/outrdf2.${OBJ}: output/outrdf2.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h outform.h
output/outieee.${OBJ}: output/outieee.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h outform.h
parser.${OBJ}: parser.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h parser.h float.h names.c insnsn.c
preproc.${OBJ}: preproc.c nasm.h version.h insnsi.h nasmlib.h macros.c
sync.${OBJ}: sync.c sync.h
# These source files are automagically generated from a single
# instruction-table file by a Perl script. They're distributed,
# though, so it isn't necessary to have Perl just to recompile NASM
# from the distribution.
insnsa.c insnsd.c insnsi.h insnsn.c: insns.dat insns.pl
perl insns.pl insns.dat
# These files contains all the standard macros that are derived from
# the version number.
version.h: version version.pl
perl version.pl h < version > version.h
version.mac: version version.pl
perl version.pl mac < version > version.mac
# This source file is generated from the standard macros file
# `standard.mac' by another Perl script. Again, it's part of the
# standard distribution.
macros.c: standard.mac macros.pl version.mac
perl macros.pl standard.mac version.mac
rm -f *.${OBJ} nasm.exe ndisasm.exe