This directory contains the necessary files to port the C compiler
``LCC'' (available by FTP from in the directory
/computing/programming/languages/c/lcc) to compile for Linux (a.out
or ELF) by using NASM as a back-end code generator.

This patch has been tested on lcc version 3.6.

To install:

- Copy `' into the `src' directory of the lcc tree.

- Copy either `lin-elf.c' or `lin-aout.c' into the `etc' directory.

- If you're installing for a.out, edit `' and change the
  conditional after the comment reading "CHANGE THIS FOR a.out" in
  the `defsymbol' function from `#if 0' to `#if 1'.

- Make the following changes to `bind.c' in the `src' directory:

  - Near the top of the file, add a line that reads
	extern Interface x86nasmIR;

  - In the `bindings' array, add the lines
        "x86-nasm",      &x86nasmIR,
        "x86/nasm",      &x86nasmIR,
    (in sensible looking places...)

  A sample `bind.c' has been provided to show what the result of
  this might look like. You might be able to get away with using it

- Modify the lcc makefile to include rules for x86nasm.o: this will
  have to be done in about three places. Just copy any line with
  `x86' on it and modify it to read `x86nasm' everywhere. (Except
  that in the list of object files that rcc is made up from, do
  remember to ensure that every line but the last has a trailing

- You may have to modify the contents of `lin-elf.c' or `lin-aout.c'
  to reflect the true locations of files such as crt0.o, crt1.o, and so forth. If you don't know where to find these,
  compile a short C program with `gcc -v' and see what command line
  gcc feeds to `ld'.

- You should now be able to build lcc, using `lin-elf.c' or
  `lin-aout.c' as the system-dependent part of the `lcc' wrapper

- Symlink x86nasm.c into the `src' directory before attempting the
  triple test, or the compile will fail.

- Now it should pass the triple test, on either ELF or a.out. Voila!