mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 17:46:58 +08:00
This adds copyright verbiage to the Perl scripts. Scripts that are known to be clean w.r.t. the 2-clause BSD license are given that license; unclear ones are given the "LGPL for now". Signed-off-by: H. Peter Anvin <hpa@zytor.com>
1510 lines
44 KiB
1510 lines
44 KiB
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
## See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
## the specific copyright holders.
## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
## modification, are permitted provided that the following
## conditions are met:
## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
## copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
## disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
## with the distribution.
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read the source-form of the NASM manual and generate the various
# output forms.
# Ellipsis support would be nice.
# Source-form features:
# ---------------------
# Bullet \b
# Bullets the paragraph. Rest of paragraph is indented to cope. In
# HTML, consecutive groups of bulleted paragraphs become unordered
# lists.
# Emphasis \e{foobar}
# produces `_foobar_' in text and italics in HTML, PS, RTF
# Inline code \c{foobar}
# produces ``foobar'' in text, and fixed-pitch font in HTML, PS, RTF
# Display code
# \c line one
# \c line two
# produces fixed-pitch font where appropriate, and doesn't break
# pages except sufficiently far into the middle of a display.
# Chapter, header and subheader
# \C{intro} Introduction
# \H{whatsnasm} What is NASM?
# \S{free} NASM Is Free
# dealt with as appropriate. Chapters begin on new sides, possibly
# even new _pages_. (Sub)?headers are good places to begin new
# pages. Just _after_ a (sub)?header isn't.
# The keywords can be substituted with \K and \k.
# Keyword \K{cintro} \k{cintro}
# Expands to `Chapter 1', `Section 1.1', `Section 1.1.1'. \K has an
# initial capital whereas \k doesn't. In HTML, will produce
# hyperlinks.
# Web link \W{http://foobar/}{text} or \W{mailto:me@here}\c{me@here}
# the \W prefix is ignored except in HTML; in HTML the last part
# becomes a hyperlink to the first part.
# Literals \{ \} \\
# In case it's necessary, they expand to the real versions.
# Nonbreaking hyphen \-
# Need more be said?
# Source comment \#
# Causes everything after it on the line to be ignored by the
# source-form processor.
# Indexable word \i{foobar} (or \i\e{foobar} or \i\c{foobar}, equally)
# makes word appear in index, referenced to that point
# \i\c comes up in code style even in the index; \i\e doesn't come
# up in emphasised style.
# Indexable non-displayed word \I{foobar} or \I\c{foobar}
# just as \i{foobar} except that nothing is displayed for it
# Index rewrite
# \IR{foobar} \c{foobar} operator, uses of
# tidies up the appearance in the index of something the \i or \I
# operator was applied to
# Index alias
# \IA{foobar}{bazquux}
# aliases one index tag (as might be supplied to \i or \I) to
# another, so that \I{foobar} has the effect of \I{bazquux}, and
# \i{foobar} has the effect of \I{bazquux}foobar
# Metadata
# \M{key}{something}
# defines document metadata, such as authorship, title and copyright;
# different output formats use this differently.
# Include subfile
# \&{filename}
# Includes filename. Recursion is allowed.
use IO::File;
$diag = 1, shift @ARGV if $ARGV[0] eq "-d";
($out_format) = @ARGV;
$| = 1;
$tstruct_previtem = $node = "Top";
$nodes = ($node);
$tstruct_level{$tstruct_previtem} = 0;
$tstruct_last[$tstruct_level{$tstruct_previtem}] = $tstruct_previtem;
$MAXLEVEL = 10; # really 3, but play safe ;-)
# Read the file; pass a paragraph at a time to the paragraph processor.
print "Reading input...";
$pname = "para000000";
@pnames = @pflags = ();
$para = undef;
while (defined($_ = <STDIN>)) {
$_ = &untabify($_);
print "done.\n";
# Now we've read in the entire document and we know what all the
# heading keywords refer to. Go through and fix up the \k references.
print "Fixing up cross-references...";
print "done.\n";
# Sort the index tags, according to the slightly odd order I've decided on.
print "Sorting index tags...";
print "done.\n";
if ($diag) {
print "Writing index-diagnostic file...";
print "done.\n";
# OK. Write out the various output files.
if ($out_format eq 'txt') {
print "Producing text output: ";
print "done.\n";
} elsif ($out_format eq 'html') {
print "Producing HTML output: ";
print "done.\n";
} elsif ($out_format eq 'texi') {
print "Producing Texinfo output: ";
print "done.\n";
} elsif ($out_format eq 'hlp') {
print "Producing WinHelp output: ";
print "done.\n";
} elsif ($out_format eq 'dip') {
print "Producing Documentation Intermediate Paragraphs: ";
print "done.\n";
} else {
die "$0: unknown output format: $out_format\n";
sub untabify($) {
my($s) = @_;
my $o = '';
my($c, $i, $p);
$p = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < length($s); $i++) {
$c = substr($s, $i, 1);
if ($c eq "\t") {
do {
$o .= ' ';
} while ($p & 7);
} else {
$o .= $c;
return $o;
sub check_include {
local $_ = shift;
if (/\\& (\S+)/) {
} else {
sub get_para($_) {
if (!/\S/ || /^\\(IA|IR|M)/) { # special case: \IA \IR \M imply new-paragraph
$para = undef;
if (/\S/) {
s/\\#.*$//; # strip comments
$para .= " " . $_;
sub include {
my $name = shift;
my $F = IO::File->new($name)
or die "Cannot open $name: $!";
while (<$F>) {
sub got_para {
local ($_) = @_;
my $pflags = "", $i, $w, $l, $t;
return if !/\S/;
@$pname = ();
# Strip off _leading_ spaces, then determine type of paragraph.
$irewrite = undef;
if (/^\\c[^{]/) {
# A code paragraph. The paragraph-array will contain the simple
# strings which form each line of the paragraph.
$pflags = "code";
while (/^\\c (([^\\]|\\[^c])*)(.*)$/) {
$l = $1;
$_ = $3;
$l =~ s/\\{/{/g;
$l =~ s/\\}/}/g;
$l =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
push @$pname, $l;
$_ = ''; # suppress word-by-word code
} elsif (/^\\C/) {
# A chapter heading. Define the keyword and allocate a chapter
# number.
$hnum = 0;
$snum = 0;
$xref = "chapter-$cnum";
$pflags = "chap $cnum :$xref";
die "badly formatted chapter heading: $_\n" if !/^\\C{([^}]*)}\s*(.*)$/;
$refs{$1} = "chapter $cnum";
$node = "Chapter $cnum";
&add_item($node, 1);
$xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
$xrefs{$1} = $xref;
$_ = $2;
# the standard word-by-word code will happen next
} elsif (/^\\A/) {
# An appendix heading. Define the keyword and allocate an appendix
# letter.
$cnum = 'A' if $cnum =~ /[0-9]+/;
$hnum = 0;
$snum = 0;
$xref = "appendix-$cnum";
$pflags = "appn $cnum :$xref";
die "badly formatted appendix heading: $_\n" if !/^\\A{([^}]*)}\s*(.*)$/;
$refs{$1} = "appendix $cnum";
$node = "Appendix $cnum";
&add_item($node, 1);
$xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
$xrefs{$1} = $xref;
$_ = $2;
# the standard word-by-word code will happen next
} elsif (/^\\H/) {
# A major heading. Define the keyword and allocate a section number.
$snum = 0;
$xref = "section-$cnum.$hnum";
$pflags = "head $cnum.$hnum :$xref";
die "badly formatted heading: $_\n" if !/^\\[HP]{([^}]*)}\s*(.*)$/;
$refs{$1} = "section $cnum.$hnum";
$node = "Section $cnum.$hnum";
&add_item($node, 2);
$xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
$xrefs{$1} = $xref;
$_ = $2;
# the standard word-by-word code will happen next
} elsif (/^\\S/) {
# A sub-heading. Define the keyword and allocate a section number.
$xref = "section-$cnum.$hnum.$snum";
$pflags = "subh $cnum.$hnum.$snum :$xref";
die "badly formatted subheading: $_\n" if !/^\\S{([^}]*)}\s*(.*)$/;
$refs{$1} = "section $cnum.$hnum.$snum";
$node = "Section $cnum.$hnum.$snum";
&add_item($node, 3);
$xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
$xrefs{$1} = $xref;
$_ = $2;
# the standard word-by-word code will happen next
} elsif (/^\\IR/) {
# An index-rewrite.
die "badly formatted index rewrite: $_\n" if !/^\\IR{([^}]*)}\s*(.*)$/;
$irewrite = $1;
$_ = $2;
# the standard word-by-word code will happen next
} elsif (/^\\IA/) {
# An index-alias.
die "badly formatted index alias: $_\n" if !/^\\IA{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)}\s*$/;
$idxalias{$1} = $2;
return; # avoid word-by-word code
} elsif (/^\\M/) {
# Metadata
die "badly formed metadata: $_\n" if !/^\\M{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)}\s*$/;
$metadata{$1} = $2;
return; # avoid word-by-word code
} elsif (/^\\b/) {
# A bulleted paragraph. Strip off the initial \b and let the
# word-by-word code take care of the rest.
$pflags = "bull";
} else {
# A normal paragraph. Just set $pflags: the word-by-word code does
# the rest.
$pflags = "norm";
# The word-by-word code: unless @$pname is already defined (which it
# will be in the case of a code paragraph), split the paragraph up
# into words and push each on @$pname.
# Each thing pushed on @$pname should have a two-character type
# code followed by the text.
# Type codes are:
# "n " for normal
# "da" for a dash
# "es" for first emphasised word in emphasised bit
# "e " for emphasised in mid-emphasised-bit
# "ee" for last emphasised word in emphasised bit
# "eo" for single (only) emphasised word
# "c " for code
# "k " for cross-ref
# "kK" for capitalised cross-ref
# "w " for Web link
# "wc" for code-type Web link
# "x " for beginning of resolved cross-ref; generates no visible output,
# and the text is the cross-reference code
# "xe" for end of resolved cross-ref; text is same as for "x ".
# "i " for point to be indexed: the text is the internal index into the
# index-items arrays
# "sp" for space
while (/\S/) {
s/^\s*//, push @$pname, "sp" if /^\s/;
$indexing = $qindex = 0;
if (/^(\\[iI])?\\c/) {
$qindex = 1 if $1 eq "\\I";
$indexing = 1, s/^\\[iI]// if $1;
die "badly formatted \\c: \\c$_\n" if !/{(([^\\}]|\\.)*)}(.*)$/;
$w = $1;
$_ = $3;
$w =~ s/\\{/{/g;
$w =~ s/\\}/}/g;
$w =~ s/\\-/-/g;
$w =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
(push @$pname,"i"),$lastp = $#$pname if $indexing;
push @$pname,"c $w" if !$qindex;
$$pname[$lastp] = &addidx($node, $w, "c $w") if $indexing;
} elsif (/^\\[iIe]/) {
$emph = 0;
$qindex = 1 if $1 eq "\\I";
$indexing = 1, $type = "\\i" if $1;
$emph = 1, $type = "\\e" if $2;
die "badly formatted $type: $type$_\n" if !/{(([^\\}]|\\.)*)}(.*)$/;
$w = $1;
$_ = $3;
$w =~ s/\\{/{/g;
$w =~ s/\\}/}/g;
$w =~ s/\\-/-/g;
$w =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
$t = $emph ? "es" : "n ";
@ientry = ();
(push @$pname,"i"),$lastp = $#$pname if $indexing;
foreach $i (split /\s+/,$w) { # \e and \i can be multiple words
push @$pname,"$t$i","sp" if !$qindex;
($ii=$i) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/, push @ientry,"n $ii","sp" if $indexing;
$t = $emph ? "e " : "n ";
$w =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/, pop @ientry if $indexing;
$$pname[$lastp] = &addidx($node, $w, @ientry) if $indexing;
pop @$pname if !$qindex; # remove final space
if (substr($$pname[$#$pname],0,2) eq "es" && !$qindex) {
substr($$pname[$#$pname],0,2) = "eo";
} elsif ($emph && !$qindex) {
substr($$pname[$#$pname],0,2) = "ee";
} elsif (/^\\[kK]/) {
$t = "k ";
$t = "kK" if /^\\K/;
die "badly formatted \\k: \\c$_\n" if !/{([^}]*)}(.*)$/;
$_ = $2;
push @$pname,"$t$1";
} elsif (/^\\W/) {
die "badly formatted \\W: \\W$_\n"
if !/{([^}]*)}(\\i)?(\\c)?{(([^\\}]|\\.)*)}(.*)$/;
$l = $1;
$w = $4;
$_ = $6;
$t = "w ";
$t = "wc" if $3 eq "\\c";
$indexing = 1 if $2;
$w =~ s/\\{/{/g;
$w =~ s/\\}/}/g;
$w =~ s/\\-/-/g;
$w =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
(push @$pname,"i"),$lastp = $#$pname if $indexing;
push @$pname,"$t<$l>$w";
$$pname[$lastp] = &addidx($node, $w, "c $w") if $indexing;
} else {
die "what the hell? $_\n" if !/^(([^\s\\\-]|\\[\\{}\-])*-?)(.*)$/;
die "painful death! $_\n" if !length $1;
$w = $1;
$_ = $3;
$w =~ s/\\{/{/g;
$w =~ s/\\}/}/g;
$w =~ s/\\-/-/g;
$w =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
if ($w eq "-") {
push @$pname,"da";
} else {
push @$pname,"n $w";
if ($irewrite ne undef) {
&addidx(undef, $irewrite, @$pname);
@$pname = ();
} else {
push @pnames, $pname;
push @pflags, $pflags;
sub addidx {
my ($node, $text, @ientry) = @_;
$text = $idxalias{$text} || $text;
if ($node eq undef || !$idxmap{$text}) {
@$ientry = @ientry;
$idxmap{$text} = $ientry;
if ($node) {
$idxnodes{$node,$text} = 1;
return "i $text";
sub indexsort {
my $iitem, $ientry, $i, $piitem, $pcval, $cval, $clrcval;
@itags = map { # get back the original data as the 1st elt of each list
} sort { # compare auxiliary (non-first) elements of lists
$a->[1] cmp $b->[1] ||
$a->[2] cmp $b->[2] ||
$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]
} map { # transform array into list of 3-element lists
my $ientry = $idxmap{$_};
my $a = substr($$ientry[0],2);
$a =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9//cd;
[$_, uc($a), substr($$ientry[0],0,2)]
} keys %idxmap;
# Having done that, check for comma-hood.
$cval = 0;
foreach $iitem (@itags) {
$ientry = $idxmap{$iitem};
$clrcval = 1;
$pcval = $cval;
FL:for ($i=0; $i <= $#$ientry; $i++) {
if ($$ientry[$i] =~ /^(n .*,)(.*)/) {
$$ientry[$i] = $1;
splice @$ientry,$i+1,0,"n $2" if length $2;
$commapos{$iitem} = $i+1;
$cval = join("\002", @$ientry[0..$i]);
$clrcval = 0;
last FL;
$cval = undef if $clrcval;
$commanext{$iitem} = $commaafter{$piitem} = 1
if $cval and ($cval eq $pcval);
$piitem = $iitem;
sub indexdiag {
my $iitem,$ientry,$w,$ww,$foo,$node;
open INDEXDIAG,">index.diag";
foreach $iitem (@itags) {
$ientry = $idxmap{$iitem};
print INDEXDIAG "<$iitem> ";
foreach $w (@$ientry) {
$ww = &word_txt($w);
print INDEXDIAG $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print INDEXDIAG ":";
$foo = " ";
foreach $node (@nodes) {
(print INDEXDIAG $foo,$node), $foo = ", " if $idxnodes{$node,$iitem};
print INDEXDIAG "\n";
sub fixup_xrefs {
my $pname, $p, $i, $j, $k, $caps, @repl;
for ($p=0; $p<=$#pnames; $p++) {
next if $pflags[$p] eq "code";
$pname = $pnames[$p];
for ($i=$#$pname; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if ($$pname[$i] =~ /^k/) {
$k = $$pname[$i];
$caps = ($k =~ /^kK/);
$k = substr($k,2);
$repl = $refs{$k};
die "undefined keyword `$k'\n" unless $repl;
substr($repl,0,1) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/ if $caps;
@repl = ();
push @repl,"x $xrefs{$k}";
foreach $j (split /\s+/,$repl) {
push @repl,"n $j";
push @repl,"sp";
pop @repl; # remove final space
push @repl,"xe$xrefs{$k}";
splice @$pname,$i,1,@repl;
sub write_txt {
# This is called from the top level, so I won't bother using
# my or local.
# Open file.
print "writing file...";
open TEXT,">nasmdoc.txt";
select TEXT;
# Preamble.
$title = "The Netwide Assembler: NASM";
$spaces = ' ' x ((75-(length $title))/2);
($underscore = $title) =~ s/./=/g;
print "$spaces$title\n$spaces$underscore\n";
for ($para = 0; $para <= $#pnames; $para++) {
$pname = $pnames[$para];
$pflags = $pflags[$para];
$ptype = substr($pflags,0,4);
print "\n"; # always one of these before a new paragraph
if ($ptype eq "chap") {
# Chapter heading. "Chapter N: Title" followed by a line of
# minus signs.
$pflags =~ /chap (.*) :(.*)/;
$title = "Chapter $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_txt($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "$title\n";
$title =~ s/./-/g;
print "$title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "appn") {
# Appendix heading. "Appendix N: Title" followed by a line of
# minus signs.
$pflags =~ /appn (.*) :(.*)/;
$title = "Appendix $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_txt($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "$title\n";
$title =~ s/./-/g;
print "$title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "head" || $ptype eq "subh") {
# Heading or subheading. Just a number and some text.
$pflags =~ /.... (.*) :(.*)/;
$title = sprintf "%6s ", $1;
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_txt($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "$title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "code") {
# Code paragraph. Emit each line with a seven character indent.
foreach $i (@$pname) {
warn "code line longer than 68 chars: $i\n" if length $i > 68;
print ' 'x7, $i, "\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "bull" || $ptype eq "norm") {
# Ordinary paragraph, optionally bulleted. We wrap, with ragged
# 75-char right margin and either 7 or 11 char left margin
# depending on bullets.
if ($ptype eq "bull") {
$line = ' 'x7 . '(*) ';
$next = ' 'x11;
} else {
$line = $next = ' 'x7;
@a = @$pname;
$wd = $wprev = '';
do {
do { $w = &word_txt(shift @a) } while $w eq "\001"; # nasty hack
$wd .= $wprev;
if ($wprev =~ /-$/ || $w eq ' ' || $w eq '' || $w eq undef) {
if (length ($line . $wd) > 75) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
$line = $next;
$wd =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading spaces
$line .= $wd;
$wd = '';
$wprev = $w;
} while ($w ne '' && $w ne undef);
if ($line =~ /\S/) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
# Close file.
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
sub word_txt {
my ($w) = @_;
my $wtype, $wmajt;
return undef if $w eq '' || $w eq undef;
$wtype = substr($w,0,2);
$wmajt = substr($wtype,0,1);
$w = substr($w,2);
$w =~ s/<.*>// if $wmajt eq "w"; # remove web links
if ($wmajt eq "n" || $wtype eq "e " || $wtype eq "w ") {
return $w;
} elsif ($wtype eq "sp") {
return ' ';
} elsif ($wtype eq "da") {
return '-';
} elsif ($wmajt eq "c" || $wtype eq "wc") {
return "`${w}'";
} elsif ($wtype eq "es") {
return "_${w}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "ee") {
return "${w}_";
} elsif ($wtype eq "eo") {
return "_${w}_";
} elsif ($wmajt eq "x" || $wmajt eq "i") {
return "\001";
} else {
die "panic in word_txt: $wtype$w\n";
sub write_html {
# This is called from the top level, so I won't bother using
# my or local.
# Write contents file. Just the preamble, then a menu of links to the
# separate chapter files and the nodes therein.
print "writing contents file...";
open TEXT,">nasmdoc0.html";
select TEXT;
print "<p>This manual documents NASM, the Netwide Assembler: an assembler\n";
print "targetting the Intel x86 series of processors, with portable source.\n";
print "<p>";
for ($node = $tstruct_next{'Top'}; $node; $node = $tstruct_next{$node}) {
if ($tstruct_level{$node} == 1) {
# Invent a file name.
($number = lc($xrefnodes{$node})) =~ s/.*-//;
substr($fname,8 - length $number, length $number) = $number;
$html_fnames{$node} = $fname;
$link = $fname;
print "<p>";
} else {
# Use the preceding filename plus a marker point.
$link = $fname . "#$xrefnodes{$node}";
$title = "$node: ";
$pname = $tstruct_pname{$node};
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_html($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "<a href=\"$link\">$title</a><br>\n";
print "<p><a href=\"nasmdoci.html\">Index</a>\n";
print "</body></html>\n";
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
# Open a null file, to ensure output (eg random &html_jumppoints calls)
# goes _somewhere_.
print "writing chapter files...";
open TEXT,">/dev/null";
select TEXT;
$html_lastf = '';
$in_list = 0;
for ($para = 0; $para <= $#pnames; $para++) {
$pname = $pnames[$para];
$pflags = $pflags[$para];
$ptype = substr($pflags,0,4);
$in_list = 0, print "</ul>\n" if $in_list && $ptype ne "bull";
if ($ptype eq "chap") {
# Chapter heading. Begin a new file.
$pflags =~ /chap (.*) :(.*)/;
$title = "Chapter $1: ";
$xref = $2;
&html_jumppoints; print "</body></html>\n"; select STDOUT; close TEXT;
$html_lastf = $html_fnames{$chapternode};
$chapternode = $nodexrefs{$xref};
$html_nextf = $html_fnames{$tstruct_mnext{$chapternode}};
open TEXT,">$html_fnames{$chapternode}"; select TEXT; &html_preamble(1);
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_html($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
$h = "<h2><a name=\"$xref\">$title</a></h2>\n";
print $h; print FULL $h;
} elsif ($ptype eq "appn") {
# Appendix heading. Begin a new file.
$pflags =~ /appn (.*) :(.*)/;
$title = "Appendix $1: ";
$xref = $2;
&html_jumppoints; print "</body></html>\n"; select STDOUT; close TEXT;
$html_lastf = $html_fnames{$chapternode};
$chapternode = $nodexrefs{$xref};
$html_nextf = $html_fnames{$tstruct_mnext{$chapternode}};
open TEXT,">$html_fnames{$chapternode}"; select TEXT; &html_preamble(1);
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_html($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "<h2><a name=\"$xref\">$title</a></h2>\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "head" || $ptype eq "subh") {
# Heading or subheading.
$pflags =~ /.... (.*) :(.*)/;
$hdr = ($ptype eq "subh" ? "h4" : "h3");
$title = $1 . " ";
$xref = $2;
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_html($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "<$hdr><a name=\"$xref\">$title</a></$hdr>\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "code") {
# Code paragraph.
print "<p><pre>\n";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$w = $i;
$w =~ s/&/&/g;
$w =~ s/</</g;
$w =~ s/>/>/g;
print $w, "\n";
print "</pre>\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "bull" || $ptype eq "norm") {
# Ordinary paragraph, optionally bulleted. We wrap, with ragged
# 75-char right margin and either 7 or 11 char left margin
# depending on bullets.
if ($ptype eq "bull") {
$in_list = 1, print "<ul>\n" unless $in_list;
$line = '<li>';
} else {
$line = '<p>';
@a = @$pname;
$wd = $wprev = '';
do {
do { $w = &word_html(shift @a) } while $w eq "\001"; # nasty hack
$wd .= $wprev;
if ($w eq ' ' || $w eq '' || $w eq undef) {
if (length ($line . $wd) > 75) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
$line = '';
$wd =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading spaces
$line .= $wd;
$wd = '';
$wprev = $w;
} while ($w ne '' && $w ne undef);
if ($line =~ /\S/) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
# Close whichever file was open.
print "</body></html>\n";
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
print "\n writing index file...";
open TEXT,">nasmdoci.html";
select TEXT;
print "<p align=center><a href=\"nasmdoc0.html\">Contents</a>\n";
print "<p>";
print "<p align=center><a href=\"nasmdoc0.html\">Contents</a>\n";
print "</body></html>\n";
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
sub html_preamble {
print "<html><head><title>NASM Manual</title></head>\n";
print "<body><h1 align=center>The Netwide Assembler: NASM</h1>\n\n";
&html_jumppoints if $_[0];
sub html_jumppoints {
print "<p align=center>";
print "<a href=\"$html_nextf\">Next Chapter</a> |\n" if $html_nextf;
print "<a href=\"$html_lastf\">Previous Chapter</a> |\n" if $html_lastf;
print "<a href=\"nasmdoc0.html\">Contents</a> |\n";
print "<a href=\"nasmdoci.html\">Index</a>\n";
sub html_index {
my $itag, $a, @ientry, $sep, $w, $wd, $wprev, $line;
$chapternode = '';
foreach $itag (@itags) {
$ientry = $idxmap{$itag};
@a = @$ientry;
push @a, "n :";
$sep = 0;
foreach $node (@nodes) {
next if !$idxnodes{$node,$itag};
push @a, "n ," if $sep;
push @a, "sp", "x $xrefnodes{$node}", "n $node", "xe$xrefnodes{$node}";
$sep = 1;
$line = '';
do {
do { $w = &word_html(shift @a) } while $w eq "\001"; # nasty hack
$wd .= $wprev;
if ($w eq ' ' || $w eq '' || $w eq undef) {
if (length ($line . $wd) > 75) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
$line = '';
$wd =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading spaces
$line .= $wd;
$wd = '';
$wprev = $w;
} while ($w ne '' && $w ne undef);
if ($line =~ /\S/) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
print "<br>\n";
sub word_html {
my ($w) = @_;
my $wtype, $wmajt, $pfx, $sfx;
return undef if $w eq '' || $w eq undef;
$wtype = substr($w,0,2);
$wmajt = substr($wtype,0,1);
$w = substr($w,2);
$pfx = $sfx = '';
$pfx = "<a href=\"$1\">", $sfx = "</a>", $w = $2
if $wmajt eq "w" && $w =~ /^<(.*)>(.*)$/;
$w =~ s/&/&/g;
$w =~ s/</</g;
$w =~ s/>/>/g;
if ($wmajt eq "n" || $wtype eq "e " || $wtype eq "w ") {
return $pfx . $w . $sfx;
} elsif ($wtype eq "sp") {
return ' ';
} elsif ($wtype eq "da") {
return '-'; # sadly, en-dashes are non-standard in HTML
} elsif ($wmajt eq "c" || $wtype eq "wc") {
return $pfx . "<code><nobr>${w}</nobr></code>" . $sfx;
} elsif ($wtype eq "es") {
return "<em>${w}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "ee") {
return "${w}</em>";
} elsif ($wtype eq "eo") {
return "<em>${w}</em>";
} elsif ($wtype eq "x ") {
# Magic: we must resolve the cross reference into file and marker
# parts, then dispose of the file part if it's us, and dispose of
# the marker part if the cross reference describes the top node of
# another file.
my $node = $nodexrefs{$w}; # find the node we're aiming at
my $level = $tstruct_level{$node}; # and its level
my $up = $node, $uplev = $level-1;
$up = $tstruct_up{$up} while $uplev--; # get top node of containing file
my $file = ($up ne $chapternode) ? $html_fnames{$up} : "";
my $marker = ($level == 1 and $file) ? "" : "#$w";
return "<a href=\"$file$marker\">";
} elsif ($wtype eq "xe") {
return "</a>";
} elsif ($wmajt eq "i") {
return "\001";
} else {
die "panic in word_html: $wtype$w\n";
sub write_texi {
# This is called from the top level, so I won't bother using
# my or local.
# Open file.
print "writing file...";
open TEXT,">nasmdoc.texi";
select TEXT;
# Preamble.
print "\\input texinfo \@c -*-texinfo-*-\n";
print "\@c \%**start of header\n";
print "\@setfilename ",$metadata{'infofile'},".info\n";
print "\@dircategory ",$metadata{'category'},"\n";
print "\@direntry\n";
printf "* %-28s %s.\n",
sprintf('%s: (%s).', $metadata{'infoname'}, $metadata{'infofile'}),
print "\@end direntry\n";
print "\@settitle ", $metadata{'title'},"\n";
print "\@setchapternewpage odd\n";
print "\@c \%**end of header\n";
print "\n";
print "\@ifinfo\n";
print $metadata{'summary'}, "\n";
print "\n";
print "Copyright ",$metadata{'year'}," ",$metadata{'author'},"\n";
print "\n";
print $metadata{'license'}, "\n";
print "\@end ifinfo\n";
print "\n";
print "\@titlepage\n";
$title = $metadata{'title'};
$title =~ s/ - / --- /g;
print "\@title ${title}\n";
print "\@author ",$metadata{'author'},"\n";
print "\n";
print "\@page\n";
print "\@vskip 0pt plus 1filll\n";
print "Copyright \@copyright{} ",$metadata{'year'},' ',$metadata{'author'},"\n";
print "\n";
print $metadata{'license'}, "\n";
print "\@end titlepage\n";
print "\n";
print "\@node Top, $tstruct_next{'Top'}, (dir), (dir)\n";
print "\@top ",$metadata{'infotitle'},"\n";
print "\n";
print "\@ifinfo\n";
print $metadata{'summary'}, "\n";
print "\@end ifinfo\n";
$node = "Top";
$bulleting = 0;
for ($para = 0; $para <= $#pnames; $para++) {
$pname = $pnames[$para];
$pflags = $pflags[$para];
$ptype = substr($pflags,0,4);
$bulleting = 0, print "\@end itemize\n" if $bulleting && $ptype ne "bull";
print "\n"; # always one of these before a new paragraph
if ($ptype eq "chap") {
# Chapter heading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /chap (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Chapter $1";
$title = "Chapter $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_texi($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\@node $node, $tstruct_next{$node}, $tstruct_prev{$node},";
print " $tstruct_up{$node}\n\@unnumbered $title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "appn") {
# Appendix heading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /appn (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Appendix $1";
$title = "Appendix $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_texi($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\@node $node, $tstruct_next{$node}, $tstruct_prev{$node},";
print " $tstruct_up{$node}\n\@unnumbered $title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "head" || $ptype eq "subh") {
# Heading or subheading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /.... (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Section $1";
$title = "$1. ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_texi($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\@node $node, $tstruct_next{$node}, $tstruct_prev{$node},";
print " $tstruct_up{$node}\n";
$hdr = ($ptype eq "subh" ? "\@unnumberedsubsec" : "\@unnumberedsec");
print "$hdr $title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "code") {
# Code paragraph. Surround with @example / @end example.
print "\@example\n";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
warn "code line longer than 68 chars: $i\n" if length $i > 68;
$i =~ s/\@/\@\@/g;
$i =~ s/\{/\@\{/g;
$i =~ s/\}/\@\}/g;
print "$i\n";
print "\@end example\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "bull" || $ptype eq "norm") {
# Ordinary paragraph, optionally bulleted. We wrap, FWIW.
if ($ptype eq "bull") {
$bulleting = 1, print "\@itemize \@bullet\n" if !$bulleting;
print "\@item\n";
$line = '';
@a = @$pname;
$wd = $wprev = '';
do {
do { $w = &word_texi(shift @a); } while $w eq "\001"; # hack
$wd .= $wprev;
if ($wprev =~ /-$/ || $w eq ' ' || $w eq '' || $w eq undef) {
if (length ($line . $wd) > 75) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
$line = '';
$wd =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading spaces
$line .= $wd;
$wd = '';
$wprev = $w;
} while ($w ne '' && $w ne undef);
if ($line =~ /\S/) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
# Write index.
# Close file.
print "\n\@contents\n\@bye\n";
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
# Side effect of this procedure: update global `texiwdlen' to be the length
# in chars of the formatted version of the word.
sub word_texi {
my ($w) = @_;
my $wtype, $wmajt;
return undef if $w eq '' || $w eq undef;
$wtype = substr($w,0,2);
$wmajt = substr($wtype,0,1);
$w = substr($w,2);
$wlen = length $w;
$w =~ s/\@/\@\@/g;
$w =~ s/\{/\@\{/g;
$w =~ s/\}/\@\}/g;
$w =~ s/<.*>// if $wmajt eq "w"; # remove web links
substr($w,0,1) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/, $capital = 0 if $capital;
if ($wmajt eq "n" || $wtype eq "e " || $wtype eq "w ") {
$texiwdlen = $wlen;
return $w;
} elsif ($wtype eq "sp") {
$texiwdlen = 1;
return ' ';
} elsif ($wtype eq "da") {
$texiwdlen = 2;
return '--';
} elsif ($wmajt eq "c" || $wtype eq "wc") {
$texiwdlen = 2 + $wlen;
return "\@code\{$w\}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "es") {
$texiwdlen = 1 + $wlen;
return "\@emph\{${w}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "ee") {
$texiwdlen = 1 + $wlen;
return "${w}\}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "eo") {
$texiwdlen = 2 + $wlen;
return "\@emph\{${w}\}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "x ") {
$texiwdlen = 0; # we don't need it in this case
$capital = 1; # hack
return "\@ref\{";
} elsif ($wtype eq "xe") {
$texiwdlen = 0; # we don't need it in this case
return "\}";
} elsif ($wmajt eq "i") {
$texiwdlen = 0; # we don't need it in this case
return "\001";
} else {
die "panic in word_texi: $wtype$w\n";
sub texi_menu {
my ($topitem) = @_;
my $item, $i, $mpname, $title, $wd;
$item = $tstruct_next{$topitem};
print "\@menu\n";
while ($item) {
$title = "";
$mpname = $tstruct_pname{$item};
foreach $i (@$mpname) {
$wd = &word_texi($i);
$title .= $wd unless $wd eq "\001";
print "* ${item}:: $title\n";
$item = $tstruct_mnext{$item};
print "* Index::\n" if $topitem eq "Top";
print "\@end menu\n";
sub texi_index {
my $itag, $ientry, @a, $wd, $item, $len;
my $subnums = "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU" .
print "\@ifinfo\n\@node Index, , $FIXMElastnode, Top\n";
print "\@unnumbered Index\n\n\@menu\n";
foreach $itag (@itags) {
$ientry = $idxmap{$itag};
@a = @$ientry;
$item = '';
$len = 0;
foreach $i (@a) {
$wd = &word_texi($i);
$item .= $wd, $len += $texiwdlen unless $wd eq "\001";
$i = 0;
foreach $node (@nodes) {
next if !$idxnodes{$node,$itag};
printf "* %s%s (%s): %s.\n",
$item, " " x (40-$len), substr($subnums,$i++,1), $node;
print "\@end menu\n\@end ifinfo\n";
sub write_hlp {
# This is called from the top level, so I won't bother using
# my or local.
# Build the index-tag text forms.
print "building index entries...";
@hlp_index = map {
my $i,$ww;
my $ientry = $idxmap{$_};
my $title = "";
foreach $i (@$ientry) {
$ww = &word_hlp($i,0);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
} @itags;
# Write the HPJ project-description file.
print "writing .hpj file...";
open HPJ,">nasmdoc.hpj";
print HPJ "[OPTIONS]\ncompress=true\n";
print HPJ "title=NASM: The Netwide Assembler\noldkeyphrase=no\n\n";
print HPJ "[FILES]\nnasmdoc.rtf\n\n";
print HPJ "[CONFIG]\n";
print HPJ 'CreateButton("btn_up", "&Up",'.
' "JumpContents(`nasmdoc.hlp'."'".')")';
print HPJ "\nBrowseButtons()\n";
close HPJ;
# Open file.
print "\n writing .rtf file...";
open TEXT,">nasmdoc.rtf";
select TEXT;
# Preamble.
print "{\\rtf1\\ansi{\\fonttbl\n";
print "\\f0\\froman Times New Roman;\\f1\\fmodern Courier New;\n";
print "\\f2\\fswiss Arial;\\f3\\ftech Wingdings}\\deff0\n";
print "#{\\footnote Top}\n";
print "\${\\footnote Contents}\n";
print "+{\\footnote browse:00000}\n";
print "!{\\footnote DisableButton(\"btn_up\")}\n";
print "\\keepn\\f2\\b\\fs30\\sb0\n";
print "NASM: The Netwide Assembler\n";
print "\\par\\pard\\plain\\sb120\n";
print "This file documents NASM, the Netwide Assembler: an assembler \n";
print "targetting the Intel x86 series of processors, with portable source.\n";
$node = "Top";
$browse = 0;
$newpar = "\\par\\sb120\n";
for ($para = 0; $para <= $#pnames; $para++) {
$pname = $pnames[$para];
$pflags = $pflags[$para];
$ptype = substr($pflags,0,4);
print $newpar;
$newpar = "\\par\\sb120\n";
if ($ptype eq "chap") {
# Chapter heading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /chap (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Chapter $1";
$title = $footnotetitle = "Chapter $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_hlp($i,1);
$title .= $ww, $footnotetitle .= &word_hlp($i,0) unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\\page\n";
printf "#{\\footnote %s}\n", &hlp_sectkw($node);
print "\${\\footnote $footnotetitle}\n";
printf "+{\\footnote browse:%05d}\n", ++$browse;
printf "!{\\footnote ChangeButtonBinding(\"btn_up\"," .
print "EnableButton(\"btn_up\")}\n";
print "\\keepn\\f2\\b\\fs30\\sb60\\sa60\n";
print "$title\n";
$newpar = "\\par\\pard\\plain\\sb120\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "appn") {
# Appendix heading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /appn (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Appendix $1";
$title = $footnotetitle = "Appendix $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_hlp($i,1);
$title .= $ww, $footnotetitle .= &word_hlp($i,0) unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\\page\n";
printf "#{\\footnote %s}\n", &hlp_sectkw($node);
print "\${\\footnote $footnotetitle}\n";
printf "+{\\footnote browse:%05d}\n", ++$browse;
printf "!{\\footnote ChangeButtonBinding(\"btn_up\"," .
print "EnableButton(\"btn_up\")}\n";
print "\\keepn\\f2\\b\\fs30\\sb60\\sa60\n";
print "$title\n";
$newpar = "\\par\\pard\\plain\\sb120\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "head" || $ptype eq "subh") {
# Heading or subheading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /.... (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Section $1";
$title = $footnotetitle = "$1. ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_hlp($i,1);
$title .= $ww, $footnotetitle .= &word_hlp($i,0) unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\\page\n";
printf "#{\\footnote %s}\n", &hlp_sectkw($node);
print "\${\\footnote $footnotetitle}\n";
printf "+{\\footnote browse:%05d}\n", ++$browse;
printf "!{\\footnote ChangeButtonBinding(\"btn_up\"," .
print "EnableButton(\"btn_up\")}\n";
print "\\keepn\\f2\\b\\fs30\\sb60\\sa60\n";
print "$title\n";
$newpar = "\\par\\pard\\plain\\sb120\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "code") {
# Code paragraph.
print "\\keep\\f1\\sb120\n";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
my $x = $i;
warn "code line longer than 68 chars: $i\n" if length $i > 68;
$x =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$x =~ s/\{/\\\{/g;
$x =~ s/\}/\\\}/g;
print "$x\\par\\sb0\n";
$newpar = "\\pard\\f0\\sb120\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "bull" || $ptype eq "norm") {
# Ordinary paragraph, optionally bulleted. We wrap, FWIW.
if ($ptype eq "bull") {
print "\\tx360\\li360\\fi-360{\\f3\\'9F}\\tab\n";
$newpar = "\\par\\pard\\sb120\n";
} else {
$newpar = "\\par\\sb120\n";
$line = '';
@a = @$pname;
$wd = $wprev = '';
do {
do { $w = &word_hlp((shift @a),1); } while $w eq "\001"; # hack
$wd .= $wprev;
if ($w eq ' ' || $w eq '' || $w eq undef) {
if (length ($line . $wd) > 75) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line \n"; # and put one back
$line = '';
$wd =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading spaces
$line .= $wd;
$wd = '';
$wprev = $w;
} while ($w ne '' && $w ne undef);
if ($line =~ /\S/) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
# Close file.
print "\\page}\n";
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
sub word_hlp {
my ($w, $docode) = @_;
my $wtype, $wmajt;
return undef if $w eq '' || $w eq undef;
$wtype = substr($w,0,2);
$wmajt = substr($wtype,0,1);
$w = substr($w,2);
$w =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$w =~ s/\{/\\\{/g;
$w =~ s/\}/\\\}/g;
$w =~ s/<.*>// if $wmajt eq "w"; # remove web links
substr($w,0,length($w)-1) =~ s/-/\\\'AD/g if $wmajt ne "x"; #nonbreakhyphens
if ($wmajt eq "n" || $wtype eq "e " || $wtype eq "w ") {
return $w;
} elsif ($wtype eq "sp") {
return ' ';
} elsif ($wtype eq "da") {
return "\\'96";
} elsif ($wmajt eq "c" || $wtype eq "wc") {
$w =~ s/ /\\\'A0/g; # make spaces non-breaking
return $docode ? "{\\f1 ${w}}" : $w;
} elsif ($wtype eq "es") {
return "{\\i ${w}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "ee") {
return "${w}}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "eo") {
return "{\\i ${w}}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "x ") {
return "{\\uldb ";
} elsif ($wtype eq "xe") {
$w = &hlp_sectkw($w);
return "}{\\v ${w}}";
} elsif ($wmajt eq "i") {
return "\001";
} else {
die "panic in word_hlp: $wtype$w\n";
sub hlp_menu {
my ($topitem) = @_;
my $item, $kword, $i, $mpname, $title;
$item = $tstruct_next{$topitem};
print "\\li360\\fi-360\n";
while ($item) {
$title = "";
$mpname = $tstruct_pname{$item};
foreach $i (@$mpname) {
$ww = &word_hlp($i, 0);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
$kword = &hlp_sectkw($item);
print "{\\uldb ${item}: $title}{\\v $kword}\\par\\sb0\n";
$item = $tstruct_mnext{$item};
print "\\pard\\sb120\n";
sub hlp_sectkw {
my ($node) = @_;
$node =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$node =~ tr/- ./___/;
sub hlp_keywords {
my ($node) = @_;
my $pfx = "K{\\footnote ";
my $done = 0;
foreach $i (0..$#itags) {
(print $pfx,$hlp_index[$i]), $pfx = ";\n", $done++
if $idxnodes{$node,$itags[$i]};
print "}\n" if $done;
# Make tree structures. $tstruct_* is top-level and global.
sub add_item {
my ($item, $level) = @_;
my $i;
$tstruct_pname{$item} = $pname;
$tstruct_next{$tstruct_previtem} = $item;
$tstruct_prev{$item} = $tstruct_previtem;
$tstruct_level{$item} = $level;
$tstruct_up{$item} = $tstruct_last[$level-1];
$tstruct_mnext{$tstruct_last[$level]} = $item;
$tstruct_last[$level] = $item;
for ($i=$level+1; $i<$MAXLEVEL; $i++) { $tstruct_last[$i] = undef; }
$tstruct_previtem = $item;
push @nodes, $item;
# This produces documentation intermediate paragraph format; this is
# basically the digested output of the front end. Intended for use
# by future backends, instead of putting it all in the same script.
sub write_dip {
open(PARAS, "> nasmdoc.dip");
foreach $k (keys(%metadata)) {
print PARAS 'meta :', $k, "\n";
print PARAS $metadata{$k},"\n";
for ($para = 0; $para <= $#pnames; $para++) {
print PARAS $pflags[$para], "\n";
print PARAS join("\037", @{$pnames[$para]}, "\n");
foreach $k (@itags) {
print PARAS 'indx :', $k, "\n";
print PARAS join("\037", @{$idxmap{$k}}), "\n";