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synced 2025-03-25 18:10:23 +08:00
"Stealth whitespace" makes it harder to read diffs, and just generally cause unwanted weirdness. Do a source-wide pass to get rid of it.
243 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File
243 lines
6.1 KiB
Executable File
# Generate a perfect hash for token parsing
# Usage: tokenhash.pl insns.dat regs.dat tokens.dat
require 'phash.ph';
my($output, $insns_dat, $regs_dat, $tokens_dat) = @ARGV;
%tokens = ();
@tokendata = ();
# List of condition codes
@conditions = ('a', 'ae', 'b', 'be', 'c', 'e', 'g', 'ge', 'l', 'le',
'na', 'nae', 'nb', 'nbe', 'nc', 'ne', 'ng', 'nge', 'nl',
'nle', 'no', 'np', 'ns', 'nz', 'o', 'p', 'pe', 'po', 's', 'z');
# Read insns.dat
open(ID, "< ${insns_dat}") or die "$0: cannot open $insns_dat: $!\n";
while (defined($line = <ID>)) {
if ($line =~ /^([A-Z0-9_]+)(|cc)\s/) {
$insn = $1.$2;
($token = $1) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if ($2 eq '') {
# Single instruction token
if (!defined($tokens{$token})) {
$tokens{$token} = scalar @tokendata;
push(@tokendata, "\"${token}\", TOKEN_INSN, C_none, I_${insn}");
} else {
# Conditional instruction
foreach $cc (@conditions) {
if (!defined($tokens{$token.$cc})) {
$tokens{$token.$cc} = scalar @tokendata;
push(@tokendata, "\"${token}${cc}\", TOKEN_INSN, C_\U$cc\E, I_${insn}");
# Read regs.dat
open(RD, "< ${regs_dat}") or die "$0: cannot open $regs_dat: $!\n";
while (defined($line = <RD>)) {
if ($line =~ /^([a-z0-9_-]+)\s/) {
$reg = $1;
if ($reg =~ /^(.*[^0-9])([0-9]+)\-([0-9]+)(|[^0-9].*)$/) {
$nregs = $3-$2+1;
$reg = $1.$2.$4;
$reg_nr = $2;
$reg_prefix = $1;
$reg_suffix = $4;
} else {
$nregs = 1;
undef $reg_prefix, $reg_suffix;
while ($nregs--) {
if (defined($tokens{$reg})) {
die "Duplicate definition: $reg\n";
$tokens{$reg} = scalar @tokendata;
push(@tokendata, "\"${reg}\", TOKEN_REG, 0, R_\U${reg}\E");
if (defined($reg_prefix)) {
$reg = sprintf("%s%u%s", $reg_prefix, $reg_nr, $reg_suffix);
} else {
# Not a dashed sequence
die if ($nregs);
# Read tokens.dat
open(TD, "< ${tokens_dat}") or die "$0: cannot open $tokens_dat: $!\n";
while (defined($line = <TD>)) {
if ($line =~ /^\%\s+(.*)$/) {
$pattern = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^([a-z0-9_-]+)/) {
$token = $1;
if (defined($tokens{$token})) {
die "Duplicate definition: $token\n";
$tokens{$token} = scalar @tokendata;
$data = $pattern;
if ($data =~ /^(.*)\{(.*)\}(.*)$/) {
my $head = $1, $tail = $3;
my $px = $2;
$px =~ s/\*/(.*)/g;
if ($token =~ /$px/i) {
$data = $head."\U$1".$tail;
} else {
die "$0: token $token doesn't match $px\n";
$data =~ s/\*/\U$token/g;
push(@tokendata, "\"$token\", $data");
if ($output eq 'h') {
# keywords.h
$max_len = 0;
foreach $token (keys(%tokens)) {
if (length($token) > $max_len) {
$max_len = length($token);
print "/*\n";
print " * This file is generated from insns.dat, regs.dat and token.dat\n";
print " * by tokhash.pl; do not edit.\n";
print " */\n";
print "\n";
print "#ifndef NASM_TOKENS_H\n";
print "#define NASM_TOKENS_H\n";
print "\n";
print "#define MAX_KEYWORD $max_len /* length of longest keyword */\n";
print "\n";
print "#endif /* NASM_TOKENS_H */\n";
} elsif ($output eq 'c') {
# tokhash.c
@hashinfo = gen_perfect_hash(\%tokens);
if (!defined(@hashinfo)) {
die "$0: no hash found\n";
# Paranoia...
verify_hash_table(\%tokens, \@hashinfo);
($n, $sv, $g) = @hashinfo;
$sv2 = $sv+2;
die if ($n & ($n-1));
print "/*\n";
print " * This file is generated from insns.dat, regs.dat and token.dat\n";
print " * by tokhash.pl; do not edit.\n";
print " */\n";
print "\n";
print "#include \"compiler.h\"\n";
print "#include <string.h>\n";
print "#include \"nasm.h\"\n";
print "#include \"hashtbl.h\"\n";
print "#include \"insns.h\"\n";
print "\n";
# These somewhat odd sizes and ordering thereof are due to the
# relative ranges of the types; this makes it fit in 16 bytes on
# 64-bit machines and 12 bytes on 32-bit machines.
print "struct tokendata {\n";
print " const char *string;\n";
print " int16_t tokentype;\n";
print " int16_t aux;\n";
print " int32_t num;\n";
print "};\n";
print "\n";
print "int nasm_token_hash(const char *token, struct tokenval *tv)\n";
print "{\n";
# Put a large value in unused slots. This makes it extremely unlikely
# that any combination that involves unused slot will pass the range test.
# This speeds up rejection of unrecognized tokens, i.e. identifiers.
print "#define UNUSED 16383\n";
print " static const int16_t hash1[$n] = {\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
my $h = ${$g}[$i*2+0];
print " ", defined($h) ? $h : 'UNUSED', ",\n";
print " };\n";
print " static const int16_t hash2[$n] = {\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
my $h = ${$g}[$i*2+1];
print " ", defined($h) ? $h : 'UNUSED', ",\n";
print " };\n";
printf " static const struct tokendata tokendata[%d] = {\n", scalar(@tokendata);
foreach $d (@tokendata) {
print " { ", $d, " },\n";
print " };\n";
print " uint32_t k1, k2;\n";
print " uint64_t crc;\n";
# For correct overflow behavior, "ix" should be unsigned of the same
# width as the hash arrays.
print " uint16_t ix;\n";
print " const struct tokendata *data;\n";
print "\n";
printf " crc = crc64(UINT64_C(0x%08x%08x), token);\n",
$$sv[0], $$sv[1];
print " k1 = (uint32_t)crc;\n";
print " k2 = (uint32_t)(crc >> 32);\n";
print "\n";
printf " ix = hash1[k1 & 0x%x] + hash2[k2 & 0x%x];\n", $n-1, $n-1;
printf " if (ix >= %d)\n", scalar(@tokendata);
print " return tv->t_type = TOKEN_ID;\n";
print "\n";
print " data = &tokendata[ix];\n";
print " if (strcmp(data->string, token))\n";
print " return tv->t_type = TOKEN_ID;\n";
print "\n";
print " tv->t_integer = data->num;\n";
print " tv->t_inttwo = data->aux;\n";
print " return tv->t_type = data->tokentype;\n";
print "}\n";