mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 17:35:38 +08:00
1448 lines
43 KiB
1448 lines
43 KiB
;; NASM note: this file abuses the section flags in such a way that
;; NASM 0.98.37 broke when this was compiled with:
;; nasm -o tmap.o -f elf -DLINUX tmap.nas
;; $Id$
;; Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; $Log$
;; Revision 1.2 2003/09/10 23:33:38 hpa
;; Use the version of tmap.nas that actually caused problems
;; Revision 1.10 2001/02/24 13:35:21 bpereira
;; no message
;; Revision 1.9 2001/02/10 15:24:19 hurdler
;; Apply Rob's patch for Linux version
;; Revision 1.8 2000/11/12 09:48:15 bpereira
;; no message
;; Revision 1.7 2000/11/06 20:52:16 bpereira
;; no message
;; Revision 1.6 2000/11/03 11:48:40 hurdler
;; Fix compiling problem under win32 with 3D-Floors and FragglScript (to verify!)
;; Revision 1.5 2000/11/03 03:27:17 stroggonmeth
;; Again with the bug fixing...
;; Revision 1.4 2000/11/02 17:50:10 stroggonmeth
;; Big 3Dfloors & FraggleScript commit!!
;; Revision 1.3 2000/04/24 20:24:38 bpereira
;; no message
;; Revision 1.2 2000/02/27 00:42:11 hurdler
;; fix CR+LF problem
;; Revision 2000/02/22 20:32:32 hurdler
;; Initial import into CVS (v1.29 pr3)
;; assembler optimised rendering code for software mode
;; draw floor spans, and wall columns.
[BITS 32]
%ifdef LINUX
%macro cextern 1
[extern %1]
%macro cglobal 1
[global %1]
%define CODE_SEG .data
%macro cextern 1
%define %1 _%1
[extern %1]
%macro cglobal 1
%define %1 _%1
[global %1]
%define CODE_SEG .text
;; externs
;; columns
cextern dc_x
cextern dc_yl
cextern dc_yh
cextern ylookup
cextern columnofs
cextern dc_source
cextern dc_texturemid
cextern dc_iscale
cextern centery
cextern dc_colormap
cextern dc_transmap
cextern colormaps
;; spans
cextern ds_x1
cextern ds_x2
cextern ds_y
cextern ds_xfrac
cextern ds_yfrac
cextern ds_xstep
cextern ds_ystep
cextern ds_source
cextern ds_colormap
;cextern ds_textureheight
; polygon edge rasterizer
cextern prastertab
;; R_DrawColumn
;; New optimised version 10-01-1998 by D.Fabrice and P.Boris
;; TO DO: optimise it much farther... should take at most 3 cycles/pix
;; once it's fixed, add code to patch the offsets so that it
;; works in every screen width.
[SECTION .data]
;;.align 4
loopcount dd 0
pixelcount dd 0
tystep dd 0
;fixed_t FixedMul (fixed_t a, fixed_t b)
cglobal FixedMul
; align 16
mov eax,[esp+4]
imul dword [esp+8]
shrd eax,edx,16
;fixed_t FixedDiv2 (fixed_t a, fixed_t b);
cglobal FixedDiv2
; align 16
mov eax,[esp+4]
mov edx,eax ;; these two instructions allow the next
sar edx,31 ;; two to pair, on the Pentium processor.
shld edx,eax,16
sal eax,16
idiv dword [esp+8]
; void ASM_PatchRowBytes (int rowbytes);
cglobal ASM_PatchRowBytes
; align 16
mov eax,[esp+4]
mov [p1+2],eax
mov [p2+2],eax
mov [p3+2],eax
mov [p4+2],eax
mov [p5+2],eax
mov [p6+2],eax
mov [p7+2],eax
mov [p8+2],eax
mov [p9+2],eax
mov [pa+2],eax
mov [pb+2],eax
mov [pc+2],eax
mov [pd+2],eax
mov [pe+2],eax
mov [pf+2],eax
mov [pg+2],eax
mov [ph+2],eax
mov [pi+2],eax
mov [pj+2],eax
mov [pk+2],eax
mov [pl+2],eax
mov [pm+2],eax
mov [pn+2],eax
mov [po+2],eax
mov [pp+2],eax
mov [pq+2],eax
add eax,eax
mov [q1+2],eax
mov [q2+2],eax
mov [q3+2],eax
mov [q4+2],eax
mov [q5+2],eax
mov [q6+2],eax
mov [q7+2],eax
mov [q8+2],eax
; 8bpp column drawer
cglobal R_DrawColumn_8
; align 16
push ebp ;; preserve caller's stack frame pointer
push esi ;; preserve register variables
push edi
push ebx
;; dest = ylookup[dc_yl] + columnofs[dc_x];
mov ebp,[dc_yl]
mov ebx,ebp
mov edi,[ylookup+ebx*4]
mov ebx,[dc_x]
add edi,[columnofs+ebx*4] ;; edi = dest
;; pixelcount = yh - yl + 1
mov eax,[dc_yh]
inc eax
sub eax,ebp ;; pixel count
mov [pixelcount],eax ;; save for final pixel
jle near vdone ;; nothing to scale
;; frac = dc_texturemid - (centery-dc_yl)*fracstep;
mov ecx,[dc_iscale] ;; fracstep
mov eax,[centery]
sub eax,ebp
imul eax,ecx
mov edx,[dc_texturemid]
sub edx,eax
mov ebx,edx
shr ebx,16 ;; frac int.
and ebx,0x7f
shl edx,16 ;; y frac up
mov ebp,ecx
shl ebp,16 ;; fracstep f. up
shr ecx,16 ;; fracstep i. ->cl
and cl,0x7f
mov esi,[dc_source]
;; lets rock :) !
mov eax,[pixelcount]
mov dh,al
shr eax,2
mov ch,al ;; quad count
mov eax,[dc_colormap]
test dh,0x3
je near v4quadloop
;; do un-even pixel
test dh,0x1
je two_uneven
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; prep un-even loops
add edx,ebp ;; ypos f += ystep f
adc bl,cl ;; ypos i += ystep i
mov dl,[eax] ;; colormap texel
and bl,0x7f ;; mask 0-127 texture index
mov [edi],dl ;; output pixel
p1: add edi,0x12345678
;; do two non-quad-aligned pixels
test dh,0x2
je f3
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch source texel
add edx,ebp ;; ypos f += ystep f
adc bl,cl ;; ypos i += ystep i
mov dl,[eax] ;; colormap texel
and bl,0x7f ;; mask 0-127 texture index
mov [edi],dl ;; output pixel
mov al,[esi+ebx]
add edx,ebp ;; fetch source texel
adc bl,cl ;; ypos f += ystep f
mov dl,[eax] ;; ypos i += ystep i
and bl,0x7f ;; colormap texel
p2: add edi,0x12345678 ;; mask 0-127 texture index
mov [edi],dl
p3: add edi,0x12345678 ;; output pixel
;; test if there was at least 4 pixels
test ch,0xff ;; test quad count
je near vdone
;; ebp : ystep frac. upper 16 bits
;; edx : y frac. upper 16 bits
;; ebx : y i. lower 7 bits, masked for index
;; ecx : ch = counter, cl = y step i.
;; eax : colormap aligned 256
;; esi : source texture column
;; edi : dest screen
mov dh,0x7f ;; prep mask
align 4
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; prep loop
add edx,ebp ;; ypos f += ystep f
adc bl,cl ;; ypos i += ystep i
mov dl,[eax] ;; colormap texel
mov [edi],dl ;; output pixel
and bl,0x7f ;; mask 0-127 texture index
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch source texel
add edx,ebp
adc bl,cl
p4: add edi,0x12345678
mov dl,[eax]
and bl,0x7f
mov [edi],dl
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch source texel
add edx,ebp
adc bl,cl
p5: add edi,0x12345678
mov dl,[eax]
and bl,0x7f
mov [edi],dl
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch source texel
add edx,ebp
adc bl,cl
p6: add edi,0x12345678
mov dl,[eax]
and bl,0x7f
mov [edi],dl
p7: add edi,0x12345678
dec ch
jne vquadloop
pop ebx ;; restore register variables
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp ;; restore caller's stack frame pointer
;; R_DrawSkyColumn : same as R_DrawColumn but:
;; - wrap around 256 instead of 127.
;; this is needed because we have a higher texture for mouselook,
;; we need at least 200 lines for the sky.
;; NOTE: the sky should never wrap, so it could use a faster method.
;; for the moment, we'll still use a wrapping method...
cglobal R_DrawSkyColumn_8
; align 16
push ebp
push esi
push edi
push ebx
;; dest = ylookup[dc_yl] + columnofs[dc_x];
mov ebp,[dc_yl]
mov ebx,ebp
mov edi,[ylookup+ebx*4]
mov ebx,[dc_x]
add edi,[columnofs+ebx*4] ;; edi = dest
;; pixelcount = yh - yl + 1
mov eax,[dc_yh]
inc eax
sub eax,ebp ;; pixel count
mov [pixelcount],eax ;; save for final pixel
jle near vskydone ;; nothing to scale
;; frac = dc_texturemid - (centery-dc_yl)*fracstep;
mov ecx,[dc_iscale] ;; fracstep
mov eax,[centery]
sub eax,ebp
imul eax,ecx
mov edx,[dc_texturemid]
sub edx,eax
mov ebx,edx
shr ebx,16 ;; frac int.
and ebx,0xff
shl edx,16 ;; y frac up
mov ebp,ecx
shl ebp,16 ;; fracstep f. up
shr ecx,16 ;; fracstep i. ->cl
mov esi,[dc_source]
;; lets rock :) !
mov eax,[pixelcount]
mov dh,al
shr eax,0x2
mov ch,al ;; quad count
mov eax,[dc_colormap]
test dh,0x3
je vskyquadloop
;; do un-even pixel
test dh,0x1
je f2
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; prep un-even loops
add edx,ebp ;; ypos f += ystep f
adc bl,cl ;; ypos i += ystep i
mov dl,[eax] ;; colormap texel
mov [edi],dl ;; output pixel
p8: add edi,0x12345678
;; do two non-quad-aligned pixels
f2: test dh,0x2
je skyf3
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch source texel
add edx,ebp ;; ypos f += ystep f
adc bl,cl ;; ypos i += ystep i
mov dl,[eax] ;; colormap texel
mov [edi],dl ;; output pixel
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch source texel
add edx,ebp ;; ypos f += ystep f
adc bl,cl ;; ypos i += ystep i
mov dl,[eax] ;; colormap texel
p9: add edi,0x12345678
mov [edi],dl ;; output pixel
pa: add edi,0x12345678
;; test if there was at least 4 pixels
skyf3: test ch,0xff ;; test quad count
je vskydone
;; ebp : ystep frac. upper 24 bits
;; edx : y frac. upper 24 bits
;; ebx : y i. lower 7 bits, masked for index
;; ecx : ch = counter, cl = y step i.
;; eax : colormap aligned 256
;; esi : source texture column
;; edi : dest screen
align 4
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; prep loop
add edx,ebp ;; ypos f += ystep f
mov dl,[eax] ;; colormap texel
adc bl,cl ;; ypos i += ystep i
mov [edi],dl ;; output pixel
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch source texel
add edx,ebp
adc bl,cl
pb: add edi,0x12345678
mov dl,[eax]
mov [edi],dl
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch source texel
add edx,ebp
adc bl,cl
pc: add edi,0x12345678
mov dl,[eax]
mov [edi],dl
mov al,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch source texel
add edx,ebp
adc bl,cl
pd: add edi,0x12345678
mov dl,[eax]
mov [edi],dl
pe: add edi,0x12345678
dec ch
jne vskyquadloop
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
;; R_DrawTranslucentColumn_8
;; Vertical column texture drawer, with transparency. Replaces Doom2's
;; 'fuzz' effect, which was not so beautiful.
;; Transparency is always impressive in some way, don't know why...
cglobal R_DrawTranslucentColumn_8
push ebp ;; preserve caller's stack frame pointer
push esi ;; preserve register variables
push edi
push ebx
;; dest = ylookup[dc_yl] + columnofs[dc_x];
mov ebp,[dc_yl]
mov ebx,ebp
mov edi,[ylookup+ebx*4]
mov ebx,[dc_x]
add edi,[columnofs+ebx*4] ;; edi = dest
;; pixelcount = yh - yl + 1
mov eax,[dc_yh]
inc eax
sub eax,ebp ;; pixel count
mov [pixelcount],eax ;; save for final pixel
jle near vtdone ;; nothing to scale
;; frac = dc_texturemid - (centery-dc_yl)*fracstep;
mov ecx,[dc_iscale] ;; fracstep
mov eax,[centery]
sub eax,ebp
imul eax,ecx
mov edx,[dc_texturemid]
sub edx,eax
mov ebx,edx
shr ebx,16 ;; frac int.
and ebx,0x7f
shl edx,16 ;; y frac up
mov ebp,ecx
shl ebp,16 ;; fracstep f. up
shr ecx,16 ;; fracstep i. ->cl
and cl,0x7f
push cx
mov ecx,edx
pop cx
mov edx,[dc_colormap]
mov esi,[dc_source]
;; lets rock :) !
mov eax,[pixelcount]
shr eax,0x2
test byte [pixelcount],0x3
mov ch,al ;; quad count
mov eax,[dc_transmap]
je vt4quadloop
;; do un-even pixel
test byte [pixelcount],0x1
je trf2
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
add ecx,ebp
adc bl,cl
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
and bl,0x7f
mov dl,[eax]
mov dl,[edx]
mov [edi],dl
pf: add edi,0x12345678
;; do two non-quad-aligned pixels
trf2: test byte [pixelcount],0x2
je trf3
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
add ecx,ebp
adc bl,cl
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
and bl,0x7f
mov dl,[eax]
mov dl,[edx]
mov [edi],dl
pg: add edi,0x12345678
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
add ecx,ebp
adc bl,cl
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
and bl,0x7f
mov dl,[eax]
mov dl,[edx]
mov [edi],dl
ph: add edi,0x12345678
;; test if there was at least 4 pixels
trf3: test ch,0xff ;; test quad count
je near vtdone
;; ebp : ystep frac. upper 24 bits
;; edx : y frac. upper 24 bits
;; ebx : y i. lower 7 bits, masked for index
;; ecx : ch = counter, cl = y step i.
;; eax : colormap aligned 256
;; esi : source texture column
;; edi : dest screen
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
mov [tystep],ebp
pi: add edi,0x12345678
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
pj: sub edi,0x12345678
mov ebp,edi
pk: sub edi,0x12345678
jmp short inloop
align 4
add ecx,[tystep]
adc bl,cl
q1: add ebp,0x23456789
and bl,0x7f
mov dl,[eax]
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
mov dl,[edx]
mov [edi],dl
mov al,[ebp] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
add ecx,[tystep]
adc bl,cl
q2: add edi,0x23456789
and bl,0x7f
mov dl,[eax]
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
mov dl,[edx]
mov [ebp+0x0],dl
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
add ecx,[tystep]
adc bl,cl
q3: add ebp,0x23456789
and bl,0x7f
mov dl,[eax]
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
mov dl,[edx]
mov [edi],dl
mov al,[ebp] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
add ecx,[tystep]
adc bl,cl
q4: add edi,0x23456789
and bl,0x7f
mov dl,[eax]
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
mov dl,[edx]
mov [ebp],dl
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
dec ch
jne vtquadloop
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
;; R_DrawShadeColumn
;; for smoke..etc.. test.
cglobal R_DrawShadeColumn_8
push ebp ;; preserve caller's stack frame pointer
push esi ;; preserve register variables
push edi
push ebx
;; dest = ylookup[dc_yl] + columnofs[dc_x];
mov ebp,[dc_yl]
mov ebx,ebp
mov edi,[ylookup+ebx*4]
mov ebx,[dc_x]
add edi,[columnofs+ebx*4] ;; edi = dest
;; pixelcount = yh - yl + 1
mov eax,[dc_yh]
inc eax
sub eax,ebp ;; pixel count
mov [pixelcount],eax ;; save for final pixel
jle near shdone ;; nothing to scale
;; frac = dc_texturemid - (centery-dc_yl)*fracstep;
mov ecx,[dc_iscale] ;; fracstep
mov eax,[centery]
sub eax,ebp
imul eax,ecx
mov edx,[dc_texturemid]
sub edx,eax
mov ebx,edx
shr ebx,16 ;; frac int.
and ebx,byte +0x7f
shl edx,16 ;; y frac up
mov ebp,ecx
shl ebp,16 ;; fracstep f. up
shr ecx,16 ;; fracstep i. ->cl
and cl,0x7f
mov esi,[dc_source]
;; lets rock :) !
mov eax,[pixelcount]
mov dh,al
shr eax,2
mov ch,al ;; quad count
mov eax,[colormaps]
test dh,3
je sh4quadloop
;; do un-even pixel
test dh,0x1
je shf2
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
add edx,ebp
adc bl,cl
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
and bl,0x7f
mov dl,[eax]
mov [edi],dl
pl: add edi,0x12345678
;; do two non-quad-aligned pixels
test dh,0x2
je shf3
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
add edx,ebp
adc bl,cl
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
and bl,0x7f
mov dl,[eax]
mov [edi],dl
pm: add edi,0x12345678
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
add edx,ebp
adc bl,cl
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
and bl,0x7f
mov dl,[eax]
mov [edi],dl
pn: add edi,0x12345678
;; test if there was at least 4 pixels
test ch,0xff ;; test quad count
je near shdone
;; ebp : ystep frac. upper 24 bits
;; edx : y frac. upper 24 bits
;; ebx : y i. lower 7 bits, masked for index
;; ecx : ch = counter, cl = y step i.
;; eax : colormap aligned 256
;; esi : source texture column
;; edi : dest screen
mov dh,0x7f ;; prep mask
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
mov [tystep],ebp
po: add edi,0x12345678
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
pp: sub edi,0x12345678
mov ebp,edi
pq: sub edi,0x12345678
jmp short shinloop
align 4
add edx,[tystep]
adc bl,cl
and bl,dh
q5: add ebp,0x12345678
mov dl,[eax]
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
mov [edi],dl
mov al,[ebp] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
add edx,[tystep]
adc bl,cl
and bl,dh
q6: add edi,0x12345678
mov dl,[eax]
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
mov [ebp],dl
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
add edx,[tystep]
adc bl,cl
and bl,dh
q7: add ebp,0x12345678
mov dl,[eax]
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
mov [edi],dl
mov al,[ebp] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
add edx,[tystep]
adc bl,cl
and bl,dh
q8: add edi,0x12345678
mov dl,[eax]
mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number
mov [ebp],dl
mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap
dec ch
jne shquadloop
pop ebx ;; restore register variables
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp ;; restore caller's stack frame pointer
;; R_DrawSpan
;; Horizontal texture mapping
[SECTION .data]
oldcolormap dd 0
cglobal R_DrawSpan_8
push ebp ;; preserve caller's stack frame pointer
push esi ;; preserve register variables
push edi
push ebx
;; initilise registers
mov edx, [ds_xfrac]
mov eax, [ds_ystep]
ror edx, 14
ror eax, 15
mov bl, dl
mov ecx, [ds_xstep]
mov dh, al
mov ax, 1
mov [tystep], eax
mov eax, [ds_yfrac]
ror ecx, 13
ror eax, 16
mov dl, cl
mov bh, al
xor cx, cx
and ebx, 0x3fff
mov [pixelcount],ecx
mov ecx, [ds_x2]
mov edi, [ds_y]
mov esi, [ds_x1]
mov edi, [ylookup+edi*4]
mov ebp, ebx
add edi, [columnofs+esi*4]
sub esi, ecx ;; pixel count
shr ebp, 2
mov ecx, [ds_colormap]
mov ax, si
mov esi, [ds_source]
sar ax,1
jnc near .midloop ;; check parity
; summary
; edx = high16bit xfrac[0..13], ah=ystep[16..24] al=xtep[14..21]
; ebx = high16bit =0, bh=yfrac[16..24], bl=xfrac[14..21]
; ecx = colormap table cl=0 (colormap is aligned 8 bits)
; eax = high16bit yfrac[0..15], dx = count
; esi = flat texture source
; edi = screeen buffer destination
; ebp = work register
; pixelcount = high16bit xstep[0..13] rest to 0
; tystep = high16bit ystep[0..15] low 16 bit = 2 (increment of count)
align 4
add eax, [tystep]
mov cl, [esi+ebp]
adc bh, dh
mov cl, [ecx]
and bh, 0x3f
mov [edi], cl
mov ebp, ebx
inc edi
shr ebp, 2
add edx, [pixelcount]
mov cl, [esi+ebp]
adc bl, dl
mov cl, [ecx]
mov ebp, ebx
mov [edi], cl
inc edi
shr ebp, 2
test eax, 0xffff
jnz near .loop
.hdone: pop ebx ;; restore register variables
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp ;; restore caller's stack frame pointer
[SECTION .data]
obelix dd 0
etaussi dd 0
cglobal R_DrawSpan_8_old
push ebp ;; preserve caller's stack frame pointer
push esi ;; preserve register variables
push edi
push ebx
;; find loop count
mov eax,[ds_x2]
inc eax
sub eax,[ds_x1] ;; pixel count
mov [pixelcount],eax ;; save for final pixel
js near .hdone ;; nothing to scale
shr eax,0x1 ;; double pixel count
mov [loopcount],eax
;; build composite position
mov ebp,[ds_xfrac]
shl ebp,10
and ebp,0xffff0000
mov eax,[ds_yfrac]
shr eax,6
and eax,0xffff
mov edi,[ds_y]
or ebp,eax
mov esi,[ds_source]
;; calculate screen dest
mov edi,[ylookup+edi*4]
mov eax,[ds_x1]
add edi,[columnofs+eax*4]
;; build composite step
mov ebx,[ds_xstep]
shl ebx,10
and ebx,0xffff0000
mov eax,[ds_ystep]
shr eax,6
and eax,0xffff
or ebx,eax
mov [obelix],ebx
mov [etaussi],esi
;; %eax aligned colormap
;; %ebx aligned colormap
;; %ecx,%edx scratch
;; %esi virtual source
;; %edi moving destination pointer
;; %ebp frac
mov eax,[ds_colormap]
mov ecx,ebp
add ebp,ebx ;; advance frac pointer
shr cx,10
rol ecx,6
and ecx,4095 ;; finish calculation for third pixel
mov edx,ebp
shr dx,10
rol edx,6
add ebp,ebx ;; advance frac pointer
and edx,4095 ;; finish calculation for fourth pixel
mov ebx,eax
mov al,[esi+ecx] ;; get first pixel
mov bl,[esi+edx] ;; get second pixel
test dword [pixelcount],0xfffffffe
mov dl,[eax] ;; color translate first pixel
;; movw $0xf0f0,%dx ;;see visplanes start
je .hchecklast
mov dh,[ebx] ;; color translate second pixel
mov esi,[loopcount]
align 4
mov ecx,ebp
shr cx,10
rol ecx,6
add ebp,[obelix] ;; advance frac pointer
mov [edi],dx ;; write first pixel
and ecx,4095 ;; finish calculation for third pixel
mov edx,ebp
shr dx,10
rol edx,6
add ecx,[etaussi]
and edx,4095 ;; finish calculation for fourth pixel
mov al,[ecx] ;; get third pixel
add ebp,[obelix] ;; advance frac pointer
add edx,[etaussi]
mov bl,[edx] ;; get fourth pixel
mov dl,[eax] ;; color translate third pixel
add edi,byte +0x2 ;; advance to third pixel destination
dec esi ;; done with loop?
mov dh,[ebx] ;; color translate fourth pixel
jne .hdoubleloop
;; check for final pixel
test dword [pixelcount],0x1
je .hdone
mov [edi],dl ;; write final pixel
.hdone: pop ebx ;; restore register variables
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp ;; restore caller's stack frame pointer
;; ========================================================================
;; Rasterization des segments d'un polyg<79>ne textur<75> de mani<6E>re LINEAIRE.
;; Il s'agit donc d'interpoler les coordonn<6E>es aux bords de la texture en
;; m<>me temps que les abscisses minx/maxx pour chaque ligne.
;; L'argument 'dir' indique quels bords de la texture sont interpol<6F>s:
;; 0 : segments associ<63>s aux bord SUPERIEUR et INFERIEUR ( TY constant )
;; 1 : segments associ<63>s aux bord GAUCHE et DROITE ( TX constant )
;; ========================================================================
;; void rasterize_segment_tex( LONG x1, LONG y1, LONG x2, LONG y2, LONG tv1, LONG tv2, LONG tc, LONG dir );
;; Pour dir = 0, (tv1,tv2) = (tX1,tX2), tc = tY, en effet TY est constant.
;; Pour dir = 1, (tv1,tv2) = (tY1,tY2), tc = tX, en effet TX est constant.
;; Uses: extern struct rastery *_rastertab;
TY1 EQU 12
TX2 EQU 16
TY2 EQU 20
cglobal rasterize_segment_tex
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,byte +0x8 ;; alloue les variables locales
push ebx
push esi
push edi
o16 mov ax,es
push eax
;; #define DX [ebp-4]
;; #define TD [ebp-8]
mov eax,[ebp+0xc] ;; y1
mov ebx,[ebp+0x14] ;; y2
cmp ebx,eax
je near .L_finished ;; special (y1==y2) segment horizontal, exit!
jg near .L_rasterize_right
;;rasterize_left: ;; on rasterize un segment <20> la GAUCHE du polyg<79>ne
mov ecx,eax
sub ecx,ebx
inc ecx ;; y1-y2+1
mul ebx ;; * y2
mov esi,[prastertab]
add esi,eax ;; point into rastertab[y2]
mov eax,[ebp+0x8] ;; ARG1
sub eax,[ebp+0x10] ;; ARG3
shl eax,0x10 ;; ((x1-x2)<<PRE) ...
idiv ecx ;; dx = ... / (y1-y2+1)
mov [ebp-0x4],eax ;; DX
mov eax,[ebp+0x18] ;; ARG5
sub eax,[ebp+0x1c] ;; ARG6
shl eax,0x10
idiv ecx ;; tdx =((tx1-tx2)<<PRE) / (y1-y2+1)
mov [ebp-0x8],eax ;; idem tdy =((ty1-ty2)<<PRE) / (y1-y2+1)
mov eax,[ebp+0x10] ;; ARG3
shl eax,0x10 ;; x = x2<<PRE
mov ebx,[ebp+0x1c] ;; ARG6
shl ebx,0x10 ;; tx = tx2<<PRE d0
;; ty = ty2<<PRE d1
mov edx,[ebp+0x20] ;; ARG7
shl edx,0x10 ;; ty = ty<<PRE d0
;; tx = tx<<PRE d1
push ebp
mov edi,[ebp-0x4] ;; DX
cmp dword [ebp+0x24],byte +0x0 ;; ARG8 direction ?
mov ebp,[ebp-0x8] ;; TD
je .L_rleft_h_loop
;; TY varie, TX est constant
mov [esi+MINX],eax ;; rastertab[y].minx = x
add ebx,ebp
mov [esi+TX1],edx ;; .tx1 = tx
add eax,edi
mov [esi+TY1],ebx ;; .ty1 = ty
;;addl DX, %eax // x += dx
;;addl TD, %ebx // ty += tdy
add esi,RASTERY_SIZEOF ;; next raster line into rastertab[]
dec ecx
jne .L_rleft_v_loop
pop ebp
jmp .L_finished
;; TX varie, TY est constant
mov [esi+MINX],eax ;; rastertab[y].minx = x
add eax,edi
mov [esi+TX1],ebx ;; .tx1 = tx
add ebx,ebp
mov [esi+TY1],edx ;; .ty1 = ty
;;addl DX, %eax // x += dx
;;addl TD, %ebx // tx += tdx
add esi,RASTERY_SIZEOF ;; next raster line into rastertab[]
dec ecx
jne .L_rleft_h_loop
pop ebp
jmp .L_finished
;; on rasterize un segment <20> la DROITE du polyg<79>ne
mov ecx,ebx
sub ecx,eax
inc ecx ;; y2-y1+1
mul ebx ;; * y1
mov esi,[prastertab]
add esi,eax ;; point into rastertab[y1]
mov eax,[ebp+0x10] ;; ARG3
sub eax,[ebp+0x8] ;; ARG1
shl eax,0x10 ;; ((x2-x1)<<PRE) ...
idiv ecx ;; dx = ... / (y2-y1+1)
mov [ebp-0x4],eax ;; DX
mov eax,[ebp+0x1c] ;; ARG6
sub eax,[ebp+0x18] ;; ARG5
shl eax,0x10
idiv ecx ;; tdx =((tx2-tx1)<<PRE) / (y2-y1+1)
mov [ebp-0x8],eax ;; idem tdy =((ty2-ty1)<<PRE) / (y2-y1+1)
mov eax,[ebp+0x8] ;; ARG1
shl eax,0x10 ;; x = x1<<PRE
mov ebx,[ebp+0x18] ;; ARG5
shl ebx,0x10 ;; tx = tx1<<PRE d0
;; ty = ty1<<PRE d1
mov edx,[ebp+0x20] ;; ARG7
shl edx,0x10 ;; ty = ty<<PRE d0
;; tx = tx<<PRE d1
push ebp
mov edi,[ebp-0x4] ;; DX
cmp dword [ebp+0x24], 0 ;; direction ?
mov ebp,[ebp-0x8] ;; TD
je .L_rright_h_loop
;; TY varie, TX est constant
mov [esi+MAXX],eax ;; rastertab[y].maxx = x
add ebx,ebp
mov [esi+TX2],edx ;; .tx2 = tx
add eax,edi
mov [esi+TY2],ebx ;; .ty2 = ty
;;addl DX, %eax // x += dx
;;addl TD, %ebx // ty += tdy
dec ecx
jne .L_rright_v_loop
pop ebp
jmp short .L_finished
;; TX varie, TY est constant
mov [esi+MAXX],eax ;; rastertab[y].maxx = x
add eax,edi
mov [esi+TX2],ebx ;; .tx2 = tx
add ebx,ebp
mov [esi+TY2],edx ;; .ty2 = ty
;;addl DX, %eax // x += dx
;;addl TD, %ebx // tx += tdx
dec ecx
jne .L_rright_h_loop
pop ebp
pop eax
o16 mov es,ax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
;;; this version can draw 64x64 tiles, but they would have to be arranged 4 per row,
;; so that the stride from one line to the next is 256
;; .data
;;xstep dd 0
;;ystep dd 0
;;texwidth dd 64 ;; texture width
;; .text
;; this code is kept in case we add high-detail floor textures for example (256x256)
; align 16
; push ebp ;; preserve caller's stack frame pointer
; push esi ;; preserve register variables
; push edi
; push ebx
;; find loop count
; mov eax,[ds_x2]
; inc eax
; sub eax,[ds_x1] ;; pixel count
; mov [pixelcount],eax ;; save for final pixel
; js near .hdone ;; nothing to scale
;; calculate screen dest
; mov edi,[ds_y]
; mov edi,[ylookup+edi*4]
; mov eax,[ds_x1]
; add edi,[columnofs+eax*4]
;; prepare registers for inner loop
; xor eax,eax
; mov edx,[ds_xfrac]
; ror edx,16
; mov al,dl
; mov ecx,[ds_yfrac]
; ror ecx,16
; mov ah,cl
; mov ebx,[ds_xstep]
; ror ebx,16
; mov ch,bl
; and ebx,0xffff0000
; mov [xstep],ebx
; mov ebx,[ds_ystep]
; ror ebx,16
; mov dh,bl
; and ebx,0xffff0000
; mov [ystep],ebx
; mov esi,[ds_source]
;;; %eax Yi,Xi in %ah,%al
;;; %ebx aligned colormap
;;; %ecx Yfrac upper, dXi in %ch, %cl is counter (upto 1024pels, =4x256)
;;; %edx Xfrac upper, dYi in %dh, %dl receives mapped pixels from (ebx)
;;; ystep dYfrac, add to %ecx, low word is 0
;;; xstep dXfrac, add to %edx, low word is 0
;;; %ebp temporary register serves as offset like %eax
;;; %esi virtual source
;;; %edi moving destination pointer
; mov ebx,[pixelcount]
; shr ebx,0x2 ;; 4 pixels per loop
; test bl,0xff
; je near .hchecklast
; mov cl,bl
; mov ebx,[dc_colormap]
;;; prepare loop with first pixel
; add ecx,[ystep] ;;pr<70>a1
; adc ah,dh
; add edx,[xstep]
; adc al,ch
; and eax,0x3f3f
; mov bl,[esi+eax] ;;pr<70>b1
; mov dl,[ebx] ;;pr<70>c1
; add ecx,[ystep] ;;a2
; adc ah,dh
; mov [edi+1],dl
; add edx,[xstep]
; adc al,ch
; add edi,byte +0x2
; mov ebp,eax
; add ecx,[ystep]
; adc ah,dh
; and ebp,0x3f3f
; add edx,[xstep]
; mov bl,[esi+ebp]
; adc al,ch
; mov dl,[ebx]
; and eax,0x3f3f
; mov [edi],dl
; mov bl,[esi+eax]
; add ecx,[ystep]
; adc ah,dh
; add edx,[xstep]
; adc al,ch
; mov dl,[ebx]
; mov ebp,eax
; mov [edi+1],dl
; and ebp,0x3f3f
; add ecx,[ystep]
; adc ah,dh
; mov bl,[esi+ebp]
; add edi,byte +0x2
; add edx,[xstep]
; adc al,ch
; mov dl,[ebx]
; and eax,0x3f3f
; mov [edi],dl
; mov bl,[esi+eax]
; add ecx,[ystep]
; adc ah,dh
; mov dl,[ebx]
; dec cl
; jne near .hdoubleloop
;;; check for final pixel
;;; to do
; pop ebx
; pop edi
; pop esi
; pop ebp
; ret