mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 17:35:38 +08:00
1. Allow included files in rdsrc.pl 2. New program inslist.pl to generate instruction list from insns.dat 3. Mark certain comments in insns.dat as documentation subheaders 4. Add Instruction List appendix to nasmdoc.src 5. Update build process to invoke inslist.pl
1445 lines
42 KiB
1445 lines
42 KiB
# Read the source-form of the NASM manual and generate the various
# output forms.
# Ellipsis support would be nice.
# Source-form features:
# ---------------------
# Bullet \b
# Bullets the paragraph. Rest of paragraph is indented to cope. In
# HTML, consecutive groups of bulleted paragraphs become unordered
# lists.
# Emphasis \e{foobar}
# produces `_foobar_' in text and italics in HTML, PS, RTF
# Inline code \c{foobar}
# produces ``foobar'' in text, and fixed-pitch font in HTML, PS, RTF
# Display code
# \c line one
# \c line two
# produces fixed-pitch font where appropriate, and doesn't break
# pages except sufficiently far into the middle of a display.
# Chapter, header and subheader
# \C{intro} Introduction
# \H{whatsnasm} What is NASM?
# \S{free} NASM Is Free
# dealt with as appropriate. Chapters begin on new sides, possibly
# even new _pages_. (Sub)?headers are good places to begin new
# pages. Just _after_ a (sub)?header isn't.
# The keywords can be substituted with \K and \k.
# Keyword \K{cintro} \k{cintro}
# Expands to `Chapter 1', `Section 1.1', `Section 1.1.1'. \K has an
# initial capital whereas \k doesn't. In HTML, will produce
# hyperlinks.
# Web link \W{http://foobar/}{text} or \W{mailto:me@here}\c{me@here}
# the \W prefix is ignored except in HTML; in HTML the last part
# becomes a hyperlink to the first part.
# Literals \{ \} \\
# In case it's necessary, they expand to the real versions.
# Nonbreaking hyphen \-
# Need more be said?
# Source comment \#
# Causes everything after it on the line to be ignored by the
# source-form processor.
# Indexable word \i{foobar} (or \i\e{foobar} or \i\c{foobar}, equally)
# makes word appear in index, referenced to that point
# \i\c comes up in code style even in the index; \i\e doesn't come
# up in emphasised style.
# Indexable non-displayed word \I{foobar} or \I\c{foobar}
# just as \i{foobar} except that nothing is displayed for it
# Index rewrite
# \IR{foobar} \c{foobar} operator, uses of
# tidies up the appearance in the index of something the \i or \I
# operator was applied to
# Index alias
# \IA{foobar}{bazquux}
# aliases one index tag (as might be supplied to \i or \I) to
# another, so that \I{foobar} has the effect of \I{bazquux}, and
# \i{foobar} has the effect of \I{bazquux}foobar
# Metadata
# \M{key}{something}
# defines document metadata, such as authorship, title and copyright;
# different output formats use this differently.
# Include subfile
# \&{filename}
# Includes filename. Recursion is allowed.
use IO::File;
$diag = 1, shift @ARGV if $ARGV[0] eq "-d";
$| = 1;
$tstruct_previtem = $node = "Top";
$nodes = ($node);
$tstruct_level{$tstruct_previtem} = 0;
$tstruct_last[$tstruct_level{$tstruct_previtem}] = $tstruct_previtem;
$MAXLEVEL = 10; # really 3, but play safe ;-)
# Read the file; pass a paragraph at a time to the paragraph processor.
print "Reading input...";
$pname = "para000000";
@pnames = @pflags = ();
$para = undef;
while (<>) {
print "done.\n";
# Now we've read in the entire document and we know what all the
# heading keywords refer to. Go through and fix up the \k references.
print "Fixing up cross-references...";
print "done.\n";
# Sort the index tags, according to the slightly odd order I've decided on.
print "Sorting index tags...";
print "done.\n";
if ($diag) {
print "Writing index-diagnostic file...";
print "done.\n";
# OK. Write out the various output files.
print "Producing text output: ";
print "done.\n";
print "Producing HTML output: ";
print "done.\n";
print "Producing Texinfo output: ";
print "done.\n";
print "Producing WinHelp output: ";
print "done.\n";
print "Producing Documentation Intermediate Paragraphs: ";
print "done.\n";
sub check_include {
local $_ = shift;
if (/\\& (\S+)/) {
} else {
sub get_para($_) {
if (!/\S/ || /^\\(IA|IR|M)/) { # special case: \IA \IR \M imply new-paragraph
$para = undef;
if (/\S/) {
s/\\#.*$//; # strip comments
$para .= " " . $_;
sub include {
my $name = shift;
my $F = IO::File->new($name)
or die "Cannot open $name: $!";
while (<$F>) {
sub got_para {
local ($_) = @_;
my $pflags = "", $i, $w, $l, $t;
return if !/\S/;
@$pname = ();
# Strip off _leading_ spaces, then determine type of paragraph.
$irewrite = undef;
if (/^\\c[^{]/) {
# A code paragraph. The paragraph-array will contain the simple
# strings which form each line of the paragraph.
$pflags = "code";
while (/^\\c (([^\\]|\\[^c])*)(.*)$/) {
$l = $1;
$_ = $3;
$l =~ s/\\{/{/g;
$l =~ s/\\}/}/g;
$l =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
push @$pname, $l;
$_ = ''; # suppress word-by-word code
} elsif (/^\\C/) {
# A chapter heading. Define the keyword and allocate a chapter
# number.
$hnum = 0;
$snum = 0;
$xref = "chapter-$cnum";
$pflags = "chap $cnum :$xref";
die "badly formatted chapter heading: $_\n" if !/^\\C{([^}]*)}\s*(.*)$/;
$refs{$1} = "chapter $cnum";
$node = "Chapter $cnum";
&add_item($node, 1);
$xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
$xrefs{$1} = $xref;
$_ = $2;
# the standard word-by-word code will happen next
} elsif (/^\\A/) {
# An appendix heading. Define the keyword and allocate an appendix
# letter.
$cnum = 'A' if $cnum =~ /[0-9]+/;
$hnum = 0;
$snum = 0;
$xref = "appendix-$cnum";
$pflags = "appn $cnum :$xref";
die "badly formatted appendix heading: $_\n" if !/^\\A{([^}]*)}\s*(.*)$/;
$refs{$1} = "appendix $cnum";
$node = "Appendix $cnum";
&add_item($node, 1);
$xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
$xrefs{$1} = $xref;
$_ = $2;
# the standard word-by-word code will happen next
} elsif (/^\\H/) {
# A major heading. Define the keyword and allocate a section number.
$snum = 0;
$xref = "section-$cnum.$hnum";
$pflags = "head $cnum.$hnum :$xref";
die "badly formatted heading: $_\n" if !/^\\[HP]{([^}]*)}\s*(.*)$/;
$refs{$1} = "section $cnum.$hnum";
$node = "Section $cnum.$hnum";
&add_item($node, 2);
$xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
$xrefs{$1} = $xref;
$_ = $2;
# the standard word-by-word code will happen next
} elsif (/^\\S/) {
# A sub-heading. Define the keyword and allocate a section number.
$xref = "section-$cnum.$hnum.$snum";
$pflags = "subh $cnum.$hnum.$snum :$xref";
die "badly formatted subheading: $_\n" if !/^\\S{([^}]*)}\s*(.*)$/;
$refs{$1} = "section $cnum.$hnum.$snum";
$node = "Section $cnum.$hnum.$snum";
&add_item($node, 3);
$xrefnodes{$node} = $xref; $nodexrefs{$xref} = $node;
$xrefs{$1} = $xref;
$_ = $2;
# the standard word-by-word code will happen next
} elsif (/^\\IR/) {
# An index-rewrite.
die "badly formatted index rewrite: $_\n" if !/^\\IR{([^}]*)}\s*(.*)$/;
$irewrite = $1;
$_ = $2;
# the standard word-by-word code will happen next
} elsif (/^\\IA/) {
# An index-alias.
die "badly formatted index alias: $_\n" if !/^\\IA{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)}\s*$/;
$idxalias{$1} = $2;
return; # avoid word-by-word code
} elsif (/^\\M/) {
# Metadata
die "badly formed metadata: $_\n" if !/^\\M{([^}]*)}{([^}]*)}\s*$/;
$metadata{$1} = $2;
return; # avoid word-by-word code
} elsif (/^\\b/) {
# A bulleted paragraph. Strip off the initial \b and let the
# word-by-word code take care of the rest.
$pflags = "bull";
} else {
# A normal paragraph. Just set $pflags: the word-by-word code does
# the rest.
$pflags = "norm";
# The word-by-word code: unless @$pname is already defined (which it
# will be in the case of a code paragraph), split the paragraph up
# into words and push each on @$pname.
# Each thing pushed on @$pname should have a two-character type
# code followed by the text.
# Type codes are:
# "n " for normal
# "da" for a dash
# "es" for first emphasised word in emphasised bit
# "e " for emphasised in mid-emphasised-bit
# "ee" for last emphasised word in emphasised bit
# "eo" for single (only) emphasised word
# "c " for code
# "k " for cross-ref
# "kK" for capitalised cross-ref
# "w " for Web link
# "wc" for code-type Web link
# "x " for beginning of resolved cross-ref; generates no visible output,
# and the text is the cross-reference code
# "xe" for end of resolved cross-ref; text is same as for "x ".
# "i " for point to be indexed: the text is the internal index into the
# index-items arrays
# "sp" for space
while (/\S/) {
s/^\s*//, push @$pname, "sp" if /^\s/;
$indexing = $qindex = 0;
if (/^(\\[iI])?\\c/) {
$qindex = 1 if $1 eq "\\I";
$indexing = 1, s/^\\[iI]// if $1;
die "badly formatted \\c: \\c$_\n" if !/{(([^\\}]|\\.)*)}(.*)$/;
$w = $1;
$_ = $3;
$w =~ s/\\{/{/g;
$w =~ s/\\}/}/g;
$w =~ s/\\-/-/g;
$w =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
(push @$pname,"i"),$lastp = $#$pname if $indexing;
push @$pname,"c $w" if !$qindex;
$$pname[$lastp] = &addidx($node, $w, "c $w") if $indexing;
} elsif (/^\\[iIe]/) {
$emph = 0;
$qindex = 1 if $1 eq "\\I";
$indexing = 1, $type = "\\i" if $1;
$emph = 1, $type = "\\e" if $2;
die "badly formatted $type: $type$_\n" if !/{(([^\\}]|\\.)*)}(.*)$/;
$w = $1;
$_ = $3;
$w =~ s/\\{/{/g;
$w =~ s/\\}/}/g;
$w =~ s/\\-/-/g;
$w =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
$t = $emph ? "es" : "n ";
@ientry = ();
(push @$pname,"i"),$lastp = $#$pname if $indexing;
foreach $i (split /\s+/,$w) { # \e and \i can be multiple words
push @$pname,"$t$i","sp" if !$qindex;
($ii=$i) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/, push @ientry,"n $ii","sp" if $indexing;
$t = $emph ? "e " : "n ";
$w =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/, pop @ientry if $indexing;
$$pname[$lastp] = &addidx($node, $w, @ientry) if $indexing;
pop @$pname if !$qindex; # remove final space
if (substr($$pname[$#$pname],0,2) eq "es" && !$qindex) {
substr($$pname[$#$pname],0,2) = "eo";
} elsif ($emph && !$qindex) {
substr($$pname[$#$pname],0,2) = "ee";
} elsif (/^\\[kK]/) {
$t = "k ";
$t = "kK" if /^\\K/;
die "badly formatted \\k: \\c$_\n" if !/{([^}]*)}(.*)$/;
$_ = $2;
push @$pname,"$t$1";
} elsif (/^\\W/) {
die "badly formatted \\W: \\W$_\n"
if !/{([^}]*)}(\\i)?(\\c)?{(([^\\}]|\\.)*)}(.*)$/;
$l = $1;
$w = $4;
$_ = $6;
$t = "w ";
$t = "wc" if $3 eq "\\c";
$indexing = 1 if $2;
$w =~ s/\\{/{/g;
$w =~ s/\\}/}/g;
$w =~ s/\\-/-/g;
$w =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
(push @$pname,"i"),$lastp = $#$pname if $indexing;
push @$pname,"$t<$l>$w";
$$pname[$lastp] = &addidx($node, $w, "c $w") if $indexing;
} else {
die "what the hell? $_\n" if !/^(([^\s\\\-]|\\[\\{}\-])*-?)(.*)$/;
die "painful death! $_\n" if !length $1;
$w = $1;
$_ = $3;
$w =~ s/\\{/{/g;
$w =~ s/\\}/}/g;
$w =~ s/\\-/-/g;
$w =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
if ($w eq "-") {
push @$pname,"da";
} else {
push @$pname,"n $w";
if ($irewrite ne undef) {
&addidx(undef, $irewrite, @$pname);
@$pname = ();
} else {
push @pnames, $pname;
push @pflags, $pflags;
sub addidx {
my ($node, $text, @ientry) = @_;
$text = $idxalias{$text} || $text;
if ($node eq undef || !$idxmap{$text}) {
@$ientry = @ientry;
$idxmap{$text} = $ientry;
if ($node) {
$idxnodes{$node,$text} = 1;
return "i $text";
sub indexsort {
my $iitem, $ientry, $i, $piitem, $pcval, $cval, $clrcval;
@itags = map { # get back the original data as the 1st elt of each list
} sort { # compare auxiliary (non-first) elements of lists
$a->[1] cmp $b->[1] ||
$a->[2] cmp $b->[2] ||
$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]
} map { # transform array into list of 3-element lists
my $ientry = $idxmap{$_};
my $a = substr($$ientry[0],2);
$a =~ tr/A-Za-z0-9//cd;
[$_, uc($a), substr($$ientry[0],0,2)]
} keys %idxmap;
# Having done that, check for comma-hood.
$cval = 0;
foreach $iitem (@itags) {
$ientry = $idxmap{$iitem};
$clrcval = 1;
$pcval = $cval;
FL:for ($i=0; $i <= $#$ientry; $i++) {
if ($$ientry[$i] =~ /^(n .*,)(.*)/) {
$$ientry[$i] = $1;
splice @$ientry,$i+1,0,"n $2" if length $2;
$commapos{$iitem} = $i+1;
$cval = join("\002", @$ientry[0..$i]);
$clrcval = 0;
last FL;
$cval = undef if $clrcval;
$commanext{$iitem} = $commaafter{$piitem} = 1
if $cval and ($cval eq $pcval);
$piitem = $iitem;
sub indexdiag {
my $iitem,$ientry,$w,$ww,$foo,$node;
open INDEXDIAG,">index.diag";
foreach $iitem (@itags) {
$ientry = $idxmap{$iitem};
print INDEXDIAG "<$iitem> ";
foreach $w (@$ientry) {
$ww = &word_txt($w);
print INDEXDIAG $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print INDEXDIAG ":";
$foo = " ";
foreach $node (@nodes) {
(print INDEXDIAG $foo,$node), $foo = ", " if $idxnodes{$node,$iitem};
print INDEXDIAG "\n";
sub fixup_xrefs {
my $pname, $p, $i, $j, $k, $caps, @repl;
for ($p=0; $p<=$#pnames; $p++) {
next if $pflags[$p] eq "code";
$pname = $pnames[$p];
for ($i=$#$pname; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if ($$pname[$i] =~ /^k/) {
$k = $$pname[$i];
$caps = ($k =~ /^kK/);
$k = substr($k,2);
$repl = $refs{$k};
die "undefined keyword `$k'\n" unless $repl;
substr($repl,0,1) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/ if $caps;
@repl = ();
push @repl,"x $xrefs{$k}";
foreach $j (split /\s+/,$repl) {
push @repl,"n $j";
push @repl,"sp";
pop @repl; # remove final space
push @repl,"xe$xrefs{$k}";
splice @$pname,$i,1,@repl;
sub write_txt {
# This is called from the top level, so I won't bother using
# my or local.
# Open file.
print "writing file...";
open TEXT,">nasmdoc.txt";
select TEXT;
# Preamble.
$title = "The Netwide Assembler: NASM";
$spaces = ' ' x ((75-(length $title))/2);
($underscore = $title) =~ s/./=/g;
print "$spaces$title\n$spaces$underscore\n";
for ($para = 0; $para <= $#pnames; $para++) {
$pname = $pnames[$para];
$pflags = $pflags[$para];
$ptype = substr($pflags,0,4);
print "\n"; # always one of these before a new paragraph
if ($ptype eq "chap") {
# Chapter heading. "Chapter N: Title" followed by a line of
# minus signs.
$pflags =~ /chap (.*) :(.*)/;
$title = "Chapter $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_txt($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "$title\n";
$title =~ s/./-/g;
print "$title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "appn") {
# Appendix heading. "Appendix N: Title" followed by a line of
# minus signs.
$pflags =~ /appn (.*) :(.*)/;
$title = "Appendix $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_txt($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "$title\n";
$title =~ s/./-/g;
print "$title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "head" || $ptype eq "subh") {
# Heading or subheading. Just a number and some text.
$pflags =~ /.... (.*) :(.*)/;
$title = sprintf "%6s ", $1;
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_txt($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "$title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "code") {
# Code paragraph. Emit each line with a seven character indent.
foreach $i (@$pname) {
warn "code line longer than 68 chars: $i\n" if length $i > 68;
print ' 'x7, $i, "\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "bull" || $ptype eq "norm") {
# Ordinary paragraph, optionally bulleted. We wrap, with ragged
# 75-char right margin and either 7 or 11 char left margin
# depending on bullets.
if ($ptype eq "bull") {
$line = ' 'x7 . '(*) ';
$next = ' 'x11;
} else {
$line = $next = ' 'x7;
@a = @$pname;
$wd = $wprev = '';
do {
do { $w = &word_txt(shift @a) } while $w eq "\001"; # nasty hack
$wd .= $wprev;
if ($wprev =~ /-$/ || $w eq ' ' || $w eq '' || $w eq undef) {
if (length ($line . $wd) > 75) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
$line = $next;
$wd =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading spaces
$line .= $wd;
$wd = '';
$wprev = $w;
} while ($w ne '' && $w ne undef);
if ($line =~ /\S/) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
# Close file.
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
sub word_txt {
my ($w) = @_;
my $wtype, $wmajt;
return undef if $w eq '' || $w eq undef;
$wtype = substr($w,0,2);
$wmajt = substr($wtype,0,1);
$w = substr($w,2);
$w =~ s/<.*>// if $wmajt eq "w"; # remove web links
if ($wmajt eq "n" || $wtype eq "e " || $wtype eq "w ") {
return $w;
} elsif ($wtype eq "sp") {
return ' ';
} elsif ($wtype eq "da") {
return '-';
} elsif ($wmajt eq "c" || $wtype eq "wc") {
return "`${w}'";
} elsif ($wtype eq "es") {
return "_${w}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "ee") {
return "${w}_";
} elsif ($wtype eq "eo") {
return "_${w}_";
} elsif ($wmajt eq "x" || $wmajt eq "i") {
return "\001";
} else {
die "panic in word_txt: $wtype$w\n";
sub write_html {
# This is called from the top level, so I won't bother using
# my or local.
# Write contents file. Just the preamble, then a menu of links to the
# separate chapter files and the nodes therein.
print "writing contents file...";
open TEXT,">nasmdoc0.html";
select TEXT;
print "<p>This manual documents NASM, the Netwide Assembler: an assembler\n";
print "targetting the Intel x86 series of processors, with portable source.\n";
print "<p>";
for ($node = $tstruct_next{'Top'}; $node; $node = $tstruct_next{$node}) {
if ($tstruct_level{$node} == 1) {
# Invent a file name.
($number = lc($xrefnodes{$node})) =~ s/.*-//;
substr($fname,8 - length $number, length $number) = $number;
$html_fnames{$node} = $fname;
$link = $fname;
print "<p>";
} else {
# Use the preceding filename plus a marker point.
$link = $fname . "#$xrefnodes{$node}";
$title = "$node: ";
$pname = $tstruct_pname{$node};
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_html($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "<a href=\"$link\">$title</a><br>\n";
print "<p><a href=\"nasmdoci.html\">Index</a>\n";
print "</body></html>\n";
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
# Open a null file, to ensure output (eg random &html_jumppoints calls)
# goes _somewhere_.
print "writing chapter files...";
open TEXT,">/dev/null";
select TEXT;
$html_lastf = '';
$in_list = 0;
for ($para = 0; $para <= $#pnames; $para++) {
$pname = $pnames[$para];
$pflags = $pflags[$para];
$ptype = substr($pflags,0,4);
$in_list = 0, print "</ul>\n" if $in_list && $ptype ne "bull";
if ($ptype eq "chap") {
# Chapter heading. Begin a new file.
$pflags =~ /chap (.*) :(.*)/;
$title = "Chapter $1: ";
$xref = $2;
&html_jumppoints; print "</body></html>\n"; select STDOUT; close TEXT;
$html_lastf = $html_fnames{$chapternode};
$chapternode = $nodexrefs{$xref};
$html_nextf = $html_fnames{$tstruct_mnext{$chapternode}};
open TEXT,">$html_fnames{$chapternode}"; select TEXT; &html_preamble(1);
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_html($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
$h = "<h2><a name=\"$xref\">$title</a></h2>\n";
print $h; print FULL $h;
} elsif ($ptype eq "appn") {
# Appendix heading. Begin a new file.
$pflags =~ /appn (.*) :(.*)/;
$title = "Appendix $1: ";
$xref = $2;
&html_jumppoints; print "</body></html>\n"; select STDOUT; close TEXT;
$html_lastf = $html_fnames{$chapternode};
$chapternode = $nodexrefs{$xref};
$html_nextf = $html_fnames{$tstruct_mnext{$chapternode}};
open TEXT,">$html_fnames{$chapternode}"; select TEXT; &html_preamble(1);
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_html($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "<h2><a name=\"$xref\">$title</a></h2>\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "head" || $ptype eq "subh") {
# Heading or subheading.
$pflags =~ /.... (.*) :(.*)/;
$hdr = ($ptype eq "subh" ? "h4" : "h3");
$title = $1 . " ";
$xref = $2;
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_html($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "<$hdr><a name=\"$xref\">$title</a></$hdr>\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "code") {
# Code paragraph.
print "<p><pre>\n";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$w = $i;
$w =~ s/&/&/g;
$w =~ s/</</g;
$w =~ s/>/>/g;
print $w, "\n";
print "</pre>\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "bull" || $ptype eq "norm") {
# Ordinary paragraph, optionally bulleted. We wrap, with ragged
# 75-char right margin and either 7 or 11 char left margin
# depending on bullets.
if ($ptype eq "bull") {
$in_list = 1, print "<ul>\n" unless $in_list;
$line = '<li>';
} else {
$line = '<p>';
@a = @$pname;
$wd = $wprev = '';
do {
do { $w = &word_html(shift @a) } while $w eq "\001"; # nasty hack
$wd .= $wprev;
if ($w eq ' ' || $w eq '' || $w eq undef) {
if (length ($line . $wd) > 75) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
$line = '';
$wd =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading spaces
$line .= $wd;
$wd = '';
$wprev = $w;
} while ($w ne '' && $w ne undef);
if ($line =~ /\S/) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
# Close whichever file was open.
print "</body></html>\n";
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
print "\n writing index file...";
open TEXT,">nasmdoci.html";
select TEXT;
print "<p align=center><a href=\"nasmdoc0.html\">Contents</a>\n";
print "<p>";
print "<p align=center><a href=\"nasmdoc0.html\">Contents</a>\n";
print "</body></html>\n";
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
sub html_preamble {
print "<html><head><title>NASM Manual</title></head>\n";
print "<body><h1 align=center>The Netwide Assembler: NASM</h1>\n\n";
&html_jumppoints if $_[0];
sub html_jumppoints {
print "<p align=center>";
print "<a href=\"$html_nextf\">Next Chapter</a> |\n" if $html_nextf;
print "<a href=\"$html_lastf\">Previous Chapter</a> |\n" if $html_lastf;
print "<a href=\"nasmdoc0.html\">Contents</a> |\n";
print "<a href=\"nasmdoci.html\">Index</a>\n";
sub html_index {
my $itag, $a, @ientry, $sep, $w, $wd, $wprev, $line;
$chapternode = '';
foreach $itag (@itags) {
$ientry = $idxmap{$itag};
@a = @$ientry;
push @a, "n :";
$sep = 0;
foreach $node (@nodes) {
next if !$idxnodes{$node,$itag};
push @a, "n ," if $sep;
push @a, "sp", "x $xrefnodes{$node}", "n $node", "xe$xrefnodes{$node}";
$sep = 1;
$line = '';
do {
do { $w = &word_html(shift @a) } while $w eq "\001"; # nasty hack
$wd .= $wprev;
if ($w eq ' ' || $w eq '' || $w eq undef) {
if (length ($line . $wd) > 75) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
$line = '';
$wd =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading spaces
$line .= $wd;
$wd = '';
$wprev = $w;
} while ($w ne '' && $w ne undef);
if ($line =~ /\S/) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
print "<br>\n";
sub word_html {
my ($w) = @_;
my $wtype, $wmajt, $pfx, $sfx;
return undef if $w eq '' || $w eq undef;
$wtype = substr($w,0,2);
$wmajt = substr($wtype,0,1);
$w = substr($w,2);
$pfx = $sfx = '';
$pfx = "<a href=\"$1\">", $sfx = "</a>", $w = $2
if $wmajt eq "w" && $w =~ /^<(.*)>(.*)$/;
$w =~ s/&/&/g;
$w =~ s/</</g;
$w =~ s/>/>/g;
if ($wmajt eq "n" || $wtype eq "e " || $wtype eq "w ") {
return $pfx . $w . $sfx;
} elsif ($wtype eq "sp") {
return ' ';
} elsif ($wtype eq "da") {
return '-'; # sadly, en-dashes are non-standard in HTML
} elsif ($wmajt eq "c" || $wtype eq "wc") {
return $pfx . "<code><nobr>${w}</nobr></code>" . $sfx;
} elsif ($wtype eq "es") {
return "<em>${w}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "ee") {
return "${w}</em>";
} elsif ($wtype eq "eo") {
return "<em>${w}</em>";
} elsif ($wtype eq "x ") {
# Magic: we must resolve the cross reference into file and marker
# parts, then dispose of the file part if it's us, and dispose of
# the marker part if the cross reference describes the top node of
# another file.
my $node = $nodexrefs{$w}; # find the node we're aiming at
my $level = $tstruct_level{$node}; # and its level
my $up = $node, $uplev = $level-1;
$up = $tstruct_up{$up} while $uplev--; # get top node of containing file
my $file = ($up ne $chapternode) ? $html_fnames{$up} : "";
my $marker = ($level == 1 and $file) ? "" : "#$w";
return "<a href=\"$file$marker\">";
} elsif ($wtype eq "xe") {
return "</a>";
} elsif ($wmajt eq "i") {
return "\001";
} else {
die "panic in word_html: $wtype$w\n";
sub write_texi {
# This is called from the top level, so I won't bother using
# my or local.
# Open file.
print "writing file...";
open TEXT,">nasmdoc.texi";
select TEXT;
# Preamble.
print "\\input texinfo \@c -*-texinfo-*-\n";
print "\@c \%**start of header\n";
print "\@setfilename ",$metadata{'infofile'},".info\n";
print "\@dircategory ",$metadata{'category'},"\n";
print "\@direntry\n";
printf "* %-28s %s.\n",
sprintf('%s: (%s).', $metadata{'infoname'}, $metadata{'infofile'}),
print "\@end direntry\n";
print "\@settitle ", $metadata{'title'},"\n";
print "\@setchapternewpage odd\n";
print "\@c \%**end of header\n";
print "\n";
print "\@ifinfo\n";
print $metadata{'summary'}, "\n";
print "\n";
print "Copyright ",$metadata{'year'}," ",$metadata{'author'},"\n";
print "\n";
print $metadata{'license'}, "\n";
print "\@end ifinfo\n";
print "\n";
print "\@titlepage\n";
$title = $metadata{'title'};
$title =~ s/ - / --- /g;
print "\@title ${title}\n";
print "\@author ",$metadata{'author'},"\n";
print "\n";
print "\@page\n";
print "\@vskip 0pt plus 1filll\n";
print "Copyright \@copyright{} ",$metadata{'year'},' ',$metadata{'author'},"\n";
print "\n";
print $metadata{'license'}, "\n";
print "\@end titlepage\n";
print "\n";
print "\@node Top, $tstruct_next{'Top'}, (dir), (dir)\n";
print "\@top ",$metadata{'infotitle'},"\n";
print "\n";
print "\@ifinfo\n";
print $metadata{'summary'}, "\n";
print "\@end ifinfo\n";
$node = "Top";
$bulleting = 0;
for ($para = 0; $para <= $#pnames; $para++) {
$pname = $pnames[$para];
$pflags = $pflags[$para];
$ptype = substr($pflags,0,4);
$bulleting = 0, print "\@end itemize\n" if $bulleting && $ptype ne "bull";
print "\n"; # always one of these before a new paragraph
if ($ptype eq "chap") {
# Chapter heading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /chap (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Chapter $1";
$title = "Chapter $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_texi($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\@node $node, $tstruct_next{$node}, $tstruct_prev{$node},";
print " $tstruct_up{$node}\n\@unnumbered $title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "appn") {
# Appendix heading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /appn (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Appendix $1";
$title = "Appendix $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_texi($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\@node $node, $tstruct_next{$node}, $tstruct_prev{$node},";
print " $tstruct_up{$node}\n\@unnumbered $title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "head" || $ptype eq "subh") {
# Heading or subheading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /.... (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Section $1";
$title = "$1. ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_texi($i);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\@node $node, $tstruct_next{$node}, $tstruct_prev{$node},";
print " $tstruct_up{$node}\n";
$hdr = ($ptype eq "subh" ? "\@unnumberedsubsec" : "\@unnumberedsec");
print "$hdr $title\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "code") {
# Code paragraph. Surround with @example / @end example.
print "\@example\n";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
warn "code line longer than 68 chars: $i\n" if length $i > 68;
$i =~ s/\@/\@\@/g;
$i =~ s/\{/\@\{/g;
$i =~ s/\}/\@\}/g;
print "$i\n";
print "\@end example\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "bull" || $ptype eq "norm") {
# Ordinary paragraph, optionally bulleted. We wrap, FWIW.
if ($ptype eq "bull") {
$bulleting = 1, print "\@itemize \@bullet\n" if !$bulleting;
print "\@item\n";
$line = '';
@a = @$pname;
$wd = $wprev = '';
do {
do { $w = &word_texi(shift @a); } while $w eq "\001"; # hack
$wd .= $wprev;
if ($wprev =~ /-$/ || $w eq ' ' || $w eq '' || $w eq undef) {
if (length ($line . $wd) > 75) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
$line = '';
$wd =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading spaces
$line .= $wd;
$wd = '';
$wprev = $w;
} while ($w ne '' && $w ne undef);
if ($line =~ /\S/) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
# Write index.
# Close file.
print "\n\@contents\n\@bye\n";
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
# Side effect of this procedure: update global `texiwdlen' to be the length
# in chars of the formatted version of the word.
sub word_texi {
my ($w) = @_;
my $wtype, $wmajt;
return undef if $w eq '' || $w eq undef;
$wtype = substr($w,0,2);
$wmajt = substr($wtype,0,1);
$w = substr($w,2);
$wlen = length $w;
$w =~ s/\@/\@\@/g;
$w =~ s/\{/\@\{/g;
$w =~ s/\}/\@\}/g;
$w =~ s/<.*>// if $wmajt eq "w"; # remove web links
substr($w,0,1) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/, $capital = 0 if $capital;
if ($wmajt eq "n" || $wtype eq "e " || $wtype eq "w ") {
$texiwdlen = $wlen;
return $w;
} elsif ($wtype eq "sp") {
$texiwdlen = 1;
return ' ';
} elsif ($wtype eq "da") {
$texiwdlen = 2;
return '--';
} elsif ($wmajt eq "c" || $wtype eq "wc") {
$texiwdlen = 2 + $wlen;
return "\@code\{$w\}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "es") {
$texiwdlen = 1 + $wlen;
return "\@emph\{${w}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "ee") {
$texiwdlen = 1 + $wlen;
return "${w}\}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "eo") {
$texiwdlen = 2 + $wlen;
return "\@emph\{${w}\}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "x ") {
$texiwdlen = 0; # we don't need it in this case
$capital = 1; # hack
return "\@ref\{";
} elsif ($wtype eq "xe") {
$texiwdlen = 0; # we don't need it in this case
return "\}";
} elsif ($wmajt eq "i") {
$texiwdlen = 0; # we don't need it in this case
return "\001";
} else {
die "panic in word_texi: $wtype$w\n";
sub texi_menu {
my ($topitem) = @_;
my $item, $i, $mpname, $title, $wd;
$item = $tstruct_next{$topitem};
print "\@menu\n";
while ($item) {
$title = "";
$mpname = $tstruct_pname{$item};
foreach $i (@$mpname) {
$wd = &word_texi($i);
$title .= $wd unless $wd eq "\001";
print "* ${item}:: $title\n";
$item = $tstruct_mnext{$item};
print "* Index::\n" if $topitem eq "Top";
print "\@end menu\n";
sub texi_index {
my $itag, $ientry, @a, $wd, $item, $len;
my $subnums = "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU" .
print "\@ifinfo\n\@node Index, , $FIXMElastnode, Top\n";
print "\@unnumbered Index\n\n\@menu\n";
foreach $itag (@itags) {
$ientry = $idxmap{$itag};
@a = @$ientry;
$item = '';
$len = 0;
foreach $i (@a) {
$wd = &word_texi($i);
$item .= $wd, $len += $texiwdlen unless $wd eq "\001";
$i = 0;
foreach $node (@nodes) {
next if !$idxnodes{$node,$itag};
printf "* %s%s (%s): %s.\n",
$item, " " x (40-$len), substr($subnums,$i++,1), $node;
print "\@end menu\n\@end ifinfo\n";
sub write_hlp {
# This is called from the top level, so I won't bother using
# my or local.
# Build the index-tag text forms.
print "building index entries...";
@hlp_index = map {
my $i,$ww;
my $ientry = $idxmap{$_};
my $title = "";
foreach $i (@$ientry) {
$ww = &word_hlp($i,0);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
} @itags;
# Write the HPJ project-description file.
print "writing .hpj file...";
open HPJ,">nasmdoc.hpj";
print HPJ "[OPTIONS]\ncompress=true\n";
print HPJ "title=NASM: The Netwide Assembler\noldkeyphrase=no\n\n";
print HPJ "[FILES]\nnasmdoc.rtf\n\n";
print HPJ "[CONFIG]\n";
print HPJ 'CreateButton("btn_up", "&Up",'.
' "JumpContents(`nasmdoc.hlp'."'".')")';
print HPJ "\nBrowseButtons()\n";
close HPJ;
# Open file.
print "\n writing .rtf file...";
open TEXT,">nasmdoc.rtf";
select TEXT;
# Preamble.
print "{\\rtf1\\ansi{\\fonttbl\n";
print "\\f0\\froman Times New Roman;\\f1\\fmodern Courier New;\n";
print "\\f2\\fswiss Arial;\\f3\\ftech Wingdings}\\deff0\n";
print "#{\\footnote Top}\n";
print "\${\\footnote Contents}\n";
print "+{\\footnote browse:00000}\n";
print "!{\\footnote DisableButton(\"btn_up\")}\n";
print "\\keepn\\f2\\b\\fs30\\sb0\n";
print "NASM: The Netwide Assembler\n";
print "\\par\\pard\\plain\\sb120\n";
print "This file documents NASM, the Netwide Assembler: an assembler \n";
print "targetting the Intel x86 series of processors, with portable source.\n";
$node = "Top";
$browse = 0;
$newpar = "\\par\\sb120\n";
for ($para = 0; $para <= $#pnames; $para++) {
$pname = $pnames[$para];
$pflags = $pflags[$para];
$ptype = substr($pflags,0,4);
print $newpar;
$newpar = "\\par\\sb120\n";
if ($ptype eq "chap") {
# Chapter heading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /chap (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Chapter $1";
$title = $footnotetitle = "Chapter $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_hlp($i,1);
$title .= $ww, $footnotetitle .= &word_hlp($i,0) unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\\page\n";
printf "#{\\footnote %s}\n", &hlp_sectkw($node);
print "\${\\footnote $footnotetitle}\n";
printf "+{\\footnote browse:%05d}\n", ++$browse;
printf "!{\\footnote ChangeButtonBinding(\"btn_up\"," .
print "EnableButton(\"btn_up\")}\n";
print "\\keepn\\f2\\b\\fs30\\sb60\\sa60\n";
print "$title\n";
$newpar = "\\par\\pard\\plain\\sb120\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "appn") {
# Appendix heading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /appn (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Appendix $1";
$title = $footnotetitle = "Appendix $1: ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_hlp($i,1);
$title .= $ww, $footnotetitle .= &word_hlp($i,0) unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\\page\n";
printf "#{\\footnote %s}\n", &hlp_sectkw($node);
print "\${\\footnote $footnotetitle}\n";
printf "+{\\footnote browse:%05d}\n", ++$browse;
printf "!{\\footnote ChangeButtonBinding(\"btn_up\"," .
print "EnableButton(\"btn_up\")}\n";
print "\\keepn\\f2\\b\\fs30\\sb60\\sa60\n";
print "$title\n";
$newpar = "\\par\\pard\\plain\\sb120\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "head" || $ptype eq "subh") {
# Heading or subheading. Begin a new node.
if $tstruct_level{$tstruct_next{$node}} > $tstruct_level{$node};
$pflags =~ /.... (.*) :(.*)/;
$node = "Section $1";
$title = $footnotetitle = "$1. ";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
$ww = &word_hlp($i,1);
$title .= $ww, $footnotetitle .= &word_hlp($i,0) unless $ww eq "\001";
print "\\page\n";
printf "#{\\footnote %s}\n", &hlp_sectkw($node);
print "\${\\footnote $footnotetitle}\n";
printf "+{\\footnote browse:%05d}\n", ++$browse;
printf "!{\\footnote ChangeButtonBinding(\"btn_up\"," .
print "EnableButton(\"btn_up\")}\n";
print "\\keepn\\f2\\b\\fs30\\sb60\\sa60\n";
print "$title\n";
$newpar = "\\par\\pard\\plain\\sb120\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "code") {
# Code paragraph.
print "\\keep\\f1\\sb120\n";
foreach $i (@$pname) {
warn "code line longer than 68 chars: $i\n" if length $i > 68;
$i =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$i =~ s/\{/\\\{/g;
$i =~ s/\}/\\\}/g;
print "$i\\par\\sb0\n";
$newpar = "\\pard\\f0\\sb120\n";
} elsif ($ptype eq "bull" || $ptype eq "norm") {
# Ordinary paragraph, optionally bulleted. We wrap, FWIW.
if ($ptype eq "bull") {
print "\\tx360\\li360\\fi-360{\\f3\\'9F}\\tab\n";
$newpar = "\\par\\pard\\sb120\n";
} else {
$newpar = "\\par\\sb120\n";
$line = '';
@a = @$pname;
$wd = $wprev = '';
do {
do { $w = &word_hlp((shift @a),1); } while $w eq "\001"; # hack
$wd .= $wprev;
if ($w eq ' ' || $w eq '' || $w eq undef) {
if (length ($line . $wd) > 75) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line \n"; # and put one back
$line = '';
$wd =~ s/^\s*//; # trim leading spaces
$line .= $wd;
$wd = '';
$wprev = $w;
} while ($w ne '' && $w ne undef);
if ($line =~ /\S/) {
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # trim trailing spaces
print "$line\n";
# Close file.
print "\\page}\n";
select STDOUT;
close TEXT;
sub word_hlp {
my ($w, $docode) = @_;
my $wtype, $wmajt;
return undef if $w eq '' || $w eq undef;
$wtype = substr($w,0,2);
$wmajt = substr($wtype,0,1);
$w = substr($w,2);
$w =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$w =~ s/\{/\\\{/g;
$w =~ s/\}/\\\}/g;
$w =~ s/<.*>// if $wmajt eq "w"; # remove web links
substr($w,0,length($w)-1) =~ s/-/\\\'AD/g if $wmajt ne "x"; #nonbreakhyphens
if ($wmajt eq "n" || $wtype eq "e " || $wtype eq "w ") {
return $w;
} elsif ($wtype eq "sp") {
return ' ';
} elsif ($wtype eq "da") {
return "\\'96";
} elsif ($wmajt eq "c" || $wtype eq "wc") {
$w =~ s/ /\\\'A0/g; # make spaces non-breaking
return $docode ? "{\\f1 ${w}}" : $w;
} elsif ($wtype eq "es") {
return "{\\i ${w}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "ee") {
return "${w}}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "eo") {
return "{\\i ${w}}";
} elsif ($wtype eq "x ") {
return "{\\uldb ";
} elsif ($wtype eq "xe") {
$w = &hlp_sectkw($w);
return "}{\\v ${w}}";
} elsif ($wmajt eq "i") {
return "\001";
} else {
die "panic in word_hlp: $wtype$w\n";
sub hlp_menu {
my ($topitem) = @_;
my $item, $kword, $i, $mpname, $title;
$item = $tstruct_next{$topitem};
print "\\li360\\fi-360\n";
while ($item) {
$title = "";
$mpname = $tstruct_pname{$item};
foreach $i (@$mpname) {
$ww = &word_hlp($i, 0);
$title .= $ww unless $ww eq "\001";
$kword = &hlp_sectkw($item);
print "{\\uldb ${item}: $title}{\\v $kword}\\par\\sb0\n";
$item = $tstruct_mnext{$item};
print "\\pard\\sb120\n";
sub hlp_sectkw {
my ($node) = @_;
$node =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$node =~ tr/- ./___/;
sub hlp_keywords {
my ($node) = @_;
my $pfx = "K{\\footnote ";
my $done = 0;
foreach $i (0..$#itags) {
(print $pfx,$hlp_index[$i]), $pfx = ";\n", $done++
if $idxnodes{$node,$itags[$i]};
print "}\n" if $done;
# Make tree structures. $tstruct_* is top-level and global.
sub add_item {
my ($item, $level) = @_;
my $i;
$tstruct_pname{$item} = $pname;
$tstruct_next{$tstruct_previtem} = $item;
$tstruct_prev{$item} = $tstruct_previtem;
$tstruct_level{$item} = $level;
$tstruct_up{$item} = $tstruct_last[$level-1];
$tstruct_mnext{$tstruct_last[$level]} = $item;
$tstruct_last[$level] = $item;
for ($i=$level+1; $i<$MAXLEVEL; $i++) { $tstruct_last[$i] = undef; }
$tstruct_previtem = $item;
push @nodes, $item;
# This produces documentation intermediate paragraph format; this is
# basically the digested output of the front end. Intended for use
# by future backends, instead of putting it all in the same script.
sub write_dip {
open(PARAS, "> nasmdoc.dip");
foreach $k (keys(%metadata)) {
print PARAS 'meta :', $k, "\n";
print PARAS $metadata{$k},"\n";
for ($para = 0; $para <= $#pnames; $para++) {
print PARAS $pflags[$para], "\n";
print PARAS join("\037", @{$pnames[$para]}, "\n");
foreach $k (@itags) {
print PARAS 'indx :', $k, "\n";
print PARAS join("\037", @{$idxmap{$k}}), "\n";