mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 18:10:23 +08:00
Need to implement read on demand but later. Signed-off-by: Cyrill Gorcunov <gorcunov@gmail.com>
429 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
429 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
import subprocess
import argparse
import difflib
import filecmp
import fnmatch
import json
import sys
import re
import os
fmtr_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = 'nasm-t.py',
parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory',
dest = 'dir', default = './travis/test',
help = 'Directory with tests')
dest = 'nasm', default = './nasm',
help = 'Nasm executable to use')
dest = 'hexdump', default = '/usr/bin/hexdump',
help = 'Hexdump executable to use')
sp = parser.add_subparsers(dest = 'cmd')
for cmd in ['run']:
spp = sp.add_parser(cmd, help = 'Run test cases')
spp.add_argument('-t', '--test',
dest = 'test',
help = 'Run the selected test only',
required = False)
for cmd in ['list']:
spp = sp.add_parser(cmd, help = 'List test cases')
for cmd in ['update']:
spp = sp.add_parser(cmd, help = 'Update test cases with new compiler')
spp.add_argument('-t', '--test',
dest = 'test',
help = 'Update the selected test only',
required = False)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.cmd == None:
def read_stdfile(path):
with open(path, "rb") as f:
data = f.read().decode("utf-8").strip("\n")
return data
# Check if descriptor has mandatory fields
def is_valid_desc(desc):
if desc == None:
return False
if 'description' not in desc:
return False
if desc['description'] == "":
return False
return True
# Expand ref/id in descriptors array
def expand_templates(desc_array):
desc_ids = { }
for d in desc_array:
if 'id' in d:
desc_ids[d['id']] = d
for i, d in enumerate(desc_array):
if 'ref' in d and d['ref'] in desc_ids:
ref = desc_ids[d['ref']]
own = d.copy()
desc_array[i] = ref.copy()
for k, v in own.items():
desc_array[i][k] = v
del desc_array[i]['id']
return desc_array
def prepare_desc(desc, basedir, name, path):
if not is_valid_desc(desc):
return False
# Put private fields
desc['_base-dir'] = basedir
desc['_json-file'] = name
desc['_json-path'] = path
desc['_test-name'] = basedir + os.sep + name[:-5]
# If no target provided never update
if 'target' not in desc:
desc['target'] = []
desc['update'] = 'false'
# Which code to expect when nasm finishes
desc['_wait'] = 0
if 'error' in desc:
if desc['error'] == 'expected':
desc['_wait'] = 1
# Walk over targets and generate match templates
# if were not provided yet
for d in desc['target']:
if 'output' in d and not 'match' in d:
d['match'] = d['output'] + ".t"
return True
def read_json(path):
desc = None
with open(path, "rb") as f:
desc = json.loads(f.read().decode("utf-8").strip("\n"))
desc = None
return desc
def read_desc(basedir, name):
path = basedir + os.sep + name
desc = read_json(path)
desc_array = []
if type(desc) == dict:
if prepare_desc(desc, basedir, name, path) == True:
desc_array += [desc]
elif type(desc) == list:
for de in desc:
if prepare_desc(de, basedir, name, path) == True:
desc_array += [de]
return desc_array
def collect_test_desc_from_file(path):
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(path, '*.json'):
path += '.json'
basedir = os.path.dirname(path)
filename = os.path.basename(path)
return read_desc(basedir, filename)
def collect_test_desc_from_dir(basedir):
desc_array = []
if os.path.isdir(basedir):
for filename in os.listdir(basedir):
if os.path.isdir(basedir + os.sep + filename):
desc_array += collect_test_desc_from_dir(basedir + os.sep + filename)
elif fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.json'):
desc = read_desc(basedir, filename)
if desc == None:
desc_array += desc
desc_array.sort(key=lambda x: x['_test-name'])
return desc_array
if args.cmd == 'list':
fmt_entry = '%-32s %s'
desc_array = collect_test_desc_from_dir(args.dir)
print(fmt_entry % ('Name', 'Description'))
for desc in desc_array:
print(fmt_entry % (desc['_test-name'], desc['description']))
def test_abort(test, message):
print("\t%s: %s" % (test, message))
print("=== Test %s ABORT ===" % (test))
return False
def test_fail(test, message):
print("\t%s: %s" % (test, message))
print("=== Test %s FAIL ===" % (test))
return False
def test_skip(test, message):
print("\t%s: %s" % (test, message))
print("=== Test %s SKIP ===" % (test))
return True
def test_over(test):
print("=== Test %s ERROR OVER ===" % (test))
return True
def test_pass(test):
print("=== Test %s PASS ===" % (test))
return True
def test_updated(test):
print("=== Test %s UPDATED ===" % (test))
return True
def run_hexdump(path):
p = subprocess.Popen([args.hexdump, "-C", path],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
close_fds = True)
if p.wait() == 0:
return p
return None
def show_std(stdname, data):
print("\t--- %s" % (stdname))
for i in data.split("\n"):
print("\t%s" % i)
def cmp_std(from_name, from_data, match_name, match_data):
if from_data != match_data:
print("\t--- %s" % (from_name))
for i in from_data.split("\n"):
print("\t%s" % i)
print("\t--- %s" % (match_name))
for i in match_data.split("\n"):
print("\t%s" % i)
diff = difflib.unified_diff(from_data.split("\n"), match_data.split("\n"),
fromfile = from_name, tofile = match_name)
for i in diff:
print("\t%s" % i.strip("\n"))
return False
return True
def show_diff(test, patha, pathb):
pa = run_hexdump(patha)
pb = run_hexdump(pathb)
if pa == None or pb == None:
return test_fail(test, "Can't create dumps")
sa = pa.stdout.read().decode("utf-8").strip("\n")
sb = pb.stdout.read().decode("utf-8").strip("\n")
print("\t--- hexdump %s" % (patha))
for i in sa.split("\n"):
print("\t%s" % i)
print("\t--- hexdump %s" % (pathb))
for i in sb.split("\n"):
print("\t%s" % i)
diff = difflib.unified_diff(sa.split("\n"), sb.split("\n"),
fromfile = patha, tofile = pathb)
for i in diff:
print("\t%s" % i.strip("\n"))
return True
def prepare_run_opts(desc):
opts = []
if 'format' in desc:
opts += ['-f', desc['format']]
if 'option' in desc:
opts += desc['option'].split(" ")
for t in desc['target']:
if 'output' in t:
if 'option' in t:
opts += t['option'].split(" ") + [desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['output']]
opts += ['-o', desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['output']]
if 'stdout' in t or 'stderr' in t:
if 'option' in t:
opts += t['option'].split(" ")
if 'source' in desc:
opts += [desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + desc['source']]
return opts
def exec_nasm(desc):
print("\tProcessing %s" % (desc['_test-name']))
opts = [args.nasm] + prepare_run_opts(desc)
nasm_env = os.environ.copy()
nasm_env['NASM_TEST_RUN'] = 'y'
desc_env = desc.get('environ')
if desc_env:
for i in desc_env:
v = i.split('=')
if len(v) == 2:
nasm_env[v[0]] = v[1]
nasm_env[v[0]] = None
print("\tExecuting %s" % (" ".join(opts)))
pnasm = subprocess.Popen(opts,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
close_fds = True,
env = nasm_env)
if pnasm == None:
test_fail(desc['_test-name'], "Unable to execute test")
return None
stderr = pnasm.stderr.read(4194304).decode("utf-8").strip("\n")
stdout = pnasm.stdout.read(4194304).decode("utf-8").strip("\n")
wait_rc = pnasm.wait();
if desc['_wait'] != wait_rc:
if stdout != "":
show_std("stdout", stdout)
if stderr != "":
show_std("stderr", stderr)
"Unexpected ret code: " + str(wait_rc))
return None, None, None
return pnasm, stdout, stderr
def test_run(desc):
print("=== Running %s ===" % (desc['_test-name']))
pnasm, stdout, stderr = exec_nasm(desc)
if pnasm == None:
return False
for t in desc['target']:
if 'output' in t:
output = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['output']
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['match']
if desc['_wait'] == 1:
print("\tComparing %s %s" % (output, match))
if filecmp.cmp(match, output) == False:
show_diff(desc['_test-name'], match, output)
return test_fail(desc['_test-name'], match + " and " + output + " files are different")
elif 'stdout' in t:
print("\tComparing stdout")
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['stdout']
match_data = read_stdfile(match)
if match_data == None:
return test_fail(test, "Can't read " + match)
if cmp_std(match, match_data, 'stdout', stdout) == False:
return test_fail(desc['_test-name'], "Stdout mismatch")
stdout = ""
elif 'stderr' in t:
print("\tComparing stderr")
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['stderr']
match_data = read_stdfile(match)
if match_data == None:
return test_fail(test, "Can't read " + match)
if cmp_std(match, match_data, 'stderr', stderr) == False:
return test_fail(desc['_test-name'], "Stderr mismatch")
stderr = ""
if stdout != "":
show_std("stdout", stdout)
return test_fail(desc['_test-name'], "Stdout is not empty")
if stderr != "":
show_std("stderr", stderr)
return test_fail(desc['_test-name'], "Stderr is not empty")
return test_pass(desc['_test-name'])
# Compile sources and generate new targets
def test_update(desc):
print("=== Updating %s ===" % (desc['_test-name']))
if 'update' in desc and desc['update'] == 'false':
return test_skip(desc['_test-name'], "No output provided")
pnasm, stdout, stderr = exec_nasm(desc)
if pnasm == None:
return False
for t in desc['target']:
if 'output' in t:
output = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['output']
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['match']
print("\tMoving %s to %s" % (output, match))
os.rename(output, match)
if 'stdout' in t:
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['stdout']
print("\tMoving %s to %s" % ('stdout', match))
with open(match, "wb") as f:
if 'stderr' in t:
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['stderr']
print("\tMoving %s to %s" % ('stderr', match))
with open(match, "wb") as f:
return test_updated(desc['_test-name'])
if args.cmd == 'run':
desc_array = []
if args.test == None:
desc_array = collect_test_desc_from_dir(args.dir)
desc_array = collect_test_desc_from_file(args.test)
if len(desc_array) == 0:
test_abort(args.test, "Can't obtain test descriptors")
for desc in desc_array:
if test_run(desc) == False:
if 'error' in desc and desc['error'] == 'over':
test_abort(desc['_test-name'], "Error detected")
if args.cmd == 'update':
desc_array = []
if args.test == None:
desc_array = collect_test_desc_from_dir(args.dir)
desc_array = collect_test_desc_from_file(args.test)
if len(desc_array) == 0:
test_abort(args.test, "Can't obtain a test descriptors")
for desc in desc_array:
if test_update(desc) == False:
if 'error' in desc and desc['error'] == 'over':
test_abort(desc['_test-name'], "Error detected")