Cyrill Gorcunov 33b5d21fbd test: nasm-t -- Make read buffer up to 4M
Need to implement read on demand but later.

Signed-off-by: Cyrill Gorcunov <>
2018-12-15 22:56:18 +03:00

429 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

import subprocess
import argparse
import difflib
import filecmp
import fnmatch
import json
import sys
import re
import os
fmtr_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = '',
parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory',
dest = 'dir', default = './travis/test',
help = 'Directory with tests')
dest = 'nasm', default = './nasm',
help = 'Nasm executable to use')
dest = 'hexdump', default = '/usr/bin/hexdump',
help = 'Hexdump executable to use')
sp = parser.add_subparsers(dest = 'cmd')
for cmd in ['run']:
spp = sp.add_parser(cmd, help = 'Run test cases')
spp.add_argument('-t', '--test',
dest = 'test',
help = 'Run the selected test only',
required = False)
for cmd in ['list']:
spp = sp.add_parser(cmd, help = 'List test cases')
for cmd in ['update']:
spp = sp.add_parser(cmd, help = 'Update test cases with new compiler')
spp.add_argument('-t', '--test',
dest = 'test',
help = 'Update the selected test only',
required = False)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.cmd == None:
def read_stdfile(path):
with open(path, "rb") as f:
data ="utf-8").strip("\n")
return data
# Check if descriptor has mandatory fields
def is_valid_desc(desc):
if desc == None:
return False
if 'description' not in desc:
return False
if desc['description'] == "":
return False
return True
# Expand ref/id in descriptors array
def expand_templates(desc_array):
desc_ids = { }
for d in desc_array:
if 'id' in d:
desc_ids[d['id']] = d
for i, d in enumerate(desc_array):
if 'ref' in d and d['ref'] in desc_ids:
ref = desc_ids[d['ref']]
own = d.copy()
desc_array[i] = ref.copy()
for k, v in own.items():
desc_array[i][k] = v
del desc_array[i]['id']
return desc_array
def prepare_desc(desc, basedir, name, path):
if not is_valid_desc(desc):
return False
# Put private fields
desc['_base-dir'] = basedir
desc['_json-file'] = name
desc['_json-path'] = path
desc['_test-name'] = basedir + os.sep + name[:-5]
# If no target provided never update
if 'target' not in desc:
desc['target'] = []
desc['update'] = 'false'
# Which code to expect when nasm finishes
desc['_wait'] = 0
if 'error' in desc:
if desc['error'] == 'expected':
desc['_wait'] = 1
# Walk over targets and generate match templates
# if were not provided yet
for d in desc['target']:
if 'output' in d and not 'match' in d:
d['match'] = d['output'] + ".t"
return True
def read_json(path):
desc = None
with open(path, "rb") as f:
desc = json.loads("utf-8").strip("\n"))
desc = None
return desc
def read_desc(basedir, name):
path = basedir + os.sep + name
desc = read_json(path)
desc_array = []
if type(desc) == dict:
if prepare_desc(desc, basedir, name, path) == True:
desc_array += [desc]
elif type(desc) == list:
for de in desc:
if prepare_desc(de, basedir, name, path) == True:
desc_array += [de]
return desc_array
def collect_test_desc_from_file(path):
if not fnmatch.fnmatch(path, '*.json'):
path += '.json'
basedir = os.path.dirname(path)
filename = os.path.basename(path)
return read_desc(basedir, filename)
def collect_test_desc_from_dir(basedir):
desc_array = []
if os.path.isdir(basedir):
for filename in os.listdir(basedir):
if os.path.isdir(basedir + os.sep + filename):
desc_array += collect_test_desc_from_dir(basedir + os.sep + filename)
elif fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.json'):
desc = read_desc(basedir, filename)
if desc == None:
desc_array += desc
desc_array.sort(key=lambda x: x['_test-name'])
return desc_array
if args.cmd == 'list':
fmt_entry = '%-32s %s'
desc_array = collect_test_desc_from_dir(args.dir)
print(fmt_entry % ('Name', 'Description'))
for desc in desc_array:
print(fmt_entry % (desc['_test-name'], desc['description']))
def test_abort(test, message):
print("\t%s: %s" % (test, message))
print("=== Test %s ABORT ===" % (test))
return False
def test_fail(test, message):
print("\t%s: %s" % (test, message))
print("=== Test %s FAIL ===" % (test))
return False
def test_skip(test, message):
print("\t%s: %s" % (test, message))
print("=== Test %s SKIP ===" % (test))
return True
def test_over(test):
print("=== Test %s ERROR OVER ===" % (test))
return True
def test_pass(test):
print("=== Test %s PASS ===" % (test))
return True
def test_updated(test):
print("=== Test %s UPDATED ===" % (test))
return True
def run_hexdump(path):
p = subprocess.Popen([args.hexdump, "-C", path],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
close_fds = True)
if p.wait() == 0:
return p
return None
def show_std(stdname, data):
print("\t--- %s" % (stdname))
for i in data.split("\n"):
print("\t%s" % i)
def cmp_std(from_name, from_data, match_name, match_data):
if from_data != match_data:
print("\t--- %s" % (from_name))
for i in from_data.split("\n"):
print("\t%s" % i)
print("\t--- %s" % (match_name))
for i in match_data.split("\n"):
print("\t%s" % i)
diff = difflib.unified_diff(from_data.split("\n"), match_data.split("\n"),
fromfile = from_name, tofile = match_name)
for i in diff:
print("\t%s" % i.strip("\n"))
return False
return True
def show_diff(test, patha, pathb):
pa = run_hexdump(patha)
pb = run_hexdump(pathb)
if pa == None or pb == None:
return test_fail(test, "Can't create dumps")
sa ="utf-8").strip("\n")
sb ="utf-8").strip("\n")
print("\t--- hexdump %s" % (patha))
for i in sa.split("\n"):
print("\t%s" % i)
print("\t--- hexdump %s" % (pathb))
for i in sb.split("\n"):
print("\t%s" % i)
diff = difflib.unified_diff(sa.split("\n"), sb.split("\n"),
fromfile = patha, tofile = pathb)
for i in diff:
print("\t%s" % i.strip("\n"))
return True
def prepare_run_opts(desc):
opts = []
if 'format' in desc:
opts += ['-f', desc['format']]
if 'option' in desc:
opts += desc['option'].split(" ")
for t in desc['target']:
if 'output' in t:
if 'option' in t:
opts += t['option'].split(" ") + [desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['output']]
opts += ['-o', desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['output']]
if 'stdout' in t or 'stderr' in t:
if 'option' in t:
opts += t['option'].split(" ")
if 'source' in desc:
opts += [desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + desc['source']]
return opts
def exec_nasm(desc):
print("\tProcessing %s" % (desc['_test-name']))
opts = [args.nasm] + prepare_run_opts(desc)
nasm_env = os.environ.copy()
nasm_env['NASM_TEST_RUN'] = 'y'
desc_env = desc.get('environ')
if desc_env:
for i in desc_env:
v = i.split('=')
if len(v) == 2:
nasm_env[v[0]] = v[1]
nasm_env[v[0]] = None
print("\tExecuting %s" % (" ".join(opts)))
pnasm = subprocess.Popen(opts,
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE,
close_fds = True,
env = nasm_env)
if pnasm == None:
test_fail(desc['_test-name'], "Unable to execute test")
return None
stderr ="utf-8").strip("\n")
stdout ="utf-8").strip("\n")
wait_rc = pnasm.wait();
if desc['_wait'] != wait_rc:
if stdout != "":
show_std("stdout", stdout)
if stderr != "":
show_std("stderr", stderr)
"Unexpected ret code: " + str(wait_rc))
return None, None, None
return pnasm, stdout, stderr
def test_run(desc):
print("=== Running %s ===" % (desc['_test-name']))
pnasm, stdout, stderr = exec_nasm(desc)
if pnasm == None:
return False
for t in desc['target']:
if 'output' in t:
output = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['output']
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['match']
if desc['_wait'] == 1:
print("\tComparing %s %s" % (output, match))
if filecmp.cmp(match, output) == False:
show_diff(desc['_test-name'], match, output)
return test_fail(desc['_test-name'], match + " and " + output + " files are different")
elif 'stdout' in t:
print("\tComparing stdout")
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['stdout']
match_data = read_stdfile(match)
if match_data == None:
return test_fail(test, "Can't read " + match)
if cmp_std(match, match_data, 'stdout', stdout) == False:
return test_fail(desc['_test-name'], "Stdout mismatch")
stdout = ""
elif 'stderr' in t:
print("\tComparing stderr")
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['stderr']
match_data = read_stdfile(match)
if match_data == None:
return test_fail(test, "Can't read " + match)
if cmp_std(match, match_data, 'stderr', stderr) == False:
return test_fail(desc['_test-name'], "Stderr mismatch")
stderr = ""
if stdout != "":
show_std("stdout", stdout)
return test_fail(desc['_test-name'], "Stdout is not empty")
if stderr != "":
show_std("stderr", stderr)
return test_fail(desc['_test-name'], "Stderr is not empty")
return test_pass(desc['_test-name'])
# Compile sources and generate new targets
def test_update(desc):
print("=== Updating %s ===" % (desc['_test-name']))
if 'update' in desc and desc['update'] == 'false':
return test_skip(desc['_test-name'], "No output provided")
pnasm, stdout, stderr = exec_nasm(desc)
if pnasm == None:
return False
for t in desc['target']:
if 'output' in t:
output = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['output']
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['match']
print("\tMoving %s to %s" % (output, match))
os.rename(output, match)
if 'stdout' in t:
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['stdout']
print("\tMoving %s to %s" % ('stdout', match))
with open(match, "wb") as f:
if 'stderr' in t:
match = desc['_base-dir'] + os.sep + t['stderr']
print("\tMoving %s to %s" % ('stderr', match))
with open(match, "wb") as f:
return test_updated(desc['_test-name'])
if args.cmd == 'run':
desc_array = []
if args.test == None:
desc_array = collect_test_desc_from_dir(args.dir)
desc_array = collect_test_desc_from_file(args.test)
if len(desc_array) == 0:
test_abort(args.test, "Can't obtain test descriptors")
for desc in desc_array:
if test_run(desc) == False:
if 'error' in desc and desc['error'] == 'over':
test_abort(desc['_test-name'], "Error detected")
if args.cmd == 'update':
desc_array = []
if args.test == None:
desc_array = collect_test_desc_from_dir(args.dir)
desc_array = collect_test_desc_from_file(args.test)
if len(desc_array) == 0:
test_abort(args.test, "Can't obtain a test descriptors")
for desc in desc_array:
if test_update(desc) == False:
if 'error' in desc and desc['error'] == 'over':
test_abort(desc['_test-name'], "Error detected")