.TH RDFDUMP 1 "September 6, 1999" "Debian Project" "Debian Manual" .SH NAME rdfdump \- dumps an RDOFF object in human-readable form .SH SYNOPSIS .B rdfdump [-v] .RI < filename > .SH DESCRIPTION .B rdfdump prints a list of the header records in an RDOFF object in human-readable form, and optionally prints a hex dump of the contents of the segments. .PP .B rdfdump supports both version 1 and 2 of RDOFF. It will give warnings if the RDOFF2 format is violated (it looks for incorrect lengths for header records, and checks the overall length count at the start of the file). .SH OPTIONS .TP -v Print a hex dump of the contents of the segments. .SH AUTHORS Julian Hall <jules@earthcorp.com>. .PP This manual page was written by Matej Vela <vela@debian.org>.