;Testname=aout; Arguments=-faout -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o ;Testname=aoutb; Arguments=-faoutb -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o ;Testname=as86; Arguments=-fas86 -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o ;Testname=elf32; Arguments=-felf32 -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=stdout stderr lnxhello.o ; ; Assembly "Hello, World!" for Linux ; ; Properly defined in <sys/syscall.h> %define SYS_exit 1 %define SYS_write 4 section .text global _start _start: ; gdb doesn't like to stop at the entry point address, so ; we put a nop here for pure convenience nop write_hello: mov edx, hello_len mov ecx, hello .loop: mov eax, SYS_write mov ebx, 1 ; stdout int 80h cmp eax, -4096 ja error add ecx, eax sub edx, eax jnz .loop ok: mov eax, SYS_exit xor ebx, ebx int 80h hlt error: mov eax, SYS_exit mov ebx, 1 ; Error int 80h hlt section .rodata hello: db "Hello, World!", 10 hello_len equ $-hello