#!/usr/bin/perl ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved ## See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for ## the specific copyright holders. ## ## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following ## conditions are met: ## ## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ## copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ## disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ## with the distribution. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND ## CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, ## INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ## MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ## DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR ## CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ## SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ## NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ## LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ## HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN ## CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR ## OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ## EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ## ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # macros.pl produce macros.c from standard.mac # require 'phash.ph'; require 'asm/pptok.ph'; use bytes; my $fname; my $line = 0; my $index = 0; my $tasm_count = 0; my @pname; # Default names for various bytes for (my $o = 0; $o < 256; $o++) { my $c = chr($o); if ($o < 32 || $o > 126) { $pname[$o] = sprintf("%d", $o); } elsif ($c =~ /^[\'\"\\]$/) { $pname[$o] = "\'\\".$c."\'"; } else { $pname[$o] = "\'".$c."\'"; } } # # Print out a string as a character array # sub charcify(@) { my $l = ''; my ($c, $o); my $space = 1; my $quote = 0; foreach $o (unpack("C*", join('',@_))) { $c = pack("C", $o); if ($quote) { if ($o == $quote) { $quote = 0; } } elsif ($c =~ /^[\'\"\`]$/) { $quote = $o; } else { if ($c eq ' ') { next if ($space); $o = 32; $c = ' '; $space = 1; } elsif ($o < 32 || $o > 126) { $space = 1; # Implicit space after compacted directive } else { $space = 0; } } $l .= $pname[$o]; $l .= ','; } return $l; } # # Generate macros.c # open(OUT, '>', 'macros/macros.c') or die "unable to open macros.c\n"; print OUT "/*\n"; print OUT " * Do not edit - this file auto-generated by macros.pl from:\n"; print OUT " * ", join("\n * ", @ARGV), "\n"; print OUT " */\n"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT "#include \"tables.h\"\n"; print OUT "#include \"nasmlib.h\"\n"; print OUT "#include \"hashtbl.h\"\n"; print OUT "#include \"outform.h\"\n"; print OUT "\n"; my $name = undef; my $npkg = 0; my @pkg_list = (); my %pkg_number = (); my $pkg; my @out_list = (); my @std_list = (); my $outfmt; my $lastname; my $z; my @pptok_list = sort { $pptok_hash{$a} <=> $pptok_hash{$b} } keys %pptok_hash; my %pnum; foreach my $pt (@pptok_list) { my $n = $pptok_hash{$pt}; if ($pt !~ /[A-Z]/ && $n < 256-96) { $n = ($n+128) & 255; (my $et = $pt) =~ s/^\%/p_/; printf OUT "#define %-24s %3d\n", $et, $n; $pnum{$pt} = $n; $pname[$n] = $et; } } printf OUT "#define %-24s %3d\n\n", 'EOL', 127; foreach $args ( @ARGV ) { my @file_list = glob ( $args ); foreach $fname ( @file_list ) { open(INPUT,'<', $fname) or die "$0: $fname: $!\n"; while () { $line++; chomp; while (/^(.*)\\$/) { $_ = $1; $_ .= ; chomp; $line++; } s/^\s*(([^\'\"\;]|\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\')*?)\s*(\;.*)?$/$1/; s/\s+/ /g; next if ($_ eq ''); if (m/^OUT:\s*(\S.*)$/) { undef $pkg; my @out_alias = split(/\s+/, $1); if (defined($name)) { printf OUT " /* %4d */ EOL\n", $index++; print OUT "};\n#endif\n"; undef $name; } $index = 0; print OUT "\n"; my $pfx = '#if'; foreach my $al (@out_alias) { print OUT $pfx, " defined(OF_\U${al}\E)"; $pfx = ' ||'; } $name = $out_alias[0] . '_stdmac'; print OUT "\nconst unsigned char ${name}[] = {\n"; print OUT " /* From $fname */\n"; $lastname = $fname; } elsif (m/^STD:\s*(\S+)$/) { undef $pkg; my $std = $1; if (defined($name)) { printf OUT " /* %4d */ EOL\n", $index++; print OUT "};\n#endif\n"; undef $name; } $index = 0; print OUT "\n#if 1"; $name = 'nasm_stdmac_' . $std; print OUT "\nconst unsigned char ${name}[] = {\n"; print OUT " /* From $fname */\n"; $lastname = $fname; } elsif (m/^USE:\s*(\S+)$/) { $pkg = $1; if (defined($pkg_number{$pkg})) { die "$0: $fname: duplicate package: $pkg\n"; } if (defined($name)) { printf OUT " /* %4d */ EOL\n", $index++; print OUT "};\n#endif\n"; undef $name; } $index = 0; print OUT "\n#if 1"; $name = 'nasm_usemac_' . $pkg; print OUT "\nstatic const unsigned char ${name}[] = {\n"; print OUT " /* From $fname */\n"; $lastname = $fname; push(@pkg_list, $pkg); $pkg_number{$pkg} = $npkg++; $z = pack("C", $pnum{'%define'})."__USE_\U$pkg\E__"; printf OUT " /* %4d */ %sEOL,\n", $index, charcify($z); $index += length($z)+1; } else { my($s1, $s2, $pd, $ws); if (!defined($name)) { die "$0: $fname: macro declarations outside a known block\n"; } $s1 = $_; $s2 = ''; while ($s1 =~ /(\%[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)((\s+)(.*)|)$/) { $s2 .= "$'"; $pd = $1; $ws = $3; $s1 = $4; if (defined($pnum{$pd})) { $s2 .= pack("C", $pnum{$pd}); } else { $s2 .= $pd.$ws; } } $s2 .= $s1; if (length($s2) > 0) { if ($lastname ne $fname) { print OUT "\n /* From $fname */\n"; $lastname = $fname; } printf OUT " /* %4d */ %sEOL,\n", $index, charcify($s2); $index += length($s2)+1; } } } close(INPUT); } } if (defined($name)) { printf OUT " /* %4d */ EOL\n", $index++; print OUT "};\n#endif\n"; undef $name; } my @hashinfo = gen_perfect_hash(\%pkg_number); if (!@hashinfo) { die "$0: no hash found\n"; } # Paranoia... verify_hash_table(\%pkg_number, \@hashinfo); my ($n, $sv, $g) = @hashinfo; die if ($n & ($n-1)); printf OUT "const int use_package_count = %d;\n\n", $npkg; print OUT "const struct use_package *nasm_find_use_package(const char *name)\n"; print OUT "{\n"; print OUT " static const struct use_package packages[$npkg] = {\n"; my $ix = 0; foreach $pkg (@pkg_list) { printf OUT " { \"%s\", nasm_usemac_%s, %d },\n", $pkg, $pkg, $ix++; } print OUT " };\n"; # Put a large value in unused slots. This makes it extremely unlikely # that any combination that involves unused slot will pass the range test. # This speeds up rejection of unrecognized tokens, i.e. identifiers. print OUT "#define UNUSED (65535/3)\n"; print OUT " static const int16_t hash1[$n] = {\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { my $h = ${$g}[$i*2+0]; print OUT " ", defined($h) ? $h : 'UNUSED', ",\n"; } print OUT " };\n"; print OUT " static const int16_t hash2[$n] = {\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { my $h = ${$g}[$i*2+1]; print OUT " ", defined($h) ? $h : 'UNUSED', ",\n"; } print OUT " };\n"; print OUT " uint32_t k1, k2;\n"; print OUT " uint64_t crc;\n"; # For correct overflow behavior, "ix" should be unsigned of the same # width as the hash arrays. print OUT " uint16_t ix;\n"; print OUT "\n"; printf OUT " crc = crc64i(UINT64_C(0x%08x%08x), name);\n", $$sv[0], $$sv[1]; print OUT " k1 = (uint32_t)crc;\n"; print OUT " k2 = (uint32_t)(crc >> 32);\n"; print OUT "\n"; printf OUT " ix = hash1[k1 & 0x%x] + hash2[k2 & 0x%x];\n", $n-1, $n-1; printf OUT " if (ix >= %d)\n", scalar(@pkg_list); print OUT " return NULL;\n"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT " if (nasm_stricmp(packages[ix].package, name))\n"; print OUT " return NULL;\n"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT " return &packages[ix];\n"; print OUT "}\n"; close(OUT);