; Standard macro set for NASM -*- nasm -*- ; Macros to make NASM ignore some TASM directives before the first include ; directive. %idefine IDEAL %idefine JUMPS %idefine P386 %idefine P486 %idefine P586 %idefine END ; This is a magic token which indicates the end of the TASM macros *END*TASM*MACROS* ; Note that although some user-level forms of directives are defined ; here, not all of them are: the user-level form of a format-specific ; directive should be defined in the module for that directive. ; These three need to be defined, though the actual definitions will ; be constantly updated during preprocessing. %define __FILE__ %define __LINE__ %define __BITS__ %define __SECT__ ; it ought to be defined, even if as nothing %imacro section 1+.nolist %define __SECT__ [section %1] __SECT__ %endmacro %imacro segment 1+.nolist %define __SECT__ [segment %1] __SECT__ %endmacro %imacro absolute 1+.nolist %define __SECT__ [absolute %1] __SECT__ %endmacro %imacro struc 1.nolist %push %define %$strucname %1 [absolute 0] %$strucname: ; allow definition of `.member' to work sanely %endmacro %imacro endstruc 0.nolist %{$strucname}_size: %pop __SECT__ %endmacro %imacro istruc 1.nolist %push %define %$strucname %1 %$strucstart: %endmacro %imacro at 1-2+.nolist times %1-($-%$strucstart) db 0 %2 %endmacro %imacro iend 0.nolist times %{$strucname}_size-($-%$strucstart) db 0 %pop %endmacro %imacro align 1-2+.nolist nop times ((%1) - (($-$$) % (%1))) %2 %endmacro %imacro alignb 1-2+.nolist %ifempty %2 resb ((%1) - (($-$$) % (%1))) %else times ((%1) - (($-$$) % (%1))) %2 %endif %endmacro %imacro extern 1-*.nolist %rep %0 [extern %1] %rotate 1 %endrep %endmacro %imacro bits 1+.nolist [bits %1] %endmacro %imacro use16 0.nolist [bits 16] %endmacro %imacro use32 0.nolist [bits 32] %endmacro %imacro use64 0.nolist [bits 64] %endmacro %imacro global 1-*.nolist %rep %0 [global %1] %rotate 1 %endrep %endmacro %imacro common 1-*.nolist %rep %0 [common %1] %rotate 1 %endrep %endmacro %imacro cpu 1+.nolist [cpu %1] %endmacro %define __FLOAT_DAZ__ nodaz %define __FLOAT_ROUND__ near ; __FLOAT__ contains the whole floating-point configuration so it can ; be saved and restored %define __FLOAT__ __FLOAT_DAZ__,__FLOAT_ROUND__ %imacro float 1-*.nolist %rep %0 [float %1] %ifidni %1,daz %define __FLOAT_DAZ__ daz %elifidni %1,nodaz %define __FLOAT_DAZ__ nodaz %elifidni %1,near %define __FLOAT_ROUND__ near %elifidni %1,up %define __FLOAT_ROUND__ up %elifidni %1,down %define __FLOAT_ROUND__ down %elifidni %1,zero %define __FLOAT_ROUND__ zero %elifidni %1,default %define __FLOAT_DAZ__ nodaz %define __FLOAT_ROUND__ near %endif %rotate 1 %endrep %endmacro %imacro default 1+.nolist [default %1] %endmacro %imacro incbin 1-2+.nolist 0 %push %pathsearch %$dep %1 %depend %$dep %? %$dep,%2 %pop %endmacro