/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved * See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for * the specific copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * Error reporting functions for the assembler */ #ifndef NASM_ERROR_H #define NASM_ERROR_H 1 #include "compiler.h" /* * An error reporting function should look like this. */ void printf_func(2, 3) nasm_error(int severity, const char *fmt, ...); void printf_func(1, 2) nasm_debug(const char *fmt, ...); void printf_func(2, 3) nasm_debugf(int flags, const char *fmt, ...); void printf_func(1, 2) nasm_note(const char *fmt, ...); void printf_func(2, 3) nasm_notef(int flags, const char *fmt, ...); void printf_func(1, 2) nasm_warn(const char *fmt, ...); void printf_func(2, 3) nasm_warnf(int flags, const char *fmt, ...); void printf_func(1, 2) nasm_nonfatal(const char *fmt, ...); void printf_func(2, 3) nasm_nonfatalf(int flags, const char *fmt, ...); fatal_func printf_func(1, 2) nasm_fatal(const char *fmt, ...); fatal_func printf_func(2, 3) nasm_fatalf(int flags, const char *fmt, ...); fatal_func printf_func(1, 2) nasm_panic(const char *fmt, ...); fatal_func printf_func(2, 3) nasm_panicf(int flags, const char *fmt, ...); fatal_func nasm_panic_from_macro(const char *file, int line); #define panic() nasm_panic_from_macro(__FILE__, __LINE__); typedef void (*vefunc) (int severity, const char *fmt, va_list ap); extern vefunc nasm_verror; static inline vefunc nasm_set_verror(vefunc ve) { vefunc old_verror = nasm_verror; nasm_verror = ve; return old_verror; } /* * These are the error severity codes which get passed as the first * argument to an efunc. */ #define ERR_DEBUG 0x00000000 /* put out debugging message */ #define ERR_NOTE 0x00000001 /* additional error information */ #define ERR_WARNING 0x00000002 /* warn only: no further action */ #define ERR_NONFATAL 0x00000003 /* terminate assembly after phase */ #define ERR_FATAL 0x00000006 /* instantly fatal: exit with error */ #define ERR_PANIC 0x00000007 /* internal error: panic instantly * and dump core for reference */ #define ERR_MASK 0x00000007 /* mask off the above codes */ #define ERR_NOFILE 0x00000010 /* don't give source file name/line */ #define ERR_TOPFILE 0x00000020 /* give the top input file name only */ #define ERR_USAGE 0x00000040 /* print a usage message */ #define ERR_PASS1 0x00000080 /* only print this error on pass one */ #define ERR_PASS2 0x00000100 /* only print this error on pass one */ #define ERR_NO_SEVERITY 0x00000200 /* suppress printing severity */ #define ERR_PP_PRECOND 0x00000400 /* for preprocessor use */ #define ERR_PP_LISTMACRO 0x00000800 /* from preproc->error_list_macros() */ /* * These codes define specific types of suppressible warning. */ #define ERR_WARN_MASK 0xFFFFF000 /* the mask for this feature */ #define ERR_WARN_SHR 12 /* how far to shift right */ #define WARN(x) ((x) << ERR_WARN_SHR) #define WARN_IDX(x) (((x) & ERR_WARN_MASK) >> ERR_WARN_SHR) #define ERR_WARN_OTHER WARN( 0) /* any noncategorized warning */ #define ERR_WARN_MNP WARN( 1) /* macro-num-parameters warning */ #define ERR_WARN_MSR WARN( 2) /* macro self-reference */ #define ERR_WARN_MDP WARN( 3) /* macro default parameters check */ #define ERR_WARN_OL WARN( 4) /* orphan label (no colon, and * alone on line) */ #define ERR_WARN_NOV WARN( 5) /* numeric overflow */ #define ERR_WARN_GNUELF WARN( 6) /* using GNU ELF extensions */ #define ERR_WARN_FL_OVERFLOW WARN( 7) /* FP overflow */ #define ERR_WARN_FL_DENORM WARN( 8) /* FP denormal */ #define ERR_WARN_FL_UNDERFLOW WARN( 9) /* FP underflow */ #define ERR_WARN_FL_TOOLONG WARN(10) /* FP too many digits */ #define ERR_WARN_USER WARN(11) /* %warning directives */ #define ERR_WARN_LOCK WARN(12) /* bad LOCK prefixes */ #define ERR_WARN_HLE WARN(13) /* bad HLE prefixes */ #define ERR_WARN_BND WARN(14) /* bad BND prefixes */ #define ERR_WARN_ZEXTRELOC WARN(15) /* relocation zero-extended */ #define ERR_WARN_PTR WARN(16) /* not a NASM keyword */ #define ERR_WARN_BAD_PRAGMA WARN(17) /* malformed pragma */ #define ERR_WARN_UNKNOWN_PRAGMA WARN(18) /* unknown pragma */ #define ERR_WARN_NOTMY_PRAGMA WARN(19) /* pragma inapplicable */ #define ERR_WARN_UNK_WARNING WARN(20) /* unknown warning */ #define ERR_WARN_NEG_REP WARN(21) /* negative repeat count */ #define ERR_WARN_PHASE WARN(22) /* phase error in pass 1 */ /* The "all" warning acts as a global switch, it must come last */ #define ERR_WARN_ALL 23 /* Do not use WARN() here */ struct warning { const char *name; const char *help; bool enabled; }; extern const struct warning warnings[ERR_WARN_ALL+1]; /* This is a bitmask */ #define WARN_ST_ENABLED 1 /* Warning is currently enabled */ #define WARN_ST_ERROR 2 /* Treat this warning as an error */ extern uint8_t warning_state[ERR_WARN_ALL]; extern uint8_t warning_state_init[ERR_WARN_ALL]; /* Process a warning option or directive */ bool set_warning_status(const char *value); #endif /* NASM_ERROR_H */