#!/usr/bin/perl # # Font metrics for the PS code generator # # Font substitution lists, in order of preference my @TText = ('SourceSansPro-Bold', 'ClearSans-Bold', 'LiberationSans-Bold', 'Arial-Bold', 'Helvetica-Bold'); my @TItal = ('SourceSansPro-BoldIt', 'ClearSans-BoldItalic', 'LiberationSans-BoldItalic', 'Arial-BoldItalic', 'Helvetica-BoldItalic'); my @TCode = ('SourceCodePro-Bold', 'LiberationMono-Bold', 'Courier-Bold'); my @HText = ('SourceSansPro-Semibold', 'ClearSans-Bold', 'Arial-Bold', 'Helvetica-Bold'); my @HItal = ('SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt', 'ClearSans-BoldItalic', 'Arial-BoldItalic', 'Helvetica-BoldItalic'); my @HCode = ('SourceCodePro-Semibold', 'LiberationMono-Bold', 'Courier-Bold'); my @BText = ('SourceSansPro-Regular', 'ClearSans', 'LiberationSans', 'Arial', 'Helvetica'); my @BItal = ('SourceSansPro-It', 'ClearSans-Italic', 'LiberationSans-Italic', 'Arial-Italic', 'Helvetica-Italic'); my @BCode = ('SourceCodePro-Regular', 'LiberationMono', 'Courier'); my @QText = ('SourceSansPro-It', 'ClearSans-Italic', 'LiberationSans-Italic', 'Arial-Italic', 'Helvetica-Italic'); my @QBold = ('SourceSansPro-BoldIt', 'ClearSans-BoldItalic', 'LiberationSans-BoldItalic', 'Arial-Bold', 'Helvetica-BoldItalic'); my @QCode = ('SourceCodePro-Regular', 'LiberationMono', 'Courier'); # The fonts we want to use for various things # The order is: %TitlFont = (name => 'tfont', leading => 24, fonts => [[20, \@TText], [20, \@TItal], [20, \@TCode]]); %ChapFont = (name => 'cfont', leading => 21.6, fonts => [[18, \@HText], [18, \@HItal], [18, \@HCode]]); %HeadFont = (name => 'hfont', leading => 16.8, fonts => [[14, \@HText], [14, \@HItal], [14, \@HCode]]); %SubhFont = (name => 'sfont', leading => 14.4, fonts => [[12, \@HText], [12, \@HItal], [12, \@HCode]]); %BodyFont = (name => 'bfont', leading => 12, fonts => [[10, \@BText], [10, \@BItal], [10, \@BCode]]); %BquoFont = (name => 'qfont', leading => 10.8, fonts => [[9, \@QText], [9, \@QBold], [9, \@QCode]]); # # List of all fontsets; used to compute the list of fonts needed # @AllFonts = ( \%TitlFont, \%ChapFont, \%HeadFont, \%SubhFont, \%BodyFont, \%BquoFont); # OK 1;