/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * Copyright 1996-2014 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved * See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for * the specific copyright holders. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * rdfdump.c - dump RDOFF file header. */ #include "compiler.h" #include #include #include #define RDOFF_UTILS #include "rdoff.h" #define PROGRAM_VERSION "2.3" FILE *infile; static void print_header(int32_t length, int rdf_version) { char buf[129], t, l, s, flags; uint8_t reclen; int32_t o, ll; uint16_t rs; while (length > 0) { fread(&t, 1, 1, infile); if (rdf_version >= 2) { fread(&reclen, 1, 1, infile); } switch (t) { case RDFREC_GENERIC: /* generic record */ printf(" generic record (length=%d)\n", (int)reclen); fseek(infile, reclen, SEEK_CUR); break; case RDFREC_RELOC: /* relocation record */ case RDFREC_SEGRELOC: /* segment relocation */ fread(&s, 1, 1, infile); fread(&o, 4, 1, infile); fread(&l, 1, 1, infile); fread(&rs, 2, 1, infile); printf(" %s: location (%04x:%08"PRIx32"), length %d, " "referred seg %04x\n", t == 1 ? "relocation" : "seg relocation", (int)s, translateint32_t(o), (int)l, translateint16_t(rs)); if (rdf_version >= 2 && reclen != 8) printf(" warning: reclen != 8\n"); if (rdf_version == 1) length -= 9; if (rdf_version == 1 && t == 6) printf (" warning: seg relocation not supported in RDOFF1\n"); break; case RDFREC_IMPORT: /* import record */ case RDFREC_FARIMPORT: /* import far symbol */ fread(&flags, 1, 1, infile); fread(&rs, 2, 1, infile); ll = 0; if (rdf_version == 1) { do { fread(&buf[ll], 1, 1, infile); } while (buf[ll++]); } else { for (; ll < reclen - 3; ll++) fread(&buf[ll], 1, 1, infile); } if (t == 7) printf("far "); printf((flags & SYM_IMPORT) ? " import" : " extern"); if (flags & SYM_FUNCTION) printf(" proc"); if (flags & SYM_DATA) printf(" data"); printf(": segment %04x = %s\n", translateint16_t(rs), buf); if (rdf_version == 1) length -= ll + 3; if (rdf_version == 1 && t == 7) printf (" warning: far import not supported in RDOFF1\n"); break; case RDFREC_GLOBAL: /* export record */ fread(&flags, 1, 1, infile); fread(&s, 1, 1, infile); fread(&o, 4, 1, infile); ll = 0; if (rdf_version == 1) { do { fread(&buf[ll], 1, 1, infile); } while (buf[ll++]); } else { for (; ll < reclen - 6; ll++) fread(&buf[ll], 1, 1, infile); } printf((flags & SYM_GLOBAL) ? " export" : " public"); if (flags & SYM_FUNCTION) printf(" proc"); if (flags & SYM_DATA) printf(" data"); printf(": (%04x:%08"PRIx32") = %s\n", (int)s, translateint32_t(o), buf); if (rdf_version == 1) length -= ll + 6; break; case RDFREC_DLL: /* DLL and Module records */ case RDFREC_MODNAME: ll = 0; if (rdf_version == 1) { do { fread(&buf[ll], 1, 1, infile); } while (buf[ll++]); } else { for (; ll < reclen; ll++) fread(&buf[ll], 1, 1, infile); } if (t == 4) printf(" dll: %s\n", buf); else printf(" module: %s\n", buf); if (rdf_version == 1) length -= ll + 1; break; case RDFREC_BSS: /* BSS reservation */ fread(&ll, 4, 1, infile); printf(" bss reservation: %08"PRIx32" bytes\n", translateint32_t(ll)); if (rdf_version == 1) length -= 5; if (rdf_version > 1 && reclen != 4) printf(" warning: reclen != 4\n"); break; case RDFREC_COMMON:{ uint16_t seg, align; uint32_t size; fread(&seg, 2, 1, infile); fread(&size, 4, 1, infile); fread(&align, 2, 1, infile); for (ll = 0; ll < reclen - 8; ll++) fread(buf + ll, 1, 1, infile); printf(" common: segment %04x = %s, %"PRId32":%d\n", translateint16_t(seg), buf, translateint32_t(size), translateint16_t(align)); break; } default: printf(" unrecognized record (type %d", (int)t); if (rdf_version > 1) { printf(", length %d", (int)reclen); fseek(infile, reclen, SEEK_CUR); } else length--; printf(")\n"); } if (rdf_version != 1) length -= 2 + reclen; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char id[7]; int32_t l; uint16_t s; int verbose = 0; int32_t offset; int foundnullsegment = 0; int version; int32_t segmentcontentlength = 0; int nsegments = 0; int32_t headerlength = 0; int32_t objectlength = 0; printf("RDOFF dump utility, version %s\n", PROGRAM_VERSION); printf("RDOFF2 revision %s\n", RDOFF2_REVISION); puts("Copyright (c) 1996,99 Julian R Hall\n" "Improvements and fixes (c) 2002-2004 RET & COM Research."); if (argc < 2) { fputs("Usage: rdfdump [-v] \n", stderr); exit(1); } if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-v")) { verbose = 1; if (argc < 3) { fputs("required parameter missing\n", stderr); exit(1); } argv++; } infile = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if (!infile) { fprintf(stderr, "rdfdump: Could not open %s\n", argv[1]); exit(1); } fread(id, 6, 1, infile); if (strncmp(id, "RDOFF", 5)) { fputs("rdfdump: File does not contain valid RDOFF header\n", stderr); exit(1); } printf("File %s: RDOFF version %c\n\n", argv[1], id[5]); if (id[5] < '1' || id[5] > '2') { fprintf(stderr, "rdfdump: unknown RDOFF version '%c'\n", id[5]); exit(1); } version = id[5] - '0'; if (version > 1) { fread(&l, 4, 1, infile); objectlength = translateint32_t(l); printf("Object content size: %"PRId32" bytes\n", objectlength); } fread(&l, 4, 1, infile); headerlength = translateint32_t(l); printf("Header (%"PRId32" bytes):\n", headerlength); print_header(headerlength, version); if (version == 1) { fread(&l, 4, 1, infile); l = translateint32_t(l); printf("\nText segment length = %"PRId32" bytes\n", l); offset = 0; while (l--) { fread(id, 1, 1, infile); if (verbose) { if (offset % 16 == 0) printf("\n%08"PRIx32" ", offset); printf(" %02x", (int)(uint8_t)id[0]); offset++; } } if (verbose) printf("\n\n"); fread(&l, 4, 1, infile); l = translateint32_t(l); printf("Data segment length = %"PRId32" bytes\n", l); if (verbose) { offset = 0; while (l--) { fread(id, 1, 1, infile); if (offset % 16 == 0) printf("\n%08"PRIx32" ", offset); printf(" %02x", (int)(uint8_t)id[0]); offset++; } printf("\n"); } } else { do { fread(&s, 2, 1, infile); s = translateint16_t(s); if (!s) { printf("\nNULL segment\n"); foundnullsegment = 1; break; } printf("\nSegment:\n Type = %04X (%s)\n", (int)s, translatesegmenttype(s)); nsegments++; fread(&s, 2, 1, infile); printf(" Number = %04X\n", (int)translateint16_t(s)); fread(&s, 2, 1, infile); printf(" Resrvd = %04X\n", (int)translateint16_t(s)); fread(&l, 4, 1, infile); l = translateint32_t(l); printf(" Length = %"PRId32" bytes\n", l); segmentcontentlength += l; offset = 0; while (l--) { fread(id, 1, 1, infile); if (verbose) { if (offset % 16 == 0) printf("\n%08"PRIx32" ", offset); printf(" %02x", (int)(uint8_t)id[0]); offset++; } } if (verbose) printf("\n"); } while (!feof(infile)); if (!foundnullsegment) printf("\nWarning: unexpected end of file - " "NULL segment not found\n"); printf("\nTotal number of segments: %d\n", nsegments); printf("Total segment content length: %"PRId32" bytes\n", segmentcontentlength); /* calculate what the total object content length should have been */ l = segmentcontentlength + 10 * (nsegments + 1) + headerlength + 4; if (l != objectlength) printf("Warning: actual object length (%"PRId32") != " "stored object length (%"PRId32")\n", l, objectlength); } fclose(infile); return 0; }