; NASM macro set to make interfacing to 32-bit programs easier
; Also cool little macros to make NASM emulate some MASM things.
; Originally included in NASM.  Modifications by Peter Johnson, 1999.

%imacro proc 1                  ; begin a procedure definition
%push proc
          global %1
%1:       push  ebp
          mov   ebp, esp
%assign %$arg 8
;%assign %$argnum 0
%define %$procname %1

%imacro arg 0-1 4               ; used with the argument name as a label
%00       equ %$arg
;%assign %$argnum %$argnum+1
;.arg%$argnum   equ     %1
%assign %$arg %1+%$arg

%imacro endproc 0
%ifnctx proc
%error Mismatched `endproc'/`proc'
;        mov     esp, ebp
;        pop     ebp
;__end_%$procname:               ; useful for calculating function size
;          global %{$procname}_arglen
;%{$procname}_arglen    equ     %$arg-8
;%assign %$i 1
;%rep %$argnum
;          global %{$procname}_arg%$i
;%{$procname}_arg%$i    equ     %{$procname}.arg%$i
;%assign %$i %$i+1

; redefine ret instructions for in-proc cases
%imacro ret 0-1
%ifnctx proc
	ret	%1
	mov	esp, ebp
	pop	ebp
	ret	%1

%imacro retf 0-1
%ifnctx proc
	retf	%1
	mov	esp, ebp
	pop	ebp
	retf	%1

%imacro retn 0-1
%ifnctx proc
	retn	%1
	mov	esp, ebp
	pop	ebp
	retn	%1

; invoke calls a C function
; defaults to word (16 bit) size parameters
%macro invoke 1-*
%rotate -1
;%define invoketype word
%rep (%0-1)
;       %ifidni %1,dword
;               %define invoketype dword
;       %elifidni %1,word
;               %define invoketype word
;       %elifidni %1,byte
;               %define invoketype byte
;       %else
        %ifidni %1, cs
                o16 push %1
        %elifidni %1, ds
                o16 push %1
        %elifidni %1, es
                o16 push %1
        %elifidni %1, fs
                o16 push %1
        %elifidni %1, gs
                o16 push %1
        %elifidni %1, word cs
                o16 push %1
        %elifidni %1, word ds
                o16 push %1
        %elifidni %1, word es
                o16 push %1
        %elifidni %1, word fs
                o16 push %1
        %elifidni %1, word gs
                o16 push %1
                push %1
;       %endif
        %rotate -1
call %1
%if (%0!=1)
        add esp, byte %{1}_arglen