#!/usr/bin/perl # # insns.pl produce insnsa.c, insnsd.c, insnsi.h, insnsn.c from insns.dat # # The Netwide Assembler is copyright (C) 1996 Simon Tatham and # Julian Hall. All rights reserved. The software is # redistributable under the licence given in the file "Licence" # distributed in the NASM archive. # Opcode prefixes which need their own opcode tables # LONGER PREFIXES FIRST! @disasm_prefixes = qw(0F24 0F25 0F38 0F3A 0F7A 0FA6 0FA7 0F); print STDERR "Reading insns.dat...\n"; @args = (); undef $output; foreach $arg ( @ARGV ) { if ( $arg =~ /^\-/ ) { if ( $arg =~ /^\-([adin])$/ ) { $output = $1; } else { die "$0: Unknown option: ${arg}\n"; } } else { push (@args, $arg); } } $fname = "insns.dat" unless $fname = $args[0]; open (F, $fname) || die "unable to open $fname"; %dinstables = (); $line = 0; $insns = 0; while () { $line++; next if /^\s*;/; # comments chomp; split; next if $#_ == -1; # blank lines (warn "line $line does not contain four fields\n"), next if $#_ != 3; ($formatted, $nd) = &format(@_); if ($formatted) { $insns++; $aname = "aa_$_[0]"; push @$aname, $formatted; } if ( $_[0] =~ /cc$/ ) { # Conditional instruction $k_opcodes_cc{$_[0]}++; } else { # Unconditional instruction $k_opcodes{$_[0]}++; } if ($formatted && !$nd) { push @big, $formatted; my @sseq = startseq($_[2]); foreach $i (@sseq) { if (!defined($dinstables{$i})) { $dinstables{$i} = []; } push(@{$dinstables{$i}}, $#big); } } } close F; @opcodes = sort keys(%k_opcodes); @opcodes_cc = sort keys(%k_opcodes_cc); if ( !defined($output) || $output eq 'a' ) { print STDERR "Writing insnsa.c...\n"; open A, ">insnsa.c"; print A "/* This file auto-generated from insns.dat by insns.pl" . " - don't edit it */\n\n"; print A "#include \"nasm.h\"\n"; print A "#include \"insns.h\"\n"; print A "\n"; foreach $i (@opcodes, @opcodes_cc) { print A "static const struct itemplate instrux_${i}[] = {\n"; $aname = "aa_$i"; foreach $j (@$aname) { print A " $j\n"; } print A " ITEMPLATE_END\n};\n\n"; } print A "const struct itemplate * const nasm_instructions[] = {\n"; foreach $i (@opcodes, @opcodes_cc) { print A " instrux_${i},\n"; } print A "};\n"; close A; } if ( !defined($output) || $output eq 'd' ) { print STDERR "Writing insnsd.c...\n"; open D, ">insnsd.c"; print D "/* This file auto-generated from insns.dat by insns.pl" . " - don't edit it */\n\n"; print D "#include \"nasm.h\"\n"; print D "#include \"insns.h\"\n"; print D "\n"; print D "static const struct itemplate instrux[] = {\n"; $n = 0; foreach $j (@big) { printf D " /* %4d */ %s\n", $n++, $j; } print D "};\n"; foreach $h (sort(keys(%dinstables))) { print D "\nstatic const struct itemplate * const itable_${h}[] = {\n"; foreach $j (@{$dinstables{$h}}) { print D " instrux + $j,\n"; } print D "};\n"; } foreach $h (@disasm_prefixes, '') { $is_prefix{$h} = 1; print D "\n"; print D "static " unless ($h eq ''); print D "const struct disasm_index "; print D ($h eq '') ? 'itable' : "itable_$h"; print D "[256] = {\n"; for ($c = 0; $c < 256; $c++) { $nn = sprintf("%s%02X", $h, $c); if ($is_prefix{$nn}) { die "$0: ambiguous decoding of $nn\n" if (defined($dinstables{$nn})); printf D " { itable_%s, -1 },\n", $nn; } elsif (defined($dinstables{$nn})) { printf D " { itable_%s, %u },\n", $nn, scalar(@{$dinstables{$nn}}); } else { printf D " { NULL, 0 },\n"; } } print D "};\n"; } close D; } if ( !defined($output) || $output eq 'i' ) { print STDERR "Writing insnsi.h...\n"; open I, ">insnsi.h"; print I "/* This file is auto-generated from insns.dat by insns.pl" . " - don't edit it */\n\n"; print I "/* This file in included by nasm.h */\n\n"; print I "/* Instruction names */\n\n"; print I "#ifndef NASM_INSNSI_H\n"; print I "#define NASM_INSNSI_H 1\n\n"; print I "enum opcode {\n"; $maxlen = 0; foreach $i (@opcodes, @opcodes_cc) { print I "\tI_${i},\n"; $len = length($i); $len++ if ( $i =~ /cc$/ ); # Condition codes can be 3 characters long $maxlen = $len if ( $len > $maxlen ); } print I "\tI_none = -1\n"; print I "\n};\n\n"; print I "#define MAX_INSLEN ", $maxlen, "\n\n"; print I "#endif /* NASM_INSNSI_H */\n"; close I; } if ( !defined($output) || $output eq 'n' ) { print STDERR "Writing insnsn.c...\n"; open N, ">insnsn.c"; print N "/* This file is auto-generated from insns.dat by insns.pl" . " - don't edit it */\n\n"; print N "/* This file in included by names.c */\n\n"; print N "static const char * const insn_names[] = {"; $first = 1; foreach $i (@opcodes) { print N "," if ( !$first ); $first = 0; $ilower = $i; $ilower =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Change to lower case (Perl 4 compatible) print N "\n\t\"${ilower}\""; } print N "\n};\n\n"; print N "/* Conditional instructions */\n"; print N "static const char *icn[] = {"; $first = 1; foreach $i (@opcodes_cc) { print N "," if ( !$first ); $first = 0; $ilower = $i; $ilower =~ s/cc$//; # Skip cc suffix $ilower =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Change to lower case (Perl 4 compatible) print N "\n\t\"${ilower}\""; } print N "\n};\n\n"; print N "/* and the corresponding opcodes */\n"; print N "static const enum opcode ico[] = {"; $first = 1; foreach $i (@opcodes_cc) { print N "," if ( !$first ); $first = 0; print N "\n\tI_$i"; } print N "\n};\n"; close N; } printf STDERR "Done: %d instructions\n", $insns; sub format { my ($opcode, $operands, $codes, $flags) = @_; my $num, $nd = 0; return (undef, undef) if $operands eq "ignore"; # format the operands $operands =~ s/:/|colon,/g; $operands =~ s/mem(\d+)/mem|bits$1/g; $operands =~ s/mem/memory/g; $operands =~ s/memory_offs/mem_offs/g; $operands =~ s/imm(\d+)/imm|bits$1/g; $operands =~ s/imm/immediate/g; $operands =~ s/rm(\d+)/rm_gpr|bits$1/g; $operands =~ s/mmxrm/rm_mmx/g; $operands =~ s/xmmrm/rm_xmm/g; $operands =~ s/\=([0-9]+)/same_as|$1/g; if ($operands eq 'void') { @ops = (); } else { @ops = split(/\,/, $operands); } $num = scalar(@ops); while (scalar(@ops) < 4) { push(@ops, '0'); } $operands = join(',', @ops); $operands =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; # format the flags $flags =~ s/,/|IF_/g; $flags =~ s/(\|IF_ND|IF_ND\|)//, $nd = 1 if $flags =~ /IF_ND/; $flags = "IF_" . $flags; ("{I_$opcode, $num, {$operands}, \"$codes\", $flags},", $nd); } sub addprefix ($@) { my ($prefix, @list) = @_; my $x; my @l = (); foreach $x (@list) { push(@l, sprintf("%s%02X", $prefix, $x)); } return @l; } # Here we determine the range of possible starting bytes for a given # instruction. We need only consider the codes: # \1 \2 \3 mean literal bytes, of course # \4 \5 \6 \7 mean PUSH/POP of segment registers: special case # \1[0123] mean byte plus register value # \170 means byte zero # \330 means byte plus condition code # \0 or \340 mean give up and return empty set sub startseq($) { my ($codestr) = @_; my $word, @range; my @codes = (); my $c = $codestr; my $c0, $c1, $i; my $prefix = ''; # Although these are C-syntax strings, by convention they should have # only octal escapes (for directives) and hexadecimal escapes # (for verbatim bytes) while ($c ne '') { if ($c =~ /^\\x([0-9a-f]+)(.*)$/i) { push(@codes, hex $1); $c = $2; next; } elsif ($c =~ /^\\([0-7]{1,3})(.*)$/) { push(@codes, oct $1); $c = $2; next; } else { die "$0: unknown code format in \"$codestr\"\n"; } } while ($c0 = shift(@codes)) { $c1 = $codes[0]; if ($c0 == 01 || $c0 == 02 || $c0 == 03 || $c0 == 0170) { # Fixed byte string my $fbs = $prefix; while (1) { if ($c0 == 01 || $c0 == 02 || $c0 == 03) { while ($c0--) { $fbs .= sprintf("%02X", shift(@codes)); } } elsif ($c0 == 0170) { $fbs .= '00'; } else { last; } $c0 = shift(@codes); } foreach $pfx (@disasm_prefixes) { if (substr($fbs, 0, length($pfx)) eq $pfx) { $prefix = $pfx; $fbs = substr($fbs, length($pfx)); last; } } if ($fbs ne '') { return ($prefix.substr($fbs,0,2)); } unshift(@codes, $c0); } elsif ($c0 == 04) { return addprefix($prefix, 0x07, 0x17, 0x1F); } elsif ($c0 == 05) { return addprefix($prefix, 0xA1, 0xA9); } elsif ($c0 == 06) { return addprefix($prefix, 0x06, 0x0E, 0x16, 0x1E); } elsif ($c0 == 07) { return addprefix($prefix, 0xA0, 0xA8); } elsif ($c0 >= 010 && $c0 <= 013) { return addprefix($prefix, $c1..($c1+7)); } elsif (($c0 & ~013) == 0144) { return addprefix($prefix, $c1, $c1|2); } elsif ($c0 == 0330) { return addprefix($prefix, $c1..($c1+15)); } elsif ($c0 == 0 || $c0 == 0340) { return $prefix; } else { # We really need to be able to distinguish "forbidden" # and "ignorable" codes here } } return $prefix; }