#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use File::Find; use File::Basename; my @warnings = (); my %aliases = (); my %prefixes = (); my $err = 0; my $nwarn = 0; sub quote_for_c($) { my $s = join('', @_); $s =~ s/([\"\'\\])/\\$1/g; return $s; } sub add_alias($$) { my($a, $this) = @_; my @comp = split(/-/, $a); $aliases{$a} = $this; # All names are prefixes in their own right, although we only # list the ones that are either prefixes of "proper names" or # the complete alias name. for (my $i = ($a eq $this->{name}) ? 0 : $#comp; $i <= $#comp; $i++) { my $prefix = join('-', @comp[0..$i]); $prefixes{$prefix} = [] unless defined($prefixes{$prefix}); push(@{$prefixes{$prefix}}, $a); } } sub find_warnings { my $infile = $_; return unless (basename($infile) =~ /^\w.*\.[ch]$/i); open(my $in, '<', $infile) or die "$0: cannot open input file $infile: $!\n"; my $in_comment = 0; my $nline = 0; my $this; my @doc; while (defined(my $l = <$in>)) { $nline++; chomp $l; if (!$in_comment) { $l =~ s/^.*?\/\*.*?\*\///g; # Remove single-line comments if ($l =~ /^.*?(\/\*.*)$/) { # Begin block comment $l = $1; $in_comment = 1; } } if ($in_comment) { if ($l =~ /\*\//) { # End block comment $in_comment = 0; undef $this; } elsif ($l =~ /^\s*\/?\*\!(\s*)(.*?)\s*$/) { my $ws = $1; my $str = $2; next if ($str eq ''); if (!defined($this) || ($ws eq '' && $str ne '')) { if ($str =~ /^([\w-]+)\s+\[(\w+)\]\s(.*\S)\s*$/) { my $name = $1; my $def = $2; my $help = $3; my $cname = uc($name); $cname =~ s/[^A-Z0-9_]+/_/g; $this = {name => $name, cname => $cname, def => $def, help => $help, doc => [], file => $infile, line => $nline}; if (defined(my $that = $aliases{$name})) { # Duplicate defintion?! printf STDERR "%s:%s: warning %s previously defined at %s:%s\n", $infile, $nline, $name, $that->{file}, $that->{line}; } else { push(@warnings, $this); # Every warning name is also a valid warning alias add_alias($name, $this); $nwarn++; } } elsif (defined($this) && $str =~ /^\=([-\w,]+)\s*$/) { # Alias names for warnings for my $a (split(/,+/, $1)) { add_alias($a, $this); } } else { print STDERR "$infile:$nline: malformed warning definition\n"; print STDERR " $l\n"; $err++; } } else { push(@{$this->{doc}}, "$str\n"); } } else { undef $this; } } } close($in); } my($what, $outfile, @indirs) = @ARGV; if (!defined($outfile)) { die "$0: usage: [c|h|doc] outfile indir...\n"; } find({ wanted => \&find_warnings, no_chdir => 1, follow => 1 }, @indirs); exit(1) if ($err); my %sort_special = ( 'other' => 1, 'all' => 2 ); sub sort_warnings { my $an = $a->{name}; my $bn = $b->{name}; return ($sort_special{$an} <=> $sort_special{$bn}) || ($an cmp $bn); } @warnings = sort sort_warnings @warnings; my @warn_noall = @warnings; pop @warn_noall if ($warn_noall[$#warn_noall]->{name} eq 'all'); open(my $out, '>', $outfile) or die "$0: cannot open output file $outfile: $!\n"; if ($what eq 'c') { print $out "#include \"error.h\"\n\n"; printf $out "const char * const warning_name[%d] = {\n", $#warnings + 2; print $out "\tNULL"; foreach my $warn (@warnings) { print $out ",\n\t\"", $warn->{name}, "\""; } print $out "\n};\n\n"; printf $out "const struct warning_alias warning_alias[%d] = {", scalar(%aliases); my $sep = ''; foreach my $alias (sort { $a cmp $b } keys(%aliases)) { printf $out "%s\n\t{ %-27s WARN_IDX_%s }", $sep, "\"$alias\",", $aliases{$alias}->{cname}; $sep = ','; } print $out "\n};\n\n"; printf $out "const char * const warning_help[%d] = {\n", $#warnings + 2; print $out "\tNULL"; foreach my $warn (@warnings) { my $help = quote_for_c($warn->{help}); print $out ",\n\t\"", $help, "\""; } print $out "\n};\n\n"; printf $out "const uint8_t warning_default[%d] = {\n", $#warn_noall + 2; print $out "\tWARN_INIT_ON"; # for entry 0 foreach my $warn (@warn_noall) { print $out ",\n\tWARN_INIT_", uc($warn->{def}); } print $out "\n};\n\n"; printf $out "uint8_t warning_state[%d];\t/* Current state */\n", $#warn_noall + 2; } elsif ($what eq 'h') { my $filename = basename($outfile); my $guard = $filename; $guard =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/_/g; $guard = "NASM_\U$guard"; print $out "#ifndef $guard\n"; print $out "#define $guard\n"; print $out "\n"; print $out "#ifndef WARN_SHR\n"; print $out "# error \"$filename should only be included from within error.h\"\n"; print $out "#endif\n\n"; print $out "enum warn_index {\n"; printf $out "\tWARN_IDX_%-23s = %3d, /* not suppressible */\n", 'NONE', 0; my $n = 1; foreach my $warn (@warnings) { printf $out "\tWARN_IDX_%-23s = %3d%s /* %s */\n", $warn->{cname}, $n, ($n == $#warnings + 1) ? " " : ",", $warn->{help}; $n++; } print $out "};\n\n"; print $out "enum warn_const {\n"; printf $out "\tWARN_%-27s = %3d << WARN_SHR", 'NONE', 0; $n = 1; foreach my $warn (@warn_noall) { printf $out ",\n\tWARN_%-27s = %3d << WARN_SHR", $warn->{cname}, $n++; } print $out "\n};\n\n"; print $out "struct warning_alias {\n"; print $out "\tconst char *name;\n"; print $out "\tenum warn_index warning;\n"; print $out "};\n\n"; printf $out "#define NUM_WARNING_ALIAS %d\n", scalar(%aliases); printf $out "extern const char * const warning_name[%d];\n", $#warnings + 2; printf $out "extern const char * const warning_help[%d];\n", $#warnings + 2; print $out "extern const struct warning_alias warning_alias[NUM_WARNING_ALIAS];\n"; printf $out "extern const uint8_t warning_default[%d];\n", $#warn_noall + 2; printf $out "extern uint8_t warning_state[%d];\n", $#warn_noall + 2; print $out "\n#endif /* $guard */\n"; } elsif ($what eq 'doc') { my %whatdef = ( 'on' => 'Enabled', 'off' => 'Disabled', 'err' => 'Enabled and promoted to error' ); foreach my $pfx (sort { $a cmp $b } keys(%prefixes)) { my $warn = $aliases{$pfx}; my @doc; if (!defined($warn)) { my @plist = sort { $a cmp $b } @{$prefixes{$pfx}}; next if ( $#plist < 1 ); @doc = ("is a group alias for all warning classes prefixed by ". "\\c{".$pfx."-}; currently\n"); for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#plist; $i++) { if ($i > 0) { if ($i < $#plist) { push(@doc, ", "); } else { push(@doc, ($i == 1) ? " and " : ", and "); } } push(@doc, '\c{'.$plist[$i].'}'); } push(@doc, ".\n"); } elsif ($pfx ne $warn->{name}) { @doc = ("is a backwards compatibility alias for \\c{", $warn->{name}, "}.\n"); } else { my $docdef = $whatdef{$warn->{def}}; @doc = @{$warn->{doc}}; shift @doc while ($doc[0] =~ /^\s*$/); pop @doc while ($doc[$#doc] =~ /^\s*$/); if (defined($docdef)) { push(@doc, "$docdef by default.\n"); } } print $out "\\b \\i\\c{", $pfx, "} ", @doc, "\n"; } } close($out);