diff --git a/assemble.c b/assemble.c
index 4d8702cb..66acb843 100644
--- a/assemble.c
+++ b/assemble.c
@@ -80,10 +80,6 @@
  * \254..\257    - a signed 32-bit operand to be extended to 64 bits.
  * \260..\263    - this instruction uses VEX/XOP rather than REX, with the
  *                 V field taken from operand 0..3.
- * \264		 - skip this instruction pattern if HLE prefixes present
- * \265		 - instruction takes XRELEASE (F3) with or without lock
- * \266		 - instruction takes XACQUIRE/XRELEASE with or without lock
- * \267		 - instruction takes XACQUIRE/XRELEASE with lock only
  * \270          - this instruction uses VEX/XOP rather than REX, with the
  *                 V field set to 1111b.
@@ -101,6 +97,9 @@
  * t = 0 for VEX (C4/C5), t = 1 for XOP (8F).
+ * \271		 - instruction takes XRELEASE (F3) with or without lock
+ * \272		 - instruction takes XACQUIRE/XRELEASE with or without lock
+ * \273          - instruction takes XACQUIRE/XRELEASE with lock only
  * \274..\277    - a signed byte immediate operand, from operand 0..3,
  *                 which is to be extended to the operand size.
  * \310          - indicates fixed 16-bit address size, i.e. optional 0x67.
@@ -981,12 +980,6 @@ static int64_t calcsize(int32_t segment, int64_t offset, int bits,
             ins->vex_wlp = *codes++;
-        case 0265:
-        case 0266:
-        case 0267:
-            hleok = c & 3;
-            break;
         case 0270:
             ins->rex |= REX_V;
             ins->vexreg = 0;
@@ -994,6 +987,12 @@ static int64_t calcsize(int32_t segment, int64_t offset, int bits,
             ins->vex_wlp = *codes++;
+        case 0271:
+        case 0272:
+        case 0273:
+            hleok = c & 3;
+            break;
diff --git a/disasm.c b/disasm.c
index b6e55bc1..46cec8a6 100644
--- a/disasm.c
+++ b/disasm.c
@@ -703,19 +703,19 @@ static int matches(const struct itemplate *t, uint8_t *data,
-        case 0265:
+        case 0271:
             if (prefix->rep == 0xF3)
                 drep = P_XRELEASE;
-        case 0266:
+        case 0272:
             if (prefix->rep == 0xF2)
                 drep = P_XACQUIRE;
             else if (prefix->rep == 0xF3)
                 drep = P_XRELEASE;
-        case 0267:
+        case 0273:
             if (prefix->lock == 0xF0) {
                 if (prefix->rep == 0xF2)
                     drep = P_XACQUIRE;
diff --git a/insns.pl b/insns.pl
index 28c13486..b154dbd7 100755
--- a/insns.pl
+++ b/insns.pl
@@ -726,9 +726,9 @@ sub byte_code_compile($$) {
 	'jcc8' => 0370,		# Match only if Jcc possible with single byte
 	'jmp8' => 0371,		# Match only if JMP possible with single byte
 	'jlen' => 0373, 	# Length of jump
-	'hlexr' => 0265,
-	'hlenl' => 0266,
-	'hle' => 0267,
+	'hlexr' => 0271,
+	'hlenl' => 0272,
+	'hle' => 0273,
 	# This instruction takes XMM VSIB
 	'vsibx' => 0374,
 	'vm32x' => 0374,