2019-10-27 10:58:24 +08:00

2.3 KiB

Develop Status


Component Develop Status Unit Test Note
Alert 😍
Button 😍
Checkbox 😍
DatePicker 😍
TimePicker 😍
GradientText 😍
Icon 😍
Input 😍
Message 😍
Modal 😍
Notification 😍 Code clean in need
Pagination 😍
Select 😍
Switch 😍
Tooltip 😍
Popover 😍
InputNumber 😍
Radio 😍
Tab 😍
Badge 😍
Steps 😍
Tag 😍
Divider 😍
Popconfirm 😍
BackTop 😍
Progress 😍
Timeline 😍
Collapse 😍
Cascader 😍
Dropdown 😍
Transfer 😍
Spin 😍
Drawer 🤔
FormItem 🤔
Form 🤔
Table 🤔 Function is not fulfilled
Slider 🤔
LoadingBar 😍
AutoComplete 🚧
Tree 🤔
TreeSelect 🚧
Upload 🚧
Time 😍
Anchor 😍
Statistic 🚧
Breadcrumb 🚧
Card 🚧
Empty 🚧
Grid 😍
Layout 🚧
Affix 😍
Rating 🚧
Avator 🚧
Result 🚧
Menu 🚧
Markdown 🚧
Description 🚧
Typography 🚧
Mentions Not Planned
Calendar Not Planned
Carousel Not Planned


  1. Z-index management on Select & Tooltip & Modal(Low Priority)
  2. Full featured table component(Medium Priority)
  3. Form component(Medium Priority)
  4. FormItem component(High Priority)
  5. Complete unit test for all existing components(High Priority)
  6. Create a Markdown webpack loader to convert documentation(Low Priority)
  7. Refactor documentation page(for code clairity)
  8. Code refactor for some 😢 messy code(which is my bad...)
  9. Refactor CSS use mixins(which means I should learn SCSS hard...)
  10. Split icons for components.
  11. Fulfill props for all components.
  12. Add keyboard event on planned components.
  13. Finish all planned components
  14. Refactor using proper html tags
  15. Unit Test


Version Milestone
0.3 Cascader
0.4 Refactor popover, remove wrap element of it
0.5 Refactor CSS using mixin. Refactor documentation. Light theme.
0.6 Refactor form component
0.7 Refactor table component
0.8 i18n
0.9 Unit Test
0.10 Import on demand
? See Todos