2020-05-29 11:22:07 +08:00

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Collect & validate data.




Form Props

Name Type Default Description
inline boolean false
label-width number | string null The width of label. Can be useful when label-placement is 'left'.
label-align 'left' | 'right' 'left' Text align in label.
label-placement 'left' | 'top' 'top'
model object {} The object to get collected value from form items.
rules type FormRules = { [itemValidatePath: string]: FormItemRule | Array<FormItemRule> | FormRules } {} The rules to validate form items.
show-require-mark boolean true Whether to show require mark when form item is required.
size 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' 'medium'

FormItemRule Type

Property Type Description
required boolean
validator (rule: FormItemRule, value: any) => boolean | Error
asyncValidator (rule: FormItemRule, value: any, callback: boolean => void) => void
trigger string | Array<string>
message string

Form Item Props

Name Type Default Description
feedback string null The feedback message of the form item. If not set to null, it will take place of the result of rule-based validation.
first boolean false Whether only to show the first validation error message.
ingore-path-change boolean false Usually, the change of path will cause the data source's variation. So naive-ui will clear the validation result. If it is not expected, you can set it to true
label string null
label-align 'left' | 'right' null Text align in label. If not set, use label-align from wrapper form.
label-placement 'left' | 'top' null If not set, use label-placement from wrapper form.
label-style object {}
label-width number | string null If not set, use label-width from the wrapper form.
path string null The path to collect item value to wrapper form's model object.
required boolean false Whether to show required mark. Note: a required rule has higher priority than this prop & this prop won't have any effect on validation. The validation still depends on the rules.
rule FormItemRule | Array<FormItemRule> null The rule to validate the form item. It will be merged with the rules acquired by rule-path from wrapper form's rules. It's recommend to set all rules on wrapper form.
rule-path string null The path to get rule from wrapper form's rule object. If not set, use path of the form item instead.
show-require-mark boolean true Whether to show require mark when form item is required. If not set, use show-require-mark from wrapper form.
size 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' 'medium'
validation-status 'error' | 'success' | 'warning' | null null The validation status of the form item. If not set to null, it will take place of the result of rule-based validation.

Form Item Row Props

Accept all props from form-item & Row

Form Item Col Props

Accept all props from form-item & Col


Form Methods

Validation will only be executed on form items which have a path By default, validation will use all rules regardless of the triggers of the rules.
Name Type Description
validate (validateCallback?: (errors?: Array<ValidationError>) => any, shouldRuleBeApplied?: FormItemRule => boolean) => Promise<void> Validate the form. The rejection value type of returned promise is Array<ValidationError>.
clearValidationEffect () => void

Form Item, Form Item Row, Form Item Col Methods

Name Type Description
validate ({ trigger?: string, callback?: (errors?: Array<ValidationError>) => any, shouldRuleBeApplied?: FormItemRule => boolean, options?: AsyncValidatorOptions }) => Promise<void> Validate the form item. The rejection value type of returned promise is Array<ValidationError>. If trigger is not set, all rules of the item will be applied. shouldRuleBeApplied can filter rules after they are filtered by the trigger.
clearValidationEffect () => void

About AsyncValidatorOptions, see async-validator.


Form, Form Item, Form Item Row, Form Item Col Slots

Name Parameters Description
default ()

Form Item, Form Item Row, Form Item Col Slots

Name Parameters Description
label ()