2020-05-30 17:20:27 +08:00

3.4 KiB


Before taking action, please confirm.




$NConfirm API

Name Type Description
warning (options: ConfirmOption) => ConfirmEnvironment
success (options: ConfirmOption) => ConfirmEnvironment
error (options: ConfirmOption) => ConfirmEnvironment
destroyAll () => void

ConfirmOption API

Name Type Default Description
theme 'light' | 'dark' | null null
type 'error | 'success' | 'warning' 'warning'
title string | (() => VNode | Array<VNode>) null Can be a render function.
closable boolean true
icon () => VNode | Array<VNode> null Should be a render function.
negative-text string null Corresponding button won't show if not set.
positive-text string null Corresponding button won't show if not set.
content string | (() => VNode | Array<VNode>) null Can be a render function.
show-icon boolean true
loading boolean false
bordered boolean false
onPositiveClick () => boolean | Promise<boolean> | any () => true The default behavior is closing the confirm. Return false or resolve false or Promise rejected will prevent the default behavior.
onNegativeClick () => boolean | Promise<boolean> | any () => true The default behavior is closing the confirm. Return false or resolve false or Promise rejected will prevent the default behavior.
onClose () => boolean | Promise<boolean> | any () => true The default behavior is closing the confirm. Return false or resolve false or Promise rejected will prevent the default behavior.

ConfirmEnvironment API

ConfirmEnvironment Properties

Properties of ConfirmEnvironment can be modified

Name Type Description
theme 'light' | 'dark'
type 'error | 'success' | 'warning'
title string | (() => VNode | Array<VNode>) Can be a render function.
closable boolean
icon () => VNode | Array<VNode> Should be a render function.
negative-text string Corresponding button won't show if not set.
positive-text string Corresponding button won't show if not set.
content string | (() => VNode | Array<VNode>) Can be a render function.
show-icon boolean
loading boolean
bordered boolean
onPositiveClick () => boolean | Promise<boolean> | any
onNegativeClick () => boolean | Promise<boolean> | any
onClose () => boolean | Promise<boolean> | any

ConfirmEnvironment Methods

Name Parameters Description
hide () Call this method can close the confirm


Confirm Props

Name Type Default Description
type 'error | 'success' | 'warning' 'warning'
title string | (() => VNode | Array<VNode>) null Can be a render function.
closable boolean boolean
icon () => VNode | Array<VNode> null Should be a render function
negative-text string null Corresponding button won't show if not set.
positive-text string null Corresponding button won't show if not set.
content string | (() => VNode | Array<VNode>) null Can be a render function.
show-icon boolean true
loading boolean false
bordered boolean false


Confirm Events

Name Parameters Description
positive-click ()
negative-click ()
close ()


Confirm Slots

Name Parameters Description
icon ()
header ()
default () Content
action ()