# Dropdown When you have some functions to trigger. ## Demos ```demo basic trigger cascade placement width size manual-position ``` ## Props |Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| |size|`'small'\|'medium'\|'large'\|'huge'`|`large`|| |options|`Array`|`[]`|| |keyboard|`boolean`|`true`|Whether is supports keyboard operation. (Be careful about the potential conflicts with other components keyboard operations)| |submenu-width|`number`|`null`|| |submenu-min-width|`number`|`null`|| For other props, see [Popover Props](n-popover#Props). Note that `arrow`, `raw` is not available. ### DropdownOption Type |Property|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |label|`string`|| |value|`string \| number`|Should be unique| ### DropdownDivider Type |Property|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |type|`'divider'`|| ### DropdownSubmenu Type |Property|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |label|`string`|| |value|`string \| number`|Should be unique| |children|`Array`|| ## Events |Name|Parameters|Description| |-|-|-| |select|`(selectedValue: string \| number)`||