# Select Select something! ## Demo ```demo basic size multiple events filterable remote remote-multiple clearable scroll-event group many-options custom-option action ``` ## V-model |prop|event| |-|-| |value|change| ## Props |Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| |loading|`boolean`|`false`|| |clearable|`boolean`|`false`|| |value|`Array \| string \| number`|`false`|| |placeholder|`string`|`'Please Select'`|| |multiple|`boolean`|`false`|| |size|`'small' \| 'medium' \| 'large'`|`'medium'`|| |disabled|`boolean`|`false`|| |options|`Array`|`[]`|| |remote|`boolean`|`false`|If you want to async get options| |filter|`(pattern: string, option: Object) => boolean`|`null`|| ## API ### SelectOption Type |Property|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |label|`string`|| |value|`string \| number`|Should be unique in options.| |disabled|`boolean`|| |render|`function`|| ### SelectOptionGroup Type |Property|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |type|`'group'`|| |name|`string`|| |children|`Array`|| ## Slots |Name|Parameters|Description| |-|-|-| |action|`()`|| ## Event |Name|Parameters|Description| |-|-|-| |change|`(value: Array \| string \| number \| null)`|| |search|`(value: string)`|| |blur|`()`|When picker of select blur| |scroll|`(e: Event)`|When select menu scrolls|