const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') async function * walk (dir) { for await (const d of await fs.promises.opendir(dir)) { const entry = path.join(dir, if (d.isDirectory()) yield * walk(entry) else if (d.isFile()) yield entry } } // Then, use it with a simple async for loop async function main () { for await (const p of walk('./demo/documentation')) { // console.log(p) // if (/index\.md$/.test(p)) { // // console.log(p.replace(/index\.md$/, '')) // fs.renameSync(p, p.replace(/index\.md$/, '')) // } if (/\.md$/.test(p) && !/demo-entry\.md$/.test(p)) { fs.renameSync(p, p.replace(/\.md$/, '')) } } } main()