# Config Provider Config Provider is used to set global theme, set global language and set namespace for components (detached parts). ## Demos ```demo theme namespace inherit-theme theme-environment os-theme language transparent ``` ## Props |Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| |abstract|`boolean`|`false`|If `n-config-provider` has no wrapper DOM| |tag|`string`|`'div'`|What tag `n-config-provider` will be rendered as| |language|`string`|`'en-US'`|Language of components inside `n-config-provider`| |namespace|`string`|`undefined`|Class name of detached parts of components inside `n-config-provider`| |theme|`string`|`undefined`|Theme name of components inside `n-config-provider`| |theme-environments|`{ [themeName: string]: any }`|`undefined`|An object with some value which can be accessed by `n-config-consumer` or `n-element` inside `n-config-provider`|