const path = require('node:path') const fs = require('fs-extra') const { marked } = require('marked') const fileRegex = /\.demo\.md$/ function getPartsOfMdDemo(tokens) { let template = null let script = null let style = null let title = null let content = null for (const token of tokens) { if (token.type === 'heading' && token.depth === 1) { title = token.text } else if ( token.type === 'code' && (token.lang === 'template' || token.lang === 'html') ) { template = token.text } else if ( token.type === 'code' && (token.lang === 'script' || token.lang === 'js' || token.lang === 'ts') ) { script = token.text } else if ( token.type === 'code' && (token.lang === 'style' || token.lang === 'css') ) { style = token.text } else if (token.type === 'paragraph') { content = token.text } } return { template, script, style, title, content } } function createBlockTemplate(tag, content, attrs) { const attrsStr = attrs ? Object.keys(attrs).reduce((attrsStr, key) => { return `${attrsStr} ${key}="${attrs[key]}"` }, '') : '' return `<${tag}${attrsStr}> ${content} ` } async function loadFile(filepath) { if (fs.existsSync(filepath)) { return await fs.readFile(filepath, 'utf-8') } return undefined } async function loadAllMdFile(filePathArr) { const filesArr = [] for (let i = 0; i < filePathArr.length; i++) { const filePath = filePathArr[i] if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) { const files = await fs.readdir(filePath) const filesObjArr = files .filter(file => fileRegex.test(file)) .map((file) => { const index = file.lastIndexOf('.') return { path: `${filePath}/${file}`, dir: filePath, file, name: file.slice(0, index) } }) filesArr.push(...filesObjArr) } } return filesArr } async function updateIndexEntryDemo(file) { let indexFileContent = await loadFile( path.resolve(file.dir, './') ) const index ='.') const name =, index) indexFileContent = indexFileContent.replace(name, `${name}.vue`) await fs.writeFileSync( path.resolve(file.dir, './'), indexFileContent ) } const LINE_SPACE = '\n\n' async function transformMdToVueAndUpdateEntryFile(files) { for (const file of files) { const fileString = await loadFile(file.path) const tokens = marked.lexer(fileString) const parts = getPartsOfMdDemo(tokens) const vueDemoBlocks = [] if (parts.title || parts.content) { vueDemoBlocks.push( createBlockTemplate( 'markdown', `# ${parts.title}${ parts.content ? `${LINE_SPACE}${parts.content}` : '' }` ) ) } if (parts.template) { vueDemoBlocks.push(createBlockTemplate('template', parts.template)) } if (parts.script) { vueDemoBlocks.push( createBlockTemplate('script', parts.script, { lang: 'ts' }) ) } if ( { vueDemoBlocks.push(createBlockTemplate('style', } await fs.remove(file.path) await fs.ensureDir(file.dir) await fs.writeFileSync( path.resolve(file.dir, `./${}.vue`), `${vueDemoBlocks.join(LINE_SPACE)}\n` ) // should be able to be modified together await updateIndexEntryDemo(file) } } const COMPONENT_ROOT = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../src') async function convertFilesByComponentName(componentName) { const folders = ['zhCN', 'enUS'].map(item => path.resolve(COMPONENT_ROOT, `${componentName}/demos/${item}`) ) if (folders.length) { const files = await loadAllMdFile(folders) transformMdToVueAndUpdateEntryFile(files) } } module.exports = { convertFilesByComponentName }