# Input Many years ago, people used punched card to input. `n-input` is a controlled component. If you don't update its `value` its value will never change. (`v-model:value` doesn't matter.) ## Demos ```demo basic size round icon password disabled clearable autosize pair input-group passively-activated ``` ## Props ### Input Props |Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| |autofocus|`boolean`|`false`|| |autosize|`boolean \| { minRows?: number, maxRows?: number }`|`false`|| |clearable|`boolean`|`false`|| |disabled|`boolean`|`false`|| |maxlength|`number`|`undefined`|| |minlength|`number`|`undefined`|| |pair|`boolean`|`false`|Whether to input pairwise value.| |passively-activated|`boolean`|`false`|| |placeholder|`string \| [string, string]`|`undefined`|Placeholder of input. When `pair` is `true`, placeholder is an array.| |readonly|`boolean`|`false`|| |round|`boolean`|`false`|| |rows|`number`|`3`|| |separator|`string`|`undefined`|The separator bewteen pairwise inputs.| |size|`'small' \| 'medium' \| 'large'`|`'medium'`|| |theme|`'light' \| 'dark' \| string`|`undefined`|| |type|`'text' \| 'password' \| 'textarea'`|`'text'`|| |value|`string \| [string, string]`|`null`|Value of input. When `pair` is `true`, `value` is an array.| |on-blur|`() => any`|`undefined`|| |on-change|`(value: string \| [string, string]) => any`|`undefined`|| |on-clear|`() => any`|`undefined`|| |on-focus|`() => any`|`undefined`|| |on-update:value|`(value: string \| [string, string]) => any`|`undefined`|| ## Slots ### Input Slots |Name|Parameters|Description| |-|-|-| |prefix|`()`|| |suffix|`()`|| ### Input Group Slots |Name|Parameters|Description| |-|-|-| |default|`()`|| ### Input Group Label Slots |Name|Parameters|Description| |-|-|-| |default|`()`||