@import "./mixins/mixins.scss"; @mixin popover-content-transition { &#{&}-transition-enter-to, &#{&}-transition-leave { transform: $--n-transform-debounce-scale; // scale is set to 99999 to get rid of a ridiculous render bug of chrome opacity: 1; } &#{&}-transition-enter, &#{&}-transition-leave-to { opacity: 0; transform: scale(.85); } &#{&}-transition-enter-active { transition: opacity .15s $--n-ease-out-cubic-bezier, transform .15s $--n-ease-out-cubic-bezier; } &#{&}-transition-leave-active { transition: opacity .15s $--n-ease-in-cubic-bezier, transform .15s $--n-ease-in-cubic-bezier; } } @include themes-mixin { @include b(popover-content) { @include once { @include popover-content-transition; transition: background-color .3s $--n-ease-in-out-cubic-bezier, color .3s $--n-ease-in-out-cubic-bezier; transform-origin: inherit; transform: $--n-transform-debounce-scale; position: relative; border-radius: 6px; font-size: 13px; @include b(popover-arrow) { transition: border-color .3s $--n-ease-in-out-cubic-bezier; border-width: 6px; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; display: block; width: 0; height: 0; border-color: transparent; border-style: solid; } @include m(without-arrow) { &[n-placement$="top-start"] { margin-bottom: 6px; } &[n-placement$="top"] { margin-bottom: 6px; } &[n-placement$="top-end"] { margin-bottom: 6px; } &[n-placement$="bottom-start"] { margin-top: 6px; } &[n-placement$="bottom"] { margin-top: 6px; } &[n-placement$="bottom-end"] { margin-top: 6px; } &[n-placement$="left-start"] { margin-right: 6px; }&[n-placement$="left"] { margin-right: 6px; } &[n-placement$="left-end"] { margin-right: 6px; } &[n-placement$="right-start"] { margin-left: 6px; } &[n-placement$="right"] { margin-left: 6px; } &[n-placement$="right-end"] { margin-left: 6px; } } } &[n-placement$="top-start"] { @include once { margin-bottom: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { bottom: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; left: 10px; } border-top-color: $--popover-background-color; } } &[n-placement$="top"] { @include once { margin-bottom: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { bottom: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; transform: translateX(-$--n-popover-arrow-width); left: 50%; } border-top-color: $--popover-background-color; } } &[n-placement$="top-end"] { @include once { margin-bottom: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { bottom: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; right: 10px; } border-top-color: $--popover-background-color; } } &[n-placement$="bottom-start"] { @include once { margin-top: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { top: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; left: 10px; } border-bottom-color: $--popover-background-color; } } &[n-placement$="bottom"] { @include once { margin-top: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { top: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; transform: translateX(-$--n-popover-arrow-width); left: 50%; } border-bottom-color: $--popover-background-color; } } &[n-placement$="bottom-end"] { @include once { margin-top: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { top: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; right: 10px; } border-bottom-color: $--popover-background-color; } } &[n-placement$="left-start"] { @include once { margin-right: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { right: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; top: 10px; } border-left-color: $--popover-background-color; } } &[n-placement$="left"] { @include once { margin-right: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { right: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; transform: translateY(-$--n-popover-arrow-width); top: 50%; } border-left-color: $--popover-background-color; } } &[n-placement$="left-end"] { @include once { margin-right: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { right: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; bottom: 10px; } border-left-color: $--popover-background-color; } } &[n-placement$="right-start"] { @include once { margin-left: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { left: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; top: 10px; } border-right-color: $--popover-background-color; } } &[n-placement$="right"] { @include once { margin-left: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { left: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; transform: translateY(-$--n-popover-arrow-width); top: 50%; } border-right-color: $--popover-background-color; } } &[n-placement$="right-end"] { @include once { margin-left: 10px; } @include b(popover-arrow) { @include once { left: -2 * $--n-popover-arrow-width; bottom: 10px; } border-right-color: $--popover-background-color; } } background-color: $--popover-background-color; color: $--popover-text-color; @include not-m(without-shadow) { box-shadow: $--popover-box-shadow; } @include m(fix-width) { white-space: normal; width: max-content; box-sizing: border-box; word-break: break-all; } } }