# Migrate from V1 ## General Breaking Changes - css - css index `naive-ui/lib|es/styles/index.css` has been removed, do not import it any more! - fonts - `naive-ui/lib|es/styles/fonts/*` has been removed, use [`vfonts`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vfonts) - icons - `naive-ui/lib|es/icons/*` is deprecated, use [`vicons`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vicons) instead. - `n-nimbus-form-card` is removed - `n-nimbus-icon` is removed ## Components - [x] form - form-item - new - `show-feedback` prop - [x] affix - deprecate - `target` => `listen-to` - [x] alert - [x] anchor - deprecate - `target` => `listen-to` - [x] auto-complete - break - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - deprecate - `on-input` => `on-update:value` - new - `on-blur` - `on-focus` - [x] avatar - [x] back-top - new - `show` controlled show - `on-update:show` - `to` teleport target - deprecate - `on-show` => `on-update:show` - `on-hide` => `on-update:show` - `target` => `listen-to` - [x] badge - [x] breadcrumb - [x] button - [x] button-group - [x] card - [x] cascader - break - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - `on-load` has different usage - `leaf-only` has different meaning - new - `cascade` prop - `show-path` prop - deprecated - `on-change` => `on-update:value` - [x] checkbox - checkbox - break - `value` only supports `string` - deprecate - `on-change` => `on-update:checked` - new - `default-checked` prop - checkbox-group - break - `value` only supports `string` or `null` - deprecate - `on-change` => `on-update:value` - [x] code - [x] collapse - deprecate - `on-expanded-names-change` => `on-update:expanded-names` - removed - `v-model` => `v-model:expanded-names` - [x] config-consumer - [x] config-provider - break - `$NOs.theme` => `useOsTheme` - deprecate - `as` => `tag` - `styleScheme` won't working in next version - new - provide `useOsTheme` hook - [x] confirm => `dialog` - break - rename `confirm` to `dialog` - remove - `$NConfirm`, `$NModal` => `inject.dialog` - [x] data-table - deprecate - `on-filters-change` => `on-update:filters` - `on-sorter-change` => `on-update:sorter` - `on-checked-row-keys-change` => `on-update:checked-row-keys` - `on-page-change` => `on-update:page` - `on-page-size-change` => `on-update:page-size` - [x] date-picker - break - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - deprecate - `on-change` => `on-update:value` - [x] descriptions - [x] divider - [x] drawer - break - `v-model` - deprecate - `on-show` => `on-update:show` - `on-hide` => `on-update:show` - `target` => `to` - `drawer-class` => `body-class` & `body-wrapper-class` - `drawer-style` => `body-style` & `body-wrapper-style` - new - `display-directive` prop - [x] dropdown - break - `option.value` => `option.key` - item must have unique key - submenu must have unique key - remove - `submenu-width` - `submenu-min-width` - `submenu-max-width` - new - `option.icon` - [x] dynamic-input - break - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - `on-clear` is removed - deprecate - `on-input` => `on-update:value` - new - `min` - [x] dynamic-tags - break - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - [x] element - [x] empty - [x] gradient-text - [x] grid - [x] icon - [x] input - break - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - new - `on-update:value` - [x] input-group - [x] input-group-label - [x] input-number - deprecate - `on-change` => `on-update:value` - [x] layout - layout-content, layout - breaking `use-native-scrollbar` => `native-scrollbar` - layout-sider - breaking `use-native-scrollbar` => `native-scrollbar` - deprecate - `on-expand` => `on-update:collapsed` - `on-collapse` => `on-update:collapsed` - [x] list - [x] loading-bar - remove - `$NLoadingBar` - new - `n-loading-bar-provider` - [x] log - deprecate - `scrollToTop` => `scrollTo` - `scrollToBottom` => `scrollTo` - [x] menu - new - `popover-body-style` - deprecate - `on-expanded-names-change` => `on-update:expanded-keys` - `on-select` => `on-update:value` - `expanded-names` => `expanded-keys` - `default-expanded-names` => `default-expanded-keys` - `item.name` => `item.key` - `item.titleExtra` => `item.extra` - remove - `overlay-width` - `overlay-min-width` - [x] message - rewrite message using `n-message-provider` - deprecate - `onHide` => `onLeave` - `onAfterHide` => `onAfterLeave` - remove - `message.hide` => `message.destroy` - [x] modal - rewrite with teleport - new - `display-directive` - deprecate - `v-model` - `on-show` => `on-update:show` - `on-hide` => `on-update:show` - `overlay-style` => `body-style` - remove - default hide behavior for preset - BUG: - dialog preset slot (below vue 3.0.2) - [x] notification - deprecate - `open` => `create` - `onHide` => `onLeave` - `onAfterShow` => `onAfterEnter` - `onAfterHide` => `onAfterHide` - [x] pagination - deprecate - `on-change` => `on-update:page` - `on-page-size-change` => `on-update:page-size` - [x] popconfirm - [x] popover - new - `default-show` - deprecate - `v-slot:activator` => `v-slot:trigger` - `overlay-xxx` => `body-xxx` - remove - `controller` - `max-width` - `width` - `min-width` - `manual` trigger is removed, use `null` instead - other - set default trigger to `null` - [x] popselect - break - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - deprecate - `on-change` => `on-update:value` - [x] progress - [x] radio - radio-group - break - default `size` `'small'` => `'medium'` - value only supports `string` or `null` - deprecate - `on-change` => `on-update:value` - radio & radio-button - break - value only supports `string` - `checked-value` => `checked` - It is change to conform html standard usage - `on-change` => `on-update:checked` - `on-change` is now a native event - [x] result - [x] scrollbar - [x] select - break - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - `on-scroll(event, container, content)` => `on-scroll(event)` - `option.render(h, data)` => `option.render(data)` - deprecated - `on-change` => `on-update:value` - [x] slider - deprecated - `on-change` => `on-update:value` - bug - vue refs https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/issues/2283 - drag logic - [x] space - [x] spin - breaking - `'in-small'`, `'in-medium'` and `'in-large'` size are removed - deprecate - `spinning` => `show` - [x] statistic - [x] steps - [x] switch - remove - `value` => `value` - `change` => `on-update:value` - [x] table - [x] tabs - deprecate - `active-name` => `value` - `on-active-name-change` => `on-update:value` - [x] tag - break - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - deprecate - `on-checked-change` => `on-update:checked` - [x] thing - [x] time - [x] time-picker - break - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - [x] timeline - [x] tooltip - ref - [x] transfer - break - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - deprecate - `on-change` => `on-update:value` - [x] tree - break - `v-model` => `v-model:selected-keys` - deprecate - `on-selected-keys-change` => `on-update:selected-keys` - `on-checked-keys-change` => `on-update:checked-keys` - `on-expanded-keys-change` => `on-update:expanded-keys` - [x] typography - breaking - text, p - `depth` from `primary` ... `tertiary` => `1`, `2`, `3` - deprecate - text - `as` => `tag` - [x] upload - [x] nimbus-service-layout - breaking - `v-model` => `v-model:value` - TODO - [x] vooks - [x] icons from `vicons` - [x] fonts from `vfonts` - [x] vite-build - [x] rollup-build - [x] wait for new version of rollup-plugin-vue, https://github.com/vuejs/rollup-plugin-vue/issues/408 - tusimple theme - [x] clean delegate - [x] site production tag (bug) - [x] demo scrollbar 的问题 - [x] table x scroll 右侧阴影不消失 - [x] log scrollTo 有点问题 - [x] remove hollowoutable - [x] styleScheme, css variables 组件 - 文档之后再说 - [x] use-global-style ? 感觉效果不会特别好而且还是很无谓的性能开销 这个问题可以之后再思考,现阶段 vue 的写法还是全局 install - [x] dynamic-input, no value - [x] button, input 的 css 变量名需要修改一下 - [x] test rollup treeshaking - [x] test webpack treeshaking - [x] menu utils render - [x] dialog bug - [x] data-table css vars - [x] typography css vars - [x] spin css vars - [x] radio css vars - [x] checkbox css vars - [x] avatar css vars - [x] landing page icon - [x] switch styles - [x] slider styles - [x] drawer api - [x] chrome date-picker overflow (focus({ preventScroll })) - [x] slider 键盘好像会激活不该激活的 tooltip... ## Info https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/issues/2549 last cherry-picked commit: 6560ae34d71b81d584af79f810cb9dfa87119d1a