# Upload
If latency doesn't matters, I'd like to use trucks with many hard disks.
## Demos
## Props
### Upload Props
|name|`string`|`'file'`|The field name of file in form data.|
|accept|`string`|`null`|The accept type of upload. See accept.|
|action|`string`|`null`|The URL to submit data to.|
|directory|`boolean`|`false`|If directory upload supported. Browser support needed. See input-file-directory.|
|method|`string`|`'POST'`|The method of HTTP request.|
|multiple|`boolean`|`false`|If multiple files selection supported.|
|headers|`object \| (file: UploadFile) => object`|`null`|The additional HTTP Headers of request.|
|data|`object \| (file: UploadFile) => object`|`null`|The additional fileds data of HTTP request's form data.|
|with-credentials|`boolean`|`false`|If cookie attached.|
|on-change|`(file: UploadFile, fileList: Array, event?: Event) => any`|`() => {}`|The callback of status change of the component. Any file status change would fire the callback.|
|on-remove|`(file: UploadFile, fileList: Array) => boolean \| Promise`|`() => true`|The callback of file removal. Return false, promise resolve false or promise reject will cancel this removal.|
|on-finish|`(file: UploadFile, fileList: Array) => UploadFile \| void`|`file => file`|The callback of file upload finish. You can modify the UploadFile or retun a new UploadFile.|
|default-upload|`boolean`|`false`|If file uploaded immediatelly after file is selected.|
|file-list|`Array`|`undefined`|The file list of component. If set, the component will work in controlled manner.|
|file-list-style|`Object`|`null`|The style of file list area|
|default-file-list|`Array`|`[]`|The default file list in uncontrolled manner.|
|show-cancel-button|`boolean`|`true`|Whether to show remove button (at file pending, uploadin, error status). Click on cancel button will fire onRemove callback.|
|show-remove-button|`boolean`|`true`|Whether to show remove button (at file finished status). Click on remove button will fire onRemove callback.|
### UploadFile Type
|id|`string \| number`|The id of the file. Need to be unique. **Required** in controlled manner.|
|name|`string`|File name. **Required** in controlled manner.|
|status|`'pending' \| 'uploading' \| 'error' \| 'finished' \| 'removed'`|The status of file. **Required** in controlled manner.|
|percentage|`number`|The progress percentage of file upload. It works when file is uploading. Not required in controlled manner.|
|file|`File`|The File object of the file in brower. Not required in controlled manner.|
## Events
### Upload Events
|change|`(file: UploadFile, fileList: Array)`||
## Methods
### Upload Methods
|submit|`(fileId?: string \| number)`|Submit all files in pending statis.|
|openFileDialog|`() => void`|Open file dialog.|
## Slots
### Upload Slots
### Upload Dragger Slots