# Popover Pop some hidden message around content. There isn't much builtin styles in popover. It's more up to you to fill the content. If you just want to display some basic text message, see [Tooltip](n-tooltip) instead. ## Demos ```demo basic trigger delay no-arrow event placement raw-content width manual-position ``` ## Props |Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| |arrow-style|`Object`|`undefined`|| |body-class|`string`|`undefined`|| |body-style|`Object`|`undefined`|| |delay|`number`|`200`|Popover showing delay when trigger is `hover`| |disabled|`boolean`|`false`|Whether the popover can't be activated.| |display-directive|`'if' \| 'show'`|`'if'`|The conditionally render directive to show popover content. `if` means using `v-if` to render content, `show` means using `v-show` to render content.| |duration|`number`|`200`|Popover vanish delay when trigger is `hover`| |filp|`boolean`|`true`|Whether to filp the popover when there is no space for current placement.| |manually-positioned|`boolean`|`false`|Whether to manually position the popover.| |placement|`'top-start' \| 'top' \| 'top-end' \| 'right-start' \| 'right' \| 'right-end' \| 'bottom-start' \| 'bottom' \| 'bottom-end' \| 'left-start' \| 'left' \| 'left-end' \| `|`'bottom'`|| |raw|`boolean`|`false`|Whether to use no default styles.| |show-arrow|`boolean`|`true`|| |show|`boolean`|`undefined`|Whether to show popover if set.| |theme|`'light' \| 'dark' \| string`|`undefined`|| |trigger|`'hover' \| 'click'`|`'hover'`|| |x|`number`|`undefined`|The CSS `left` pixel value when popover manually positioned.| |y|`number`|`undefined`|The CSS `top` pixel value when popover manually positioned.| |on-update:show|`(value: boolean) => any`||| ## Slots |Name|Parameters|Description| |-|-|-| |trigger|`()`|The element or component that triggers popover.| |default|`()`|The content inside popover.|