# How to Name a Style Var For example, you have a button, which has `default` and `error` type. How will you name the background color of the button. ``` buttonColor errorButtonColor ``` or ``` buttonColor buttonColorError ``` The second is the better (The second is easy to extend and read. Also it follow the css pattern for example `padding-right` and `padding-left`). When it comes to hover style? ``` buttonColor buttonColorHover buttonColorError buttonColorErrorHover <- ``` or ``` buttonColor buttonColorHover buttonColorError buttonColorHoverError <- ``` The second is the better since if you want write a map entity, you always loop on types. For example: ```js // better ['Default', 'Error'].map(type => [ 'buttonColor' + type, 'buttonColorHover' + type ]) // worse, hard to maintain ['Default', 'Error'].map(type => [ 'button' + type + 'Color', 'buttonHover' + type + 'Color' ]) ```