# Layout Layout is for layout. The component is a bit complicated to use. But like a manual gear car, it worths a shot. ## Demos ```demo basic border absolute scrollbar collapse trigger-button show-sider-content scroll-to ``` ## Props ### Layout, Layout Content Props |Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| |position|`'static' \| 'absolute'`|`'static'`|`static` position will make it css position set to `static`. `absolute` position will make it css position set to `absolute` and `left`, `right`, `top`, `bottom` to `0`. `absolute` position is very useful when you want to make content scroll in a fixed container or make the whole page's layout in a fixed position. You may need to change the style of the component to make it display as you expect.| |theme|`'light' \| 'dark' \| null`|`null`|| |themed-style|`{ [themeName: string]: Object }`|`null`|| |use-native-scrollbar|`boolean`|`true`|Whether to use native scrollbar on itself. If set to `false`, layout will use a naive-ui style scrollbar for content| ### Layout Footer Props |Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| |bordered|`boolean`|`false`|| |position|`'static' \| 'absolute'`|`'static'`|`static` position will make it css position set to `static`. `absolute` position will make it css position set to `absolute` and `left`, `right`, `top` to `0`. `absolute` position is very useful when you want to make content scroll in a fixed container or make the whole page's layout in a fixed position. You may need to change the style of the component to make it display as you expect.| |theme|`'light' \| 'dark' \| null`|`null`|| ### Layout Header Props |Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| |bordered|`boolean`|`false`|| |position|`'static' \| 'absolute'`|`'static'`|`static` position will make it css position set to `static`. `absolute` position will make it css position set to `absolute` and `left`, `right`, `bottom` to `0`. `absolute` position is very useful when you want to make content scroll in a fixed container or make the whole page's layout in a fixed position. You may need to change the style of the component to ma ke as you expect.| |theme|`'light' \| 'dark' \| null`|`null`|| ### Layout Sider Props |Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| |bordered|`boolean`|`false`|| |collapse-mode|`'transform' \| 'width'`|`'transform'`|If set to `'width'`, the sider's content width will be actually collapsed. If set to `'transform'`, the sider will only move it's position and won't change its content width. `'transform'` collapse mode only work with sider in `'absolute'` position.| |collapsed|`boolean`|`false`|| |collapsed-width|`number`|`48`|| |position|`'static' \| 'absolute'`|`'static'`|`static` position will make it css position set to `static`. `absolute` position will make it css position set to `absolute` and `left`, `top`, `bottom` to `0`. `absolute` position is very useful when you want to make content scroll in a fixed container or make the whole page's layout in a fixed position. You may need to change the style of the component to make it as you expect. Make sure its adjacent n-layout or n-layout-content position set to `'absolute'` when its position is `'absolute'`.| |show-content|`boolean`|`true`|If set to `false`, sider content will be invisible.| |show-trigger|`boolean \| 'bar' \| 'arrow-circle'`|`false`|Whether to show the built-in trigger button on sider.| |theme|`'light' \| 'dark' \| null`|`null`|| |use-native-scrollbar|`boolean`|`true`|Whether to use native scrollbar on itself. If set to `false`, sider will use a naive-ui style scrollbar for content| |width|`number`|`272`|| ## Slots ### Layout, Layout Content, Layout Sider, Layout Header, Layout Footer Slots |Name|Parameters|Description| |-|-|-| |default|`()`|| ## Events ### Layout Sider Events |Name|Parameters|Description| |-|-|-| |collapse|`()`|| |expand|`()`|| ## Methods ### Layout, Layout Content, Layout Sider Methods |Name|Type|Description| |-|-|-| |scrollTo|`((xCoord: number, yCoord: number) => void) \| (options: { left?: number, top?: number, behavior: 'smooth' \| 'auto' }) => void`|Scroll to somewhere.|