# Progress I have no words to say but there still should be a placeholder to make layout looks spread. ## Demos ```demo circle line multiple-circle custom-indicator color no-indicator height processing ``` ## Props |Name|Type|Default|Description| |-|-|-|-| |theme|`'light' \| 'dark'`|`null`|| |processing|`boolean`|`false`|| |type|`'line' \| 'circle' \| 'multiple-circle'`|`line`|| |status|`'default' \| 'success' \| 'error' \| 'warning' \| 'info'`|`'default'`|| |rail-color|`string \| Array`|`null`|| |color|`string \| Array`|`null`|| |stroke-width|`number`|`7`|| |percentage|`number \| Array`|`0`|| |unit|`string`|`%`|| |show-indicator|`boolean`|`true`|| |indicator-placement|`'inside' \| 'inside-label' \| 'outside'`|`'outside'`|| |indicator-text-color|`string`|`null`|| |circle-gap|`number`|`1`|The gap bewteen circles when type is `'multiple-circle'`, suppose viewbox size is `100`| |height|`number`|`null`|`'line'` typed progress's height. Keep default height if not passed.| |border-radius|`number \| string`|`null`|`'line'` typed progress's border-radius. Keep half of default height if not passed.| |fill-border-radius|`number \| string`|`null`|`'line'` typed progress's fill's border-radius. Keep `border-radius` if not passed.| |processing|`boolean`|`false`|| ## Slots |Name|Parameters|Description| |-|-|-| |default|`()`|Content will replace default indicatior content|