docs(ellpisis): enUS

This commit is contained in:
07akioni 2021-04-20 02:43:13 +08:00
parent 6e7c9f9c3a
commit b318498841
3 changed files with 15 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Basic single line ellipsis with tooltip.
<n-ellipsis style="max-width: 240px;">
住在我心里孤独的 孤独的海怪 痛苦之王 开始厌倦 深海的光 停滞的海浪
The oh so lonesome sea monster dwelling in my heart, the king of sorrow,
begins to tire of the gloom and still current of the deep waters.

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@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ Use `tooltip` slot to customize tooltip content.
<n-ellipsis style="max-width: 240px;">
住在我心里孤独的 孤独的海怪 痛苦之王 开始厌倦 深海的光 停滞的海浪
The oh so lonesome sea monster dwelling in my heart, the king of sorrow,
begins to tire of the gloom and still current of the deep waters.
<template #tooltip>
<div style="text-align: center;">
《秦皇岛》<br />住在我心里孤独的<br />孤独的海怪 痛苦之王<br />开始厌倦
深海的光 停滞的海浪
<i>Qinhuangdao</i><br />
The oh so lonesome sea monster dwelling in my heart,<br />
the king of sorrow,<br />
begins to tire of the gloom and still current of the deep waters.

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@ -4,7 +4,12 @@ Naive-ui provide multiple line ellipsis based on `-webkit-line-clamp`. See [cani
<n-ellipsis :line-clamp="2">
电灯熄灭 物换星移 泥牛入海<br />黑暗好像 一颗巨石 按在胸口<br />独脚大盗
百万富翁 摸爬滚打<br />黑暗好像 一颗巨石 按在胸口
The lights are extinguished.<br />
Matter is transformed and the heavens have shifted.<br />
Clay figures vanish into the sea.<br />
The darkness is like a boulder pressing down upon the breast.<br />
The one-legged pirate and the millionaire fumble and grope on their
bellies.<br />
The darkness is like a boulder pressing down upon the breast.