2020-09-14 18:45:30 +08:00
last cherry-picked commit: 4c6b3822293252d461b0a0f3b18b7d2b40bdcf8b
2020-09-10 14:18:02 +08:00
2020-09-13 19:08:54 +08:00
zindexable 最好写成 directive
2020-09-10 14:18:02 +08:00
placeable 进行了大调整
2020-09-13 19:08:54 +08:00
2020-09-19 16:48:23 +08:00
在很特殊的情况下,popover 的在 teleport 打开的时候 beforeUnmount 会被调用两次,具体没有研究出为什么。
2020-09-17 01:02:59 +08:00
- [ ] form
2020-09-19 16:02:14 +08:00
- [x] affix
- deprecate
- `target` => `listen-to`
2020-09-10 16:07:59 +08:00
- [x] alert
2020-09-19 12:01:20 +08:00
- [x] anchor
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [ ] auto-complete
2020-09-18 23:26:47 +08:00
- [x] avatar
2020-09-18 19:56:47 +08:00
- [x] back-top
- new
- `show` controlled show
- `on-update:show`
- `to` teleport target
- deprecate
- `on-show` => `on-update:show`
- `on-hide` => `on-update:show`
- `target` => `listen-to`
2020-09-26 23:43:12 +08:00
- [x] badge
2020-09-19 12:01:20 +08:00
- [x] breadcrumb
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [x] button
- [x] button-group
2020-09-13 19:08:54 +08:00
- [x] card
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [ ] cascader
2020-09-28 14:18:14 +08:00
- [x] checkbox
- deprecate
- `on-change` => `on-update:checked`
- checkbox-group
- deprecate
- `on-change` => `on-update:value`
2020-09-19 12:01:20 +08:00
- [x] code
2020-09-19 00:10:16 +08:00
- [x] collapse
- deprecate
- `on-expanded-names-change` => `on-update:expanded-names`
- removed
- `v-model` => `v-model:expanded-names`
2020-09-27 01:30:48 +08:00
- [x] config-consumer
- [x] config-provider
- break
- `$NOs.theme` => `useOsTheme`
- deprecate
- `as` => `tag`
- new
- provide `useOsTheme` hook
2020-09-27 22:25:33 +08:00
- [x] confirm => `dialog`
2020-09-27 13:53:16 +08:00
- break
- rename `confirm` to `dialog`
- remove
- `$NConfirm`, `$NModal` => `inject.dialog`
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [ ] data-table
- [ ] date-picker
2020-09-18 23:26:47 +08:00
- [x] descriptions
2020-09-19 12:01:20 +08:00
- [x] divider
2020-09-27 00:35:51 +08:00
- [x] drawer
- break
- `v-model`
- deprecate
- `on-show` => `on-update:show`
- `on-hide` => `on-update:show`
- `target` => `to`
- `drawer-class` => `body-class`
- `drawer-style` => `body-style`
- new
- `display-directive` prop
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [ ] dropdown
2020-09-29 12:57:55 +08:00
- [x] dynamic-input
- break
- `v-model` => `v-model:value`
- deprecate
- `on-input` => `on-update:value`
2020-09-29 12:33:58 +08:00
- [x] dynamic-tags
- break
- `v-model` => `v-model:value`
2020-09-27 00:48:11 +08:00
- [x] element
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [x] empty
2020-09-19 12:01:20 +08:00
- [x] gradient-text
- [x] grid
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [x] icon
- [x] input
2020-09-28 12:36:42 +08:00
- break
2020-09-29 12:19:40 +08:00
- `v-model` => `v-model:value`
2020-09-28 12:36:42 +08:00
- new
- `on-update:value`
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [ ] input-group
- [ ] input-group-label
2020-09-29 01:15:09 +08:00
- [x] input-number
- deprecate
- `on-change` => `on-update:value`
2020-09-27 03:21:50 +08:00
- [x] layout
- layout-sider
- deprecate
- `on-expand` => `on-update:collapsed`
- `on-collapse` => `on-update:collapsed`
2020-09-18 23:26:47 +08:00
- [x] list
2020-09-27 22:25:33 +08:00
- [x] loading-bar
- remove
- `$NLoadingBar`
- new
- `n-loading-bar-provider`
2020-09-27 03:13:40 +08:00
- [x] log
2020-09-17 12:09:15 +08:00
- [x] menu
- new
- `popover-body-style`
- deprecate
- `on-expanded-names-change` => `on-update:expanded-keys`
- `on-select` => `on-update:model-value`
- `expanded-names` => `expanded-keys`
- `default-expanded-names` => `default-expanded-keys`
- `item.name` => `item.key`
2020-09-17 12:17:50 +08:00
- `item.titleExtra` => `item.extra`
2020-09-17 12:09:15 +08:00
- remove
- `overlay-width`
- `overlay-min-width`
2020-09-12 03:28:40 +08:00
- [x] message
2020-09-17 12:09:15 +08:00
- rewrite message using `n-message-provider`
- deprecate
- `onHide` => `onLeave`
- `onAfterHide` => `onAfterLeave`
- remove
- `message.hide` => `message.destroy`
2020-09-14 17:38:11 +08:00
- [x] modal
2020-09-13 19:08:54 +08:00
- rewrite with teleport
2020-09-17 12:09:15 +08:00
- new
- `display-directive`
- deprecate
- `v-model`
- `on-show` => `on-update:show`
- `on-hide` => `on-update:show`
- `overlay-style` => `body-style`
- remove
- default hide behavior for preset
2020-09-17 01:02:59 +08:00
- [x] notification
2020-09-17 12:09:15 +08:00
- deprecate
- `open` => `create`
- `onHide` => `onLeave`
- `onAfterShow` => `onAfterEnter`
- `onAfterHide` => `onAfterHide`
2020-09-25 15:40:23 +08:00
- [x] pagination
- deprecate
- `on-change` => `on-update:page`
- `on-page-size-change` => `on-update:page-size`
2020-09-27 03:03:14 +08:00
- [x] popconfirm
2020-09-17 12:09:15 +08:00
- [x] popover
- new
- `default-show`
- deprecate
- `v-slot:activator` => `v-slot:trigger`
- `overlay-xxx` => `body-xxx`
- remove
- `controller`
- `max-width`
- `width`
- `min-width`
- `manual` trigger is removed, use `null` instead
2020-09-19 12:01:20 +08:00
- other
- set default trigger to `null`
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [ ] popselect
2020-09-19 12:01:20 +08:00
- [x] progress
2020-09-29 00:56:27 +08:00
- [x] radio
- radio-group
- break
- default `size` `'small'` => `'medium'`
- deprecate
- `on-change` => `on-update:value`
- radio & radio-button
- `on-change` => `on-update:checked-value`
2020-09-19 12:01:20 +08:00
- [x] result
2020-09-29 01:21:56 +08:00
- [x] scrollbar
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [ ] select
- [ ] slider
2020-09-19 12:01:20 +08:00
- [x] spin
- [x] statistic
2020-09-27 02:02:31 +08:00
- [x] steps
2020-09-13 19:30:42 +08:00
- [x] switch
2020-09-17 12:09:15 +08:00
- remove
- `value` => `model-value`
- `change` => `on-update:model-value`
2020-09-29 00:56:27 +08:00
- [x] table
2020-09-28 11:33:20 +08:00
- [x] tabs
- deprecate
- `active-name` => `value`
- `on-active-name-change` => `on-update:value`
2020-09-27 22:37:52 +08:00
- [x] tag
2020-09-29 12:33:58 +08:00
- break
- `v-model` => `v-model:checked`
2020-09-27 22:37:52 +08:00
- deprecate
- `on-checked-change` => `on-update:checked`
2020-09-19 12:01:20 +08:00
- [x] thing
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [x] time
2020-09-29 12:19:40 +08:00
- [x] time-picker
- break
- `v-model` => `v-model:value`
2020-09-19 12:01:20 +08:00
- [x] timeline
2020-09-10 16:07:59 +08:00
- [x] tooltip
- ref
2020-09-09 16:09:53 +08:00
- [ ] transfer
- [ ] tree
2020-09-10 16:07:59 +08:00
- [x] typography
- [ ] upload