|raw|`boolean`|`false`|Whether to use no default styles.|
|disabled|`boolean`|`false`|Whether the popover can't be activated.|
|filp|`boolean`|`true`|Whether to filp the popover when there is no space for current placement.|
|controller|`object`|`null`|The controller object of `n-popover`. If a object is passed in, `show` and `hide` methods will be added to the object. The methods can controlled the display status of the popover when not `manual` triggered.|
|display-directive|`'if' \| 'show'`|`'if'`|The conditionally render directive to show popover content. `if` means using `v-if` to render content, `show` means using `v-show` to render content.|
|manually-positioned|`boolean`|`false`|Whether to manually position the popover.|
|x|`number`|`null`|The CSS `left` pixel value when popover manually positioned.|
|y|`number`|`null`|The CSS `top` pixel value when popover manually positioned.|
|width|`number \| string`|`null`||
|min-width|`number \| string`|`null`||
|max-width|`number \| string`|`null`||
## Slots
|activator|`()`|The element or component that triggers popover.|