|feedback|`string`|`null`|The feedback message of the form item. If not set to `null`, it will take place of the result of rule-based validation.|
|first|`boolean`|`false`|Whether only to show the first validation error message.|
|ingore-path-change|`boolean`|`false`|Usually, the change of `path` will cause the data source's variation. So naive-ui will clear the validation result. If it is not expected, you can set it to `true`|
|required|`boolean`|`false`|Whether to show required mark. Note: a required rule has higher priority than this prop & this prop **won't** have any effect on validation. The validation still depends on the rules.|
|rule|`FormItemRule \| Array<FormItemRule>`|`null`|The rule to validate the form item. It will be merged with the rules acquired by `rule-path` from wrapper form's rules. It's recommend to set all rules on wrapper form.|
|validation-status|`'error' \| 'success' \| 'warning' \| null`|`null`|The validation status of the form item. If not set to `null`, it will take place of the result of rule-based validation.|
|validate|`(validateCallback?: (errors?: Array<ValidationError>) => any, shouldRuleBeApplied?: FormItemRule => boolean) => Promise<void>`|Validate the form. The rejection value type of returned promise is `Array<ValidationError>`.|
|validate|`({ trigger?: string, callback?: (errors?: Array<ValidationError>) => any, shouldRuleBeApplied?: FormItemRule => boolean, options?: AsyncValidatorOptions }) => Promise<void>`|Validate the form item. The rejection value type of returned promise is `Array<ValidationError>`. If trigger is not set, all rules of the item will be applied. `shouldRuleBeApplied` can filter rules after they are filtered by the trigger.|