These methods can help you control table in an uncontrolled manner. However, it's not recommended to use them to implement some async operations. If async operations is needed, use table in a **controlled** manner.
|sorter-change|`(data: { columnKey: string \| number, sorter: 'default' \| function \| boolean, order: 'ascend' \| 'descend' \| false } \| null)`|If there won't be a active sorter after change, sorter-change will emit `null`|
|sorter|`boolean \| function \| 'default'`|`false`|The sorter of the column. If set `'default'`, it will use a basic builtin compare function. If set to `true`, it will only display sort icon on the column, which can be used in async status. Otherwise it works like `Array.sort`'s compare function.|
|defaultSortOrder|`'descend' \| 'ascend' \| false`|`false`|The default sort order of the table in uncontrolled manner|
|sortOrder|`'descend' \| 'ascend' \| false \| null`|`null`|The controlled sort order of the column. If it is not `null`, the table's sort status will be in controlled mode. If multiple columns' sortOrder is set, the first one will affect.|
|filter|`boolean \| (optionValue: string \| number, rowData: Object) => boolean \| 'default'`|`false`|The filter of the column. If set to `true`, it will only display filter button on the column, which can be used in async status.|
|filterOptionValues|`Array<string \| number> \| null`|`undefined`|The active filter option values in controlled manner. If not set, the filter of the column works in an uncontrolled manner. (works when there are multiple filters)|
|filterOptionValue|`string \| number \| null`|`undefined`|The active filter option value in controlled manner. If not set, the filter of the column works in an uncontrolled manner. (works when not using multiple filters)|
|defaultFilterOptionValues|`Array<string \| number>`|`[]`|The default active filter option values in uncontrolled manner. (works when there are multiple filters)|
|defaultFilterOptionValue|`string \| number`|`null`|The default active filter option value in uncontrolled manner. (works when not using multiple filters)|