Naive UI has a built-in style scheme. It's powerful for you to create Naive UI styled component. `n-config-consumer`&`n-element` have access to style scheme.
If you find `x-color` and `x-overlay-color` both exist, the `x-color` is composited by `base-background-color` and `x-overlay-color`. `x-color` is guranteed to be a opaque color and `x-overlay-color` is guranteed to be a translucent color.
Components inside naive-ui may use different variables in different themes. Because the different circurmstances need different types of color (opaque or translucent).
In most case you may want to use a `x-overlay-color`: For example is you use `primary-text-color` in the dark mode. It will darker than `primary-text-overlay-color`. Because `primary-text-color` is composited based on pure black(#000). But text are always not placed in a pure black background. In the light mode, those two colors usually looks the same, because `primary-text-overlay-color` is usually be displayed in a pure white background.