228 KiB
Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
4.0.0-alpha.8 (2022-03-16)
Bug Fixes
- actions-core: Fix Throw action error message if params are not an object. (057ff7e)
- actions-core: Improve Throw action error messages. (9ffddd6)
- block-utils: Update test snapshots. (445d20d)
- block-utils: Wrap Icon in antd Icon component. (07dc80a)
- blocks-antd: Fix Icon name in switch. (96e5e46)
- blocks-antd: Icon name corrections. (7fa29e4)
- build: Do not use ref resolver for lowdefy.yml files. (3c05e57)
- Change swc react transform to classic runtime. (55bb5c9)
- cli: Do not merge app and server package jsons (7a97261)
- cli: Fix CLI tests. (1c8dc54)
- docs: Correct icon names for react-icons. (4cae725)
- docs: Fix _yaml.parse takes an array. (0943aa0)
- docs: Fix image route paths in docs. (895d26d)
- docs: Fix JSON syntax error in S3 docs. (0aa7501)
- docs: Fixes in tests. (567afa4)
- operators: Fix operators failing tests. (c25b6b6)
- Remove _user from build operators and rogue console.log (bc39f77)
- Remove _user from build operators. (a812d71)
- Revert back to react 17.0.2. (1b38fd3)
- server-dev: Read next cli bin path from package.json. (0146627)
- server: Add index to keys to resolve react warning. (0f25b57)
- server: Disable ssr on _app. (1b13e57)
- Add operator-js dependency to build (83d5b79)
- Add support for typePrefix on custom plugins. (d66d395)
- blocks-color-seletors: Replace color selectors with single color selector using react-colorful. (7830890)
- cli: Add install custom plugins as dev dependencies. (b6ab43b)
- cli: Copy plugins folder to server. (9f4ff92)
- cli: Merge user package json into server package json. (899a15f)
- Create _env operator and build operators. (e7421bd)
- Create types map for custom plugins. (5ddf739)
- Custom plugins on dev server. (9f65d13)
- docs: Implement docs filter default value operator as plugin. (fa46d22)
- docs: Replace color selectors with react-colorful selector. (3d146aa)
- Evaluate build operators in refs. (f8e2214)
- operators: Update parse for build operators. (d2f5f45)
- Simplify _function with new operatorPrefix (139dae6)
4.0.0-alpha.7 (2022-02-21)
Bug Fixes
- actions-core: Added scrollTo with no params error test. (1402180)
- actions-core: Added testContext for action testing. (2f6189b)
- actions-core: Changed param type check in DisplayMessage action. (3d85e26)
- actions-core: Refactored actions to use actions interface. (563900b)
- actions-core: Updated ScrollTo action tests. (ae202f2)
- actions-core: Updated ScrollTo action to include param error handling. (25b656f)
- actions-core: Updated Throw action tests to use new plugin config. (ccf4fd1)
- actions-core: Updated Wait action tests to use new plugin config. (abb74af)
- Add missing api and helpers tests. (aa1d72c)
- Add operators used by validation to plugin imports. (02abd41)
- Add packages/cli/server/ to git ignore. (20f02bd)
- Add yarn install to dev scripts for server. (dc7f988)
- api: Fix callRequest tests. (58655cb)
- api: Fixes using jest with es modules. (d69a4dc)
- blocks-antd: Refactored tests to use new Block config. (1919560)
- blocks-antd: Temporary for schema for TimelineList. (ce8640d)
- blocks-basic: Refactored tests to use new Block config. (37ba69d)
- blocks-color-selectors: Fix typo in style import. (7a90f5b)
- blocks-color-selectors: Refactored tests to use new Block config. (bd38975)
- blocks-echarts: Refactored tests to use new Block config. (d17e34e)
- blocks-loaders: Refactored tests to use new Block config. (e4f4590)
- blocks-markdown: Refactored tests to use new Block config. (b963944)
- bock-utils: Fix icon properties, size might be an issue. (cd2b9ad)
- build: Add writeActionImports to build. (f0889d2)
- build: Events with try defined should add default for catch. (bb36b55)
- build: Fix build tests. (417f5cb)
- build: Fix error message when block is not an object. (5bc113b)
- build: Fix jest with es modules. (a4d089a)
- build: Move page not an object error to addDefaultPages. (b3c980d)
- build: Throw better error for incorrect user transformer functions. (d796de3)
- build: Throw instead of logging error for build. (cccaabc)
- cli: Change additional base dir references to config. (e20cfdf)
- cli: Fix icon in init command. (295faba)
- cli: Fix jest es module mocks. (78480e8)
- connection-elasticsearch: Add license comments in schema files. (43ec9a0)
- connection-elasticsearch: Fix connection-elasticsearch plugin structure to work with version 4. (f0c55e8)
- connection-google-sheets: Add license comments in schema files. (c230318)
- connection-google-sheets: Fix connection-google-sheets plugin structure to work with version 4. (2c19747)
- connection-google-sheets: Revert mingo system imports. (66a42c7)
- connection-knex: Add license comments in schema files. (916452b)
- connection-knex: Fix connection-knex plugin structure to work with version 4. (ffc9c35)
- connection-mongodb: Add license comments in schema files. (0872590)
- connection-mongodb: Fix connection-mongodb plugin structure to work with version 4. (a8b9da9)
- connection-mongodb: Update dependency mongodb to v4.4.0. (0655365)
- connection-mongodb: Update MongoDB connection docs (7f0fccf)
- connection-sendgrid: Add license comments in schema files. (1850af3)
- connection-sendgrid: Fix connection-sendgrid plugin structure to work with version 4. (1baeb0f)
- connection-stripe: Add license comments in schema files. (cf4a614)
- connection-stripe: Fix connection-stripe plugin structure to work with version 4. (3a35829)
- Convert link to pass pathname and query separately. (1294914)
- Convert links to use pathname and query. (1189a8b)
- deps: Downgrade dependency swr to v1.1.2. (80b047f)
- deps: Update dependecy next to v12.0.10 (c058935)
- deps: Update dependency @elastic/elasticsearch to v7.16.0. (ed1346e)
- deps: Update dependency @sendgrid/mail to v7.6.0. (f44d267)
- deps: Update dependency ajv to v8.9.0. (efd18da)
- deps: Update dependency aws-sdk to v2.1066.0. (766acde)
- deps: Update dependency axios to v0.25.0. (ddf13bb)
- deps: Update dependency chokidar to v3.5.3. (4513321)
- deps: Update dependency commander to v9.0.0. (aebd5be)
- deps: Update dependency dompurify to v2.3.5. (41dbc3d)
- deps: Update dependency dotenv to v15.0.0. (682620c)
- deps: Update dependency echarts to v5.3.0. (6571f98)
- deps: Update dependency echarts-for-react to v3.0.2. (e5f7ed6)
- deps: Update dependency google-spreadsheet to v3.2.0. (2c62cc2)
- deps: Update dependency knex to v1.0.1. (26863fc)
- deps: Update dependency mingo to v6.0.0. (145dcda)
- deps: Update dependency mssql to v8.0.1. (6848ade)
- deps: Update dependency next-auth to v4.1.2. (4b63c87)
- deps: Update dependency next-with-less to v2.0.4. (7c71492)
- deps: Update dependency query-string to v7.1.0. (f434ee9)
- deps: Update dependency react to v18.0.0-rc.0 (2345330)
- deps: Update dependency react-markdown to v8.0.0. (f04e35b)
- deps: Update dependency redis to v4.0.3. (c4b0e75)
- deps: Update dependency rehype-raw to v6.1.1. (e13b0f1)
- deps: Update dependency stripe to v8.201.0. (964efb4)
- deps: Update dependency swr to v1.2.0. (8c55376)
- deps: Update dependency yargs to v17.3.1. (277776c)
- deps: Update emotion css packages. (3380594)
- docs: Add CircleColorSelector to transformer and fix typo. (9eea4f1)
- docs: Add docs on ES Modules in build resolvers and transformers. (8a3605e)
- docs: Comment our JsAction usage. (27a2361)
- docs: Update paths for all blocks and some icon name fixes. (e4369bb)
- Downgrade dependency ora to v5.4.1 (ea28ea5)
- engine: Changed method action from getRequest to getRequestDetails. (32c0b7c)
- engine: Fixed validate action method context reference. (576e3a9)
- engine: Reset input when link is followed with no input. (fab9e2a)
- engine: Reverted index based block id change in callMethod action test. (46ad3c0)
- engine: Update set global action method global object reference. (91fa543)
- engine: Updated callMethod action method to use action & block plugin config. (ddd849e)
- engine: Updated link action method test to use action & block plugin config. (1306698)
- engine: Updated login action method test to use action & block plugin config. (4cbd863)
- engine: Updated logout action method test to use action & block plugin config. (e120fe8)
- engine: Updated message action method test to use action & block plugin config. (48cd251)
- engine: Updated request action method test to use action & block plugin config. (d2bd2f5)
- engine: Updated reset action method test to use action & block plugin config. (d46add8)
- engine: Updated resetValidation action method test to use new plugin config. (107a1a5)
- engine: Updated setGlobal action method test to use new plugin config. (ceceec3)
- engine: Updated setState action method test to use new plugin config. (27838bc)
- engine: Updated testContext to use rootBlock config. (c8524c6)
- engine: Updated validate action method test to use new plugin config. (f8962c6)
- Fix docs transformer fns tests. (8a0e331)
- Fix import issues for build. (64a076c)
- Fix util package tests. (9d0cc45)
- Fix V4 tests. (d082d0c)
- Move S3UploadButton to plugin-aws. (540aa03)
- node-utils: Convert writeFile function prototype. (5371430)
- node-utils: Do not throw if readFile path is not resolved. (b451c29)
- operators-js: Fix array, function, operator, type tests (4d19d48)
- operators-js: Fix getter operator tests. (c774f3f)
- operators-js: Fix menu and location tests (3fac862)
- operators-js: Update request tests. (f78405f)
- operators-js: Update shared operators tests. (1c6cb87)
- operators-js: Update test name and license wording. (708beac)
- operators-nunjucks: Fix tests. (6b5d8c8)
- plugin-aws: Convert @lowdefy/plugin-aws to new plugin package structure. (64043d3)
- Remove rc-animate from yarnrc config. (0a037d1)
- server-dev: Add dev server manager description. (18cf9c2)
- server-dev: Do not error if .env file does not exist. (fa389a1)
- server-dev: Fix redirect. (96ed764)
- server: Maintain the lowdefy objects during page transitions. (4b3d061)
- servr-dev: Fix 404 redirect so that browser back works. (9df6579)
- Strip auth prop from page config in api. (693667d)
- Update createLink tests. (2e531b3)
- Update docs for Anchor. (53117b8)
- actions-core: Added CallMethod action test. (f9333e5)
- actions-core: Added Link action test. (d04cc03)
- actions-core: Added Login action test. (ba6ac71)
- actions-core: Added Logout action test. (b67e77d)
- actions-core: Added Message action test. (0404c0d)
- actions-core: Added Request action test. (696d816)
- actions-core: Added Reset action test. (c53d111)
- actions-core: Added ResetValidation action test. (b5fc499)
- actions-core: Added SetGlobal action test. (66c8218)
- actions-core: Added SetState action test. (bfab2e4)
- actions-core: Added Validate action test. (171aec3)
- actions-core: BREAKING CHANGE - The Message action was renamed to DisplayMessage. (a9bfe65)
- actions-core: Refactored @lowdefy/engine and added actions-core package to plugins. (b08ef1d)
- actions-core: Updated DisplayMessage action and tests to include edge cases. (1d70f64)
- Add build scripts for plugings. (d37db36)
- Add start, start:dev and start:server-dev scripts for easy dev ⚡️. (da813c3)
- Add start:dev-docs start script. (0c494fe)
- Add watch and ignore paths, default ref resolver to dev server and build. (c700d9f)
- blocks: Implement Link in blocks. (2bcf600)
- build: Add buildPath to config. (1cce024)
- build: Add command line args for build, config and server directories. (1ef213b)
- build: Added @lowdefy/actions-core plugin to build process. (a144735)
- build: Copy files in config public folder to next public folder. (ceafdc8)
- build: Use dynamic import for build resolver and transformer functions. (c9db72a)
- cli: Add config option for server-dev and server directories. (07902b0)
- cli: Add port option for start command. (9e16e2f)
- cli: Add port setting to dev command. (546798a)
- cli: Pass package manager setting to dev server. (0425f07)
- cli: Rename base-directory to config-directory. (f09c569)
- docs: Add docs for the Link component. (37b80b1)
- engine: Added action methods to Actions class. (e3a32aa)
- engine: Added getActions action method test. (c79c7ed)
- engine: Added getBlockId action method test. (5802217)
- engine: Added getEvent action method test. (031535c)
- engine: Added getGlobal action method test. (61d23a2)
- engine: Added getInput action method test. (5578f46)
- engine: Added getPageId action method test. (602e114)
- engine: Added getRequestDetails action method test. (55519c5)
- engine: Added getState action method test. (384d264)
- engine: Added getUrlQuery action method test. (6665f2e)
- engine: Added getUser action method test. (f7156f5)
- engine: BREAKING CHANGE - The Message action was renamed to DisplayMessage. (6c3abb7)
- engine: Update link to include noLink and disableLink, fix logic. (b9633e4)
- Ignore app/** test config. (f5fad82)
- Link and basePath implementation for dev server. (d487a1c)
- node-utils: Add copyDirectory. (852a77a)
- node-utils: Replace rimraf with fs-extra. (e15031d)
- operators: Change dependancy from js-yaml to yaml. (cbb71d8)
- server-dev: Add .env and lowdefy version watchers. (bc52268)
- server-dev: Add port setting to server-dev. (f5b0e7e)
- server-dev: Added import for actions plugins to the lowdefy context. (20133bb)
- server-dev: Clean up server-dev manager. (ad3511c)
- server-dev: Dev server plugin install and next build working. (cf66a6f)
- server-dev: Optimise dev server next build time. (34aa84a)
- server-dev: Skip calling next and lowdefy build using npm/yarn start. (1a8699a)
- server: Add ariaLabel and rel properties to Link. (95b4447)
- server: Add Next Link component implementation. (6104ae0)
- server: Add replace and scroll to Link. (9d6ac04)
- server: Added import for actions plugins to the lowdefy context. (f28052c)
- Revert "chore: Update yarn.lock" (f894cb4)
- Revert "chore: Update yarn lock to fix removal of rc-animate." (ab3e513)
- connection-mongodb: The MongoDB driver was updated to v4, which has some changes to the option variable names.
- operators: _yaml.parse now takes an array or an object data instead of a string.
- href and strong property removed for Anchor block, replaced with Link properties.
- engine: The Message action was renamed to DisplayMessage.
- deps: The Knex driver has been updated to v1.0.1 which has some changes in the returned values. See https://github.com/knex/knex/releases.
- deps: # marks the beginning of a comment in .env files (UNLESS the value is wrapped in quotes. Please update your .env files to wrap in quotes any values containing #.
- cli: Rename base-directory to config-directory.
3.23.2 (2021-11-29)
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Added deboucing condition to Selector and MultipleSelector. (ce1d3e4)
4.0.0-alpha.6 (2022-01-20)
Bug Fixes
- Add loading and error icons to icon plugin import. (3c98732)
- blocks-antd: Added debounce condition to Selector and MultipleSelector (910bee0)
- blocks-antd: Swap rc-animation for rc-motion in Label to fix modules build. (8660b6e)
- blocks-markdown: Upgraded react markdown dependencies. (9eb7c3a)
- blocks: Updated block meta, types and buildIcons. (1d774a3)
- build: Updated write icon imports template. (425823d)
- cli: Fix CLI dev server command. (49f6c20)
- connection-redis: Add test for connection with url string and remove custom message for connection errors. (095b890)
- connection-redis: Add tests with mocked redis client and bumped @swc/core version. (11cef00)
- connection-redis: Pin redis dependency to a fixed version and fix error messages. (068461f)
- docs: Added redis connection documentation. (ee1620b)
- Fix antd styles. (62a752d)
- Fix blocks-echarts yarn berry packageExtensions. (a908c1c)
- Fix blocks-markdown package dependencies. (035b0c1)
- Fix layout style import. (b318343)
- Fix static files. (d2e343e)
- Refactored connection-redis plugin to have non restrictive schemas. (f8d9f8e)
- server: Home is also returned in getRootConfig. (b138485)
- 404 page working with next server (270c92e)
- Add _diff to client operators as well as server. (4e23fec)
- Add additional operator plugins to generateDefaultTypes, and fix operaotr packages. (a1d9c3b)
- Add icons and webmanifest to next server. (6a254ed)
- Add rest of operators-diff files. (fde3a94)
- Add secrets to v4 servers (9ef2ccd)
- Add server manager and file watcher in reload event stream. (8474aaf)
- Add Server Sent Event reload rout and component. (a556eab)
- build: Move app.style.lessVariables to config.theme.lessVariables. (cb14f17)
- cli: Add v4 dev command to CLI. (02770f5)
- clie: Update BatchChanges to repeat and pass args to callback function. (6dd29c5)
- Create connection-redis plugin. (ee2315d)
- Create operators-change-case plugin (9aca6be)
- Create operators-diff plugin. (97885be)
- Create operators-mql plugin (e3084aa)
- Create operators-uuid plugin. (7ab243b)
- Create operators-yaml plugin. (3a521ba)
- Create wait helper function. (42c09f4)
- Init @lowdefy/server-dev package. (e76b40e)
- server-dev: Add browser opener to dev server. (ddf9d36)
- server-dev: Add dev server startup and config file watcher. (a29576d)
- server-dev: Add the abilty to restart the dev server. (b610a63)
- server-dev: Dev server soft reload working. (dd5ee07)
- server-dev: Fetch Lowdefy config client-side using swr. (ce126df)
- server-dev: Reload client window if dev server is restarted. (b8c1d58)
- server-dev: Updates to dev server manager. (b4861d0)
- The 404 page is now always publically accessible.
4.0.0-alpha.5 (2021-11-27)
Bug Fixes
- cli: Add node shebang to index.js. (f711fa9)
- cli: Update getDirectories. (8af70b0)
- Fix home page route in server. (640ab8a)
- Fixes for V4. (41a9a30)
- Refactored blocks for Lowdefy Version 4. (96f194d)
- Remove CHANGELOG file and aws plugin package peer depencies (21627f7)
- V4 fixes. (088e210)
- Add client operators to operators-js. (1453e8e)
- Add start command to CLI. (19bf81a)
- Add types object to telemetry. (d2509b3)
- Allow Less variables to be specified in server. (bd8ccbd), closes #893
- Create operators-js plugins. (fc0dc29)
- Create operators-nunjucks plugin. (d299d2f)
- Import operator plugins in server. (f913e9e)
- Move server operators to operators-js plugin. (a864473)
- operators: Add other functions to operators export. (16f4da7)
- operators: Move common operators to operators-js plugin (42a8054)
- operators: Update node and web parser and move their tests. (3647299)
- operators: Update node and webParser and tests. (e52a22e)
- Update server package.json if plugin deps change. (09f7bca), closes #943
- Update types.js and update packages (b6ffbf6)
4.0.0-alpha.4 (2021-11-25)
Bug Fixes
- Plugin import fixes. (e1becad)
- build: Add build icons.js. (e3b7eb7)
4.0.0-alpha.3 (2021-11-25)
Bug Fixes
- build: Fix build default build directory. (f6efc19)
- blocks-basic: Add styles export to types.js. (c4900b4)
- build: Add styles.less in build. (d014774)
- connection-axios-http: Generate type.js from import. (d6c1cf7)
- layout: Export styles.less. (f898cff)
4.0.0-alpha.2 (2021-11-25)
Bug Fixes
- Fixes for CLI build. (3e58d59)
- Fetch, install and build @lowdefy/server from CLI. (7966538)
4.0.0-alpha.1 (2021-11-25)
Bug Fixes
- ajv: Build @lowdefy/ajv with swc and update dep ajv to v8.6.3. (f231fcb)
- api: add createContext test (af14e7c)
- api: Add request handler tests. (b827137)
- api: Add tests (db478c9)
- api: Fix api context tests. (8aa2642)
- api: Fix tests. (7791951)
- api: JSON web token tests and fixes. (30f7267)
- Authorisation flows working. (5b32ca8)
- block-dev: exclude dev files from tests. (5f81b17)
- block-tools: Move @lowdefy/icons into @lowdefy/block-tools. (4cc8501)
- block-tools: Update test to not use inline SS for modules. (f173fb2)
- block-tools: Update tests. (ea4cc05)
- blockDev: Fix stubBlockProps test. (357fd0c)
- blockDev: Include makeCssClass in stubBlockProps. (33656e6)
- blocks-antd: Add onSearch to Selector and MultipleSelector. (68ab7ba)
- blocks-antd: runMockRenderTests working. (5f74f05)
- blocks-antd: Update tests for all blocks. (ca09c8c)
- blocks-antd: Update validationExamples test. (bc87d97)
- blocks-basic: Update tests for blocks basic and new structures. (5d16247)
- blocksAntd: Add feedback classes to labelLogic. (75ef33f)
- blocksAntd: Comment.datetime can also be a string. (56e167d)
- blocksAntd: Fix line wrapping for long description in CheckboxSwitch. (9f75253)
- blocksAntd: Fix margin in Alert when message is none. (4066869)
- blocksAntd: Icon: move color and fontSize to style. (b54ecde)
- blocksAntd: Refactor block files for next. (c310d04)
- blocksAntd: Refactored blocks for Lowdefy Version 4. (4af10f9)
- blocksAntd: Update test snapshots. (e1ad47f)
- blocksAntd: Updated CheckboxSelector block tests. (eee5e52)
- blocksAntd: Updated RadioSelector block tests. (c0588c0)
- blocksAntd: Updated RatingSlider block tests. (e486c83)
- blocksBasic: Move Anchor from antd to basic. (b065493)
- blocksBasic: Remove Context block tests. (8899e6f)
- blocks: Block test restructuring. (52ffeec)
- blocksColorSelectors: Refactored blocks for Lowdefy Version 4. (85553d3)
- blocksECharts: Refactored blocks for Lowdefy Version 4. (cfe2e20)
- blocksMarkdown: Refactored blocks for Lowdefy Version 4. (e42ba80)
- blocks: Refactored blocksBasic blocks for Lowdefy Version 4. (2ded0f0)
- blockTools: Cleanup block tools. (7ab732c)
- build: Fix build if no lowdefy.yaml file is found. (86f32a1)
- build: Fix build tests. (509d71a)
- build: Remove getMeta from context. (a982fd8)
- build: Remove nested if statements. (e4771f9)
- build: Removed check and test for duplicate block id. (8fe5cdd)
- build: Update build tests for payload change. (43c2507)
- build: Update duplicate id tests. (ed2f983)
- build: Updated formatErrorMessage and testSchema tests. (751814c)
- build: Updated formatErrorMessage function to show descriptive error paths. (5096554)
- Clean up server configuration. (dea25de)
- Cleanup build script. (ca0b4b0)
- client: Refactor root components. (e549883)
- connection-elasticsearch: Fix elasticsearch tests after plugin update. (9cb4097)
- connection-mongodb: Fix mongodb tests. (f1d11f0)
- deps: Update dependency @elastic/elasticsearch to v7.15.0. (788da55)
- deps: Update dependency @sendgrid/mail to v7.5.0. (c955a4c)
- deps: Update dependency @wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17 to v0.6.5. (3363135)
- deps: Update dependency axios to v0.23.0. (f04f720)
- deps: Update dependency chalk to v4.1.2. (5a80923)
- deps: Update dependency chokidar to v3.5.2. (ea8300a)
- deps: Update dependency commander to v8.3.0. (45489e6)
- deps: Update dependency dompurify to v2.3.3. (7c22b15)
- deps: Update dependency knex to v0.95.11. (08d5a57)
- deps: Update dependency less to v4.1.2. (96016f5)
- deps: Update dependency mssql to v7.2.1. (c9acf42)
- deps: Update dependency openid-client to v4.9.1. (5b28ee4)
- deps: Update dependency ora to v6.0.1. (25e82f5)
- deps: Update dependency pg to v8.7.1. (cc2e30a)
- deps: Update dependency query-string to v7.0.1. (48f881f)
- deps: Update dependency reload to v3.2.0. (101ca3c)
- deps: Update dependency stripe to v8.184.0. (d75e396)
- deps: Update dependency yargs to v17.2.1. (d79be06)
- deps: Update fastify dependencies. (b1b321e)
- deps: Update package ajv to v8.8.2. (2ded889)
- deps: Update package axios to v0.24.0. (ea4f077)
- deps: Updvate dependency aws-sdk to v2.1013.0. (15c225c)
- docs: Document that _index operator is client side only. (72c8228)
- Engine test fixes. (cf752ec)
- engine: Add tests for payload change. (e8a2141)
- ES module and next server fixes. (83bca45)
- Fix blocks tests. (e5dc8aa)
- Fix tests (80c00f4)
- Fix tests. (5fd4a45)
- graphql: Fix graphql RequestInput schema (add2631)
- graphql: Fix graphql tests fro removed contextId. (67141dd)
- Next server fixes (d5ab3d9)
- operators: _index operator is no longer supported in node env. (ec777ca)
- operators: Fix _switch operator tests. (b28c65e)
- operators: Fix operator tests for payload change. (dc41f69)
- Remove auth dependencies from api (a1f72e1)
- Remove block metadata from build. (06a4fba)
- Remove nested contexts code review fixes. (ceb266d)
- Remove Root component in server. (8182775)
- Render app using blockIds generated at build. (4e46145)
- Replace all front end testing with @testing-library/react, jest and other updates. (22ec295)
- server: Move document and window to LowdefyContext component. (db21b58)
- Test fixes. (67bf2d4)
- Update all block tests. (5f0528d)
- Update antd from v4.4.2 to v4.16.13. (dfe5966)
- Update dependency mingo to v4.2.0. (cbcf3a7)
- Update to antd@4.17.0-alpha.7 and @ant-design/icons@4.7.0. (25d9067)
- Add authentication flows (15e1be9)
- Add default public files to @lowdefy/client (dcd28f5)
- Add requests support to @lowdefy/api package (86533ee)
- Add requests to client and server. (320c4a1)
- api: Add api tests and fixes. (457890b)
- api: Add authorization functions. (a039f41)
- api: Api package tests and fixes. (1f4b2f2)
- api: Init package @lowdefy/api (cbe7569)
- blockDev: Split dev files from block-tools into block-dev. (f123730)
- blocksAntd: Add align property to CheckboxSelector. (06d9d31)
- blocksAntd: Add align, direction and wrap properties to RadioSelector. (49e20a4), closes #518
- blocksAntd: Add bordered to all inputs where applicable. (4b7749d)
- blocksAntd: Add contentStyle and labelStyle properties. also extra content area.. (67e907c)
- blocksAntd: Add direction and wrap to CheckboxSelector. (77380a9), closes #518
- blocksAntd: Add HolderOutlined icon. (c39c387)
- blocksAntd: Add onSearch event to AutoComplete. (672624f)
- blocksAntd: Added direction, wrap and scroll properties to the CheckboxSelector block. (b23b483)
- blocksAntd: Added direction, wrap and scroll properties to the RadioSelector block. (e900a77)
- blocksAntd: Avatar size can now take responsive settings. (1586723)
- blocksAntd: Badge: add size property. (bee3718)
- blocksAntd: ConfirmModal: add modalStyle, closable and bodyStyle properties. (62ca4a4)
- blocksAntd: Convert Alert to container and add action content area. (49c6baa)
- blocksAntd: Drawer: Add extra content area and contentWrapperStyle property. (9273fac)
- blocksAntd: Menu: add expandIcon property. (4f4b8be)
- blocksAntd: Menu: Add MenuDivider link type. (b1fbaee)
- blocksAntd: MultipleSelector: Add bordered property. (4632c76)
- blocksAntd: NumberInput: Add bordered, controls, formatter, keyboard properties. (72858e5)
- blocksAntd: Paragraph: Add italic property. (2a6bb8c)
- blocksAntd: ParagraphInput: add italic and type: success properties. (3539992)
- blocksAntd: PasswordInput: add bordered and visibilityToggle properties. (3d26bbe)
- blocksAntd: Selector: Add bordered property. (a748b24)
- blocksAntd: Skeleton add block property to button sekeleton. (2ba7ba1)
- blocksAntd: Statistic: Add loading property. (4193621)
- blocksAntd: TextArea: add bordered, maxLength and showCount properties. (f7b2b35)
- blocksAntd: TextArea: Add size property. (b87248b)
- blocksAntd: TextInput: add bordered and maxLength properties. (7790677)
- blocksAntd: Title: add level 5 and italic properties. (eecc837)
- blocksAntd: TitleInput: add level 5 and italic properties. (af68201)
- blocks: Convert all context category blocks to container. (6bc03c8)
- blocksLoaders: Split loading blocks into separte blocks package, closes #379 (409b1fd)
- blockTools: Update to @emotion/css, optimize makeCssClass standarise jest settings. (947defa)
- blockTools: Update useDynamicScript. (cd82729)
- Build html files for each page, and serve from api (3f53d8b)
- build: Add generateDefaultTypes script. (18a4863)
- build: Added createCheckDuplicateId test. (414eaa1)
- build: Build now throws on duplicate ids. (45fd393), closes #529
- build: Count types during build. (6550f76)
- build: Remove support for nested contexts on a page. (b003b76)
- build: Write plugin imports and types.json during build. (14247ea)
- Convert connection elasticsearch to plugin structure. (a277fd0)
- Convert knex, sendgrid and stripe connections to plugin structure. (d0e751a)
- engine: Remove support for nested contexts. (612f783)
- Fixes fro requests in next server (e341d8d)
- Generate unique block ids at build. (1503970), closes #920
- graphql: Remove support for nested contexts on a page. (36cf2cf)
- icons: Create and use @lowdefy/icons, closes #948 (edcda84)
- Init @lowdefy/client package (909cef7)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-aws package. (6b008bf)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-elasticsearch package. (b6fe67f)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-google-sheets package. (4ffa94f)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-knex package (0a25b31)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-mongodb package (118a29c)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-sendgrid package. (2befa24)
- Init @lowdefy/connection-stripe package. (cf3adb0)
- Init server using next. (bfe749f)
- Make @lowdefy/build a dev dependency of server. (fa97eb6)
- Mount home page on the home route if configured. (ff23ea8)
- Next server fixes. (9e6518a)
- Next server rendering blocks (e625e07)
- operators: Convert package @lowdefy/operators to es modules. (eba25a7)
- operators: Remove ability to get from another context. (1abc542)
- Pass components to blocks in server, setup Icon. (7db2640)
- Remove @lowdefy/renderer package (c584778)
- Render Lowdefy blocks in client package. (c24bcf1)
- render: Remove support for nested contexts on a page. (09d63cf), closes #884
- Replace server side state with payload and _payload operator. (1f928d9)
- Requests working on next server (8d6abe2)
- Restructure plugin files. (f651ed7)
- Root config and link working on next server. (cf2562b)
- server: Add auth routes to server. (4a97f4c)
- server: Add mount events and simplify loading states. (104642d)
- server: Convert server to fastify. (0d2c1c3)
- Update @lowdefy/connection-axios-http package structure. (a005de6)
- Update aws and axios packages to use new plugin structure. (f20cfef)
- Update google sheets and mongodb connections to plugin structure. (53278a3)
- Use logger in request api call. (83b885b)
- render: Multiple contexts on a page are no longer supported. Context category blocks no longer exist, and the first block on a page no longer needs to be of category context.
- operators: Getter operators can no longer get from another context.
- operators: The _index operator is no longer supported in node env.
- The _event, _global, _input, _state, and _url_query operators are no longer evaluated in connections or requests.
3.23.2 (2021-11-29)
- Fix an issue where the
blocks were not handling bouncedonSearch
events correctly and leaving the loading state early. Closes #968.
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Added deboucing condition to Selector and MultipleSelector. (ce1d3e4)
3.23.1 (2021-11-20)
- Release to fix Docker builds.
3.23.0 (2021-11-19)
- Added onSearch event to
- Better error messages on build.
- Added
- Added experimental feature
. - Added
parameter to configure OpenID connect state token expiry.
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Update test snapshots for Selector and MultipleSelector. (67202c4)
- docs: Included onSearch event example in MultipleSelector and Selector docs. (0e53cb8)
- Updated MultipleSelector block to include onSearch event. (0339e63)
- blocksAntd: Updated Selector block to include onSearch event. (5e9ec14)
- docs: Fix _ref resolver function example. (0903094)
- build: Better error messages on build. (9934d07)
3.23.0-alpha.0 (2021-11-09)
Bug Fixes
- Add _switch operator to docs. (c5c6f0c)
- Support .yml in lowdefy.yaml file. (0f7cc2a), closes #902
- docs: Add avatar and links to blog template. (d855599)
- docs: Fix the iframe videos in the docs. (c4a957a)
- improvements on blog template. (30e2291)
- docs: Add how to generate CSVs. (2cc8e45)
- docs: Add how to generate pdfs. (7b35550)
- operators: Added tests for switch operator to Node and Web Parsers. (249ab6b)
- operators: Added tests for switch operator. (ce31fa3)
- operators: Updated switch operator to for... ...of syntax. (cdbd0e0)
- docs: Add how to generate csv. (3257f51)
- docs: Add videos to how tos. (57c7779)
- Add generate pdf how to. (5bde460)
- docs: Added switch operator documentation. (7c42c78)
- operators: Added switch operator. (436170c)
3.22.0 (2021-09-27)
- Added new blocks
. - Added an
event to theCard
block. - Fixed the text copied to the clipboard when the Copy button is clicked in the
blocks. - Falsy values like
, andnull
are now rendered correctly in blocks that render HTML.
- Fixed a bug where the
operator did not work with falsy values for thedefault
- The renderer served from blocks server url is now used if a blocks server url configured.
- Added Stripe connection.
- Fixed AxiosHttp connection type spelling in docs
- Added
operator switch example. - Added
examples. - Updated CLI npm install docs.
- Changed npx commands to use specific CLI versions for docker deployments.
- Added readme to CLI package.
- Fixed
block events documentation. - Fixed
properties documentation.
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Fix selector option labels and filter function. (38445a5)
- cli: Use renderer served from blocks server url if configured. (69d14b4), closes #840
- docs: Fix AxiosHttp connection type spelling in docs. (d9b53a0)
- Add
examples. (c9a6b50)
3.22.0-alpha.1 (2021-09-20)
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Add tests for CheckboxSwitch. (089150e)
- blocksAntd: Added CheckboxSwitch tests. (db8c05b)
- blocksAntd: Fix CheckboxSwitch color property. (d2ea3c6)
- blocksAntd: Fix MultipleSelector schema and docs. (41d25a1)
- blocksAntd: Fix typo in Paragraph input copyable text property. (b92621a)
- blocksAntd: Paragraph and Title blocks copyable error fixed. (483013d)
- blocksAntd: Updated CheckboxSwitch test snapshots. (025a158)
- blocksAntd: Use updated renderHtml helper function (5e3de6f), closes #820
- blocksAntd: Use updated renderHtml in selector blocks (0da3bd1)
- blocksBasic: Handle none type values in DangerousHtml block (a765be4)
- blocksBasic: Use renamed HtmlComponent in Html block (was RenderHtml) (cf85d6c)
- blockTools: Add renderHtml helper function. (b0c35f7)
- blockTools: Handle falsey values better in RenderHtml component (4363803)
- build: Updated meta location tests to include CheckboxSwitch. (905f47e)
- build: Updated meta locations to include CheckboxSwitch block. (cd2ab8c)
- cli: Add readme to CLI package. (cf5c406)
- deps: Update dependency axios to v0.21.4 (81cd2b6)
- docs: Added CheckboxSwitch examples and CheckboxSelector note. (9cf56bf)
- docs: Added copyable and ellipsis config to Title block. (9f8632e)
- docs: Change npx commands to specific versions for deployments. (f2c380b)
- docs: Convert CLI commands to npx commands. (c9cd643)
- docs: Update CLI npm install docs. (98a8b71)
- blocksAntd: Added CheckboxSwitch demo example. (7187849)
- blocksAntd: CheckboxSwitch block has been added. (838f5ea)
- docs: Add _get operator switch example. (b727b9e)
- docs: Added CheckboxSwitch docs. (81752aa)
3.22.0-alpha.0 (2021-09-08)
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Card block now has an onClick event. (4263f6b)
- blocksAntd: Password Input block has been added. (9d99ef8)
- build: Added PasswordInput meta location. (66abcdd)
- docs: Add Stripe documentation. (ed963ec)
- docs: Added Password Input block docs. (ee8bda4)
- graphql: Add Stripe connection. (e676258)
3.21.2 (2021-08-31)
- Fix undefined Tooltip title showing empty tooltip.
- Add async option to actions schema
- Fix MongoDB in AWS Lambda by downgrading to the LTS version (3.6.12) of the mongodb driver. MongoDB connections were throwing a
right-hand side of instanceof is not an object
Bug Fixes
- Downgrade mongodb driver to LTS version 3.6.12. (24f94f6)
- blocksAntd: Fix blocks tooltip tests. (b869fb0)
- blocksAntd: Fix undefined Tooltip title showing empty tooltip. (358e423)
- build: Add async to actions schema. (1276422)
- deps: Update dependency mongodb to v4.1.1. (96aa9a6)
3.21.2-alpha.0 (2021-08-31)
Bug Fixes
- Downgrade mongodb driver to LTS version 3.6.12. (24f94f6)
- blocksAntd: Fix blocks tooltip tests. (b869fb0)
- blocksAntd: Fix undefined Tooltip title showing empty tooltip. (358e423)
- build: Add async to actions schema. (1276422)
- deps: Update dependency mongodb to v4.1.1. (96aa9a6)
3.21.1 (2021-08-26)
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Fix Alert padding. (9fb9686)
- docs: Add missing hash docs. (2520555)
- docs: Add responsive layout docs and video. (5c31dac)
- docs: Update node server docs. (bb64d3e)
- renderer: Fix loading skeletons, closes #798 (e4dd10e)
- docs: Added responsive setup to Layout Concepts. (0635433)
3.21.0 (2021-08-25)
- Add onMount and onMountAsync actions for all blocks.
- Add debounce to the build schema.
- Divider not to render empty title.
- RenderHtml to return span by default.
- Refactor renderer to work with
instead of a render function.
- Add https agent options to AxiosHttp connection.
- Add basic full example for AxiosHttp.
- Add
operator. - Add _uuid v1, v3, v4, and v5 options.
- Fix replaceAll not a function.
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Divider not to render empty title, closes #790 (790fb89)
- blocksBasic: Html test change to new RenderHtml. (e43617a)
- blocksBasic: Test change to new RenderHtml. (ee9e3f0)
- blocksColorSelectors: Update tests. (dcbbf0b)
- blockTools: RenderHtml to only update ref after render. (9351255)
- blockTools: RenderHtml to return span by default, closes #775 #777 (abbd823)
- build: Add debounce to the build schema. (2ea31b1)
- docs: Add basic full example for AxiosHttp. (1e689d2)
- docs: Reformat v3 and v5 uuid argument definitions. (98cd626)
- docs: Update _uuid docs. (07178f1)
- docs: Updated docs to remove legacy v1, v4 uuid operators. (8544dc9)
- docs: Updated documented v3, v5 uuid function definitions. (bd0e777)
- operators: Remove array param type from v3, v5 uuid operator. (5141fdf)
- operators: Updated tests to remove legacy v1, v4 uuid operators. (f43a054)
- renderer: Add crypto build fallback. (1f74ca7)
- server: replaceAll not a function, closes #789 (055a2ac)
- Add array and object param types to v3 and v5 uuid methods. (0a551e9)
- docs: Add onMount and onMountAsync docs. (a3c698d)
- graphql: Add https agent options to AxiosHttp connection. (df94e01), closes #794
- operators: Add _hash operator. (0d3244a)
- operators: Add _uuid v1, v2, v3, v4, and v5 options. (3f2fc75)
- operators: Add array param type from v3, v5 uuid operator. (764051b)
- renderer: Refactoring renderer and implementing onMount and onMountAsyc, closes #778 (101d23a)
- Add support for v1, v3, v4 and v5 to the _uuid operator. (c9ef4b9)
- operators: Add RIPEMD-160 algorithm. (3e07218)
- operators: Add uuid to client, closes #783 (6dc8d28)
3.20.4 (2021-08-21)
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Fix Card block title area. (475aef6)
- blocksAntd: Fix Card title if no title is specified. (60074f9)
- blocksAntd: Update Card block snapshot tests. (4c67f41)
- blocksAntd: Update schema for Descriptions. (50bf48c)
- build: Fix user specified type locations. (0456b00)
3.20.3 (2021-08-20)
Bug Fixes
- server-netlify: Initialise basePath in Netlify server. (8085b4a)
3.20.2 (2021-08-20)
Bug Fixes
- build: Cache readFile and getMeta promises. (d1fd3da)
- cli: Initialise basePath in CLI dev server. (3c2093a)
- docs: Remove console log. (41bc269)
3.20.1 (2021-08-20)
Bug Fixes
- build: Fix unevaluated being passed to _ref transformer. (537a776)
3.20.0 (2021-08-20)
- A
option has been added to events. - An
option has been added to actions so that they are not awaited in the action chain. - A new
action has been added. - A new
action has been added. - A
option has been added to theLink
action. - The Lowdefy action functions can now be used inside the
action. - The
action can now take a list of regular expressions to match blocks to validate. - Only blocks that have been validated now show the validation result.
block now hasdirection
, andscroll
properties. -
HTML is now supported in block properties that used to only take strings. The following blocks now have support for HTML properties:
property in thePagination
block can now be a string or function. -
If the
event fails in theConfirmModal
, andModal
blocks, the block no longer closes. -
blocks now render non-truthy values.
CLI and build
- The
operator can now specify a resolver function that overrides the default reading of configuration files from the file system. - A default
resolver function can be specified for an app. - The CLI can now be configured from the
file. - The
command now haswatch
options to control which files are watched for rebuilds. - The blocks server URL is now configurable.
- The
server no longer exits if the initial build fails.
- The following Elasticsearch requests have been added:
- Read and write checking for Elasticsearch has been added.
- The
driver has been updated to 4.1.0, and now supports different options. - Connection options are now passed to the
- The
examples have been fixed. - The Netlify deployment steps have been updated.
- The
operator now returns thebasePath
, andpageId
. - The
operator has been added.
- The server
is now configurable. - A Node.js production server has been added.
Bug Fixes
- blocks-antd: Fix Descriptions block items schema (525e8eb)
- blocks-antd: Update snapshot tests for basePath (5add1a7)
- blocksAntd: Add additional properties to Descriptions and use RenderHtml. (dfc468d)
- blocksAntd: Add blocks display type to Descriptions schema. (bd78efc)
- blocksAntd: Add option to define
as a string or function. (9ac3fc9) - blocksAntd: Added string output for ParagraphInput and TitleInput. (5735bbf)
- blocksAntd: Do not close modals and drawer if event is bounced. (33814b0)
- blocksAntd: Use relative paths with Link. (f43762f)
- blocksBasic: Add row-reverse, column-reverse options to List direction. (5926be6)
- blocksBasic: Refactor to use RenderHtml. (8e8ff8d)
- blocksBasic: Updated List schema and snapshots. (7319fe7)
- blocksBasic: Updated List schema. (006b3b7)
- blockTools: Add RenderHtml to blockTools. (7662de1)
- blockTools: RenderHtml should default to display-inline block. (dcaf615)
- build: Add tests for readConfigFile. (809f09a)
- build: Add writeBuildArtifact test. (350f25f)
- build: Fix getMeta memoisation (7f824b0)
- build: Fix getMeta memoised return. (a939bd5)
- build: Fix getMeta return value after dataloader has been removed. (993d398)
- build: Refactor build refs. (dbb7c88)
- build: refactor buildRefs function. (b66cc5a)
- build: Refactor buildRefs. (8d43e00)
- build: Refactor reading of config files. (d1591a2)
- build: Refactor writing of build artifact files. (7162760)
- build: Remove dataloader dependency (4c64bd7)
- build: remove metaloader to remove dataloader dependency (f6f35a9)
- build: Remove unsupported eval property on _ref. (808f619)
- build: Remove unused tests. (f2db270)
- build: Standarise buildPages function signatures. (65c7e8b)
- build: Test memoisation in getMeta. (c1f887e)
- cli: Do not exit dev server if the initial build fails (41653f8), closes #711
- cli: Fix print tests in CI. (6be137d)
- docs: Add more examples to Throw. (8ef4bb3)
- docs: Docs typo fixes. (df5770d)
- docs: Fix AxiosHttp examples, closes #686 (1fc3329)
- docs: Fix custom blocks basePath typo. (eaee5aa)
- docs: Fix mongodb examples in docs. (cde85b7)
- docs: Fix sentences on Validation docs. (d5a5b7f)
- docs: Remove documentation for eval option on _ref. (baf1090)
- docs: Remove local types. (282380a)
- docs: Sort endpoints alphabetically (26ca2b7)
- docs: Update Netlify deployment steps (071d402)
- engine: Add tests for Blocks.validate. (0a0a66a)
- engine: Catch CallMethod method not defined error and add tests for CallMethod. (96f9cb1)
- engine: Fixes to event debouncing and tests. (89266f2)
- engine: Refactor Validate to work with getBlockMatcher. (8c9de14)
- engine: Remove showValidationErrors from context. (24e0bbc)
- engine: Update action tests to include debounce. (b21c440)
- engine: Update events test for undefined event. (05bc928)
- operators: Fix homePageId typo and update tests. (6bfa83a)
- Add _number operator. (1ca3966)
- Enable read/write checking for Elasticsearch (9d13c32)
- Fix _number operator tests. (3b36a53)
- Fix Docker server docs (5171320)
- Fixes for configurable basePath. (63955bb)
- blocksAntd: Add support for html on all input Label title and extra. (59979c7)
- blocksAntd: Add support for html to Descriptions and refactor. (6261355)
- blocksAntd: Added onclose action chain error detection to ConfirmModal, Drawer, Modal. (66e0692)
- blocksAntd: options labels to support html. (3533a96)
- blocksAntd: Selector option.label can be html. (9200e34)
- blocksBasic: Added list direction, wrapping and scrolling. (aba280a)
- build: Add support for app default ref resolver function. (b23e8c9)
- build: Add support for resolver functions in _ref operator. (aa7fddc)
- cli: Add option to configure cli from the lowdefy.yaml file (e4f62d0)
- cli: Add watch and watchIgnore options to dev command (9eaf3e8)
- docs: Add event debounce. (e4c5db4)
- docs: Add ResetValidation docs. (289c762)
- docs: Document _ref resolver functions. (446b383)
- docs: Document basePath setting. (aa9601c)
- docs: Update docs for new Validation. (a91a7c7)
- engine: Add async option to actions (81036db)
- engine: Add async tests and update docs. (fd967b9)
- engine: Add debounce option to events. (003cb0b)
- engine: Add ResetValidation action. (01237e3)
- engine: Add tests for events debounce. (2ff29cb)
- engine: Add Throw action. (d2a23f0)
- engine: Document Lowdefy action functions in JsAction. (7634145)
- engine: showValidation on block level and params.regex for Validate. (6824b07)
- graphql: Updated mongo client to include connection options and documented command options. (57127ee)
- graphql: Updated mongodb to 4.1.0 and documented MongoDBAggregation options. (3fefe99)
- operators: Add basePath to _location. (eb95c8a)
- operators: Add pageId and homePageId to _location. (00842d4)
- Ability to use html in ConfirmModal, Divider, Message, Modal. (ec69fb7)
- Add back option to link. (b6cf705), closes #728
- add ElasticsearchDelete request. (9f1fc34)
- Add ElasticsearchDeleteByQuery request. (a370e9e)
- add ElasticsearchIndex request. (08de720)
- Add ElasticsearchUpdate request. (a23a7be)
- Add ElasticsearchUpdateByQuery request. (3cc30ca)
- Add Lowdefy actions to JsAction (7af4442)
- Added ability to use html in Alert, Descriptions and Notification. (efa61bd)
- Added ability to use html in Button, Card and Collapse. (6d4d696)
- Added ability to use html in Paragraph, Result and Statistic. (483eee6)
- Added ability to use html in Title and Tooltip. (9329d24)
- Document node server. (20dfb7d)
- Initialise @lowdefy/server-node package (17c27f7)
- Make blocks server URL configurable. (65c9fe7), closes #670
- Make server basepath configurable (3981f8c)
- Update Elasticsearch docs (8feb78b)
- Updated antd blocks fields .json that support html. (c9ae5e7)
3.19.0 (2021-07-26)
- Adds support for Elasticsearch.
- Adds the
- Increases the server bodyParserConfig limit to 5mb. This is to mitigate errors where the payload is too large if their is a lot of data in state or global. This issue will be resolved in the next major version by #641.
- Changes the default value of the
property to true. - The default value returned by the
operator if values are not found is nownull
, like other getter operators.
- Thanks Moritz Friedrich (Radiergummi) for contributing the Elasticsearch connection.
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Update Selector test snapshots. (417e802)
- docs: Comment fixes on _change_case operator (b2a30e7)
- operators: Fix regex in _change_case operator. (e4d577f)
- Increase bodyParserConfig limit to 5mb. (fc688a2)
- graphql: Throw correct request configuration error messge. (5443154)
- operators: _request getter default value should be null. (755527f)
- operators: Comments fixes and catch nested objects (deb8fd5)
- operators: Update tests with comments fixes and catch nested objects (b6d63bb)
- Update Elasticsearch docs. (7b883e1)
- blocks-antd: Make Selector showSearch default true. (6bf511a)
- docs: Add _change_case operator docs. (f57d7eb)
- graphql: Change ElasticsearchSearch request and response schema. (efd70a3)
- operators: Add _change_case operator (e617c31)
- operators: Add _change_case tests (87bf687)
3.18.1 (2021-06-30)
- Fix S3UploadButton block.
- Evaluate actions with error messages #663.
- Replace 'Action unsuccessful' error message with message provided by Error.
- Serializer to maintain Errors #664.
- Fix _location.
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Fix S3UploadButton block to new responses schema. (37a15bf)
- blocksAntd: Update snapshots. (43b23f4)
- docs: Fix typo in mql example. (22ca375)
- engine: Evaluate action error messages after error. closes #663 (514fd14)
- engine: Remove error.lowdefyMessage. (9f8590f)
- engine: Responses for actions and tests using _actions in messages. (38cf7ef)
- engine: Up test covarage in Wait. (a40ad4f)
- helpers: Serializer to maintain error. closes #664 (bfbdf58)
- operators: Do not copy window.location in _location. (61f6215)
- shell: Add dev build option to serve renderer from localhost. (3f3840d)
3.18.0 (2021-06-17)
- Add a new
action, #625. - Add supported for dot notation in the _request operator, #646
- Fix 404 page build issue, closes #647.
- Improve build error messages for missing ids.
- Throw an error if request id contains a period.
- Fix Dockerfiles in docs.
- Reconnect docsearch after page change.
Bug Fixes
- build: default 404 page should be copied in build. (8e0d8ca), closes #647
- build: Improve build error messages for missing ids. (ecd2488)
- build: Improve error message. (258d4ad)
- build: Throw an error if request id contains a period. (933e4fa)
- docs: Fix Dockerfiles in docs (4f53889)
- docs: Reconnect docsearch after page change. (48c26e8)
- docs: Add algolia docsearch. (e3c6de7)
- engine: Add wait operator. (40ead25), closes #625
- operators: Add support for dot notation in _request operator. (6ffaf46)
3.17.2 (2021-06-11)
- Fix Netlify deploys.
Bug Fixes
- server-netlify: Fix Netlify build configuration path. (e2ddc11)
3.17.1 (2021-06-11)
- Fix Netlify deploys.
Bug Fixes
- server-netlify: Fix Netlify server express GraphQL path. (f3959ad)
3.17.0 (2021-06-11)
- Remove support for depreciate
- Add support for deploying with Docker. See more at https://docs.lowdefy.com/docker.
- Add support for deploying with AWS Lambda. See more at https://docs.lowdefy.com/aws-lambda.
- Add try-catch error handling to events, closes [#608].
- Add forceSubMenuRender property to menus in
, andPageSiderMenu
blocks. - Add
window location operator. - Add links to previous Lowdefy versions in docs.
- Add a default 404 page if no 404 page is defined, closes [#280].
- The CLI init starter app docs button now opens in a new tab.
- Fix AxiosHttp baseUrl typo in docs, closes [#607]
Bug Fixes
- docs: Add lowdefy version in dockerfile warnings (1672f24)
- docs: Fix aws lambda docs. (7136663)
- docs: Fix type in MongoDB docs. (07de3e9)
- shell: Fix gqlUri in shell app. (3da4851)
- docs: Add docs for Docker and AWS Lambda deployment (e57fa03)
3.17.0-alpha.3 (2021-06-09)
Bug Fixes
- cli: Open docs link in new tab. (2da64c2)
- servers: .babelrc file should not be in .dockerignore (994c13f)
3.17.0-alpha.2 (2021-06-09)
Bug Fixes
- Do not tag prereleases with latest tag on npm (106aef7)
- docs: Restore docs to previous stable version (ce1aac0)
- Fix lerna npm publish on release action. (9469148)
- Test npm lerna publish (92f4b88)
3.17.0-alpha.1 (2021-06-09)
Bug Fixes
- Fix npm publish comand in publish action. (24cc119)
3.17.0-alpha.0 (2021-06-09)
Bug Fixes
- Add publish environment to publish workflow (b65211a)
- Fix release workflow file. (028ecf0)
- remove linux/arm/v7 docker platform. (c78d72e)
- Remove yarn cache clean from docker builds. (e5d8d9d)
- blocksAntd: Add forceSubMenuRender property to menu. (3f85e6e)
- blocksAntd: Include menu tests for working renders. (b8fa4d0)
- blocksAntd: Skip menu render test. (5a321ec)
- build: Handle try catch options in actions schema. (7e05b0e)
- docs: Add _location operator. (038977a)
- docs: Add forceSubMenuRender to menu. (a4b7abc)
- docs: Add lowdefy versions to docs. (5ff0e16)
- docs: Fix baseUrl typo, closes #607 (4b1e6ce)
- docs: Remove deprecated _js wasm. (8b00683)
- docs: Update docs for try catch actions. (3d7969d)
- operators: Remove deprecated _js wasm. (20d2d0f)
- server-docker: Use port 3000 as default port. (53bbc5f)
- servers: Use a empty app config instead of starter config for lowdefy default. (db4b7f9)
- Add configurable public directory to servers. (7c2beeb)
- Add docker ignore files (441b150)
- Github actions to deploy docker images (de49159)
- Update release action to publish to npm and docker. (acd2c5d)
- build: Add a default 404 page if no page is defined. (b0abb39)
- engine: Add catchActions to events, closes #608 (305b3aa)
- operators: Add _location operator. (9175dbe)
- Init @lowdefy/server package. (f4699be)
- Init @lowdefy/shell package (1c188a0)
- Init aws lambda server. (f48021e)
- Update docker server dockerfile. (0f52b35)
- Use @lowdefy/server package in dev server. (dc4848a)
- use lowdefy server in docker and lambda servers (4854f74)
- Use lowdefy server in netlify server. (4a78a97)
- Use lowdefy shell in aws lambda server. (933281f)
- Use shell package in dev and docker servers (d9abe05)
- server-docker: Update lowdefy app directory in dockerfile (cedea93)
- Revert "chore: Update yarn version." (04fe765)
- Revert "chore: Yarn upgrade rename .pnp.js" (59a0413)
3.16.5 (2021-05-31)
This release only contains updates to dependencies.
Bug Fixes
- deps: update apollo server packages to v2.24.1. (a538a22)
- deps: update apollo server packages to v2.25.0 (bbe713d)
- deps: update dependency @apollo/client to v3.3.19. (ac1d1f9)
- deps: update dependency @sendgrid/mail to v7.4.4. (75097df)
- deps: update dependency aws-sdk to v2.914.0 (8259549)
- deps: update dependency aws-sdk to v2.918.0 (68eed24)
- deps: update dependency classnames to v2.3.1 (d4c7249)
- deps: update dependency dompurify to v2.2.8. (1d9b4de)
- deps: update dependency dotenv to v10.0.0 (19e6a71)
- deps: update dependency echarts to v5.1.1 (6d3a824)
- deps: update dependency fs-extra to v10.0.0 (d9ad1a5)
- deps: update dependency graphql-tag to v2.12.4 (daf81cf)
- deps: update dependency js-yaml to v4.1.0 (d3954f3)
- deps: update dependency knex to v0.95.6. (c2b718e)
- deps: update dependency mongodb to v3.6.8 (21cacae)
- deps: update dependency mongodb to v3.6.9 (310d474)
- deps: update dependency mssql to v7.1.0. (becfe14)
- deps: update dependency openid-client to v4.7.4 (79d2ad2)
- deps: update dependency pg to v8.6.0 (630b448)
- deps: update dependency query-string to v7.0.0. (f96afb8)
- deps: update dependency tslib to v2.2.0 (8873c41)
3.16.4 (2021-05-28)
- CLI now works for previous Lowdefy versions, closes #598
- Fix development server hot reload.
- The index.html file is no longer cached by the development server.
- Add separate file hosting section to the docs.
- Fix an issue on selector blocks where the correct value was not found in options if the value was a complex object.
Bug Fixes
- blocks-antd: Fix selector index comparison. (3f06fcd)
- cli: Fix CLI for previous lowdefy versions (89b8533), closes #598
- cli: Fix dev server reload. (af6e70d)
- docs: Split file hosting to separate concepts section. (f802a6c)
3.16.3 (2021-05-27)
- Custom HTML was not appended when navigating to the home (
) route.
Bug Fixes
- servers: Append html when serving index from url root (12cb782)
3.16.2 (2021-05-26)
- Fix CLI development server.
Bug Fixes
- blocks-antd: Remove Descriptions example with failing schema (7e45bb3)
- cli: Fix cli dev server missing import (beff373)
- Update yarn lock (622ae88)
3.16.1 (2021-05-26)
- Add new block locations to build.
- Fix Descriptions schema for docs generator.
Bug Fixes
- build: Add default locations for new blocks. (544d1e1)
- docs: Fix Descriptions schema for docs generator. (dbe1efe)
3.16.0 (2021-05-26)
- Rename selectGMT to selectUTC for DateTimeSelector.
- Depreciate _js.evaluate and _js.function operators. Replaced with the new _js operator. See https://docs.lowdefy.com/_js
- Add support for custom HTML before the closing head and body tags of the app.
- Add the JsAction action, that can run custom JavaScript.
- Javascript operators are now implemented differently. See https://docs.lowdefy.com/custom-code
- Add Tooltip and Img blocks.
- Fix docs sitemap.
- Add new-line support to Descriptions, closes #581
- Fix DateTimeSelector to work for local or utc time, closes #580
- Document client and server environment operators.
- Document context initialization events for context blocks.
- SendGridMailSend to handle arrays, closes #582
- Document Tabs block events, closes #576.
- Wait for login action on expired token refresh.
- Fixed cached scripts on app update by including contenthash in webpack output, closes #575.
Bug Fixes
- docs: Sitemap must be https. (290b271)
- fix indentation level op events in schema (4426888)
- blocksAntd: Add new-line support to Descriptions, closes #581 (41bb9ee)
- blocksAntd: Fix DateTimeSelector to work for local or utc time, closes #580 # (30a4764)
- blocksAntd: Fix srcSet and media change width. (4fb991a)
- blocksAntd: Rename selectGMT to selectUTC for DateTimeSelector. (e817fb1)
- build: Do not throw on validate app config. (96904a7)
- docs: Add alerts for client or server operators. (bf5c9be)
- docs: Add custom code concept. (b0e63e1)
- docs: Add discord link. (0a24af7)
- docs: Document context initialization events for context blocks. (a59bff5), closes #576
- engine: Add tests for JsAction. (2113ae5)
- engine: Update tests for new action responses structure. (73c84e6)
- graphql: SendGridMailSend to handle arrays, closes #582 (dc0ef6c)
- Fix Tabs blocks events in schema. (70a13af), closes #576
- webpack config so that index.html is not minified. (d9cbf8d)
- docs: Change to head.html. (a7f20c4)
- docs: Create modules/index and load filterDefaultValue. (e45e5f1)
- docs: Fix custom block event actions history description. (eb49803)
- docs: Import _js.filterDefaultValue as operator. (a6e2fe0)
- docs: Updates to custom code docs. (a4be530)
- engine: Modify action response object. (94db71d)
- operators: Update tests for _js and _actions. (022893b)
- renderer: Fix deprication build warning. (18baf4a)
- renderer: Load and remove lowdefy.imports. (e6fccbc)
- renderer: Wait for login action on expired token refresh. (7219cdd)
- Rename appendHeader to appendHead. (4e79736)
- servers: Express function changed to async. (6df571b)
- add Tooltip to docs (e79a876)
- new Tooltip block and tests (8717767)
- blockBasic: Add Img block. (c850cb3)
- Include contenthash in webpack output. (dd2adbb), closes #575
- build: Build app config. (6575bc7)
- cli: Add appendHead, appendBody and custom js scripts. (0f74833)
- docs: Add _actions operator. (d5583d2)
- docs: Add JsAction. (19fd956)
- engine: Add JsAction. (005155a)
- operators: Custom _js and _actions operators. (815f6a4)
- renderer: Add customActions, jsOperators, registerCustomAction and registerJsOperator to lowdefy object. (95f853d)
- server: Add head and body load scripts. (ad195b4)
- servers: Load header and body html on server. (a5b070f)
3.15.0 (2021-05-11)
- Remove
option inconfig.auth.openId
. - Remove OracleDB support.
- Allow custom OpenID Connect authorization url parameters.
- Add nunjucks template logout url.
- Use square logo for
on mobile media sizes. - Docs for user authentication and authorization.
- Show warning message before validation error message.
- Replace nunjucks-date-filter dependency with dateFilter function that does not default to utc time.
- Do not filter OPENID_CLIENT_ID and OPENID_DOMAIN from secrets.
- Id token was not sent with openIdLogoutUrlInput request.
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Add square logo for mobile menu. Closes #545 (296c7ec)
- blocksAntd: Show warning before validation. Closes #562 (7b4909b)
- docs: Add users object, general fixes. (72c0e25)
- docs: Add user authorization docs. (9f259fd)
- docs: Add user object and roles docs. (ccc8138)
- docs: Document protected pages. (7a338b9)
- docs: Generate sitemap for docs. (5a2e0cd)
- docs: Remove OracleDB. (0672aa8)
- nunjucks: Fix tests. (f60f00e)
- nunjucks: Replace nunjucks-date-filter dependancy with dateFilter function. (f876c5b)
- operators: Do not filter OPENID_CLIENT_ID and OPENID_DOMAIN from secrets. (3c56737)
- Remove support for oracle db due to lack of apple silicon support. (0a1ca68)
- renderer: Id token was not sent with openIdLogoutUrlInput request. (e636c79)
- Allow custom openid authorization url parameters. (427b3a1), closes #546
- Remove logoutFromProvider config, and nunjucks template logout url (111d3da), closes #563
3.14.1 (2021-04-28)
- Fix required validation broken by dynamic operators, closes #554.
Bug Fixes
- engine: Fix required validation broken by dynamic operators. (6d38dbb)
3.14.0 (2021-04-26)
- Role based authorization for pages.
- Handle dates in
operator. - Enable console.log in
- The
, and_string
operators no longer throw errors on null values. - Operators in page title are now evaluated correctly.
- Improved error pages.
- Fix an error when serializing data for
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Update snapshots. (ed6b6e7)
- blocksColorSelector: Fix tests for Label. (f2e6bc1)
- blockTools: Add full error page. (9baf5ad)
- blockTools: Update error defaults. (cc02a89)
- build: Fix build import. (307d0ce)
- cli: Fix webpack config mode, should be production. (86d7f38)
- docs: Fix typo in docs. (343553a)
- graphql: Simplify auth check (cfb4d7f)
- operators: Add prep to object. (24f6188)
- renderer: Catch render error with full page. (9775e24)
- Add lgtm badges. (62af825)
- Fix yarn lock (b161786)
- Make lgtm corrections. (ef20857)
- operators: Fix stringify bug and allow for dates and console.log in _js. (0e7fe34)
- operators: Prep operator args to handle void instance. Closes #519 , Closes #511 (5980f87)
- renderer: Remove extra root context and pass page properties to Helmet. (f17b412)
- build: Build auth objects for role bases authorization. (5fa6436)
- build: Build correct auth object for menus (2145033)
- build: Update lowdefy app schema to include rolesField. (3f1e06b)
- graphql: Add role based authorization. (4e15ed3)
3.13.0 (2021-04-16)
- Add Knex SQL support. This adds support forthe following databases:
- Amazon Redshift
- MariaDB
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Oracle Database
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- Add _js operator that evaluates JavaScript functions. This replaces the _experimental_unsafe_js operator.
- Add eval option to _ref operator during build, to evaluate js files and reference JavaScript function definitions.
- Operators on the client are now imported lazily.
- Getter operators now return the specified default value if the key or from arguments are null.
- OpenID Connect fields were present on the user object if a page was reloaded.
Bug Fixes
- build: Add configDirectory to context for full local builds. (5a6a36d)
- build: Add eval option to _ref operator during build. (eb62e8a)
- build: Add list of operators in context to build. (88a6f24)
- docs: Add _js operator to docs. (b7b2135)
- docs: Add _ref.eval to docs. (d90e02f)
- docs: Make connection examples and secrets more consistant (4c473a3)
- docs: Update _js operator docs. (1c00b36)
- docs: Update docs to use _js operator. (91dda91)
- engine: Init async operators. (63f8d14)
- graphql: Improve KnexBuilder errors, add KnexBuilder tests. (daced49)
- graphql: Init operators. (951e3a7)
- graphql: Knex tests, add tablename prop to builder. (ba696f8)
- graphql: Pin mongodb to v3.6.5 due to yarn pnp bug in v3.6.6 (4b74cb6)
- operators: Getters should return default if from or key are null. (be8aae6)
- Fix graphql-federated build, move knex dependencies to cli. (ff32126)
- operators: _js encode and decode into QuickJS to escape chars in json. (45644db)
- operators: Add tests for json response for _js. (6cf5ac7)
- operators: Change nodeParser import to require. (d044d13)
- operators: Update _js to take code with function as param. (8fa7fa0)
- renderer: Filter OpenId Connect fields from user object. (8cdf96f)
- Create _js using quickjs-emscripten. (4ec8a30)
- Update babel setup for tests. (1d89de9)
- Update react, react-dom and react-test-renderer to v17.0.2 (78969ab)
- operators: Update dynamic imports. (5699118)
- Update Knex docs for all suported databases. (1b45b01)
- docs: Add Knex docs. (7caefdc)
- graphql: init Knex connection. (dac5a4c)
- graphql: Update Knex schemas. (d2d8a73)
- operators: Add _js operator and remove _experimental_unsafe_js operator. (2d1e2b3)
3.12.6 (2021-04-06)
- Fix bug where user object is still defined on the client after login has expired.
- Fix Pagination block. The
event was triggered when theonChange
event was supposed to be triggered. - Fix S3UploadButton state value, add the missing
Bug Fixes
- Fix bug where user object is still defined after login has expired. (e3e8803)
- blocks-antd: Fix Pagination block onChange. (5813ff1)
- blocks-antd: Fix S3UploadButton state value. (c11184e)
- deps: update dependency openid-client to v4.6.0 (55be522)
3.12.5 (2021-03-31)
- Fix S3UploadButton file uploads.
Bug Fixes
- blocks-antd: Fix S3UploadButton not uploading files. (7005a8f)
- engine: Fix Request action response. (45aaa18)
3.12.4 (2021-03-30)
- Fix S3UploadButton file uploads.
- Fix AwsS3Bucket type name.
Bug Fixes
- blocks-antd: Fix S3UploadButton file uploads. (2fa854b)
- deps: update dependency openid-client to v4.5.2 (0963d68)
- graphql: Fix AwsS3Bucket type name. (7aa6581)
3.12.3 (2021-03-26)
- Fix renderer list and request race condition.
- Add
Bug Fixes
- renderer: List render race condition, closes #520 (07907df)
- Update _ne tests. (5611439)
- operators: Add _ne operator. (d7b62e0)
3.12.2 (2021-03-24)
- Fix ECharts remoteEntry path for block meta data.
Bug Fixes
- blocksECharts: Correct the remoteEntry path for ECharts. (f99cccc)
3.12.1 (2021-03-24)
- Fix EChart schema definition for docs.
- Add @lowdefy/blocks-echarts to Lowdefy CDN.
Bug Fixes
- Fix docs issue and add echarts to github actions cdn. (7509914)
3.12.0 (2021-03-24)
- Size loading block based on block layout and style settings.
- Add EChart block 🎁.
Bug Fixes
- renderer: Loading to size loading block based on block size. (16e2930)
3.11.4 (2021-03-19)
- Add _object.defineProperty operator.
- OpenID Connect for Netlify deployment fix.
- Block update on loading complete.
- Add _object.defineProperty operator.
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency openid-client to v4.5.1 (b6a7cd8)
- docs: typo _object.defineProperty docs. (c99ef38)
- operators: Add _object.defineProperty operator. (52f598f)
- renderer: Set updaters on every render, closes #499 (b68e5bd)
- server-netlify: Fix auth token cookie path. (6784e27)
3.11.3 (2021-03-12)
- Fix OpenID connect callback in CLI dev server.
Bug Fixes
- cli: Fix dev server url paths for auth callback (8cb2717)
- deps: update dependency openid-client to v4.5.0 (364d521)
3.11.2 (2021-03-11)
- Fix Netlify server deployments.
Bug Fixes
- server-netlify: Fix netlify graphql server path (07394ac)
3.11.1 (2021-03-11)
Bug Fixes
- server-netlify: Fix Netlify server graphql path (0898642)
3.11.0 (2021-03-11)
This release includes initial support for OpenID Connect. There might be breaking changes to the configuration required as this is tested in the wild. Please see #483 for more information.
- Requests were added to the wrong context in build if more than one context was used on a page.
- The _mql operator no longer throws error when the
argument isnull
. - Fixed an issue where displayMessage was not initialized properly.
- Fix Descriptions bordered property default value.
- Add a section on using JSON instead of YAML.
- Added a diagram to the overview page.
Bug Fixes
- blocks-antd: Fix Descriptions bordered property default value (c2503e1)
- build: Add auth config to all menu items. (cea8982)
- build: Nested context caused request to be created in wrong context. (16e2b15)
- build: Page auth config fixes. (601c942)
- build: Throw when poth protected and public pages are listed. (5581ac4)
- docs: Add a section on using JSON instead of YAML (a709086)
- docs: Add app schema image to docs public folder. (df1c6c7)
- docs: Add deployment tutorial video (1e63ddd)
- docs: Typos. (760abe6)
- docs: Update overview with diagram. (e8087b7)
- engine: Assign rootContext to context, instead of assigning individual fields. (9461990)
- engine: Rename more root to lowdefy. (df858c1)
- engine: Rename rootContext to lowdefy, and add pageId to root. (3ee8807)
- engine: Use context specific pageId in engine. (e80e461)
- graphql: Improve logoutRedirectUri configuration. (74e1183)
- operators: _mql on null should pass null and not throw. (3378cb4)
- operators: Rename input to inputs. (1815daa)
- operators: Rename more root to lowdefy. (b2e40bb)
- renderer: Fix login logout. (2c51020)
- renderer: Init displayMessage before it is loaded, closes #470. (fac7e39)
- renderer: Move pageId into lowdefy object. (5a19389)
- renderer: Setup link function using setupLink. (b078b22)
- renderer: Update blocks using use state. (de4f899)
- _mql empty input when data is null. (a1c913a)
- Add twitter badges. (432f4c4)
- Update telemetry data field names. (085e5cc)
- build: Add auth field and homePageId to config in app schema. (a878a31)
- build: Add auth to build arifacts. (c6a2e53)
- build: Update app OpenID configuration schema (a6df3c0)
- graphql: Add OpenID Connect flow queries. (1ac0b3d)
- graphql: All user object to request operators parser. (9e43b27)
- graphql: Allow specifed input, pageId, urlQuery in state token. (353dfab)
- graphql: Do authorization checks on pages and requests. (00bf504)
- graphql: Filter menu items. (cd14afd)
- graphql: Make JWT expiry time configurable. (30bde0b)
- graphql: Set and unset authorization cookie. (8abe43c)
- graphql: Update jwt tokens, add tests. (f5ea705)
- renderer: Improve OpenID Connect flows (e7cca6f)
- renderer: Switch rootcontext to root lowdefy object (30919a2)
- Move all servers to expressed based apps. (ffc6043)
- operators: Configure operators to work aith root and add _user. (c9395b9)
- renderer: Handle expired tokens in GQL client and unset tokenId. (2cc0492)
- Init OpenID Connect flow. (e2e29d0)
- use setHeader plugin to set auth headers (6238c6f)
- operators: Filter openid secrets and block get all in _secret. (bd7a772)
- renderer: Finish OpenId callback. (9997136)
3.10.2 (2021-02-25)
- Validate action error messages were not showing correctly.
- Validation warnings were showing as errors.
- A Lowdefy object is now added to the browser window when running on localhost for debugging.
- The files that are created by the CLI init command are now logged.
- Fixes to Modal block schema.
- The Favicon PUBLIC_URL error in the browser has been resolved.
- This version includes a large number of updates to the documentation and tutorial.
Bug Fixes
- blocksAntd: Update modal schema. (f2c6739)
- cli: Log info about created files in init (bcb8933)
- deps: Update dependency mingo to v4.1.2. (eb57a01)
- docs: Add AgGrid reference to custom-blocks. (c90f7b5)
- docs: Add docs README (2747197)
- docs: Add links to example demos and code in next steps. (1bb9569)
- docs: Add netlify deploy section to docs. (be82708)
- docs: Add telemetry (1d6c07e)
- docs: add thank you message to footer. (aa85e8a)
- docs: Add tutorial videos (9e07674)
- docs: Docs and tutorial improvements (28ef6df)
- docs: Fix links and improve docs content (3019495)
- docs: fix Request action call all requests documentation. (c6593f3)
- docs: fix tutorial. (8c9d30d)
- docs: General docs fixes and improvements (deddeb4)
- docs: Improve body markdown block ids in tutorial (7e04786)
- docs: Move deployment to the end of tutorial (b934f9c)
- docs: Post newsletter subsriptions to Lowdefy API. (ed51ddb)
- docs: Remove unused template files (be0546d)
- docs: Rename
in docs. (147f8de) - docs: Tutorial fixes (3bc9a55)
- docs: Update introduction. (4f17f35)
- engine: Validate was not showing the correct error message. (4fcbda4)
- engine: Validation warnings were shown as errors not warnings. (84ad6b3)
- renderer: Add Lowdefy object to window if running on localhost. (726022d)
- renderer: Remove unneed favicon from Helmet component. (e9e4795)
3.10.1 (2021-02-19)
- Return data property to
until list values get their value in state. - Improve schema error messages.
- Stop the CLI dev server if the Lowdefy version in
changes. - Fix the
warning when using the MongoDB connection. - Fix the issue where aggregation pipeline updates cannot be used with MongoDB update requests.
- Getter operators no longer throw an error when getting from
- Added documentation for custom blocks.
- Added documentation for versions and updates.
Bug Fixes
- blocks-antd: Add data prop back to timeline list until lists get value from state (71eb8be)
- build: Start schema error messages with a new line (80110c5)
- cli: Give dev command name to startup function. (1ce7e3f)
- cli: Stop dev server if lowdefy version changes (a944cc8), closes #447
- docs: Add comment on LTS version. (fdf4361)
- docs: Add custom blocks. (501664a)
- docs: Add versions and updates section. (168175e)
- docs: Update custom blocks concepts. (f5bdd5d)
- graphql: Include saslprep in webpack build for mongodb. (19e048e)
- graphql: MongoDB updates can use aggregation pipelines. (8e9653c)
- operators: Getter operators should not error if key is null. (d080e5a)
3.10.0 (2021-02-17)
Bug Fixes
- blocks: Do not pass methods down to imported blocks. (ff3f588)
- blocks: Update block tests. (898fc3c)
- blocksAntd: Fix icon in Notification. (34c03fc)
- build: Add action messages to app schema (2aff1cb)
- cli: Log command and lowdefy version in error handler. (6c1ed5b)
- deps: Update dependency @ant-design/icons to v4.5.0. (8382bbb)
- deps: Update dependency @apollo/client to v3.3.11. (27f553d)
- deps: Update dependency apollo-server packages to v2.21.0 (276012c)
- deps: Update dependency aws-sdk to v2.845.0. (55f5ef7)
- deps: Update dependency css-loader to v5.0.2. (6dd6a82)
- deps: Update dependency eslint to v7.20.0. (36b3892)
- deps: Update dependency html-webpack-plugin to v5.1.0 (d0dd688)
- deps: Update dependency imports-loader to v2.0.0. (9543482)
- deps: Update dependency json5 to v2.2.0. (d93df2b)
- deps: Update dependency less to v4.1.1. (19ec1e2)
- deps: Update dependency less-loader to v8.0.0. (465727b)
- deps: Update dependency mingo to v4.1.1. (efdb838)
- deps: Update dependency mongodb to v3.6.4. (5a82096)
- deps: Update dependency nunjucks to v3.2.3. (741616e)
- deps: Update dependency query-string to v6.14.0. (3a942f1)
- deps: Update dependency webpack to v5.22.0. (bb9f69e)
- deps: Update dependency webpack-cli to v4.5.0. (445d55c)
- deps: Update package commander to v7.1.0. (e13945e)
- docs: Add concepts pages for lists, secrets and deployment. (fb93e33)
- docs: CallMethod takes an array as input. (a698d0b)
- engine: Fix Link action always errors. (ec4c0f2)
- engine: Fix set block to update on event loading. (db80390)
- engine: Use displayMessage from window. (a7e50b3)
- graphql: Add descriptions to SendGridMailSendSchema. (edefaa7)
- graphql: Add saslprep dependancy for mongodb. (4d1137a)
- renderer: Set displayMessage on window. (8ba9606)
- cli: Add init command to cli. (ec496a5)
- cli: Check for outdated versions on startup. (7236da3)
- cli: Rename @lowdefy/cli package to lowdefy (b73777a)
- fix(deps): Update dependency less to v4.1.1 to v3.13.0. (2e09287)
3.9.0 (2021-02-16)
Bug Fixes
- actions: Fix action response, add tests. (0d16f82)
- blocksAntd: Fix args.icon for Message. (8a16504)
- blocksAntd: Return the message function. (6fb2aec)
- blocksAntd: Update Timeline to work from value settings. (c95009b)
- blocksColorSelectors: Include block value test. (9da9c32)
- blockTools: Add example value to block render tests. (e860013)
- build: Fix TimelineList block location (renamed from Timeline). (02c5dea)
- docs: Add docs for SendGridMailSend. (3e19e4c)
- docs: Add init menu for PageSiderMenu and PageHeaderMenu. (2f8c6d2)
- docs: Add List and ControlledList. (513a494)
- docs: filterDefaultValue not to filter arrays. (48ccc5c)
- docs: Fix schemas for Context Pages. (2700d68)
- docs: Fixes to SendGridMail. (4a6cd66)
- docs: Improve blocks default value filter. (8e722d1)
- docs: Improve example rendering in template. (e528776)
- docs: Only recurse getNestedValue on objects. (d6d3e04)
- docs: Remove and fix old block examples. (11defbe)
- docs: Typos in AxiosHttp. (5928330)
- docs: Update _format operator docs. (8aa42aa)
- docs: Update CallMethod docs with new usage. (0f0f320)
- engine: Fix Link action with input and urlQuery. (be6a1e1)
- engine: Fix Validate function name (795d876)
- engine: Log action errors to the console. (38ea5ff)
- add SECURITY.md (84a03ba)
- renderer: Add displayMessage to renderer. (863515e)
- engine: Parse params for all actions. Refactor actions and events. (0d55bd2)
3.8.0 (2021-02-12)
Bug Fixes
- blocks: Remove react router from render loop where not required. (7b6970f)
- blocks-antd: Remove formatter option from Statistic block. (4c6a3b8)
- blocksAntd: Fix Label areas.label bug. (6bcd258)
- blocksAntd: Fix suffixIcon and label on MonthSelector. (9547ff5)
- blocksAntd: PageSiderMenu affix toggle button. (ae46923)
- blocksAntd: PageSiderMenu clean up. (340a760)
- blocksAntd: PageSiderMenu collapsed state should not open defaultOpenKeys. (9172904)
- blocksAntd: Remove open property from Modal and Drawer. (e5954ff)
- blocksAntd: Update Anchor to use href spec. (1b9a5b1)
- blocksColorSelectors: Add default colors for SwatchesColorSelector. (9650f73)
- blocksColorSelectors: Add value label for CircleColorSelector. (ee5c05b)
- blocksColorSelectors: Upfate blocksColorSelectors examples render loop. (2f88449)
- docs: Improve concepts docs. (f982f83)
- docs: Add 404 to general template. (c31cb4b)
- docs: Add Collapse, Tabs and MobileMenu blocks (6db451b)
- docs: Add container block docs. (b490ec7)
- docs: Add context category block docs. (39fb6c3)
- docs: Add examples to Progress. (9169001)
- docs: Add filePath to all pages. (b890a2a)
- docs: Fix content overflow on mobile. (33c1abb)
- docs: Fix object propertiesGetterTransformer to assign to default object when null. (31df2a4)
- docs: fix schema on ScrollTo blockId example (9c0b620)
- docs: Fix selector value types for init_state_values. (6cfd6a1)
- docs: Link to community in header. (62da21b)
- docs: Remove Skeleton for now. (45d5b69)
- docs: Render value by default on color selectors. (3db0f53)
- docs: Update blocks template to one use schema variable. (54aa7dc)
- docs: Update blocks templates for context blocks (8e7bd77)
- docs: Update footer links to hrefs. (787cfb0)
- docs: Update templates with header and footer. (e2a63fa)
- engine: Fix container chlidren visibilty if container vis is null. (0af48bd)
- operators: Allow get from object to take an integer argument. (e8bdbd9)
- operators: Block experimental operators in _operator. (342b636)
- renderer: Loading must render inside BlockLayout. (e1bced9)
- engine: Rename Link action newWindow to newTab. (35b47f6)
- operators: Add _format operator. (44839da)
- operators: Add _index operator. (995a912)
- operators: Add experimental javascript operator (9b7998c)
3.7.2 (2021-02-09)
Bug Fixes
- Fix package lifecycle scripts. (af7f3a8)
3.7.1 (2021-02-09)
Note: Version bump only for package @lowdefy/lowdefy
3.7.0 (2021-02-09)
Bug Fixes
- blockDefaults: Change allowClear default to false for TextArea and TextInput. (30323ea)
- blocksAntd: Fix Menu default open and selected keys. (a1f48c5)
- blocksAntd: Fix placeholder default for DateRangeSelector. (03b03ad)
- blocksAntd: Update styling for ControlledList. (e5d773b)
- blockTools: Add pageId to block schema in schemaTest. (548ba6a)
- blockTools: Fix Skeleton linear-gradient for safari. (59026f4)
- build: Allow _ref path argument to be a _var. (a8bd287)
- engine: Actions should only skip when “skip” is explicitly true (e34dc05)
- engine: Only update when onInit is done. (9f21597)
- docs: Update blocks property getters. (e68f774)
3.6.0 (2021-02-05)
Bug Fixes
- Fix blocks-color-seletors typo. (b6ccedd)
- blocksAntd: PageHSCF events rename. (ec4e9ed)
- build: Add 'field' to block schema. (4aa76e8)
- cli: Fix netlify build. (3c930e8)
- docs: Events rename fixes. (a43cd3d)
- docs: Update docs for v3.5.0 (969414d)
- engine: Events rename fix. (ca142ca)
- githubactions: Upload blocks to cdn on publish. (2afebd1)
- 🐢Redirect all paths to blocks-cdn. (a45447a)
3.5.0 (2021-02-05)
Bug Fixes
- blockBasic: Fix typo. (9772e1a)
- blocks: Add default colors to ColorSelector schemas. (ed03d73)
- blocks: Add events to all subblocks. (753ae60)
- blocks: Block schema fixes. (34b5a11)
- blocks: Fix NumberInput to not apply default precision. (f2ddcaa)
- blocks: Fix port setting in webpack config. (c828740)
- blocks: RatingSlider NA checkkbox to set NA value to state. (a15693d)
- blocks: Update block schemas for all blocks. (9a79743)
- blocks-antd: Update snapshots for Avatar schema. (784c0e9)
- blocksAntd: Alert description only margin issue. Closes #327 (864e74e)
- blocksAntd: Correct disabledDates typo. Closes #358 (558becf)
- blocksAntd: Fix top padding on RatingSlider. (48f9c13)
- blocksAntd: Maintain cursor position for input blocks. Closes #344 (7e90fed)
- blocksBasic: Add bad html test. (98740b8)
- blocksMarkdown: Update schemas. (9af217c)
- build: Add types object to app schema. (bd40748)
- build: Improve error message if _var receives invalid arguments. (c52a942)
- build: Improve warning message if menu’s page not found (7df576a)
- build: Update default locations. (203175d)
- cli: Clean node_modules in netlify build before copying. (9251d58)
- cli: Fix function name case (1ba1c65)
- cli: Fix reload port clash when running multiple dev servers. (4910718)
- cli: Only start server if initial build has completed. (20cfcaa)
- DangerousHtml: Fix DangerousHtml description in include render details. (30b348a)
- deps: Update dependency @and-design/icons to v4.4.0 (9189eae)
- deps: update dependency aws-sdk to v2.832.0 (ed9f6d4)
- deps: update dependency chokidar to v3.5.1 (fe8ff89)
- deps: Update dependency copy-webpack-plugin to v7.0.0. (901d412)
- deps: Update dependency graphql to v15.5.0 (90acf72)
- deps: Update dependency ora to v5.3.0. (542c115)
- deps: Update peer dependencies. (57e5295)
- docs: Add default values and loading to blocks. (fcadf76)
- docs: Catch null in filter_default_value. (8975b0f)
- docs: Change secret warning to Alert. (9be4ef5)
- docs: Concepts pages fixes and additions. (fd6fba5)
- docs: Convert propertiesFormTransform to work with objects. (33042ba)
- docs: Fix all date value_type. (51e6b70)
- docs: Fix connection docs formatting (37ff0ce)
- docs: Fix lowdfey.yaml (01cc8fc)
- docs: Fix merge conflict and S3UploadButton examples (e496d8c)
- docs: Fix operator docs (7bf5a6c)
- docs: Improve default value filter for config yaml. (e0cfc63)
- docs: Operator docs fixes. (a36f31c)
- docs: Operator docs improvements. (919949f)
- docs: ParagraphInput remove content property. (83d00ed)
- docs: Remove text size setting from markdown blocks. (58cf464)
- docs: Review cli and lowdefy-schema. (4440ecf)
- docs: Right align all label for blocks. (9060988)
- docs: Set initial values for new propertiesFormTransformer. (01632c6)
- docs: Tutorial fixes (6536cc0)
- docs: Typo fixes on operators. (d48d391)
- docs: Update concpets ortder. (91a5450)
- docs: Update connections docs. (75ac999)
- docs: Update Pagination tests. (fa583f2)
- docs: Update snapshots for Avatar schema. (0176a85)
- docs: Update template tests. (391c36e)
- graphql: Mongodb, do not allow $out/$merge when write is false. (92aa370), closes #242
- operators: Fix error when operator not supported, add support for _global (8ba32aa)
- renderer: Fix registerMethods object. Closes #348 (d28931f)
- concept pages typos and minor fixes (f0df767)
- renderer: Fix context creation render loop bug. (019dbdc)
- block-tools: Rename block actions to events (e33d0f3)
- blocks: Add default block loading. (d0d1801)
- blocks: Fix disableDates in date selector schemas. (b2763ee)
- blocks: Update block schemas and tests. (30636bd)
- blocks-antd: Rename block actions to events. (9d9dce2)
- blocks-basic: Rename block actions to events. (cbb5626)
- blocks-color-selectors: Rename block actions to events. (ea13e8e)
- blocksBasic: Sanitize html with dompurify. (83f72a4)
- blocksMarkdown: Split MarkdownWithCode and Markdown, and add DangerousMarkdown which uses dompurify. (61ea65b)
- build: Do not cache block metas if served from localhost. (58772af)
- docs: Add _array and _string docs. (ea2ad05)
- docs: Add _date, _object and _state docs. (de2035a)
- docs: Add _input, _global, _media, and _url_query docs. (9c81963)
- docs: Add _ref and _var operators. (420eef7)
- docs: Add _secret, _menu, _get, _event doc pages (edd5b01)
- docs: Add Alert, Anchor, Avatar and Breadcrumb docs. (0983607)
- docs: Add all ColorSelector blocks. (3913968)
- docs: Add all Selectors. (f5e65ab)
- docs: Add block schema transformer (4cdf891)
- docs: Add blocks for Divider, Menu, Icon, Paragraph, Progress, Skeleton, Statistic. (a2901ec)
- docs: Add CLI docs page. (75cc5ba)
- docs: Add concepts and next steps. (f1b8055)
- docs: add concepts docs. (3b12dc9)
- docs: Add DangerousMarkdown, Markdown, MarkdownWithCode blocks. (963cfa2)
- docs: Add date selector docs. (767f9ac)
- docs: Add docs for GoogleSheet connection. (8d2ff5d)
- docs: Add docs for TextArea. (102494e)
- docs: Add gutter example to layout docs. (4929366)
- docs: Add Html and DangerousHtml to docs. (c6fb602)
- docs: Add Html block to docs. (0daff90)
- docs: Add Lowdefy schema concept page. (5d6c78c)
- docs: Add math operator page. (1c29bda)
- docs: Add NumberInput docs. (b05cf14)
- docs: Add operator docs. (47ad077)
- docs: Add operator docs. (606346a)
- docs: Add operator docs. (e164d7d)
- docs: Add optionsSelector displayType. (572a63d)
- docs: Add Pagination to docs. (83a96ab)
- docs: Add RatingSlider to docs. (f64e363)
- docs: Add S3UploadButton docs. (c024488)
- docs: Add schemas for connections, requests, action. (f061f96)
- docs: Add Switch block. (7da2dfb)
- docs: Add Title block. (adaa229)
- docs: Add TitleInput and ParagraphInput. (3e5b239)
- docs: Add validation to blocks. (c841b8a)
- docs: Block loading. (a64c488)
- docs: Context data object init. (f757eb2)
- docs: Docs improvements (529e924)
- docs: Finalize the Lowdefy introduction. (938e6fc)
- docs: Init Blocks concept. (acf7a0c)
- docs: Init docs. (99cdadd)
- docs: Make propertiesFormTransformer work with arrays. (9967d73)
- docs: Move tutorial content from md files to page yaml file (30f5286)
- docs: Nest layout examples in a Collapse. (689a8d3)
- docs: Overview and operators concepts pages. (b298dd4)
- docs: TDLR for blocks. (ef1954b)
- docs: Update actions doc pages. (ae01776)
- docs: Update blocks concepts. (19ccf72)
- docs: Update blocks page template to use transformers (158539e)
- docs: Update concepts (04bfcef)
- docs: Update Connections and Requests. (6600773)
- docs: Update context to context-and-state (d6b0081)
- docs: Update defaultValueTransformer to pull nested defaults from schemas. (4ecb396)
- docs: Update events-and-actions. (a09bb11)
- docs: Update Layout. (3d920e6)
- docs: Update operator docs template for methods. (03be26f)
- docs: Update operator docs. (a31009c)
- docs: Update tutorial. (2c9cb61)
- docs: Update tutorial. (b58e95d)
- docs: Use transformer fn to create properties from block schema (faad65c)
- engine: Add support for meta.initValue to initialize block value from meta. (5d5307c)
- engine: Rename block actions to events (bd4f7a7)
- graphql: Rename args object to event. (e3bb6f5)
- operators: Add _event operator. (a869441)
- operators: Add _function operator. (07f7e6f)
- operators: Add array methods that use functions. (49f6a93)
- operators: Rename _action_log operator to _event_log (dd2af60)
- Rename blocks “actions” field to “events”. (8f2e998)
- renderer: Rename actions to events (134b275)
- renderer: Rename actions to events. (601ae65)
3.4.0 (2021-01-20)
Bug Fixes
- block-tools: Fix test snapshot. (e70fc5c)
- build: Fix app schema test tests. (86917c0)
- build: Fix lowdefy app schema. (f33c151)
- graphql: Add request deserialize tests for entire inputs. (98cdbd8)
- graphql: Deserialize request input variables. (82e8475)
- graphql: Update tests operator error message. (c534328)
- operators: getFromObject should copy object if getting entire obj (32f0cbc)
- operators: Update test error message snapshots. (1b49ba2)
- _lt, _lte, _gt, _gte not to throw on non numerics. (0bad71d)
- Temporarily log parser errors to console. (a43b386)
- build: Add licence field to app schema. (a6f7c91)
3.3.0 (2021-01-18)
Bug Fixes
- Fix location not defined. (90f1e25)
- Give defaultFunction to runClass and error in undefined methodName. (38af83b)
- Make all method operators work with runClass and runInstance. (ef58619)
- Update error message for unsupported method. (285a6cb)
- Update tests in engie to work with new operator format. (4f626a1)
- deps: update apollo server packages to v2.19.1 (#326) (8b977e3)
- deps: update dependency aws-sdk to v2.828.0 (a94debd)
- deps: update dependency axios to v0.21.1 [security] (99d91ed)
- deps: update dependency axios to v0.21.1 [security] yarn pnp (69807c2)
- deps: update dependency chokidar to v3.5.0 (#329) (3e79f6f)
- deps: update dependency query-string to v6.13.8 (17bdbb8)
- deps: Update js-yaml from 3.14.1 to 4.0.0. (1a9e1f9)
- project operator import typo (84ea45e)
- Update runInstance and runClass to cover all function types. (bc49186)
- cli: add dev server port option (744ce51)
- deps: update apollo server packages to v2.19.2 (68f89d0)
- deps: update dependency @apollo/client to v3.3.7 (390dbb1)
- deps: Update package @wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17 to v0.4.1 (251102e)
- Change allowed properties and methods to Sets. (8b91c21)
- Change to mingo system import file. (a540435)
- Evaluate _math using runMethod. (3f06967)
- packages/graphql/package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (63aab05)
- packages/graphql/package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (942fa1e)
- Rename _base64_encode and _base64_decode to _base64.encode and _base64.decode. (8ded919)
- Rename _uri_encode and _uri_decode to _uri.encode and _uri.decode. (bb0e9b4)
- Add _diff operator on NodeParser. (ea65823)
- Rewrite date to us runClass. (9fe2698)
- Throw error on _divide by zero. (3d0047d)
- build: Add transformer function option to _ref. (27c9114)
- build: add vars parameter to transformer function. (c0782fe)
- cli: Rename version field in lowdefy.yaml to lowdefy. (51ed277)
- Add _array, _object and _string operators. (39197f7)
- Add _base64_encode and _base64_decode operators. (25eb55a)
- Add _divide operator. (cc57d5d)
- Add _gt, _gte, _lt, _lte operators. (e9d3bba)
- Add _if_none operator. (6ee7e42)
- Add _json.parse and _json.stringify to replace _json_parse and _json_stringify. (b83749f)
- Add _log operator. (735cea0)
- Add _math operator. (9c447f7)
- Add _media operator. (fc860ad)
- Add _mql to replace _mql_aggregate, _mql_test, _mql_expr. (20e16bc)
- Add _product operator. (54704de)
- Add _random operator. (41d1960)
- Add _subtract operator. (0f1c1c6)
- Add _sum operator. (05e5a8d)
- Add _uri_encode and _uri_decode operators. (bdb0eb8)
- Add _uuid operator to NodeParser. (0f562fe)
- Add .env file support for serverDev. (d533726)
- Add copy option to get. (9d5b40f)
- Allow method dot notation for operations, and parser performance improvement. (f0c1711)
- Ignore operator objects with more than one key. (225a543)
- Rename _parse to _json_parse, _stringify to _json_stringify, _dump_yaml to _yaml_stringify, _load_yaml to _yaml_parse. (ac6eb0a)
- Replace _yaml_parse and _yaml_stringify with _yaml.parse and _yaml.stringify. (d61a316)
- Update default block versions to ^3.0.0. (78f1200)
3.2.0 (2021-01-18)
Bug Fixes
- Fix location not defined. (90f1e25)
- Give defaultFunction to runClass and error in undefined methodName. (38af83b)
- Make all method operators work with runClass and runInstance. (ef58619)
- Update error message for unsupported method. (285a6cb)
- Update tests in engie to work with new operator format. (4f626a1)
- deps: update apollo server packages to v2.19.1 (#326) (8b977e3)
- deps: update dependency aws-sdk to v2.828.0 (a94debd)
- deps: update dependency axios to v0.21.1 [security] (99d91ed)
- deps: update dependency axios to v0.21.1 [security] yarn pnp (69807c2)
- deps: update dependency chokidar to v3.5.0 (#329) (3e79f6f)
- deps: update dependency query-string to v6.13.8 (17bdbb8)
- deps: Update js-yaml from 3.14.1 to 4.0.0. (1a9e1f9)
- project operator import typo (84ea45e)
- Update runInstance and runClass to cover all function types. (bc49186)
- cli: add dev server port option (744ce51)
- deps: update apollo server packages to v2.19.2 (68f89d0)
- deps: update dependency @apollo/client to v3.3.7 (390dbb1)
- deps: Update package @wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17 to v0.4.1 (251102e)
- Change allowed properties and methods to Sets. (8b91c21)
- Change to mingo system import file. (a540435)
- Evaluate _math using runMethod. (3f06967)
- packages/graphql/package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (63aab05)
- packages/graphql/package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (942fa1e)
- Rename _base64_encode and _base64_decode to _base64.encode and _base64.decode. (8ded919)
- Rename _uri_encode and _uri_decode to _uri.encode and _uri.decode. (bb0e9b4)
- Add _diff operator on NodeParser. (ea65823)
- Rewrite date to us runClass. (9fe2698)
- Throw error on _divide by zero. (3d0047d)
- build: Add transformer function option to _ref. (27c9114)
- build: add vars parameter to transformer function. (c0782fe)
- cli: Rename version field in lowdefy.yaml to lowdefy. (51ed277)
- Add _array, _object and _string operators. (39197f7)
- Add _base64_encode and _base64_decode operators. (25eb55a)
- Add _divide operator. (cc57d5d)
- Add _gt, _gte, _lt, _lte operators. (e9d3bba)
- Add _if_none operator. (6ee7e42)
- Add _json.parse and _json.stringify to replace _json_parse and _json_stringify. (b83749f)
- Add _log operator. (735cea0)
- Add _math operator. (9c447f7)
- Add _media operator. (fc860ad)
- Add _mql to replace _mql_aggregate, _mql_test, _mql_expr. (20e16bc)
- Add _product operator. (54704de)
- Add _random operator. (41d1960)
- Add _subtract operator. (0f1c1c6)
- Add _sum operator. (05e5a8d)
- Add _uri_encode and _uri_decode operators. (bdb0eb8)
- Add _uuid operator to NodeParser. (0f562fe)
- Add .env file support for serverDev. (d533726)
- Add copy option to get. (9d5b40f)
- Allow method dot notation for operations, and parser performance improvement. (f0c1711)
- Ignore operator objects with more than one key. (225a543)
- Rename _parse to _json_parse, _stringify to _json_stringify, _dump_yaml to _yaml_stringify, _load_yaml to _yaml_parse. (ac6eb0a)
- Replace _yaml_parse and _yaml_stringify with _yaml.parse and _yaml.stringify. (d61a316)
- Update default block versions to ^3.0.0. (78f1200)