mirror of https://github.com/lowdefy/lowdefy.git synced 2025-03-07 14:47:58 +08:00
2022-06-03 11:08:45 +02:00

272 lines
8.5 KiB

import { URL, fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from 'url';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import moduleExports, { Module } from 'module';
var PathType;
(function(PathType2) {
PathType2[PathType2["File"] = 0] = "File";
PathType2[PathType2["Portable"] = 1] = "Portable";
PathType2[PathType2["Native"] = 2] = "Native";
})(PathType || (PathType = {}));
const npath = Object.create(path);
const ppath = Object.create(path.posix);
npath.cwd = () => process.cwd();
ppath.cwd = () => toPortablePath(process.cwd());
ppath.resolve = (...segments) => {
if (segments.length > 0 && ppath.isAbsolute(segments[0])) {
return path.posix.resolve(...segments);
} else {
return path.posix.resolve(ppath.cwd(), ...segments);
const contains = function(pathUtils, from, to) {
from = pathUtils.normalize(from);
to = pathUtils.normalize(to);
if (from === to)
return `.`;
if (!from.endsWith(pathUtils.sep))
from = from + pathUtils.sep;
if (to.startsWith(from)) {
return to.slice(from.length);
} else {
return null;
npath.fromPortablePath = fromPortablePath;
npath.toPortablePath = toPortablePath;
npath.contains = (from, to) => contains(npath, from, to);
ppath.contains = (from, to) => contains(ppath, from, to);
const WINDOWS_PATH_REGEXP = /^([a-zA-Z]:.*)$/;
const UNC_WINDOWS_PATH_REGEXP = /^\/\/(\.\/)?(.*)$/;
const PORTABLE_PATH_REGEXP = /^\/([a-zA-Z]:.*)$/;
const UNC_PORTABLE_PATH_REGEXP = /^\/unc\/(\.dot\/)?(.*)$/;
function fromPortablePath(p) {
if (process.platform !== `win32`)
return p;
let portablePathMatch, uncPortablePathMatch;
if (portablePathMatch = p.match(PORTABLE_PATH_REGEXP))
p = portablePathMatch[1];
else if (uncPortablePathMatch = p.match(UNC_PORTABLE_PATH_REGEXP))
p = `\\\\${uncPortablePathMatch[1] ? `.\\` : ``}${uncPortablePathMatch[2]}`;
return p;
return p.replace(/\//g, `\\`);
function toPortablePath(p) {
if (process.platform !== `win32`)
return p;
p = p.replace(/\\/g, `/`);
let windowsPathMatch, uncWindowsPathMatch;
if (windowsPathMatch = p.match(WINDOWS_PATH_REGEXP))
p = `/${windowsPathMatch[1]}`;
else if (uncWindowsPathMatch = p.match(UNC_WINDOWS_PATH_REGEXP))
p = `/unc/${uncWindowsPathMatch[1] ? `.dot/` : ``}${uncWindowsPathMatch[2]}`;
return p;
const builtinModules = new Set(Module.builtinModules || Object.keys(process.binding(`natives`)));
const isBuiltinModule = (request) => request.startsWith(`node:`) || builtinModules.has(request);
function readPackageScope(checkPath) {
const rootSeparatorIndex = checkPath.indexOf(npath.sep);
let separatorIndex;
do {
separatorIndex = checkPath.lastIndexOf(npath.sep);
checkPath = checkPath.slice(0, separatorIndex);
if (checkPath.endsWith(`${npath.sep}node_modules`))
return false;
const pjson = readPackage(checkPath + npath.sep);
if (pjson) {
return {
data: pjson,
path: checkPath
} while (separatorIndex > rootSeparatorIndex);
return false;
function readPackage(requestPath) {
const jsonPath = npath.resolve(requestPath, `package.json`);
if (!fs.existsSync(jsonPath))
return null;
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, `utf8`));
async function tryReadFile(path2) {
try {
return await fs.promises.readFile(path2, `utf8`);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === `ENOENT`)
return null;
throw error;
function tryParseURL(str, base) {
try {
return new URL(str, base);
} catch {
return null;
let entrypointPath = null;
function setEntrypointPath(file) {
entrypointPath = file;
function getFileFormat(filepath) {
var _a, _b;
const ext = path.extname(filepath);
switch (ext) {
case `.mjs`: {
return `module`;
case `.cjs`: {
return `commonjs`;
case `.wasm`: {
throw new Error(`Unknown file extension ".wasm" for ${filepath}`);
case `.json`: {
throw new Error(`Unknown file extension ".json" for ${filepath}`);
case `.js`: {
const pkg = readPackageScope(filepath);
if (!pkg)
return `commonjs`;
return (_a = pkg.data.type) != null ? _a : `commonjs`;
default: {
if (entrypointPath !== filepath)
return null;
const pkg = readPackageScope(filepath);
if (!pkg)
return `commonjs`;
if (pkg.data.type === `module`)
return null;
return (_b = pkg.data.type) != null ? _b : `commonjs`;
async function getFormat$1(resolved, context, defaultGetFormat) {
const url = tryParseURL(resolved);
if ((url == null ? void 0 : url.protocol) !== `file:`)
return defaultGetFormat(resolved, context, defaultGetFormat);
const format = getFileFormat(fileURLToPath(url));
if (format) {
return {
return defaultGetFormat(resolved, context, defaultGetFormat);
async function getSource$1(urlString, context, defaultGetSource) {
const url = tryParseURL(urlString);
if ((url == null ? void 0 : url.protocol) !== `file:`)
return defaultGetSource(urlString, context, defaultGetSource);
return {
source: await fs.promises.readFile(fileURLToPath(url), `utf8`)
async function load$1(urlString, context, defaultLoad) {
const url = tryParseURL(urlString);
if ((url == null ? void 0 : url.protocol) !== `file:`)
return defaultLoad(urlString, context, defaultLoad);
const filePath = fileURLToPath(url);
const format = getFileFormat(filePath);
if (!format)
return defaultLoad(urlString, context, defaultLoad);
return {
source: await fs.promises.readFile(filePath, `utf8`)
const pathRegExp = /^(?![a-zA-Z]:[\\/]|\\\\|\.{0,2}(?:\/|$))((?:node:)?(?:@[^/]+\/)?[^/]+)\/*(.*|)$/;
const isRelativeRegexp = /^\.{0,2}\//;
async function resolve$1(originalSpecifier, context, defaultResolver) {
var _a;
const {findPnpApi} = moduleExports;
if (!findPnpApi || isBuiltinModule(originalSpecifier))
return defaultResolver(originalSpecifier, context, defaultResolver);
let specifier = originalSpecifier;
const url = tryParseURL(specifier, isRelativeRegexp.test(specifier) ? context.parentURL : void 0);
if (url) {
if (url.protocol !== `file:`)
return defaultResolver(originalSpecifier, context, defaultResolver);
specifier = fileURLToPath(url);
const {parentURL, conditions = []} = context;
const issuer = parentURL ? fileURLToPath(parentURL) : process.cwd();
const pnpapi = (_a = findPnpApi(issuer)) != null ? _a : url ? findPnpApi(specifier) : null;
if (!pnpapi)
return defaultResolver(originalSpecifier, context, defaultResolver);
const dependencyNameMatch = specifier.match(pathRegExp);
let allowLegacyResolve = false;
if (dependencyNameMatch) {
const [, dependencyName, subPath] = dependencyNameMatch;
if (subPath === ``) {
const resolved = pnpapi.resolveToUnqualified(`${dependencyName}/package.json`, issuer);
if (resolved) {
const content = await tryReadFile(resolved);
if (content) {
const pkg = JSON.parse(content);
allowLegacyResolve = pkg.exports == null;
const result = pnpapi.resolveRequest(specifier, issuer, {
conditions: new Set(conditions),
extensions: allowLegacyResolve ? void 0 : []
if (!result)
throw new Error(`Resolving '${specifier}' from '${issuer}' failed`);
const resultURL = pathToFileURL(result);
if (url) {
resultURL.search = url.search;
resultURL.hash = url.hash;
if (!parentURL)
return {
url: resultURL.href
const binding = process.binding(`fs`);
const originalfstat = binding.fstat;
const ZIP_FD = 2147483648;
binding.fstat = function(...args) {
const [fd, useBigint, req] = args;
if ((fd & ZIP_FD) !== 0 && useBigint === false && req === void 0) {
try {
const stats = fs.fstatSync(fd);
return new Float64Array([
} catch {
return originalfstat.apply(this, args);
const [major, minor] = process.versions.node.split(`.`).map((value) => parseInt(value, 10));
const hasConsolidatedHooks = major > 16 || major === 16 && minor >= 12;
const resolve = resolve$1;
const getFormat = hasConsolidatedHooks ? void 0 : getFormat$1;
const getSource = hasConsolidatedHooks ? void 0 : getSource$1;
const load = hasConsolidatedHooks ? load$1 : void 0;
export { getFormat, getSource, load, resolve };