- id: default links: - id: introduction type: MenuLink pageId: introduction properties: title: Introduction icon: CoffeeOutlined - id: tutorial type: MenuGroup properties: title: Tutorial icon: RocketOutlined links: - id: tutorial-start type: MenuLink pageId: tutorial-start properties: title: Getting started - id: tutorial-create-page type: MenuLink pageId: tutorial-create-page properties: title: Creating a page - id: tutorial-add-blocks type: MenuLink pageId: tutorial-add-blocks properties: title: Adding blocks - id: tutorial-actions-operators type: MenuLink pageId: tutorial-actions-operators properties: title: Interactive pages - id: tutorial-requests type: MenuLink pageId: tutorial-requests properties: title: Requests - id: tutorial-deploy type: MenuLink pageId: tutorial-deploy properties: title: Deploy to Netlify - id: next-steps type: MenuLink pageId: next-steps properties: title: Next steps - id: concepts type: MenuGroup properties: title: Concepts icon: BulbOutlined links: - id: overview type: MenuLink pageId: overview properties: title: Overview - id: cli type: MenuLink pageId: cli properties: title: The CLI - id: lowdefy-schema type: MenuLink pageId: lowdefy-schema properties: title: Lowdefy App Schema - id: context-and-state type: MenuLink pageId: context-and-state properties: title: Context and State - id: blocks type: MenuLink pageId: blocks properties: title: Blocks - id: layout type: MenuLink pageId: layout properties: title: Layout - id: connections-and-requests type: MenuLink pageId: connections-and-requests properties: title: Connections and Requests - id: events-and-actions type: MenuLink pageId: events-and-actions properties: title: Events and Actions - id: operators type: MenuLink pageId: operators properties: title: Operators - id: secrets type: MenuLink pageId: secrets properties: title: Secrets - id: deployment type: MenuLink pageId: deployment properties: title: Deployment - id: lists type: MenuLink pageId: lists properties: title: Lists - id: custom-blocks type: MenuLink pageId: custom-blocks properties: title: Custom Blocks - id: blocks_input type: MenuGroup properties: title: Input Blocks icon: FormOutlined links: - id: AutoComplete type: MenuLink pageId: AutoComplete - id: ButtonSelector type: MenuLink pageId: ButtonSelector - id: CheckboxSelector type: MenuLink pageId: CheckboxSelector - id: ChromeColorSelector type: MenuLink pageId: ChromeColorSelector - id: CircleColorSelector type: MenuLink pageId: CircleColorSelector - id: ColorSelector type: MenuLink pageId: ColorSelector - id: CompactColorSelector type: MenuLink pageId: CompactColorSelector - id: DateRangeSelector type: MenuLink pageId: DateRangeSelector - id: DateSelector type: MenuLink pageId: DateSelector - id: DateTimeSelector type: MenuLink pageId: DateTimeSelector - id: GithubColorSelector type: MenuLink pageId: GithubColorSelector - id: MonthSelector type: MenuLink pageId: MonthSelector - id: MultipleSelector type: MenuLink pageId: MultipleSelector - id: NumberInput type: MenuLink pageId: NumberInput - id: Pagination type: MenuLink pageId: Pagination - id: ParagraphInput type: MenuLink pageId: ParagraphInput - id: RadioSelector type: MenuLink pageId: RadioSelector - id: RatingSlider type: MenuLink pageId: RatingSlider - id: S3UploadButton type: MenuLink pageId: S3UploadButton - id: Selector type: MenuLink pageId: Selector - id: SliderColorSelector type: MenuLink pageId: SliderColorSelector - id: SwatchesColorSelector type: MenuLink pageId: SwatchesColorSelector - id: Switch type: MenuLink pageId: Switch - id: TextArea type: MenuLink pageId: TextArea - id: TextInput type: MenuLink pageId: TextInput - id: TitleInput type: MenuLink pageId: TitleInput - id: TwitterColorSelector type: MenuLink pageId: TwitterColorSelector - id: WeekSelector type: MenuLink pageId: WeekSelector - id: blocks_display type: MenuGroup properties: title: Display Blocks icon: PictureOutlined links: - id: Alert type: MenuLink pageId: Alert - id: Anchor type: MenuLink pageId: Anchor - id: Avatar type: MenuLink pageId: Avatar - id: Breadcrumb type: MenuLink pageId: Breadcrumb - id: Button type: MenuLink pageId: Button - id: DangerousHtml type: MenuLink pageId: DangerousHtml - id: DangerousMarkdown type: MenuLink pageId: DangerousMarkdown - id: Descriptions type: MenuLink pageId: Descriptions - id: Divider type: MenuLink pageId: Divider - id: EChart type: MenuLink pageId: EChart - id: Html type: MenuLink pageId: Html - id: Icon type: MenuLink pageId: Icon - id: Markdown type: MenuLink pageId: Markdown - id: MarkdownWithCode type: MenuLink pageId: MarkdownWithCode - id: Menu type: MenuLink pageId: Menu - id: Message type: MenuLink pageId: Message - id: MobileMenu type: MenuLink pageId: MobileMenu - id: Notification type: MenuLink pageId: Notification - id: Paragraph type: MenuLink pageId: Paragraph - id: Progress type: MenuLink pageId: Progress # - id: Skeleton # type: MenuLink # pageId: Skeleton - id: Statistic type: MenuLink pageId: Statistic - id: Title type: MenuLink pageId: Title - id: blocks_container type: MenuGroup properties: title: Container Blocks icon: ContainerOutlined links: - id: Affix type: MenuLink pageId: Affix - id: Badge type: MenuLink pageId: Badge - id: Box type: MenuLink pageId: Box - id: Card type: MenuLink pageId: Card - id: Collapse type: MenuLink pageId: Collapse - id: Comment type: MenuLink pageId: Comment - id: ConfirmModal type: MenuLink pageId: ConfirmModal - id: Drawer type: MenuLink pageId: Drawer - id: Label type: MenuLink pageId: Label - id: Modal type: MenuLink pageId: Modal - id: Result type: MenuLink pageId: Result - id: Span type: MenuLink pageId: Span - id: Spin type: MenuLink pageId: Spin - id: Tabs type: MenuLink pageId: Tabs - id: blocks_context type: MenuGroup properties: title: Context Blocks icon: GroupOutlined links: - id: Context type: MenuLink pageId: Context - id: PageHCF type: MenuLink pageId: PageHCF - id: PageHCF type: MenuLink pageId: PageHCF - id: PageHCSF type: MenuLink pageId: PageHCSF - id: PageHeaderMenu type: MenuLink pageId: PageHeaderMenu - id: PageHSCF type: MenuLink pageId: PageHSCF - id: PageSHCF type: MenuLink pageId: PageSHCF - id: PageSiderMenu type: MenuLink pageId: PageSiderMenu - id: blocks_list type: MenuGroup properties: title: List Blocks icon: OrderedListOutlined links: - id: ControlledList type: MenuLink pageId: ControlledList - id: List type: MenuLink pageId: List - id: connections type: MenuGroup properties: title: Connections icon: ApiOutlined links: - id: AmazonRedshift type: MenuLink pageId: AmazonRedshift properties: title: Amazon Redshift - id: AWSS3 type: MenuLink pageId: AWSS3 properties: title: Amazon S3 - id: AxiosHttp type: MenuLink pageId: AxiosHttp properties: title: Axios HTTP - id: GoogleSheet type: MenuLink pageId: GoogleSheet properties: title: Google Sheets - id: Knex type: MenuLink pageId: Knex - id: MariaDB type: MenuLink pageId: MariaDB - id: MongoDB type: MenuLink pageId: MongoDB - id: MSSQL type: MenuLink pageId: MSSQL properties: title: Microsoft SQL Server - id: MySQL type: MenuLink pageId: MySQL # - id: OracleDB # type: MenuLink # pageId: OracleDB # properties: # title: Oracle Database - id: PostgreSQL type: MenuLink pageId: PostgreSQL - id: SendGridMail type: MenuLink pageId: SendGridMail properties: title: SendGrid Email - id: SQLite type: MenuLink pageId: SQLite - id: actions type: MenuGroup properties: title: Actions icon: ThunderboltOutlined links: - id: CallMethod type: MenuLink pageId: CallMethod - id: Link type: MenuLink pageId: Link - id: MessageAction type: MenuLink pageId: MessageAction # Clash with Message block properties: title: Message - id: NotificationAction type: MenuLink pageId: NotificationAction # Clash with Notification block properties: title: Notification - id: Request type: MenuLink pageId: Request - id: Reset type: MenuLink pageId: Reset - id: ScrollTo type: MenuLink pageId: ScrollTo - id: SetGlobal type: MenuLink pageId: SetGlobal - id: SetState type: MenuLink pageId: SetState - id: Validate type: MenuLink pageId: Validate - id: operators type: MenuGroup properties: title: Operators icon: ToolOutlined links: - id: _and type: MenuLink pageId: _and - id: _args type: MenuLink pageId: _args - id: _array type: MenuLink pageId: _array - id: _base64 type: MenuLink pageId: _base64 - id: _date type: MenuLink pageId: _date - id: _diff type: MenuLink pageId: _diff - id: _divide type: MenuLink pageId: _divide - id: _eq type: MenuLink pageId: _eq - id: _event type: MenuLink pageId: _event - id: _format type: MenuLink pageId: _format - id: _function type: MenuLink pageId: _function - id: _get type: MenuLink pageId: _get - id: _global type: MenuLink pageId: _global - id: _gt type: MenuLink pageId: _gt - id: _gte type: MenuLink pageId: _gte - id: _if type: MenuLink pageId: _if - id: _if_none type: MenuLink pageId: _if_none - id: _index type: MenuLink pageId: _index - id: _input type: MenuLink pageId: _input - id: _js type: MenuLink pageId: _js - id: _json type: MenuLink pageId: _json - id: _list_contexts type: MenuLink pageId: _list_contexts - id: _log type: MenuLink pageId: _log - id: _lt type: MenuLink pageId: _lt - id: _lte type: MenuLink pageId: _lte - id: _math type: MenuLink pageId: _math - id: _media type: MenuLink pageId: _media - id: _menu type: MenuLink pageId: _menu - id: _mql type: MenuLink pageId: _mql - id: _ne type: MenuLink pageId: _ne - id: _not type: MenuLink pageId: _not - id: _nunjucks type: MenuLink pageId: _nunjucks - id: _object type: MenuLink pageId: _object - id: _operator type: MenuLink pageId: _operator - id: _or type: MenuLink pageId: _or - id: _product type: MenuLink pageId: _product - id: _random type: MenuLink pageId: _random - id: _ref type: MenuLink pageId: _ref - id: _regex type: MenuLink pageId: _regex - id: _request type: MenuLink pageId: _request - id: _secret type: MenuLink pageId: _secret - id: _state type: MenuLink pageId: _state - id: _string type: MenuLink pageId: _string - id: _subtract type: MenuLink pageId: _subtract - id: _sum type: MenuLink pageId: _sum - id: _type type: MenuLink pageId: _type - id: _uri type: MenuLink pageId: _uri - id: _url_query type: MenuLink pageId: _url_query - id: _uuid type: MenuLink pageId: _uuid - id: _var type: MenuLink pageId: _var - id: _yaml type: MenuLink pageId: _yaml