- xmlversion.h.in nanoftp.c nanohttp.c: traying to work out the
problem of socklen_t being undefined on a number of platforms
- debugXML.c: fixed a compilation problem when without snprintf
- uri.c tree.c SAX.c parser.c entities.c debugXML.c: finished
the cleanup of the computation of URI references when seeking
external entities. The URI reference string and the resulting
URI are both stored now.
- parser.c HTMLparser.c valid.c nanoftp.c nanohttp.c xpath.c:
large s(n)printf checks and cleanup from Denis Barbier
- xmlversion.h.in tree.h: couple of SGML declarations for a
possible docbook module.
- result/VC/ : a couple of test output changed due to the change
of the entities URI
- encoding.[ch] HTMLtree.[ch] parser.c HTMLparser.c: I18N encoding
improvements, both parser and filters, added ASCII & HTML,
fixed the ISO-Latin-1 one
- xmllint.c testHTML.c: added/made visible --encode
- debugXML.c : cleanup
- most .c files: applied patches due to warning on Windows and
when using Sun Pro cc compiler
- xpath.c : cleanup memleaks
- nanoftp.c : added a TESTING preprocessor flag for standalong
compile so that people can report bugs more easilly
- nanohttp.c : ditched socklen_t which was a portability mess
and replaced it with unsigned int.
- tree.[ch]: added xmlHasProp()
- TODO: updated
- test/ : added more test for entities, NS, encoding, HTML, wap
- configure.in: preparing for 2.2.0 release
- configure.in: 2.1.0 prerelease
- example/Makefile.am example/gjobread.c tree.h: work on
libxml1 libxml2 convergence.
- nanoftp, nanohttp.c: fixed stalled connections probs
- HTMLtree.c SAX.c : support for attribute without values in
HTML for andersca
- valid.c: Fixed most validation + namespace problems
- HTMLparser.c: start document callback for andersca
- debugXML.c xpath.c: lots of XPath fixups from Picdar Technology
- parser.h, SAX.c: serious speed improvement for large
CDATA blocks
- encoding.[ch] xmlIO.[ch]: Improved seriously saving to
different encoding
- config.h.in parser.c xmllint.c: added xmlCheckVersion()